BFG has another hit! This fun Adventure/HOG/Puzzle game has a different type of HOG than usual (for instance, find 12 cylinder shaped items). There are lots of puzzles, interactive tasks that take you from room to room (but not confusing, like some games),an interesting storyline, nice voice overs, great artwork and relaxing background music. The Collector’s Edition includes bonus game play, original soundtrack, and wallpaper. A definite buy for me in March, since I already have February's punch card filled.
This is a great adventure/interactive HOG, with lots of puzzles (new and old types), interesting storyline, nice music, and compelling introduction using actual actors! The hidden object games were your basic simple HOG's...thus the 4 on challenge. I liked that the hint button actually tells you where to go and what to do for your next task rather than saying "there's nothing to do at this location". The length seems to be pretty long, judging how far I got in the demo. It's a buy for me...hope you like it!
This is a true adventure/HOG game with beautiful artwork and nice music (the voice-overs are a bit cheesy though). Once you find the task window, you're asked to get 3 or more items to receive a useful item (or something that fits into another task window). It's a lot of moving back and forth, remembering where you need to use a recently acquired item. In the hour I played, I didn't come across any puzzles or "hide and seek" type HOG's. Please demo before you buy, many will love it...some will hate it!!!
This is exactly what BFG needs...pure, light hearted fun! Although the HOGs are quite easy and the puzzles are rare, the fun storyline and charming characters make this worth the price! Everyone in the family can enjoy this it's thumbs up for me!
This hidden object/adventure game is well worth the price! Great Visuals, fun interactive play, and terrific puzzles. A must buy for HOG/Puzzle lovers!
This HO/Adventure game immediately seemed very simplistic... I thought "maybe this would be appropriate for newbies or kids". But as I continued through the story, it was just confusing and a huge waste of time, not even a good game for a "Beginner". The good: 1) Cute "hint" system (sun turns to moon, then gives the illusion of a sunrise as you wait for recharge. 2) Piano music was soothing. 3) Puppet-type characters gave a whimsical feel to the game. 4) Family friendly The bad: 1) I wished they hadn't mixed the family Christmas with the lost dreams of a ballerina... didn't work for me. 2) HO's were average, with a few misspelled words and incorrectly named items. The ugly: 1) Unclear of current tasks. 2) No voice-overs, just a few "grunts". 3) No challenging puzzles. 4) No interactive tasks in HO's 5) No fun - No buy for me!
I am getting so tired of playing the same game every day!!! GT:The Legacy was ok...but it was just like all the other games. I enjoyed the basic story line, but what was the purpose of the castle, can't people just live in houses anymore. They start you out driving in a car and you get in an accident in front of your sister's old castle. Once you get inside, you have HO's where a flash drive and cell phone are right next to a shield and a suit of armor (maybe in their next game they'll put a "Tickle Me Elmo" next to a Victorian dollhouse). On the other hand, I really enjoyed the puzzles (especially the "leaf lock" puzzle). My suggestion to the developers is to please have the games remain relevant to the time period of the game! It's hard for me to give this a "thumb's up"...I think I'll wait for it to go on the DD sale.
After reading the RAVE reviews, I was expecting a lot from this game and immediately downloaded the demo. I played the whole hour but felt it was nothing out of the ordinary, in fact, I don't even know if I'll buy the SE. There were a couple of good things about the game: 1) The puzzles have a skip, reset, and info buttons. 2) The hint button recharges quickly and tells you exactly what to do and where to go (so don't use a hint unless you really are stuck). 3) The puzzles were somewhat challenging (I liked the new twist on the pipe puzzle). 4) Interactive map 5) 3 levels of difficulty (Casual, Advanced, and Hardcore). However, I had some complaints too: 1) The initial scene set you up for an exciting game, but didn't deliver (just another alternate universe sci-fi). 2) Puzzles were good, but not plentiful. 3) HO's were the same stuff we've seen for the last few years. 4) Some interactive items seemed not very straight forward. 5) Art was average. 6) Hated the sound effects...really bothered my ears! We all are looking for different things to make our individual "FAV" list, so I'd say demo first... I'm glad I didn't buy just on the current reviews. Don't want to step on any toes, just want to give my honest opinion... Hope this helps!
I might have liked this 3 or 4 years ago... but haven't we evolved from this? Just click, click, click on everything in the current location, until-VOILA-you finally click on the right item! OK, now what? Boring! And even the puzzles were too simple. It looks like the rough draft of a game, but they didn't do the final edit! It reminds me of Nick Chase adventures, but not as good (and this is 2012)! Sorry... for me, it's a NO!
I had 1 more game to buy to fill my punchcard... ok, it's between this game and Haunted Manor:Queen of Death. After demo-ing both games, Brink of Consciousness won hands down! I understand that some are getting lost in the Manor, but I felt the map, although not interactive, was helpful (especially the blue arrow, which shows the direction you're headed from the bottom of your screen). Oscar's voice-over was very Hannibal Lecter "esque", and I really enjoyed what this brought to the story! The puzzles were fun and challenging. I am so glad I only had 5 punches...this was a GREAT way to finish off the month!