Oh, I long for a decent TM game. But no, sadly, this isn't it. Just clicking and waiting, clicking and waiting. Then waiting for something to grow, then waiting for something else to grow before clicking on it. The waiting for a tree to cr@p out a piece of wood. Graphics are poor. Can't remember the last time we had a half decent TM game.
Like a match 3 game, but not. You're a cat ninja who has to defend your temple from vegetables. You slay 2 or more vegetables at once with your sword (a katana) to defeat the enemy. The tutorial is good and informative and the game is not just about clicking (thankfully), you do have to think about your strategy. This game IS different to anything I've played, and it's not just a frustrating click-fest like 99% of the games on here seem to be. The graphics are colourful, but not painful. I've played the full free hour, and will be buying. Enjoyable, well-paced, fun and relaxing.
WHY do developers make games that are just "click click click click"? Also, why do they make them so frustrating? I don't mind later levels getting hard, but I get bored of games that become difficult and frustrating, so you have to replay the levels over and over when you're only on level 5 or something? I don't mind having to think, but I get bored when I've restarted 5 times so early on. I bought this game, as I enjoyed the first couple of levels. BIG MISTAKE. I play games to relax, not get frustrated at the developers who like to set games at ultra hard levels early on because they like to willy waggle. There was a time that TM were enjoyable, (with some challenge) but those games are long gone.
I "bought" three men, and had six in total. Clicked on objects and none of them would run to them, despite having plenty of gold. No sign of what I might have needed to pick the objects up, no clue, nothing. No hints at what I needed. What's the point? Plus, it gets hard from level 2 on normalto get gold, way before you get into the game. Gave up at level 3 when I didn't have a clue why my men wouldn't run to collect stuff. Pointless. Wasn't that good, anyway, just the same old same old TM that we get nowadays, nothing new. Deleted.
How have I missed this game? This reminds me of the DX-Ball from the late 90's/00's, but modernised. Graphics fun, different difficulty levels, simple premise and game play, but tricky. Simple, uncomplicated game without any pretentious annoying characters.
Why are developers making games so hard that you can't get three stars virtually from the start? Fair enough if there were numerous difficulties and this was the hardest, then fine. But when your only option is "normal" and "relaxed", it's just pointless. I don't want to play on "relax" as I want the challenge, but I also want a chance of getting three stars. Plus, the annoying tutorial slows the game down, but the countdown still continues on the timer! Sadly, that is not the only element of the game I didn't like, I just think it's the same old, same old. No imagination, nothing new, tired old concept. There has been nothing new in the TM for so long now. I am not at the point where I am downloading my favourite classics as they don't make any decent ones any more. Even if the game is reasonably okay, it's always a CE, so it's twice as much, and it's seldom worth it. Sadly, developers seem to be concentrating on the facebook games that are "free to play" so they can make more money, rather than a pay-for game outright. Oh, how I crave for the "Garden Rescue" style games, or the Plants vs Zombies, Peggle, Sky High Farm, type games where there is imagination and not just a click-fest game. It seems those days have well gone.
I got a tinge of excitement that this was a TM game with food-related theme, which I really like. However, I was sorely disappointed. The graphics seem good, but the way the characters move is clunky. The whole game is clunky. You can only do one action at a time, ie: you can make a pancake, but you can't pick up the ingredients to put another pancake on after picking up the cooked pancake. ie: you can only carry one object at a time. You can't pick up then place. This slows the game down massively. On the second level, you can put something down after picking it up, but what's the point? You may as well deliver it. Either on the 2nd or 3rd level, because of this flaw, your shop is full, and you can't in any way speed up! This is just at level 3 on easy, I dread to think how the characters get annoyed so early in the game in another couple of levels without the character getting bonuses very quickly! The character moves around clunky. The whole game is very out of date in its whole gaming experience. Very disappointed.
Take on new time management challenges and help three young archaeologists unearth the mysteries of the past and piece together the story of the brave Xi Niu!
This game is like the Emily cooking series games, but not as good, and even the Emily series got tedious, repetitive and annoying. This game just doesn't flow right, somehow, and I have zero interest in the characters. Maybe I should have given it a bit longer, but I wasn't interested. It certainly isn't worth the CE price!
I've been getting bored of the same format in my favourite games, so I thought I would find something different. Obviously, for a first game in a specific genre, I wanted one of the better ones, so chose this as the reviews were good. They weren't wrong, this is a great game! I have no interest in the story line, but it doesn't interfere with the flow of the game, which is good. The graphics are colourful, but not overly so and the pictures are good. The challenge and game play I did find a little tough, at first, as I've not played this style of game before, but I got used to it and the way it plays out, but it's still a challenge. There are certain points in most of the levels where you have to use one of the helps/hints as there are two or three different squares it could be, and it would be just luck if you pressed the right square. This is not an issue, though. The game isn't stressful, but it is challenging at times, but you can take your times, without having to rush, and I have found myself playing the game for a couple of hours as it's fun. There are so many levels, I can see myself playing this game for a while yet, as I've got nowhere near the end. I am pleased I've found such a great game, and when this one is done, I'll be looking for similar good games in the genre.
Take on the role of Emyr, probably the realm’s most famous hero. That is, until his career was destroyed by a dreadful wound. Now, Emyr works in the tavern.
The game is very similar to the Emily "Delicious" series, but without the overly perfect twee story line and her annoying brat. You own a tavern, and serve customers who are Vikings, Trolls, and other Tolkein-like characters. I've played the full free hour and as I had four tokens (due to the lack of any decent games), I've bought it. Although I always "skip" the stories, the theme is quite enjoyable and I like the characters. The game hasn't got ridiculously frustrating yet and is an enjoyable casual TM game. Nothing new in the TM world, but nothing much is anymore. I liked it. Good game. Would I buy it if I didn't have any tokens? Maybe.