Our Ominous Objects investigator, Leia is back along with her furball buddy Mr. Jenkins. There is foul magic afoot in the Cursed Guards as the retired Duke of Braunschweig obviously has too much time on his hands and has indulged in an obsessive search for some cursed armor that was long ago created by a deranged and evil king. It is said that the king had four sets of armor created that were imbued with evil magic and then gave them to his four loyal champions to control his kingdom after his death. A good knight who was pure of heart managed to destroy the evil knights and had their cursed armor buried in different locations, thus putting an end to the reign of evil terror and restoring peace to the kingdom. Having found the missing armor, the old Duke has now released terror once again in the realm. It now becomes your task Miss Leia to destroy the risen knights and save the kingdom.
Great graphics and sound along with some fun gameplay make this game a keeper for me. Even though I am not a huge fan of pet helpers in games, Ominous Objects simply wouldn’t be the same without our feisty feline helper. Fortunately, Mr. Jenkins is not used overmuch in the game and when he is; his antics are endearing and entertaining. Your tools (aside from Mr. Jenkins) include an integrated map found early in the game that will help you navigate quickly to areas where you have available tasks.
The HOP scenes are nothing new but some are creative. I’m not a huge fan of the storybook scenes and there is one that I found very difficult as the items to be found were almost invisible. I must have used the dreaded hint button four or five times to make it through that particular scene and found it to be extremely tedious and irritating. I wish that developers would stop trying to make scenes more difficult by using a flat monotone palette. Many gamers are older and this type of scene becomes frustrating rather than fun. My eyes are very good and I still struggled to find items hidden on that misty gray statue. On the other hand, I found the puzzles entertaining and very enjoyable; with none being too difficult but at the same time adding to the storyline and gameplay fun.
If you happen to prefer the CE version of a game, this one includes Collectible Cards and Morphing Objects hidden throughout the game. Achievements to earn, Wallpapers, Concept Artwork, Music, a Dots Game, Developers Diary, Bonus Chapter, and Strategy Guide.
Since playing the beta for the game last year, I have been waiting for the full game to be released. The Cursed Guards seems as if it might be one of the best games in the Ominous Objects series. I happened to enjoy the game’s beta and hated to see it end. It is now my mission to put an end to the evil knights and stop their long-buried king from ever gaining power. I know the theme is fairly much the same but I am an avowed HOPA addict and love playing each new game. There will be cries from those who say “same ole, same ole” but my response is, if you feel that way, why bother? The premise for HOPAs is always the same – find objects, use them and save someone or something, with a storyline thrown in for good measure. The storyline as it develops is very good in the Cursed Guards and by the end of the demo I wanted more so the game became an instant buy for me. Yes, I buy a lot of games but they are my form of entertainment so I have a huge gaming library. Even though I really find this game excellent and enjoyable, as always, please try the demo to see if Cursed Guards is a game you will enjoy as well.
In the midst of a battle for the Academy of Alchemy, a young promising student, Eliana, is sent on a dangerous mission of retrieving three powerful artifacts, the Dragon Crystals.
You play the game as Eliana who was brought to the Jora Academy of Alchemy for safekeeping when she was an infant. You have been raised by the school’s headmaster and under his care you are now ready to become a full-fledged alchemist. As soon as you pass the final test and receive your Alchemist’s Amulet the school is attacked by gargoyles. The Headmaster is injured during the attack and he asks you to go to the castle in the City of Thorns to find the special Dragon Crystals since they are the only way to destroy the gargoyles and rid the realm of the evil Dragon Lord.
The graphics are colorful and the voices are overall okay but I don't care for the squeaky voice of my fairly helper. Fortunately she is not used often and when she is her key phrase is “on it”. Although there is a custom setting included when setting up the gameplay, you cannot turn off the misclick penalty button. Your tools include an interactive map, Alchemist’s Amulet and a fairly helper.
The HOP scenes are interactive and some have a bit of a twist. Some items are well-hidden and I had to use the dreaded hint button more than once, particularly in the first HOP. Although there is variety in the type of HOP scenes many are the standard list type – something I happen to prefer. The puzzles include some that we have seen many times in previous games such as mixing potions and opening locks but there are some puzzles that I thought were more like HO scenes as we must search for items in a story-type puzzle. Overall the puzzles are good and some were challenging.
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes collectible items – 16 hats, 42 crests, and 8 ghosts hidden in various scenes in the game. There are morphing objects and achievements included as well. Other standard extras include a 57 page in-game strategy guide that provides some extra help if needed. The remaining extras are standard with the bonus game, concept art, wallpapers and music.
The previous two games in the Queen’s Quest were very good and after the story develops End of Dawn becomes an excellent game. Queen’s Quest 3 End of Dawn seems to suffer from a bit of tedium with some unnecessary tasks very early in the game that put me off the game when it was first released. However, needing a game to play I did go ahead and purchase it and I am so glad that I did. Unfortunately my initial review of the CE does not do the game justice. Once I got past the early part of the game it became so good. At least for me the game was long and it took almost three days to complete. The gameplay includes making potions (but not too many) as I am on my quest to find magic crystals to save the kingdom. If you enjoy a good fantasy game then I can recommend Queen’s Quest III: End of Dawn as one that I enjoyed and hopefully you will too. As always I suggest that you try the demo first. I’m really happy that I gave this game a second chance because it is a game that I will play many times in the future.
Deadly Moonlight is the third game in the Stranded Moonlight series. Here in BFG game land we all know that amulets and artifacts can be deadly and this is certainly the case in Deadly Moonlight. As the game begins we see Professor Wolfgrin who has recently returned from an expedition holding a strange necklace. As he examines the runes he notices something very unusual as his skin is now covered in the ancient symbols. Fast forward as you, playing the game as a detective (what else) arrive on the scene just in time to see the maid run from the mansion screaming "he is alive" before collapsing into the arms of the inspector who has called you into the case.
Graphics represent the late 1800s with an appropriate bit of mistiness included. The voice overs are quite excellent and add a sense of authenticity to the game. There is a custom level included in gameplay options but, IMHO, it is rather useless. If I am going to have a custom option I happen to like realistic hint and skip times as I think 15 seconds is rather long for the lowest available hint and skip times. Okay, I am impatient and when I think I need a hint I don’t want to waste 15 seconds while the meter recharges. Your tools include an interactive map that is given to you early in the game. There is also the Moonlight Necklace that will open portals to different worlds.
The HOP scenes are very good with a nice variety included in the mix. I did find some items difficult to spot since I think the representations of some items were not that good. For the most part though, I didn’t struggle finding the items needed. Puzzles were very, very easy and could really be completed on auto pilot without having to really think about them – push this button, move that button, turn or spin this, that or the other. There are times that I don’t mind having easy puzzles, particularly if the storyline is good and I want to move forward without spending 30 minutes solving a puzzle. Overall there was nothing difficult with either the HOPs or the puzzles so if you want a game with a lot of challenge you won’t find it here.
If you prefer the CE version of a game, this one includes: Collectible Moons and Morphing Objects to locate in each scene. There are achievements to earn, Wallpapers, Sketches, Music, Strategy Guide, and Bonus Chapter.
In spite of a few scary moments the game is still fun and not as frightening as I thought it might be given my clown phobia. I can deal with a lot of creepy things in games but must admit that I HATE clowns. I have no idea why I have a clown phobia but I haven’t liked them since I was a child. My parents learned very early that they shouldn’t take me to a carnival or have me interact in any way with clowns – friendly or otherwise! That being said, the clowns aren’t as terrifying as I thought so I can breathe again and forge ahead. I actually am enjoying the game because the storyline is quite good. Even though at times the graphics might appear a bit misty, there are other times when they are crystal clear. I found myself really enjoying the game, yes, even the Circus of Shadows because the game is very good. We all have different things we like and dislike in games, so please try the demo to see if Stranded Dreamscapes Deadly Moonlight is a game you will enjoy.
In Fear for Sale Hidden in Shadows the ninth game in the series, you once again play the game as Emma Roberts an investigative journalist for Fear for Sale magazine. In your latest case it seems like young people have gone missing in the town after playing a reality game. Linda Swan is one of those missing and her spirit has contacted you for help. Perhaps it is too late for Linda but you are still determined to find out what is happening. Your clues lead you to Drummond Island but it is not too long before you find you are definitely in over your head. Your tools include and interactive map that I happen to really find valuable. Not only does the map show where you have tasks available but it also indicates where you might be missing some of the collectibles or morphs.
The HOPS are not anything special but I happen to really like the standard list type scenes. There is something comforting about searching for items when I happen to know what they are without too much of a guessing game. Each scene does have some interactivity and yes, there are some different types where you must find items scattered around in a pop-up box. The puzzles are good but not mind-numbing difficult. In fact most are a bit easy but I happen to like most of the ones included in the game.
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes a lot of extra content with collectibles and morphing objects hidden in each scene. As in other Fear for Sale games you have different levels of achievement and your rank keeps going up as you play the game. Other collectibles are the standard fare with Wallpapers, Concept Art, Music, Strategy Guide, and Bonus Game
I love games from this developer and own all of the games in the Fear for Sale series. Most of the early games are excellent and the later games have included one of two that I didn’t care for but overall they are mostly excellent with Nightmare Cinema being perhaps my favorite. This latest game Hidden in the Darkness is a spook fest and very good. I like the way the storyline develops and by the end of the demo I knew this game is a keeper for me. Actually, I was sucked in fairly early in the game and it only gets better as I move forward. Now with a cliffhanger end to the demo I want more. Please try the demo to see if you will enjoy Hidden in the Darkness as well.
As is usually the case with stories in HOPA games “you receive an urgent message”. It would be nice if there was some other intro into a HOPA game aside from always rushing off to save someone! Guess it is my HOPA burnout coming to the fore this morning. Alas, there is a message to be dealt with so off we go to the land of ice and snow to rescue a friend.
I don’t know exactly what put me off about this game but it could be the icy graphics or the cartoonish characters. A game that begins with a ridiculous effort to find missing items at every turn with very little story development is not for me.
Because it was necessary to find indistinct missing items at every turn before any progress could be made, I decided within the first few minutes that the game is not for me. Over the past month I have tried the game’s beta probably 4 times but couldn’t get going. Unfortunately because of the tedious start and unbelievable tasks, this game is simply not one that I can enjoy at the moment. Maybe another time when I have a huge store of patience and don’t mind dealing with yet another missing zipper pull or a door that has the key stuck in the lock on the other side, I might feel different. Unfortunately, I quit the game after the first interactive HOP scene. For those of you who haven’t had to find hundreds of missing zipper pulls or alternatives, you might find this game enjoyable. As for me, I have a feeling that this one is going in the trash!
If developers want to sell games I would suggest that they at least put some effort into storyline development early in the game and provide some momentum. I found it ridiculous that a nurse would ask me to find a pendulum so that she can hypnotize a comatose patient. How can a patient be hypnotized unless he is awake? Frozen Path simply left me cold and I have no desire to move forward.
If you don’t mind the game’s boring start and cartoonish graphics, this might be a game you will enjoy. As for me, it is the beginning of Spring here and I am ready for some sunshine and colorful graphics. It is interesting that BFG didn't realize that the timing for release of Frozen Path might be a bit late. IMHO, the game might have held a bit more appeal had it been released in the winter. As always, please try the demo before you buy!
Phantasmat Mournful Loch is the eight game in the Phantasmat series which, IMHO, is probably 6 games too many. I loved the original Phantasmat games but as we continue to deal with sequel after sequel in a once popular series the games take a downhill turn and lose their original appeal. In this game we see a bloody massacre in the opening scene and if that wasn’t enough to put me off, the mournful and somber graphics rather tipped me over the edge. In all honesty, Phantasmat has never been my favorite series and the latest games in the series have seemed rather dreadful. Please understand that this is just my opinion. The game is going to hold a great deal of appeal for many gamers and is a top quality 5-star game in many respects but just not for me. I have become rather tired of dreary dark games with decaying buildings and dark, gloomy scenery.
In Mournful Loch you play an archaeology student who has been researching a lost artifact of the Logan family. As you embark on your journey your boatman is telling you that “greed is a powerful vice” and that it has lured many a treasure seeker to the loch, none of whom have returned. Not long after that your boat capsizes and you awaken on the shore of the loch. For a researcher you are probably super focused on your project, but perhaps you should have noticed that something is a bit off with your boatman.
Graphics – Excellent but dark and gloomy, Gameplay Settings - Easy, Medium, Hard, and Custom. Hints: 10 to 120 seconds, Skips: 10 to 400 seconds. Your tools include an interactive map.
There is not really anything new with the HOP scenes although there are some very creative touches. For the most part the scenes are well designed and several are very interactive. It is only my opinion, but I think the game shows that EIPIX is stepping up their game and at least making an honest effort to keep gamers happy.
Puzzles seem to be the forte for this developer and the ones in this game are excellent. There is one tricky puzzle that I have never seen before and it is truly genius. The puzzle involves moving tiles to find certain symbols that are hidden under several tiles. I found it a ton of fun and quite tricky.
If you prefer the CE version of a game, this one includes: Morphing objects to find, achievements to earn, Wallpapers, Concept Art, Music, Videos, Play Extra HOPS, Play Puzzles, Strategy Guide, Bonus Game, and Souvenir Room.
Although the game has some excellent moments, I am not sure it is for me but I know that many will find this latest Phantasmat to be a cut above the others. If I was really fond of the underlying Phantasmat theme I might be inclined to purchase the game but the overall graphics are what put me off the most. Honestly, while I was playing the demo there were jump scare moments that I didn’t see coming. My little dog usually is on my lap when I play and one time when I jumped she took off like a flash. Even though I am still not sure this game is for me, I can highly recommend it for those of you who love scary, ghostly tales. As always, I recommend you try the demo to see is Phantasmat Mournful Loch is a game you will enjoy.
You have been having nightmare recently and often wake up in a cold sweat as you feel your ancestor the Lady Annabelle Stark calling you to release her from her torment. It is not long before you realize that you must go to the Forsaken Isle to research your past and the Lady Annabelle who mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again.
It is not very often that BFG presents a new and very good SE HOPA game during the week. Ominous Tales the Forsaken Isle is a very good game that was most likely meant to be a CE but for some reason was released as an SE. Aside from the missing Strategy Guide and Bonus Game everything else is here including collectibles, wallpapers, concept art, music, and stories.
The graphics are good and colorful in spite of the dark theme of a ghostly mystery. The game offers a custom mode of gameplay but there are not many options available so you will need to turn off the tutorial early in the game if you don’t need the extra help. You will find a transporter type map early in the game that will show where you have current tasks available.
The HOPs are well done and some are quite lovely although they are fairly basic with minimal interaction required to find some items. Even though we might visit the same HOP more than once the style will generally change. Revisiting HOPS has never been something that bothers me but I know many gamers don't like it. Fortunately the scenes are easy on the eyes with gorgeous graphics. The puzzles are good and some are a bit challenging. I happen to dislike the puzzles where spinning or turning one thing changes other adjacent items and there is one of those puzzles fairly early in the game. Since it drove me nuts fairly quickly it didn't take long to become a skip for me. Fortunately there were other excellent puzzles that I enjoyed solving without the frustration level tagging along.
As noted above the game has a lot of the extras found in CE games so it became a nice bonus game for me. I always struggle to find games that I like where I can use my free coupons so today’s surprise became an instant addition to my gaming library. Although I like the game and the storyline there were moments when the gameplay seemed a bit clunky but not enough to prevent me from enjoying the game. I like the storyline of the Lady of the Isle and her lost love. The bad guy Victor is certainly an evil madman and one you must defeat in order to release the Lady Annabelle. As always, I suggest you try the demo to see if you will enjoy the game.
The Legacy Forgotten Gates is a new game from a developer whose games I love! This excellent creative team has brought us the incredible New York Mysteries as well as other award worthy games such as the Lost Lands and House of 1000 Doors series and one of my favorite older games Forbidden Secrets Alien Town. All of these games can be found here at BFG and I highly recommend that you give them a try if you are new to the HOPA genre and looking for some wonderful games.
In the opening cut scene of Forgotten Gates we learn that you (playing the game as Diana) are finishing up your work in the Mayan display at a museum when you hear a noise and go to investigate. No sooner do you reach the large Mayan stone calendar than it splits and you are sucked into a portal that lands you in an ancient land. Before long you begin to wonder where you actually might have landed. During your adventure you meet a host of interesting characters who will either help or hinder your progress as you survey the land.
This game is full of gorgeous graphics and wonderful gameplay. The technical features include a custom level that allows you to tinker with the settings. Your tools include the best maps ever designed for HOPA games and are familiar if you have played other games by this creative team. I like the multi-tabbed sections of the map that appear on the right as they let you know where you have active tasks and also indicate where collectibles still need to be found.
The HOP scenes are mostly done with items being shown in silhouette but there are not too many true HOP scenes. Since this is a light adventure style game most of the items you need to find are available as you survey the landscape and you will simply pick them up as you find them. The puzzles are easy but they are a lot of fun. I didn’t feel the need to skip any of them in the game. Because I own almost every game from this developer, I am familiar with the puzzles but that doesn’t mean they are boring. .
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes collectibles and morphing objects to find. The collectibles will complete 5 different set with sets of between 7-12 items in each. There are 30 morphing objects to spot as well as achievements to earn. The other extras are the standard items found in most CE games including a strategy guide and the bonus chapter. IMHO, this developer provides a lot of extra content in their games so the CEs are a great value.
I purchased the CE version of the game as soon as it was released and I must say that I it is one of those games that lived up to my expectations. The Legacy Forgotten Gates is a game that I will certainly play many times just as I have the games mentioned above. Because we all have different tastes in games, please try the demo to see if The Legacy Forgotten Gates is a one you will enjoy as well. Hopefully you will like the SE just as much as I did the CE version. Happy gaming!
The year is 1324 in Venice and Marco Polo is dying. With his last breath he gives his greatest treasure and gift to his friend Peter Tayal. Fast forward to current times agent, where you must rush to Fiji to help one of the agency’s long-term partners Waradi Tayal whose prized possession the Pearl of Marco Polo has been stolen. HELP has tasked you with returning the pearl to Mr. Tayal. At least early in the game it looks like Sam is MIA so you are on your own to solve this one. When you arrive at the Tayal Pearl Farm you find Mr. Tayal a bit distressed to say the least but I always wonder if the characters who are so fond of giving orders have ever heard of the word PLEASE! At any rate you set off on the mission to retrieve the pearl and you may definitely be in over your head on this one.
The graphics and other technical attributes are exactly what I have come to expect from the excellent EPIX team. I particularly like their Custom Mode that offers more opportunity to set up a game the way I like to play. During your adventure you will have your standard HELP kit to assist you. There is an interactive map that you will find early in the game and to access it you can either open the box or click on the map tab on the outside of the HELP kit. I always have enjoyed the Hidden Expedition games and like reviewing the Fact Cards as they are found because they contain so many interesting tidbits of information.
The HOP scenes are well crafted and I enjoyed playing through most of those in the demo. If you do not want to complete the HOPS you do have the option to play an alternate Match-3 type game. As usual there is variety in the types of HOPS so there is something for everyone. Where the game becomes terrific is with the puzzles. The electric grid puzzle early in the game is one that I found quite challenging. The early phases of the super puzzle are easy to solve but the main grid puzzle is tricky and takes some thought to figure it out correctly. Of course if you have the full game version, there is always the strategy guide to help. As much fun as the super puzzle was, I wasn’t thrilled by the next major puzzle that involved jumping out of a plane.
The CE version of the game includes collectibles, morphing objects, HELP Fact Cards, and achievements. The other extras include replay of mini-games and HOP scenes, a Souvenir Room, Concept Artwork, Wallpapers, Music, Strategy Guide and the Bonus Game.
I wasn’t swept away by the previous Hidden Expedition game but this one seems much better and is definitely more interesting and yes, exciting. The series is still one of my favorites because I enjoy the Fact Cards and the generally well put together storylines. Even though I love the Hidden Expedition series, I suggest that you try the demo to see if Pearl of Discord is a game you will enjoy.
The Kingdoms of Tar had been ruled for centuries by magicians until Carven Tar-liss who led the white magicians finally won the battle. After Carven Tar-liss declared himself Emperor and banished all black magicians from the kingdom, the people now live in peace and prosperity.
You play the game as a healer who was rescued as a newborn by Emirus Klein from a dark ritual that took the life of your mother. Dr. Klein, founder of the Medico Imperium, has raised you as his own son and now you are a certified white magician and a healer. Dr. Klein has urgently summoned you to the Medico Imperium because your skill is needed to fight a mysterious illness that is turning people to trees. The kingdom’s Empress Patricia, who became ruler when her father died, is now suffering from the illness and needs your help. We soon learn that there is a battle for power as Patricia’s brother plots her downfall.
Enchanted Kingdom A Dark Seed is one of those games that starts off very slow as it seems bogged down with so many little tasks to accomplish. Although the game is off to a slow and sometimes tedious start, it improves greatly towards the end of the demo. Hopefully you will stick with the game for a bit before deciding that you might not like it because, IMHO, it is really a terrific game if you happen to enjoy mixing potions and fantasy. When I originally played the beta for the game I gave up on it but when I restarted it another day I found that I really liked it.
The game has gorgeous graphics although some scenes might be a bit dark but that too improves after the demo. The game offers a custom mode of gameplay that seems standard in most games now but I like the one from this developer. Your tools include an interactive map, your Healer Kit and Diagnostic Lens that you will use to determine the cause of an illness and then mix the appropriate potion to heal your patient. You also have a helper in the game – a Magic Bird that is given to you by Dr. Klein.
The HOP scenes are excellent and include a variety of styles. Although there is nothing new here the scenes are well designed and enjoyable to play through to find the item I need to continue in the game. If you are not thrilled by trying to find the required items an alternate match 3 game is included in most of the scenes. I love the puzzles in the game that include the option to choose either an easy or hard difficulty. Some of the puzzles were ones that I loved particularly one where we need to complete a mural in order to enter a secret chamber. I tried solving the puzzle on the hard mode but ended up changing to the easy mode which still took quite a bit of time to solve. I actually love the puzzles from this team because they are creative and generally fun to solve.
If you prefer the CE version of the game this one has a ton of collectibles to find. I really like the way this developer sets up the collectibles in each scene as there are circles attached to the inventory area that will indicate when there are collectibles to find in a scene. Collectibles include Crystals, Busts, Artifacts, and Notes. A fun touch is the 14 cupcakes you get to find and eat (talk about sugar overload) as you move through the game. For those of you who achievements there are so many to earn that they will surely keep you busy. The other extras include the Strategy Guide, Bonus Game, a Museum of Medicine, a Zoological Garden, a Gallery of Famous Doctors, Wallpapers, Concept Art, and Music. IMHO, Enchanted Kingdom A Dark Seed includes a terrific package of extras.
As I mentioned above the game starts off slowly but picks up momentum towards the end of the demo. I love fantasy games and this storyline is different and interesting. Even though I purchased the game, I always recommend that you try the demo. If you can muddle through the slow beginning, you might just enjoy the game as much as me.