Well, this one was different! No cookie cutter, overly color saturated, done for you you're just a spectator game here. The graphics may seem ,,, mediocre at first, but once you get into the game itself, the challenges make you pretty much forget that. You have to use your brain, things aren't solved for you, and I, for one, am very happy about it. The atmosphere of the game is kind of goofy but the play is so fun, I got into it. Try it, you may really like it! OH: the game has minor glitches at times but all that is needed is exit, reopen and glitch is gone. I got stuck at roses and had to exit and was very glad to have it run smoothly through demo from there.
This was a weird experience. I've never had a game just stop after a scene was played. Cursor worked, could move around the scene but could not advance anywhere nor back out. Just...left there. Also, this is clearly a DO game although it was not identified as one. So expect over saturation of color and stuff popping out at you because otherwise you might miss it?! I don't even open games from DO anymore because of this so haha I got tricked. I know other players like this developer, so hope you have better luck than me getting game to play. The storyline was good-I wanted to know what happened to Oliver so pfffffft. But I won't waste any more time on this one.
I'm surprised more reviewers didn't mention the lagginess of the game. I actually couldn't finish any of the mini games in the demo because the mechanics were so, so poor. Only one reviewer mentioned it. So it's clearly a no buy for me. I will give DO a couple of huzzahs for upping the challenge and ingenuity here. Some of the same old, but other types of play as well. They unfortunately have not gotten ridden of their incredibly annoying jump removes. Apparently they don't trust us to know something is going into our inventory without slapping us in the face with it. So, maybe DO is headed in the right direction. We'll see. And I won't recommend the game due to the lagginess. But maybe others just don't have that issue.
So, I've been grumping for the past 2 years about how dumbed down the games have been. This is a refreshing change. It's not challenging like a Ravenhearst game, the gold standard in my opinion, but it was challenging enough to keep me engaged and I even had to use a hint after getting stuck. I never thought I'd be grateful to be stuck lol. The only exception I encountered was in the pond, but since I was challenged enough earlier, I wasn't irritated by it. It's beautifully rendered, a compelling story, and I like that it's creepy. There's something about playing a creepy game in the cozy comfort on one's home, right? I'll leave the in depth review to PennMom since no one can touch her on that head. OH! A big thank you too, to BFG for getting the game manger fixed at last. I'm so grateful to have access to my massive collection of old games. They sustain me in my retirement and give me such joy. Yay!
It's almost a relief to see other reviewers are having the same issues with BFG I am. It's wierd not getting answers for over two weeks, and even wierder that you can buy one of their games, but forget being able to actually download it. I guess BFG wants us to just throw money at them for nothing? And, like PENN MOM, I can't access my archive of hundreds of game bought previously, so the rip off has gone exponential.
And I hate the new format. It's crummy and doesn't even have a classic site link anymore.
So BOO, BFG, just BOO.
Oh, and this is my second attempt to review this game because the submit links don't even work now?
fromHey gamers! Put your favorite (probably old) games in current favorites. We can help each other find great games that way. I'm amazed at what other gamers have steered me towards.
Same old Domini, motion sickness from rudimentary animation, oversaturated colors because archeology sites are naturally purple and pink and blue. They have new voice acting! I didn't say it was good, but it is new. Inventory items still fly at your face because you, dear gamer, are too dumb to see them otherwise. Nothing new to see here. Couldn't even finish the demo myself. Got other things to do than find amulets to open backpacks.
This is more innovative than the usual fare from the D developer. It has a couple of unfortunate minigames where shadowing solves them for you, but then another game pops up with a bit of challenge to it! I found it a bit all over the place, but overall quite a bit better than the usual offerings, The christmas in the title seems calculated to make it sell in December. It starts with a christmas stocking in hand, and that's about it lol. But the game play is good, so higher star count. it's a bit cheesy but, you know, holidays are cheesy fun. Recommendation for better christmas game follows, if you need the traditional feel.
A beautiful game, and with the ad campaign I dared to hope we were going to get another chance at a complex, odd and challenging delight. Still odd, and that's wonderful. But sweetened up and set on easy mode, which is not. Maybe I'll buy it when it goes on sale. Not going to spend on games that practically play themselves for me. More sales to be had in pandering to the median masses, I guess.
Sorry for the pun but it cried out to be used. Not a great game. It IS the same token finding, gluing, parts seeking that every game has been the last 4 years, so very meh. I agree that the trip to Ireland so needs Irish accents. The lack just says "we don't make the effort anymore" which is so sad because Elephant games was a standard bearer for such a long time. Attempts at innovation fell flat-the map where you advance by solving hidden objects was a great idea, until you saw the hidden objects were, in fact, not hidden in the least. Overall, the game wasn't challenging. This isn't a buy for me. Just disappointing. And the saddest part of that? I'm not in the least surprised now. ( And the reviewer that ALWAYS gives 5 star reviews has struck again. Is it because that puts them at the top of the reviewers, I wonder?)
Once again I read reviews of gamers who's opinions I respect and some that aren't familiar. No one mentions being irritated by the spinning, jumping goodlorddon'tmissthisitem inventory leaping off the screen. I teach disabled children, using I-pad games to engage them and teach computing skills. This developer reminds me so much of the games I show my kids. It's kind of like all child programming-make it LOUD and BRIGHT and COLORFUL or you might lose their attention. But being an adult, I find that wearying at best and highly irritating at worst. I wish I liked Domini because that's about all this merchant is offering lately in the hidden object format. But again, I find them awful, And purple. And hackneyed.