I tried to play this game but this "cat" made it impossible for me. This is no cat, not at all. Have you ever seen a cat talking like this? It's a character, whose graphics are really not done well... it's like a comic-version of a cat... very disappointing.
I used to love games from this developer, till they repeated and repeated the handling of games, how the hint looks, how the texts are given all in this triangle-shap-design etc. - and now i cannot play games from this developer anymore. I get so annoyed that they seem to care not at all about their customers when they keep repeating and repeating the look of their games. I see it - and immediately all my fun to play is gone. I feel so neglected by this the same handling over and over again - i just cannot play their games anymore.
I love games from this developer and this game is very entertaining, has a good storyline and very beautiful graphics, etc. - but if i have to play another game from them with this "give me a tear/a token/a what so ever ... and i tell you a story"-function, i will stop with playing. It was a nice feature in the Living Legends, but not it spreads to other games of this developer, and this is a sign that they rely too much on what worked well in the past and are not innovative anymore. So please... no more of this and i love your work just as i used to.
This game could have been great. If it had a better gameplay. Some of the episodes take quite some time to play and you get bored by just clicking in order to get this last stone to vanish. The hidden-object scenes in between - all the tiles are almost not detectable, so you wait until the very slow hintbutton reloads... and the fishes - they don't swim around, they flow in a manner that you can feel they didn't put much effort in it to get it life like looking. The continous waiting or playing only to get the last tile of the scene is really getting on my nerves. It could have been a great game, if they did it better. Sorry that i cannot write this in a more gentle way.
The League of Light games used to be perfectly done and one had great expectations with this one. But it only consists of a serie of Hidden-Object-Sceneries. It is not even a game, just a collection of HO-scenes... deeply disappointing.
If a developer wants to learn, how a brillant game is done, they should play this one. It's perfect in every way. It has an interesting story, nice and shocking surprises, it has gorgeous graphics, it has nice minigames, the music is perfect, the voiceovers are perfect - it is very entertaining and just a perfect game.
I so regret that i paid money for this... it's a a series of adjoining HO-scenes, the storyline does not serve to interest us in a story, but to bind together various HO-scenes... this is a really boring game to me. It's so sad that they know how to make this wonderful graphics and then use the scenery so badly. It's really terrible, unfortunately. I love the games of this developer, so i bought this right away, but it was a mistake. Do take the trial before you buy.
such a wonderful game, if the developer would finally change the handling of the games... the hint, the info-texts all the same as of game one of this developer and still not really working nicely... it's a pitty to have such wonderful graphics and then such a bad handling of a game... it takes hours to get at least one step further... no game for me :-(
I like this game a lot. I like that the story is based on a former game (which i played and thus have an idea of what it is about), i like the minigames, which are not the usual stuff, i like - and this really is rarely the case - the music a lot! I like the graphics, which also are unusual and i find the game very entertaining. To me it has all that one wants!
I love the developer and i love the serie! I've replayed them all. But this game is not as well designed as the others and one can feel it almost in every scene. Additional the game is very short. Makes me sad, because it could have been outstanding like the others of the serie.