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Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
15 of 24 found this review helpful
Cookie cutter gameplay, stupid storyline.
PostedApril 30, 2019
Customer avatar
fromDull, boring, humdrum, tedious, and uninteresting.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
1 / 5
A powerful paranormal entity finds nothing more impressive to do except animate mannikins to scare security guards? LOL, this is beyond ridiculous.
Exploration involves playing Mr. Fix-It, as nearly everything in this mall is either broken or missing pieces. B-o-r-i-n-g.
Typical for this dev...and nothing is hidden.
Insipid and childish, often involving what I call "just click through the story" gameplay. A simple maze. Matching a circuit board end to end. *yawn*
Play any game by Elephant that was released in 2012 or earlier instead. They were still bothering to develop storylines back then.
I don't recommend this game.
15of 24voted this as helpful.
My Brother Rabbit is a beautifully drawn adventure set in a surreal world that mixes reality with a child’s imagination
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
14 of 20 found this review helpful
Completely enchanting, totally unique, and immensely enjoyable!
PostedApril 21, 2019
Customer avatar
fromHOPA game of the year!!!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I was so immersed into this enchanting game that my hour demo flew by at the speed of light. If this is the direction Artifex Mundi is going, I wholeheartedly approve!
This unique plot shows the power of imagination. A little girl becomes ill and her brother sets off on a quest to save her...all in his imagination. He creates a world populated by adorable creatures, clever devices, and inventive landscapes, and imagines his sister's illness in a way he can remedy.
From the watercolor inspired opening cutscene to the dimensional rendering of the imaginary world, the graphics, animation, and palette are spot on. Every scene includes a myriad of interesting concepts and wonderful creatures.
There are no voiceovers; concepts are communicated via conversation bubbles depicting images. The music is ethereal and quite appropriate to this dreamy world.
Technically, this is a HOPA, but it's presented in an entirely new format that reads more like an adventure game. There are no lists and no junk piles. Instead, when you encounter an obstacle, an icon appears telling you what to find. These items are not all in one place, but scattered across the chapter's worth of scenes. No worries, though, the icon tells you whether any are in the current scene.
Mini-games abound. While none are overly difficult, I consider this to be a family game, so the challenge level is appropriate. Plus, they're just so darned cute that you can't help but like them.
I completely forgot to take a look at whatever extras might be offered, because I was too immersed to bother. I knew within ten minutes that this would be a purchase for me, regardless.
Obviously, try the demo first, but I recommend this game without reservation for those who like adventure games with well written storylines, those who have children or grandchildren (they'll be just as enchanted), and those who welcome a radical departure from the typical cookie cutter games we generally get. Kudos to Artifex Mundi!
I recommend this game!
14of 20voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
13 of 19 found this review helpful
It's just another cookie cutter.
PostedApril 21, 2019
Customer avatar
fromDevs, your customers are ADULTS. Design your games accordingly, please. Garbage like matching pairs is insulting.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
3 / 5
I'm baffled by the five-star reviews. This played like every other HOPA released over the past five years, and included all the same silly elements that Elephant always includes...the broken zipper pull, the bees, something buried, etc. Gameplay was childishly easy and the storyline, while intriguing, unfolded at a glacial rate.
• As always, the graphics and animation are top notch and the palette is realistic.
• The storyline had potential, but the exposition was poorly written with too many confusing elements being tossed in at once.
• I thought that turning off the tasks would eliminate those annoying banners that pop up when you complete a task and get a new task, but it didn't. It just eliminated the areas of interest on the map.
• The HO scenes were pro forma and completed quickly.
• The mini-games were designed for children, not adults.
• Shaped keys everywhere.
• The morphing objects were poorly done and easy to spot.
• Minimally interactive list (easy).
• Zoom box (easy).
• Silhouette multiples (easy).
• Storybook (illogical associations).
• Match pairs to create handholds in order to descend the cliff (easy).
• Move the red tile to its goal by sliding the other tiles out of the way (medium).
• Navigate an extremely simple maze (easy).
• Fix the turtle's home by swapping pieces (easy).
• As always, try the demo for yourself.
• Play any Mystery Trackers game released in 2014 or earlier instead.
I don't recommend this game.
13of 19voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
11 of 16 found this review helpful
Run away! Run away!
PostedApril 16, 2019
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from"We need the pig for the ritual!" I totally agree, if by "ritual," you mean "pig roast."
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
2 / 5
BASED ON COMPLETE DEMO (Note: I feel I should point out that completing this demo constitutes my "great deed." You know, the one that exempts you from destruction?)
I've discovered a way to make time slow down. Just play this demo and one hour will stretch to infinity. Honestly, I haven't played this many matching games since I was in pre-school.
• The graphics and animation are beautiful.
• The HO scenes were creatively designed. They weren't just gratuitous junk piles, but actually had context.
• Some voiceovers were professional while others lacked tone and affect.
• By the end of the demo, the storyline finally began to have promise, but it took nearly an hour to get there.
• The mini-games might entertain toddlerss. Endless matching pairs and simple jigsaws.
• Exploration was repetitive and just plain silly. I'm a journalist who took a plane to Iceland, apparently without a penny to my name, and I must resort to robbing the city's fountain. I could swear I found pepper spray in the motorcycle, but ended up having to buy another, perhaps because I used the entire can testing it. When someone is looking directly at you while wielding a double-barreled shotgun, it's a truly bad idea to attempt to disarm them with a vase. And numerous other unrealistic situations that destroyed any immersion I might have attempted.
• Interactive list from a pile of stuff that fell from an overhead hatch.
• Silhouette list from detritus in the city's fountain.
• Interactive find and replace list from stuff on the mayor's desk.
• Interactive find and replace list to restore the city's fountain.
• Choose the five images that relate to the given clue. — 3 levels, easy
• Copy the clue to press seven buttons in the correct order. — throwaway
• Match the photos to the witness statements, then swap pieces from five photos to restore them. — easy
• Clear the specified tiles by matching three or more gems within the allotted moves. — easy
• Swap pieces from five bas reliefs to restore them. — easy
• If you have chronic insomnia, I guarantee this demo will make you sleepy.
• If you like matching pairs ad nauseum, you might like this game.
• I stupidly decided to ignore Granny Gruff's recommendation to not try the demo, and I regret it with all my heart. Generally, I recommend that players demo the game for themselves, but it feels cruel to give you false hope on this gorgeous Spring day.
I don't recommend this game.
11of 16voted this as helpful.
Solve a series of devious puzzles to escape Arcana manor and uncover the dark secrets of the mysterious magician once lived there.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
84 of 90 found this review helpful
Hands down, this is the Game of the Year!
PostedApril 9, 2019
Customer avatar
fromMore games like this one, please!!!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Before I even downloaded the demo, I knew this would be a purchase for me, based solely on the fact that the negative reviews complained that it was too difficult. YES! Challenge accepted.
The negative reviews included quite a bit of misinformation which I feel should be cleared up:
• Yes, there is a map, but you don't find it until you access the library. And do you really need a map to navigate a foyer, two hallways, and four rooms?
• Yes, the puzzles include instructions. Click the RULES button, located in the top left corner of the puzzle screen.
• No, the HINT button is not useless. It provides a hint; it doesn't hold your hand and tell you exactly what to do.
• Yes, there is a walkthrough. It's accessible from the main menu. Click EXTRAS, then CHEATER'S COMPENDIUM. Your game will be saved and you'll return to the exact spot.
• No, there are no HO scenes. Because this game isn't a HOPA. Time management games don't include HO scenes either. Nor do Match-3 games. Because they're not HOPAs either.
• No, nothing is customizable. That's how it is with ALL adventure games. No one will hold your hand or hand you the solution. You're expected to use your brain.
I'd like to note for the record that this game was developed by only three people. Knowing what goes into developing a game, I can't stress enough what an epic accomplishment this is. The lead, Joseph Vargo, wrote the story, developed the puzzles, created the artwork, performed the voiceover, and composed and performed the music with his band, Nox Arcana. Christine Filipak created all the computer graphics. And Daniel Kennedy programmed the game from start to finish.
You begin outside the gates of Darklore, the magical mansion of Doctor Arcana wherein his secret society called Arcanum met. You bear an amulet that has been handed down through your family to you. The image of the doctor greets you and challenges you to a death match battle of wits, taunting you endlessly. Find the doctor's Sarcophagus of Doom, hidden somewhere in Darklore, and fulfill your destiny as his successor.
The graphics are beautifully detailed and textured, creating the atmosphere of a gothic mansion steeped in magic. Paintings and other decorative details abound, most containing clues. The music is appropriately eerie and quite diverse, with nine compositions entertaining your ears.
Explore the mansion, collecting clues and solving challenging puzzles, until you finally reach the Sarcophagus of Doom. Most of the puzzles require you to find one or more clues in order to solve them, but some stand alone. They range in difficulty from moderate to difficult. There are no throwaway matching pairs, Simon Says, Towers of Hanoi, etc. You'll need to have your wits about you, be vigilant in observing your surroundings, and able to strategize and think critically.
Here are descriptions of some of the puzzles you'll encounter:
• Door Locks (repeating, increasing in difficulty, easy to challenging) - First, find the appropriate clue: a sigil alongside a name. Next, swap and rotate the pieces of the puzzle to restore the image of that sigil. Then, input the name. The door locks increase in difficulty with the sigils becoming more ornate, the puzzle including more pieces, and the name requiring increasing levels of decryption.
• Circular Maze (difficult) - From the start point, strategize a path to the center that visits every room once without doubling back.
• Logical Deduction (challenging) - Twelve beasties are arranged on a grid. At right are labels bearing their names. At left is a list of clues about their positions relative to one another. Decipher the clues and correctly label the beasties.
• Golden Lines (challenging) - Swap the pieces of the circular design so that all its golden lines match up, including those around the circumference and in the center. (Note: The center circle can be rotated.)
• Color Theory (moderate) - Swap and rotate the triangular pieces to restore the images of three cubes so that their adjoining colors match one another and the colors along the edges of the board.
• Rune Pattern (moderate) - Slide to rearrange the rune tiles so that each one is positioned in its matching place.
• Masks Maze (difficult) - Light up all the masks by creating a path, following the directional arrows without doubling back.
• First, as always, I recommend that you try the demo. Just because this game is my favorite type of game doesn't mean you'll be as enchanted.
• If you love to be challenged and are sick unto death of childish, cookie cutter gameplay, this game is for you.
• I hereby nominate The Cabinets of Doctor Arcana as Game of the Year. It's that good. Beautifully immersive, constantly challenging, and utterly enchanting.
Now, if you'll excuse me, Doctor Arcana and I have some work to do. Oh, you rave reviewers might want to check out the website where your reviews are quoted. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
84of 90voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
10 of 15 found this review helpful
Maximum hand-holding; minimum challenge.
PostedApril 3, 2019
Customer avatar
fromHey, would be much easier to find a new game if you didn't load up every single genre with HOPAs.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
1 / 5
Whispered Secrets: Cursed Wealth is an example of "just click through the story" gameplay in which your hand is held firmly and your actions are guided against your will. This isn't gaming. Gaming is solving challenging puzzles, gathering clues and figuring out what to do next, and becoming immersed in a fictional universe. This is merely "click where the dev wants you to click."
• This dev does a beautiful job rendering humans. They appear realistic and move in a lifelike manner.
• While the graphics are well-drawn, the palette is blindingly gaudy. Pro Tip: Not every color needs to be 100% saturated; that's not realistic, and it's disconcerting to see realistic graphics colored unrealistically.
• The HO scenes, while designed well, were much too easy. And zoom scenes in which you must find a few, instantly visible objects are mere filler material and a waste of the gamer's time.
• Insipid, childish mini-games crop up every other minute: a simple maze, matching pairs, a 6-piece rotating pieces jigsaw. Devs, your customers are adults, not children!
• The storyline is yet another murder mystery in which the ghost of the victim plays a part. We've seen this Scooby Doo plot done to the death, and I'm frankly tired of it.
• The "evidence kit" seemed to have no real purpose other than conveying plot elements, which puts it squarely in the "click through the story" category. There's nothing to figure out; just do what the dev wants you to do.
• The lack of logic and rational situations was annoying. Matthew repeatedly tells me to saddle my horse when it IS saddled. Then he's shot in the chest, quite near his heart, and the game requires me to provide first aid. For a chest wound?! No problem. Mind waiting until I go to medical school and build a hospital with a surgical unit? Great.
• Too many unnecessary cutscenes. I want to play a game, not watch a bunch of short films.
• Try the demo for yourself, but I can't recommend this game.
• Other notable games by this dev that I do recommend are Reflections of Life: Equilibrium (2016) and Whispered Secrets: Everburning Candle (2016).
I don't recommend this game.
10of 15voted this as helpful.
Get lost in a haunted house that keeps changing!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
20 of 23 found this review helpful
4½ stars for the storyline, HO scenes, and mini-games.
PostedMarch 23, 2019
Customer avatar
fromHey, would be much easier to find a new game if you didn't load up every single genre with HOPAs.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
5 / 5
You receive a distress call from your friends, mysteriously trapped in a deserted hotel on a dead end road. Once you make it inside the hotel, an unknown man contacts you, promising to help. He provides you with a map and a adorable brass robot that functions as the 'key' to each new room. But this search and rescue mission isn't as simple as it seems, because the hotel can rearrange its rooms and change them at will.
• Although the plot revolved around rescuing people—again!—the changeable nature of the hotel, the enigma of the video man, and the reason behind the whole thing inexorably drew me forward, and I can't wait to see what's next!
• The production was top notch. Beautiful graphics and animation, realistic textures, gorgeously realistic palette, professional VOs.
• The challenge level in both the HO scenes and the mini-games has been upped. Most are a moderate challenge, but there are a few really easy ones and a few difficult ones.
• Generally, I'm not a fan of helpers. However, at least the robot wasn't entirely gratuitous; you actually needed him to open all the doors.
• Exploration included all the usual HOPA tropes: the mailbox that won't open without its flag, the thorns blocking an item, something obviously buried, the key fallen under the floorboards, things sewn in various know the drill. Mariaglorum can do MUCH better than this nonsense, and it was disappointing.
• silhouette sequential find and use (challenging)
• storybook multiples (easy)
• word and pictorial list (challenging)
• find 2 images that create each word on the list (difficult)
• find runes on x-ray films (challenging)
• open 4 locks by strategizing to move each set of tokens to their goals without blocking other tokens (challenging)
• catch fireflies in a jar (throwaway)
• guide the girl to the sun, using each path only once (challenging)
• match the trophies to the labels (challenging)
• recreate the runes by choosing two parts for each (challenging)
• Overall, this is a much better game than most we see nowadays. And it's a purchase for me. I do recommend you try the demo first, as always. We all prefer different game elements. For me, the storyline is most important, followed by challenging gameplay. I can put up with a limited number of shaped keys and silly tasks if the plot is engaging and the gameplay is thoughtful.
• Other excellent games in this series: Curse of the Black Water, Three Guardians, Deadly Cold, The Sealed and Forgotten, Black Dagger
I recommend this game!
20of 23voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
17 of 21 found this review helpful
Fantastic story idea, but not well-executed.
PostedMarch 21, 2019
Customer avatar
fromHey, would be much easier to find a new game if you didn't load up every single genre with HOPAs.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
3 / 5
You're having dreams of being a giant in a world of tiny people, so you visit a therapist. When she hypnotizes you, you visit Lilliput IRL. Naturally, the Lilliputians are scared to death of you and do their best to keep you imprisoned. Meanwhile, you need to find and free Gulliver before you're trapped in Lilliput forever.
• The storyline had such immense potential. I only wish it had been realized a bit better. The idea of seeing 'giant' objects in a world of miniatures presents numerous possibilities. However, only the surface was scratched.
• The graphics were done extremely well and the palette was beautiful.
• The full screen HOs were designed well and presented interestingly.
• I love 4Friends collectibles. Each scene includes at least one morphing object and one key. A slide-in indicator notes when you've found them all, and they are indicated on the map.
• The plethora of zoom box HOs was too much. More full-screen HOs would have been better.
• The voiceovers weren't great.
• The mini-games were basic and easy. Most involved matching of some kind, which quickly became boring.
• There should have been more creative use of the giant objects lying around each scene.
• Unless a game is truly awful, I won't not recommend it, but I do recommend you try the demo for yourself.
• My favorite games by this dev are, from this series, Alice in Shadowland and Living Legends: Beasts of Bremen. I recommend both.
17of 21voted this as helpful.
Build a town for ghosts in the beautiful valley by the sea and recreate all of the four seasons.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
All around good game, especially since you can choose how easy or difficult you want the gameplay.
PostedMarch 21, 2019
Customer avatar
fromHey, would be much easier to find a new game if you didn't load up every single genre with HOPAs.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
4 / 5
Played in "relaxed" mode.
A group of friendly ghosts is looking for somewhere to resettle. They've found a gorgeous valley, except that the seasons don't change. Help them earn coins to build fantastic structures like autumn leaf painting machines and cloud generators, as well as homes and other buildings.
• The Match-3 screens presented a challenge, gradually increasing both obstacles and power-ups.
• The storyline was adorable and provided both interim and final goals to reach.
• The graphics were cute and contextual.
• I didn't have to wait for my score to be tallied, but could move on immediately. (I'm not a fan of those score pop-ups that make you wait until they're done.)
• I wish I could have put the buildings where I wanted them.
• I thought the mahjongg screens could have presented more of a challenge.
• I think the game could have been longer.
• Nothing at all, surprisingly. This was a nice, not overly difficult 'time waster' that was well-designed.
• If you like relatively easy Match-3 games, this one's for you. Of course, the challenge level can be increased by choosing 'timed' mode.
I recommend this game!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Enter the enchanted 'Netherworld' where your destiny was written in blood and which whispers of true love.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
7 of 10 found this review helpful
Late to the party, but this game apparently was just ported to the Mac.
PostedMarch 12, 2019
Customer avatar
fromDevs, it's long past time for an innovative breakthrough. We're bored to tears with your formulaic nonsense and childish gameplay.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
• Interesting and challenging mini-games. As far as I played, there were no matching pairs, Simon Says, or jigsaw puzzles.
• Complex, interactive HO scenes.
• True morphing collectibles, often more than one per scene.
• Comprehensive extras.
• The option to disable award popups. All devs should do this.
• While I liked the fact that the storyline presented a non-Western myth, at the end of the day, it was just another 'save your relative from an evil, supernatural being wanting to either find immortality or take over the world' plot.
• The background graphics could have been clearer, but the close-up graphics were beautifully detailed.
• The tone and affect of the voiceovers were awkward and didn't fit the situations.
• Exploration mode ran down the usual laundry list of silly tasks, like using oil on rust, clearing cobwebs, using a gigantic coin as a screwdriver, bribing an animal, and the like. This nonsense ruins immersion into the game, because it's not remotely realistic (especially when the screws turn clockwise to unscrew).
• The storyline was needlessly convoluted, presenting a lot of unnecessary information.
• interactive list with multiples, plus mini-games
• hand shadow silhouettes, plus mini-games
• find and replace
• Restore power to the house by rotating four dials to complete the circuit, connecting the plugs, and pulling the lever.
• Find seven differences.
• Swap circles along the lines to restore the painting.
7of 10voted this as helpful.
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