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Join two sweethearts on a fantastic mosaic adventure and discover the magical power of true love!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
76 of 88 found this review helpful
An Excellent Fun-Filled Tease
PostedMarch 15, 2017
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Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Gorgeously therapeutic
Nonograms, griddlers, mosaics, call them what you will..... I think they are one of the best workouts for the little grey cells and as with any workout, you want it to be fun and you certainly get that with Rainbow Mosaics who are sitting high above many; Paint it Back is my all time favourite (not available on Big Fish) with the Rainbow Mosaics being my first choice on here.
Back to this game....Whilst the grids themselves are easily legible and uncluttered windows are a blessing, instructions on 'How to Play' are clear and concise too; so if you haven't tried of these games under the heading of Rainbow Mosaics yet, then please...please....pleeease do! Should you be a novice and still feel a little unsure on what to do then have no worries on that score because there is always help nearby in the form of hints and advice; you'll not find yourself stranded.
I found this game to be well constructed and thought out with no guessing - every grid was solved on logic alone which is just how it should be; this current 'adventure' takes you on a beautiful journey and it's all thanks to an excellent development team, who get a well-earned big five star thumbs-up! The graphics are as we have come to expect meaning they are excellent for easing you further into that 'Ahhhh' relax mode we all of us seek to find sometimes; The accompanying music carries the Japanese theme along although I did find it rather repetitive as it's repeated in a very short loop, also it was a tad 'twangy' for me, but don't let that put you off this superb nonogram game...it's a winner!
With some of these games the storyline can be poor at best but with this Rainbow Mosaic game you'll have a decent enough storyline that has been well thought out - personally, I feel this current game has given by far the best storyline of all. It's enchantingly heart-warming following a Japanese tale, I like that, it's like a bonus, isn't it? Not only have you a lovely game to play over and over again which is sure to give hours of enjoyment and pleasure, but you also get a brief insight into a magical Japanese tale that's enough to whet your appetite to want to learn more.
To sum up, if you're wanting a lovely teaser while relaxing with a nice cup of something and feet up time, look no further, this is worth a purchase!.
Highly Recommended!
I recommend this game!
76of 88voted this as helpful.
The citizens of Bordeaux are outraged after eight monks are murdered.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
69 of 75 found this review helpful
Yet Another Series Bites The Dust
PostedMarch 11, 2017
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Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
2 / 5
Where to begin? This is a game where, if you love or simply like over-sized graphics, want a game that that's extremely casual at best, one that hold your hand throughout the game....then this is likely to be a game you may consider. For me personally, I find that although The Haunted Legends series did show quite a bit of promise at the beginning of its series with challenges being good to very good, an acceptable storyline that often was quirky and fun, graphics more normal sized, there was also a bit of challenge and excitement too.... unfortunately, and sadly, this series has over time nose-dived with this current game showing why. That initial exciting challenge has been reduced to one of mediocre at best and mind numbing non existent at worse with the challenge in this game now running at an all time low, while graphics are okay-ish but the over-large graphics are a huge annoyance for me, which leaves me with the impression that this game wasn't and isn't really aimed at adult. game, It is extremely difficult to write a review, especially a negative one, simply because gamers often seek something different to the next personfor yet I feel for this game to be a success, stronger and harder challenges with normal graphics aimed at the adult gaming fraternity, would have made more sense. Personally, I feel Granny_Gruff and mmdgaston reviews have summed up this game well and have been extremely fair in their appraisals of it.
Perhaps in time to come, Big Fish will agree to 'add a separate category' for games suitable for children ensuring a 'safe' environment for them; then in turn the existing adventure etc. categories might allow developers to create adult looking games, not necessarily blood 'n' gore themed ones, but those that nclude a difficult challenge, adult puzzles / mini-games, an excellent storyline and normal graphics ....aimed toward and for, adults. Like I say, we all want, seek, or strive for something different......just non-challenging over simplified games isn't my choice.
I don't recommend this game.
69of 75voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
51 of 56 found this review helpful
Myths of the Far-Fetched Land is a better title.
PostedAugust 19, 2016
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Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
2 / 5
Myths of the World?? Its title should have been Fantasy in Far Fetched Land !
The game starts with 'you' in the bedroom of a burning building; nothing new there...clear the burning beams in the doorway way and off into the next room which is well and truly alight. With your life in danger - the text in the game reminds you quite a few times that it is - Do you opt for survival and make for an escape as any person would? Do you heck! No, that isn't what you do - instead you hunt around for not one but THREE fountain pots, AND a couple of books, a key, a cloak/cloth, and a few other bits and bobs, PLUS you spend those alleged precious last few minutes of your life in a burning building READING the books found, opening locks, fixing taps onto urns and water containers.....its all too far fetched for even the most fantasy loving person to believe even a little of.
Far too many games are coming along that really DO stretch logic to the extreme; in the past there have been many instances of far-fetched logic-stretching being applied, one example is a hammer is in the inventory yet it cannot be used to break a window to obtain something, instead one is led around in circles, back n forth etc., to locate a glass cutter......and all the time this is going on, you're reminded of how the 'darkness/evil/baddies' are drawing ever closer. This isn't what is meant by 'challenge'.
If all of the above isn't enough to frizzle one's nerves, cinematics are profuse, and I do mean there are a lot of them; why oh why games and well-loved series with the Eipix pink and blue child-like colours, cartoon child puzzles that offer no challenge or at best, very little challenge, and produce something that is less of a gamers game and more of a 'let's sit and watch movies' is beyond me - Eipix should be better than this.
This is really a game for children; it offers a dip-a-toe-in-the-pool experience to get the young ones interested with plenty of everything that will make their experience an easier non-challenging one; a real 'thinking adult' game it is not.
For adults seeking a real work-it-out-game with plenty of challenges and who enjoy using their little grey cells....it is definitely not a recommended game. Sorry folks, save your money and those coupons.
I don't recommend this game.
51of 56voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
71 of 78 found this review helpful
Come on Eipix - Where's the Real Challenging Adventure Games?
PostedJune 23, 2016
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Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
2 / 5
Oh dear!
This game is definitely not for those seeking adventure and challenges; the free trial offers 90minutes for a taste of the game, I lasted 18 minutes and with 72 minutes of play remaining, I called it quits.
And in those 18minutes, most of it was spent watching a screen and doing nothing except reading the odd piece of dialogue and viewing/watching cinematics. Yes, I readily admit the graphics were less pink and blue than in other games courtesy of EIPIX, but that takes nothing away from the lack of a creating a real 0n-the-edge-of-the-seat mystery adventure; poor scoring that it was achieved all on its lonesome. Vermillion Watch offers the gamer very little in the way of challenge......adventure...........excitement..........participation. It is extremely EASY with most things being done for you and what isn't, is laid out on a plate; its THAT easy! Unfortunately, there are those who have in the past applauded Eipix for their noticeable input - previous series such as Dark Parables, etc., were very good prior to their input - and consequently it appears EIPIX have decided to take the almost cartoon/pink and blue colours/lame lime game that does everything for you ........okaaay, well 'almost' does.
This game won't have you reaching for your thinking cap, instead its a walkthrough sit in a seat and do the 'odd something' while your hand is held. If that sort of game appeals...then this could well be the game for you. Personally, I prefer a lot more challenge and participation in games. Sorry folks !
I don't recommend this game.
71of 78voted this as helpful.
Refill four magic runes and help the poor wizard return back home.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
57 of 62 found this review helpful
Beautifully created - No-Guessing in sight !
PostedApril 12, 2016
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Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
3 / 5
What a lovely surprise - a mosaic game or griddler that requires NO guessing or living by a hint button; with over half the game fully completed, its been logic-only all the way. This is one very relaxing and enjoyable addition in the games library for those who have a love for this genre.
With a clean uncluttered layout, each completed grid depicts a picture that is decipherable , unlike some mosaic games where you have to have a vivid imagination at times. While the current finished grids are not always inspiring, its hardly a reason to avoid this lovely gem of a game - perhaps in the not too distant future, bigger and better pictures will be introduced thereby increasing in difficulty for us seeking really tough grids. Let's hope so!
A refreshing change to the colours often used go some way into bringing about and creating that 'relaxing' feel mentioned previously, easy-on-the-eye muted tones along with soothing music creates this wonderful ambience - it really IS a joy. The story is fairly acceptable, not a riveting mystery but then this game isn't a detective story....its a logic game and it succeeds at that. And.... I'm extremely happy to see how unlike Fantasy Mosaic where descriptions given are 'something' of Reborn or chimney of comfort, making a farce of English grammar with the result, what is being said makes for utter nonsense - in this game correct grammar IS present, .
One or two reviewers have asked if there are too many mosaic games coming through at the moment; given how usually there is a profuse shortage of them, i wouldn't agree there is....in fact, when compared to the number of new HOG's in any one month, the number of new Brain Teasers or puzzles shown are negligible. Good to excellent Mosaics are a rarity, so when a treasure of a game such as this one is, comes along, its an opportunity not a curse. Thing to note is that even with the recently launched Fantasy mosaics #14, the creators of that series STILL make errors which leave the gamer having no choice but to 'guess' or hit the hint button to complete grids which SHOULD be purely solved using logic - with this game neither guessing nor living by the hint button is necessary. Another point is the English in FM is poor at best, and producing a game that tramps over a language leaving nothing but a mish-mash of gooble-de-gook, is a travesty in this day and age.
The Far Kingdoms offers a lot for your money - NO GUESSING, relaxing music carrying you through each level, beautiful graphics, smooth game-play, and a plethora of enjoyment for a few hours - now that is something to celebrate!
I recommend this game!
57of 62voted this as helpful.
Learn about the most interesting places in the world as you play through colorful and unique mosaics puzzles!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
80 of 89 found this review helpful
A Challenging Brain Teaser - Not Perfect Though!
PostedMarch 20, 2016
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Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
World's Greatest Places Mosaics is NOT the typical type of Mosaic game usually found on Big Fish; yes it has one and Tri-colour grids but it also offers three other variations for those wanting, seeking, or after new challenges and experiences: shapes, swap, and bombs grids.
NOTE: this is a game dissimilar to Fantasy Mosaic where speeding-through each level is NOT possible - on all levels this game IS challenging!
As mentioned, there are several different types of Mosaics to play, each comprising of a variety of levels to amuse, frustrate, irritate, cause a few choice words to be uttered, and yes....with each difficult completed mosaic, there is a sense of achievement to revel in too. Perseverance, an open mind, logical thinking, and a lot of patience at times, are some of the attributes that's required to complete some of the more challenging grids....but then this is a Brain Teaser.....and it does 'tease'.
A variant on the traditional one-colour grid is the tri-colour grid, and those who have played any of the Fantasy Mosaic games or the really lovely Rainbow Mosaics_ Christmas Lights game, will need no explanation n how to play them. Shapes is the next option and although it can 'appear' daunting at first, it really is as simple and logical as the previous one and tri colour mentioned. With still three colours to choose from, shapes will have numbers showing....for example, the number 5 may be in a circle/square, etc shape placed against a line of the grid - let's say a 10x10 size...obviously that line will requires 5 circles in the same colour as depicted by the grid to be placed correctly. The same line may have as many as 3 different shapes and colours to place correctly, which is one great brain teaser to get your head around. This option will require a bit more focus and concentration at times, it isn't impossible though and that is something that will help when attempting to solve them. The other I've tried (4 of the 5 options in all - I've not tested 'bombs' yet) is that of Swap: its a smashing little idea taken a little from the idea of mosaics n mixed with those puzzles and teasers where two tiles are selected and swapped over to complete a picture - same here except the grid says the number of tiles per line and it is for YOU to work out which colour etc that number refers to....there is much trial and error yet there is also as much joy and cheshire-cat grinning when you've beaten 'it', lol
BUT....this game is NOT perfect. There I've said it ! Another reviewer or two has mentioned how even when a non-timed option is chosen, after several squares are filled in and completed with one swift action, an annoying circular display up in the top left of the screen appears; why this 'clock' appears in un-timed mode isn't clear....yet.
Is there any guessing? There is BUT I have seen nowhere near the amount that some reviewers have seen; but the bottom line is that 'guess-the-square' - ANY square - should NOT occur.... it means the developers/creators have failed in offering up a properly completed game....these type of games ARE logic-solving ones, not guessing games!!!
Another gripe I have with quite a few of these games including the Fantasy series, is the finished picture quality a completed grid shows; why oh why are the images of such a low poor standard? Perhaps the developers or creators can address this issue and provide a first for us 'gamers' ?
That of a pc mosaic game with NO guessing - just logic logic logic - and decent completed-grid images.......Now THAT I would like to see!
So given its failings on graphic quality and the odd 'guess' a square, it fails to achieve the perfect score....but for whiling away some time and exercising the brain cells, its a 4/5 score.
I recommend this game!
80of 89voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
90 of 96 found this review helpful
PostedNovember 25, 2015
Customer avatar
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
1 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
1 / 5
Once more puerile offerings!! This is another in a string of failings; it is devoid of and seriously lacking in, good immersive storyline, great atmospheric graphics, or worthwhile game-play.......sadly the death knell has left a once loved series almost too much to bear bothering with!
With graphics in an unimaginative sorry state which is carried throughout this problematic game and without respite, puzzles are woefully inadequate excuses of what puzzles are meant to be - 'challenging'! These are pathetically simple and the compilations are laughable - these are for 1st graders or younger!! Plus why the huge cursor? Although in earlier games in this series, the fragment pieces to find in the HOG scenes were occasionally slightly larger, they were on average, 'normal' in size...well they were compared to this game which shows them generally as ridiculously oversized - DP: Goldilocks and the Fallen Star lacks what makes a game great.....or even halfway to 'good'.
Now NO one likes the constant trekking back and forth and good games or better, now widely show that proverbial thorn to have seen its use limited and replaced in favour of incorporating an interactive map thereby allowing the player to 'click on a point on the map' to instantly transport them to the selected area of their choice; this keeps the game flowing and unfolding with minimum game-lag, but not so here...here the map still shows the outdated white/red squares depicting where a task can be performed and that's it, consequently be prepared for A LOT of back and forth trekking and/or clicking the hint button! Unfortunately, there isn't anything new here with any improving or updating chances to the game being lost, and consequently the game looks old and dated with flaws aplenty....plus there are NO challenges.....in effect it is a walkthrough game - it holds your hand and walks you through it every step of the way. All in all, this is disappointing offering with NO fun factor and most definitely, NOT a single challenge!!
The only positive thing I can think of saying about this latest Dark Parables fiasco is the 'click here to uninstall' option.
I'm in agreement with many members regarding how some really excellent series have changed and not for the better, and this is another that is far removed from what it once was.
I don't recommend this game.
90of 96voted this as helpful.
Decades ago, a brutal crime occurred at the Lexington Hotel. Are you brave enough to uncover the truth about what happened there?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
192 of 219 found this review helpful
Have Yourself A Nice.....Stay!
PostedNovember 12, 2015
Customer avatar
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
If you're wanting an ADULT adventure game with Adult graphics and storyline.. with no pink hues nor cartoon child-like graphics.... this could well be the game for you. With this game comes a good dose of mild nerve-jangling atmosphere, the ambient and environment sounds are excellent and there is just enough of each not to be overpowering or for the dark atmosphere to lessen and lose impetus or tension build-up; the balance is well thought out. All sounds from music to voice are adjustable in the main options menu so turn up the volume and have some fun! As previously stated, there isn't any child-like graphics; this is an Adult game that's been beautifully engineered, developers have put a lot of work into getting it right and although NO GAME can appeal to everyone, its good to see that much thought has gone into making this a game you WANT to know what happens next - it is a sweet n spooky - maybe to some 'mildly-horror' - game. It's a refreshing change to settle down to an adventure game that does keep you interested and focused, it keeps the gamer playing never letting them go for a minute, in some places its 'edge of the seat' happenings, or something inside them screams or trembles oh, Oh, OH.....I can't leave the game - I need to just finish.....etc., etc., etc.' - its a game that DOES hold itself well, its very well put together and to the Devs I say, well done guys n girls!
How good is the game? With much comparing recently between the old and the new style in the MCF Ravenhearst release, you either love the new style or hate it...At the time of this review, on average the Haunted Hotel CE's carry a 3.8 - 4.1 average rating, MCF Return to Ravenhearst achieves a 4.3 rating, which is in sharp contrast to MCF Key to Ravenhearst which only has a 3.7 rating. All of which speaks for itself.
For a good solid adventure game that holds adult graphics and theme throughout, has a compendium of puzzles and although they won't tax the mind, they do allow the gamer to do the necessary before moving on without any lag in the game, however, if you choose the hardest setting, you might be in for a surprise regarding puzzle-difficulty, lol.....the game is easy to navigate around, clear concise instructions, HOG scenes are easy, bright and well lit (no dark dank junkyard miniature items to find), its a well laid out interesting adventure and one that is a worthy winner for my money!
I recommend this game!
192of 219voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
173 of 207 found this review helpful
Not The Ravenhearst I Prefer
PostedOctober 27, 2015
Customer avatar
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
3 / 5
Having gotten all the releases in the 'Ravenhearst Series' -and still find the time to tap into the enjoyment they give - this is one that hasn't quite hit mark for me and sadly, I can't recommend it. I did persevere playing the demo for as long as I could, some 24minutes in all, but what little time that was played, was enough to show that It just didn't captivate, enthral, or motivate into wanting to know what the next 'click' would bring, or where the game would take me.
Yet again, although graphics were nice, sharp and clear, the over-magnified or enlarged graphics in places along with an almost direct 'walkthrough adventure', well for me its exasperating;; why those at EPIX have taken it upon themselves to ruin several extremely excellent series to date with this style of graphics (or heavy on the pink overtones, the offering up inane storylines, or the nothing much to work out adventure) is beyond comprehension. Although the story had begun to show itself in the time I played the demo to honestly say its good would be difficult; it may well be a good storyline but I definitely didn't see any evidence of a gripping yarn or tale - the '' eager to click on and on'' in anticipation or fear, the sensation of being driven by the need to know and what happens next was i felt, missing..... unlike the earlier games in the series. So, I cannot honestly say if the storyline is in fact its one saving grace. I believe if this game was put next to the likes of Return to Ravenhearst - this game wouldn't come close to equalling its predecessor in the series - let alone surpassing it; in my opinion Return to Ravenhearst is far better, both in storyline and in graphics presentation.
But do give Key to Ravenhearst a try and play the demo, its free for 90 minutes and you've nothing to lose, you could find you like it ...........but for me, no thank you. I'll pass.
I don't recommend this game.
173of 207voted this as helpful.
The love between you and your husband was strong enough to end a war... but is it strong enough to save the world?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
201 of 258 found this review helpful
Miss This CE At Your Peril !
PostedSeptember 14, 2015
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Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Whoever thought up the storyline should get 5 stars...ITS BRILLIANT ! Nevertales: Legends, hasn't the usual 'save almost every named relative including a 2nd cousin twice removed ' within a limp storyline - Oh no, this storyline is different! This is a tale about true love, courage, betrayal, conflict, and war; within a well structured strong and nicely presented game. In fact, the strong gameplay carries you right through to the end without missing a beat, and it does this to perfection! Graphics are very good with 'good' HO scenes and puzzles to keep us gamers entertained; and although in the odd place graphics are a little more 'larger than life' (as in Ash sitting on his throne 'crystallised' ) for me that's more an irritant. Like a fish that's hooked unable to break free because the bait is too enticing to let go of, so this game keeps your interest well honed, you really don't and can't stop playing until you've reached 'the end',;you HAVE to know what happens. To be honest, this really is a game NOT TO BE MISSED ! A note to the Developers...please don't change your ethos because this game is a Winner....Nevertales: Legend CE HAS to be one of THE best Games of 2015 on BigFish; miss this game at your peril !
I recommend this game!
201of 258voted this as helpful.