Whimsical, gentle, great to play with kids. A wonderful successor to the hit of a couple of years ago. Lovely music - a lot of Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake and the Nutcracker mostly, very Christmasy. Brilliant colors, excellent voice acting. There were, sadly, a couple of problems with game mechanics in interacting with the Toymaker that will prove frustrating to little ones. To me too, truth to be told. The bonus game involves kittens and some even better voice acting and that's all I'll say. Overall a nice, relaxed, sentimental holiday game.
A wonderful game and a fun revisit to some old territory. Graphics top-notch as one might expect. Superb game play, nice mix of HOs in different styles and of course, the absolutely glorious MCF puzzles! I savored these - one of them took me a nice, leisurely hour. Excellent bonus time, and the alternate ending was worth the price of admission (and superior to the "real" ending, I think). Just loved the thing.
So why four stars? It was the writing. The inclusion of a certain old enemy in order to provide series continuity was unnecessary and seemed very contrived, and wisely was kept pretty much to the bonus content. But without him (and the original Dire Grove didn't have him) the game would have worked fine but lost that extra something we have come to expect from this stellar series. It simply wasn't as tightly written as the standard-setting series from Return to Ravenhearst through Madame Fate to Dire Grove. The subsequent two entries were, regrettably, not up to that standard and will be mercifully disregarded. It is a lot to ask for the entire story arc to be smooth but this was, I think, a little disjointed.
Things I really liked: nearly everything else. The choice to provide an alternate male POV (and narrator) was deeply appreciated and long overdue. And the puzzles, my gracious, the puzzles were superb!
Overall a great effort by Elephant to live up to a very high standard indeed.
I liked this one a lot. Our protagonist is caught into playing a sinister game that vaults her (yet another female POV but not too obnoxious about it) through other worlds to confront gods and free her friends from the game's icy clutch. Great graphics, excellent voice acting. Music a bit more intense than would have been called for by the relatively static scenes but not enough so to turn it off. Very nice mix of HOGs of different styles. A couple of really original puzzles. Quite a few cut scenes, some adding considerably to the game experience, some not so much. Nice, if short, bonus. Great game mechanics overall.
Beautiful game. Nicely but conventionally plotted, music not overly obtrusive and I left it on the entire time. The usual mix of HO scenes and quite a few puzzles - I love puzzles - some of which are quite original. Casual mode seemed a little too easy but the next one up, just about right. Oh, and Elf is back. Plenty of achievements and artifacts for those who find that sort of thing enhances the game. I'd trade those for a little more length but it isn't enough to take a star off. Had a great time!
It's been a bit of a dry spell but worth the wait. This one is simply stunning, the art enough to make you wander from scene to scene just looking at it. Lovely color saturation, reminiscent of the Drawn games, and that is high praise. The music, by Jovian, is good enough to justify the CE price by itself. Moving, melancholy, it captures the mood of the game perfectly. Interesting plot that keeps the player engaged, convincing voice acting - real children's voices, hurrah! Puzzles easy to medium difficulty. Nice balance of action in the transition scenes. If I could have given it six stars for the art and the music I would have. Loved it!
This one excels on nearly every level. For me this is a strong entry for game of the year, at least so far.
Pros: Gorgeous, colorful graphics. Three different kinds of HOS. New puzzles, some of them quite challenging. Engaging characters, decent voice acting. Unique new narrated transitions scenes that are puzzles in themselves. Lovely music. Nothing overdone, everything just the right balance. The writing is worthy of separate publication, paced well and with mystery that is genuine to the last scene.
Cons: I honestly can't think of a single one.
Overall: A winner on every level. Packed with variety and plot. Nothing seemed contrived, everything meshed together.
The arc of the series changed a bit with the previous edition and now Felicia is a Good Gal...or is she? And we have a new villain...or do we?
Pros: the usual outstanding graphics, familiar theme music that you either love or turn off - I love it - and a new assistant that looks an awful lot like an old nemesis. Smooth game play and a couple of new puzzles. A rather surprising ending that completes the story arc in a most unexpected but not entirely satisfying way.
Cons: not really a lot - this is a very experienced developer and it shows. Child characters voiced by adults are a little annoying, and I wanted to do a lot more with my assistant than merely change his hats. Give him a flamethrower, maybe, and send him after his counterpart...
Overall: Beautifully done and time, I think, to put this series to bed lest it suffer a MCF-like disaster.
Nice mystery game with a touch of the supernatural. Plenty of play and a few nice bonus treats. Bonus puzzles! Yay!
Pros: Lovely graphics as we have come to expect from this developer. Atmospheric music that adds rather than distracts. Excellent voice acting. Outstanding writing - the plot hangs together and closes very nicely.
Cons: a couple of insignificant translation errors, that's about it.
Overall: Great package with a few nice extras. I really enjoyed this one.
A late review but a sincere one - this is a beautiful effort, the graphics and especially the music. Not much to add to what the others have already said, but I'll buy the third one just as soon as it hits.
Eerie music fills the air in Vienna, where shadows terrorize people in the streets. Two musical prodigies have gone missing. Can you save them without striking a single false note?
The Maestro arc has, we are given to think, come to an end. This one is lovely, the colors vivid, the scenes nicely composed and the music up to the challenge.
Pros: The art, of course. Vivid colors in this one, Viennese locations that are more or less believable, a hint system that really gives hints instead of answers. A particularly generous bonus game that made the CE price worth spending.
Cons: The plot. The missing children are entirely ancillary to the story arc and the villain Void is all too well named. Francois is the only carryover from the previous games, older now and actually very well done but given too few lines.