This is a game that keeps you coming back for more. Very good storie line.this came out in CE first but i waited for the Standerd one as they where knot mutch diffrence in both of the games also i like a challance when i play my games some times you get to mutch help.there still a bit of black screen between scences but its fine.i would Recommed this game at this price to very one.
I must have all the Hidden Mysteries Games. there all good fun this one has nice Graphics and sound.the only think i would like if they made the items and the list a wee bit bigger my old eyes just made them out. but the game it self is very good some funny parts in it like hiting the man with a big stone.would Recommend this to every one.
Ive got all of these games ok the Graphic are basic but they are still good to play even if its only the demo. they are well made and good fun to play dont for get the kides out there they need some think to play as well.the game is like all the rest theres a list to find some easy puzzles.the kides are on there Easter Holidays get them this it will keep them happy for an hour or two.i will Recommend this for children 6 and up and any body that just likes playing games for fun.
This is a realy good game to play it has 7 or 8 chapters to play also has 3 diffrent settings frome East to Hard i played it on Easy to try it out and for me it was still a challenge to play. the H.O are done realy well the company that did this game has done a very good get drawn into the game this is a must buy if you take in the time the company took to make it. am going to buy this C.E as its worth the extra money.I all was buy the CE one if i like it this is one of the best ive bought.if you download it for your self and you see what i mean.but at the end of the day its your money you can buy it later when it comes out.with no extras as i all ways tell you please dont take mine or any bodys word for it just give it a try for your self.i wont tell you any more about the game but i played the game for 1 hour and am still on part one.I hope that helped some one.for me its a must have game.
Yes this Family gets around they been every where this is a good game just like all the other game you on this big board with a start and finish line in between theres hidding thinks to find and facts about CANADA well worth the price try it out.the grathics and sound are fine for this kind of game hope that help you.
I Thought they made a big mistake in the cost i would of put this one down as a CE.Bigfish must of being kind.all i can say to you dont let this one past you buy knot at this price.very good graphics and sound this is one of the better S.E Games just buy it you wont get any better game at this price.
Dark Parables:The Exiled Prince. they must be about 3 or 4 of these games ive got them all.This time your a prince you have to make amends to get back to your Castle as all ways in theses game the graphics are good and the items you need to play it are diffrent from other H.O games still one of the best games out there.
Dark Parables:Rise of the snow Queen. Is part 2 i think i got the standered edition as i ilike to try and finish the game with out any help you get your money worth that way.the game it self is set in a land of cold and snow sound like very nice Graphics good game play there is a Collectors Edition of this but i just got this one, give it a try and see for yor self..
Dark Parables is nicely done with Great art work.just like the other games you have to find thinks to move on the items are diffrent too still a very good game.
This is about Prince that was turn into a frog i think?.the Graphics are wonderfull the H.O are a bit strange you dont pick up items there pieces that you need to play the game the only down side for me it a bit on the dark side.but well worth the extra.