My rating is based on playing the entire SE. The game meets most of my requirements: it is well-crafted, excellent animated, with fine graphics and good voice-overs.
- Story: Werewolf story. You are going to help your cousin and his family. An evil druid makes experiments with the cursed people from Wolfhill and suppresses them.
- Difficulty can be customized: Tutorial, sparkles, map issues, glitter, helping texts and hint / skip recharge.
- Tools: you have an interactive map. And your own wolf strength, which will be increased through mistletoes during the game.
- HO’s: Nicely done. Mostly description and silhouettes. Some were interactive. You can’t switch to another mode.
- Mini games: Nothing new. Some could be played either in a casual or in a hard mode. A lot were with sliding or with rotating. These are not my favorites. But all in all, they were a good piece of work and quite challenging.
- Adventure part: Not that easy w/o helping texts. Tough it was (mostly) logical, it wasn’t too obvious, so you have either to think about or you have to try a lot.
Dislikes: Slightly unrealistic: a bell in a turtle? The escape from the prison through pebbles? Length: I needed about 3 hours for completing. Evil laugh: and once again the evil laugh. The bad guys always do have such a gruesome laugh. This is so poor. Isn’t there anything else to distinguish the evil ones?
My rating is based on playing the entire SE and fulfillment of all my requirements.
- Story: Mystery story. Your nephew asked you for help. There is something evil in the castle. His son is missed, his wife unconscious. What had happened? Is it once again, the old family curse?
- Difficulty can be customized in all relevant issues: Tutorial, sparkles, map issues, glitter, contextual pointer, plus item indicator, helping texts and hint / skip recharge.
- Graphics/locations: pretty awesome.
- Animation: excellent
- Music: accentuated, slightly applied.
- Voice-overs: very good and fitting.
- Tools: an interactive map and an ability to go back in time
- HO’s: tricky, several types: description, silhouettes, pairs, morphing objects. You can’t switch to another type of game.
- Mini games: some were quite tricky, some very easy.
- Adventure part: Not too obvious, quite challenging. Where something is hidden is sometimes a little bit, let’s say unusual? What’s to do is mostly logical, even w/o helping texts. Except the task at the frozen fireplace. That was clearly not self-explainable. Some tasks could be solved, because there were only few possibilities.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE and meeting most of my requirements.
- Story: You’re investigating the death of Freya and the disappearance of several girls. It happened to be in Austria, Hallstadt. During your inquiry you get assistance from Freya’s ghost.
- Difficulty can be customized slightly only. Tutorial, sparkles and hint / skip recharge.
- Graphics: Lucid, clear and well-crafted.
- Animation: pretty good.
- Music: nice, every once in a while
- Voice-overs: well-done, good synchronized, fitting.
- Tools: you have an interactive map and very unusual glasses, which allow you to see the past. Very helpful during a homicide investigation.
- HO’s: Quite tricky: riddles, interactive ones, description, silhouettes and morphing objects. You can switch to a match 3.
- Mini games: interesting, good quality, moderately difficult.
- Adventure part: Needed items were spread about several locations. Not too obvious. Tasks were logical, whereabouts mostly logical (not all). Usually you do have about 5 locations (+/-) to explore.
Dislikes: Helping texts can’t be excluded. Good luck, they weren’t that detailed. Many “sliding” games, which are not my favorites. Length: I needed only 3 hours and something for completing.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE and partly fulfillment of my requirements.
- Story: A kind of ghost story. During an investigation of paranormal activities an assistant of your father disappears suddenly. Your search leads through a constantly shifting house, with a dangerous past. A ghost is giving hints, whereas your father and his assistant are so not helpful. You have to do it all by you alone. The story is not the best one.
- Difficulty can be customized. Tutorial, sparkles, map issues, tasks, penalty and hint / skip recharge.
- Graphics/locations/animation and voice-overs were good.
- Music: rarely. Mostly ambient noises only.
- Tools: you have an interactive map and a detector for paranormal activities
- HO’s: Many. Description and silhouettes, interactive. Some were repetitive. You can’t switch to another game.
- Mini games: well-crafted, but quite easy.
- Adventure part: Altogether too obvious. You don’t have many locations and many items, thus it is not that difficult.
- Specials: I liked the googling eye, but I can remember it, from another game.
- Length: I needed 4 hours and something for completing.
Dislikes: Helping texts can’t be excluded. The father figure as well as the assistant were annoying and seemed a little bit dull. The scenes with that assistant were pretty plain. Slightly unrealistic. Not according to the ghostly story, but due to some details: such as a watering can fire extinguisher or a button in a plant?
My rating is based on playing the entire SE. It meets all of my requirements. Such as decent length, highest quality, (mostly) logical story and progress.
- Story: You’re a detective, investigating a homicide. A very interesting beginning makes one curious about what had happened. All of your suspicions could have done it. The investigation turns to be quite dangerous for yourself.
- Difficulty can be customized in all issues: Tutorial, sparkles, map issues, glitter, contextual pointer, plus item indicator, helping texts, penalty and hint / skip recharge.
- Graphics/locations: excellent, highest quality.
- Animation: extremely well animated.
- Music: fitting, sometimes thriller like but subdued.
- Voice-overs: very good, synchronized, fitting.
- Tools: you have an interactive map and an evidence board.
- HO’s: They were really good. Several types mostly description, silhouettes, images and riddles. Some were interactive. You can switch to bubble.
- Mini games: Nothing new, but really well-crafted. Difficulty mostly medium, rarely easy.
- Adventure part: Even w/o helping texts doable, it was mostly logical. Not always, some whereabouts were a little bit too imaginative, e.g. the triangle key hidden in a gold club or a magnet in a mouth. All in all was it almost realistic. You have about 7+/- locations to investigate, needed items aren’t too obvious and spread about many locations. Therefore it was challenging. From my point of view one single task (projector) could w/o hint not been solved, because it was not distinct pictured. The locations unfolded step by step, each was available during the entire game. However, in the main it was clear which locations were relevant.
- Length: I needed nearly 4 1/2 hours for completing.
- Story: You’re an expert in paranormal psychology and hypnosis. A count asked you to help his fiancée, who acted strange lately, but then he got shot by her. What has happened?
- Difficulty can be customized in all issues. Tutorial, sparkles, map issues, glitter, contextual pointer, plus item indicator, helping texts, penalty and hint / skip recharge.
- Graphics: the sceneries were really detailed and expressive.
- Animation: really good done.
- Music: Decent
- Voice-overs: Good done and synchronized. For my liking, Irina’s voice was annoying.
- Tools: you have an interactive map and a watch, helping people get hypnotized.
- HO’s: Mostly description, silhouettes, riddles. Slightly interactive. Some can be switched to a match 3. The HO’s were quite fine.
- Mini games: Nicely done. I liked the first one the map with the car. All were well-crafted, but quite easy.
Dislikes: Story: I didn’t like the idea, that people can be manipulated so strongly by hypnosis.
Adventure part: not always logical, somethings were a little bit far-fetched. Especially w/o helping texts. I often wondered about, where to find needed items. They were at very astonishing places. Usually, you do have about 5 locations to investigate. Trial and error is helpful, thus I tried everything, that seems even halfway logical and it worked. From my point of view, a little bit more realism would have improved the game.
Length: I needed something about 3 hours for completing. Too short.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE and meeting most of my requirements. This game is state of the art and contains nearly all staff, I’m expecting (s.b.). Good handicraft. One can play w/o helping texts, this mode was quite challenging. Only issue: length, it was a little bit too short..
- Story: Mystery story. You survived a shipwreck, there was something mysterious about. A pirate attack and a monster attack at the same time? Stranded on an island, you’re discovering what’s behind.
- Difficulty can be customized in all issues: Tutorial, sparkles, map issues, glitter, contextual pointer, plus item indicator, helping texts, penalty and hint / skip recharge.
- Graphics/locations: Colorful and lucid. Detailed and vibrant.
- Animation: really good
- Music: more or less background noises only.
- Voice-overs: well-done
- Tools: only an interactive map.
- HO’s: Mostly description. Some silhouettes. Nicely done. You can switch to match 3.
- Mini games: not that difficult.
- Adventure part: The tasks were mostly logical, especially retrospective. Some were w/o helping texts quite tricky. All in all, it was challenging. You don’t have many items, so “trial and error” is means of choice.
Dislikes: - Length: I needed only 3 1/2 hours for completing.
My rating is based on playing the entire game and meeting all of my requirements. At the beginning, it is not so easy to find the right approach, it is a little bit tricky. It was half of the fun, making out how it works. Retrospectively considered, all was quite logical. But one has a lot to think about. It is an adventure and is reminiscent of the 90ties games – in a good way. For me, it was the best game I’ve played in the last year.
- Graphics: Awesome, comic style. Quite a piece of art.
- Animation: well done
- Music: fitting
- Tools: an interactive map and a more than helpful PDA.
- Mini games: Some of them were really heavy. Some of them, were kind of the early video games. Lovely retro. All in all, they were extremely good.
- Length: I needed about 6 hours for completing, which was great.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE and meeting most of my requirements.
- Story: You’re a detective. A dwarf has asked you for help. A golem is attacking and destroying his town. Why is he doing that? Can you support? Can you stop the attack?
- Difficulty can be customized. Tutorial, tasks, sparkles, contextual pointer, plus item indicator, helping texts and hint / skip recharge.
- Graphics/locations: Are fairy-tale like. Well-crafted. Very detailed and appropriate.
- Animation: pretty good, even facial features. - - Music: decent, not disturbing, accentuated. Fitting Background noises.
- Voice-overs: good synchronized, matching characters.
- Tools: you have an interactive map – and a helpful and cute mini golem as well as a miner dwarf (pretty practical). The little golem supports you in several tasks, you just have to equip it adequate. It was awesome. I liked that little guy pretty much and would like to have one. Please, can I get one?
- HO’s: Several different types, really well-crafted, some were mixed …description, silhouettes. It seems, there were all kind of HO’s included.
- Mini games: were awesome, some interactive puzzle. All in all, not that difficult.
- Adventure part: tasks were quite logical. The needed items were spread about several locations, thus it was not too obvious. Step by step you can unfold the locations until all of them are accessible. Neither was the map necessary nor the hints. Even I played w/o helping texts, todo’s were always clear.
Dislikes: - Length: I needed 3 hours and something for completing. That’s too short.
It is a kind of HO, but instead of looking for hidden objects, you have to identify mistakes. Using your different tools, you can eliminate them. Therefor you need an eager eye and a quick hand (or eraser or brush or…)
Likes: Great paintings, fine old masterpieces. If you like art, that’s quite interesting. Though some mistakes were quite obvious, some were really good “hidden”, so well-integrated, that they seemed to be original parts of the painting. And there was a lot of humor as well.
Dislikes: There is just one type of game only. Nothing else, no mini game, no puzzle, no variation. Very repetitive. The music was nice, but also extremely repetitive and after a while annoying. Good luck, one can mute it.
I thought about, is it worth 3 or 4 stars? Because of the simplicity, rather 3 stars. But due to the really nice, humorous and well-crafted details I gave one star extra.