This series follows Mia Faircroft, an antique restoration expert, on her adventures in various locations searching for precious artifacts as well as the history and personalities attached to them.
Though I did not review them, I have played the previous games in the Faircroft's Antiques series (Treasures of Treffenburg and The Heir of Glen Kinnoch) so I knew what to expect. What do I like about the series? Chiefly that it's clear there has been an actual effort to create several different characters, and to give each character a distinct personality as well as his/her own side story. There are no one or two-dimensional characters here. Now it's one thing to try, but another to succeed, and in this series the developers have succeeded. The characters in this series have far more depth than the typical HOP game that is offered. If that doesn't interest you, then you probably will not like this game or the others in the series.
That's because there isn't much else unique to this series. The HOPS and puzzles are fine. You will play four or five HOPs as well as one or two puzzles per "chapter" (there are many chapters). Nothing that you have not seen before. However, the various locations all tie into the story as well as the chapter. For that reason, I judge these to be among the best written games in this genre.
I will add that toward the end of the games, the story does sometimes drag a bit, as if to keep you in suspense about the ending. Also, and this is VERY IMPORTANT, each game in this series is best played in several sittings rather than straight through (I believe this could be the reason for some of the not-so-positive reviews). Because the games are longer than the typical HOPA, as well as the nature of the play, playing straight through could become somewhat tedious. Fortunately, it is easy to pick up where you left off, even if it's been a while.
I think this game, and the others in the series, are well worth your time and investment. You'll find yourself actually caring about the characters and how their situations are resolved. This is something the typical HOPA offering rarely, if ever, achieves.
I'll close by wishing all my friends (and foes!) a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and safe New Year.
The bad kids are going to steal all the Christmas toys from Santa unless you can stop them. They're on their way to Santa's workshop aboard the Polar Express train.
The above story premise is perfectly fine for young children (and encourages them to be good), however there are many elements in the story that are far removed from any sort of feel-good children's story. There are also some very adult themes, examples of which are: threats of physical violence, being thrown off a moving train, and being attacked by a dog - and this in the trial period alone. This doesn't seem to be a very well thought out story and I found it impossible to reconcile the disparate elements.
The HOPs (18) are pretty, but quite simple while the mini games (19) are a little more difficult but nothing new. There are collectible notes, snowflakes and morphs. This player was neither impressed with any of the collectibles, nor excited by the prospect of furnishing a boudoir.
So which is it? A adult's game or a children's? Or both? In my mind, neither. I'm sad to say if you are looking for a good Christmas game, this isn't the ticket.
The setting: You are the Master Detective (of course, this IS MCF, after all) and the Queen asks you to investigate strange goings on at Pendle Tower, a large, dilapidated building being renovated by a member of the royal family.
There are ghostly appearances and mysterious "accidents" as well as a few glimpses into the past. However, not much more is revealed during the trial (hence the need for psychic powers to truly evaluate this one). I was honored to have a look at the "sneak peek" version of this game a few weeks ago and, while I felt it was a solid game in its own right, I didn't feel it was MCF-worthy.
The production standards are top-notch, with vivid visuals, excellent sound effects and even decent voice acting (as in, " 'ere, take this.") The game play was just ok, nothing really special in the trial (but as an IT person, I did like the part where I was asked to set up a computer). The one "super puzzle" wasn't particularly super and is easily solved. The HOPs were a little more interesting to me, but there was nothing especially innovative about them. Does the story have potential? Yes, it does. On the other hand, so little happens during the trial that I was disappointed. I mean, it was just ghosts in a building. C'mon, we expect more!
There are 52 collectible stained-glass pieces and 20 jigsaw pieces.
All in all, it seems like a good game - depending on how the story develops. If your psychic powers tell you it's going to get very interesting, then it could be a great game. But if you were desiring a closer MCF connection beyond the Master Detective character, you could be disappointed. Is there a Pendle Tower in your future? Only the psychic can tell.
The search for a good Halloween game continues but, alas, it's not behind this door.
I can't determine to whom this game is trying to appeal. The story and dialog seem to say children, but the rest of the game adults. If it is trying to appeal to both, then it fails miserably.
During the entire trial I felt I was playing a children's game, yet I can hardly imagine any child enjoying it. There was only one good HOP - the one which involved morphing objects. And this was the one and only memorable thing. The rest of the play consisted of awkward dialog, tired story lines and predictable game play. Even the characters in the game seem bored with it.
If you want to play an acceptable Halloween Chronicles, try Monsters Among Us from a few years ago. It isn't great but it is far superior to this effort.
With all the pre-release buildup, and the recent game drought, I was excited to see the new Halloween Stories release. Now, normally I am not a huge fan of Halloween-themed games as they (by nature of the limited subject matter) tend to have over-used the same ideas, themes, storylines and settings. Nevertheless, I did download this game to give it a try.
We start off in a video conference which introduces the Myth Debunkers - a trio of young, diverse adventures who have, according to the story, "been together for a long time" but have "only met once or twice." Hmm. The "Debunker" we play enters the conference with a laptop on battery power and (surprise!) it dies almost immediately. So right away we have to perform the usual pointless tasks to find the laptop's AC adapter and plug it in. Ok it's a disappointing start, but maybe it gets better?
Broken bones: So I had hoped. But alas, no. This is possibly the most unremarkable Halloween game I have played. The hidden object scenes are, as they might say in the UK, simply dreadful (emphasis on the "simply"). One scene involves a map with four stations. At each station you stop and play a HOP. But there are only four or five objects to find, and these are in a pop-out window so it's only 25% of your screen. You can't possible miss. They would have been better to leave this out - and normally I like just about any HOP scenes. Other HOPs are slightly better, but they don't show any particular imagination or creativity.
Good spooks: The puzzles are a little better. The are more time consuming than challenging, but at least you will have to concentrate to complete them.
Extra candy: There are a number of jigsaw puzzle pieces to collect and some other collectibles which I didn't really know or care what they were because the rest of the game was so uninteresting. Sorry, but I'm sure one of the other fine reviewers has that covered.
Treats: The artwork and cutscenes are beautifully done and the one thing I enjoyed during the trial. Too bad they seem to be wasted on a mundane story and unexciting gameplay.
For me The Neglected Dead was a huge letdown. It doesn't provide a trick, a treat or even a wee little scare. The lovely artwork cannot save a dead storyline and legendarily bad gameplay. Boo!
Setting: You are Derek Pierce. Your wife Christine was severely injured in an auto accident that was your fault. While she lies in a coma, you attend a support group for people dealing with extreme grief. Outside the group's meeting you find a strange lantern from which a genie appears. The genie promises to completely heal your wife - in exchange for one year of your life. You quickly agree but... all is not as it seems and there is more to discover.
I felt myself drawn in to the story in spite of an, "Oh no!" when the genie appeared. The trial does not reveal the "grand plan," so you are left to wonder where this is leading (I certainly hope it doesn't follow the usual path).
The artwork is in a realistic style and is good in both the cut scenes and the stills. Game play is solid but not spectacular, as is the voice acting which is done with little emotion. Music is nice and not intrusive.
CE extras: Collectibles are 12 pictures and 48 jigsaw pieces. Replay of 13 HO's and 14 mini-games. Secret Room and wallpapers, etc,
All in all it seems a "well done" is in order. If not for the ordinary game play I would have given this five stars. Seems like the kind of game I've been wishing for...for about a year of my life.
Something wicked this way comes. Wickedly strange and muddled, that is. The premise is something about witches being trapped in another world and trying to come back. There's a Crimson Shadow roaming around and you've been marked as it's target because you watched a video.
In the demo, the plot is so predictable that the player can easily anticipate each "twist."
Since the story isn't very engaging, perhaps the gameplay will be? Fair is foul and foul is fair. Gameplay is very linear, uninspired and frankly, a little dull. First, there's the usual tasks, then you'll get an item and use it immediately. Scenes are richly detailed but leave you desiring to explore more than the two or three active zones.
The game's afoot: HOPs and mini games are ok but nothing at all remarkable. Mini game "difficulty" is Easy.
Collectibles? Huge dollar bills, small ritual items and paper notes. Not very impressive.
Double, double, toil and trouble; The game left me disappointed in just about every aspect. Fire burn and cauldron bubble. What is missing is any sort of "wow" factor.
Ultimately, to buy or not to buy that is the question. Crimson Shadow is more likely to put you to sleep than to frighten you. To sleep - perchance to dream (oh the day when a really great game is released)?
I don't recommend this game.
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Around the World with the Johnson Family
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Just a brief review - the morphing objects actually DO morph. They change v e r y s l o w l y though so I can understand why some reviews say they don't. All is well though, another game of this solid series with additional mini games.
This newest entry in the MCF series picks up where the last one (Horribleinger) left off. In fact, I had just completed that game when I received a beta of this one, Crossfade. After just a few minutes it was clear that Crossfade was a superior game.
The MCF series has been a flagship series, representing the best, most innovative and engaging gameplay that ANY series had to offer. From a technical standpoint the MCF series had a history of being a cut above other games, introducing new ideas, techniques and puzzles that were often copied by other developers. In Crossfade's case however, the game is essentially copying off itself, resulting in perhaps the ultimate irony.
The story brings back the Archivist, and as you progress you will revisit past adventures in the series in order to "make things right." This turns out to be both a strength and a weakness. A strength because it is a reminder of how well-written past games in this series were. A weakness because it is a reminder that there nothing really new or innovative to distinguish this game from other games or series'.
Nevertheless Crossfade IS enjoyable and fun even if it lacks the creative spark. The fact that it is tied to the last disaster may scare off some players - which would be unfortunate because this game, even if not up to the standard of the "glory days" of MCF, is still a solid game.