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Virtually crime-free, the Topley Police Department's statistics for solving crimes are... embarrassing. Turn the department around!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
6 of 6 found this review helpful
Game is great despite disappointting "demo"
PostedMarch 5, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Review based on completed game in “Normal” mode.
Let’s get something out of the way right from the start: this is a Solitaire game, not a Crime Solving game: the crime solving is the game’s context, just like other games use other settings; you don’t need to know how to play golf to play Fairway Solitaire.
The game has so many features that I strongly advise you to take 5-10 minutes to read BFG’s “blog walkthrough” BEFORE even downloading the demo/game, especially sections 5 to 7; it is a fantastic explanation of the game’s features/screens, better than the inline help of the game... it is NOT a solution to the “levels”.
CRIME SOLITAIRE is of the 1-up/down type with the usual obstacle of having certain cards “blocked” until you find the required “key” (which, by the way, is never visible). There is NO time limit in any portion of the game.
The crime solving content is possibly best summarized as:
- The objective is for you to solve 52 cases
- You follow multiple leads (“game boards”) for each case; the lead/location is simply used as the wallpaper for that scene... there’s nothing bloody or gory about them
- Each case has 2 to 6 suspects
- Each suspect will be assigned 1 clue (e.g. “the suspect likes to take photographs”)
- You need to obtain evidence to eliminate each suspect (e.g. “the suspect does not own a camera”)
- You need to earn enough money to buy an arrest warrant ($400 to $5000) and only have 1 suspect left to solve the case
Unfortunately, the trial doesn’t equip you with all the “tools” because you’ll earn them as you progress in rank and that won’t be completed within 60 minutes of play; that’s a shame because you don’t get the full “impression”. The walkthrough document describes them if you're curious.
For those worried about this being possibly a short game, each “lead” counts as 1 day in your career. The lead might provide more leads (boards), clues, evidence; if you don’t clear all cards of the board, you can skip to the next lead or replay the same board (but the cards will be different) to clear all cards. It took me a total of 491 leads to solve the 52 crimes; each level would generally take me 2 to 5 attempts to clear, so I’ve played MORE than 1000 boards to finish the game, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Lastly, I played the whole game using Windows 10 without any problem.
I recommend this game!
6of 6voted this as helpful.
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Jazz Age is in full swing in this decadent adventure. Bring this legendary American novel to life!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
A perfect HOG despite its age
PostedMarch 4, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Review based on completed game.
Set almost 100 years ago (1922) and being a "condensed" version of a famous book, I wasn't sure I would enjoy this game.
I found it to be simply amazing for a number of reasons, but mostly:
1) the scenes are drawn with incredible detail and are delicately animated (almost not noticeable), and the objects are recognizable and cleverly hidden (but NOT obstructed, so no guessing);
2) it has features I haven't encountered in other games like "playable transitions" (you have things to do/find while part of the story is being narrated), "driving" hidden object scenes (some objects are in the car while others are in the scenery you're driving through).
Other features are more standard fare, like earning points you can spend to decorate your library plus bonus tasks in each scene like finding a recurring object (a book for shelves in your library) and resolving a "secret word" (all the letters are scattered within the scene.) All searches are based on lists, with very few interactive "puzzles" (e.g. prepare and pour martinis.)
There is NO timer but you do get bonus points for finding objects quickly between one another.
Lastly, despite some scenes re-occurring, there are changes in the lighting, object placement, and the "condition" of the scene (e.g. during a party and then after the party). Very clever.
Try it out for 15 minutes or so and you'll get a representative flavor of the game. I will play it again (objects to find are randomized) since I had no issue using Windows 10 and simply loved it!
I recommend this game!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Help the creatures of Christmasville discover the truth about missing Santa Claus in this eye-popping Hidden Object Christmas adventure!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
A series of HO and mini-games
PostedMarch 2, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Review based on completed game.
CHRISTMASVILLE comes without any difficulty settings, but I don't think it matters: all levels give you 5 minutes or more to complete each task. Should you fail, you simply re-start that level; you can also replay any stage, but there is nothing to "collect" or a "best score" to beat: pretty much a stress-free game!
The game is about finding Santa who has disappeared, so you will encounter some light-hearted characters (Elf, Reindeer, Abominable Snowman, etc.) to help you in your travels as you explore various locations. There are many conversations (each can be skipped) that help shaping the storyline. Unfortunately, there are a few typos late in the game (e.g. "televion" instead of "television"), but I didn't encounter any during the Hidden Object (HO) levels.
There are 20 "stages", and each stage consists of 3 (or more) levels; the HO scenes are either of "list" or "silhouettes/outlines" types of about 12 items to find; I thought they had just the right level of challenge: the scenes are well depicted with clear graphics, but I admit the "silhouettes/outlines" could have been sharper... having 5 minutes to resolve each is more than enough: you'll generally use only half of that. There are also a number of mini-games to add variety to the gameplay, each of which can be skipped.
I had fun playing this game: no demons, spirits or evil entities: even the "abominable" snowman is kind hearted and likeable.
Try it for yourself: playing 1 or 2 stages will give you a representative sample of the game. Not spectacular, but fun for all ages.
Finally, I played this game using Windows 10 without any issue.
I recommend this game!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
2 of 3 found this review helpful
Get into the Christmas spirit
PostedFebruary 24, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
Review based on completed game in "challenge" mode.
CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND 2 comes in 2 modes: "Casual" has faster recharge for the "skip" and "hints" buttons than "Challenge" mode and also has "sparkles". Unfortunately, "Challenge" omits to inform you that you should "collect" candy canes and the little Santas. NEITHER mode is timed.
There are about 30 HO levels (each a list of 12 objects) and almost as many mini-game levels which come in various forms: jigsaw, toy building, spot the differences, match things together, etc. I found them enjoyable and fairly easy, a quick break between most HO levels.
I preferred the first installment of this game: the objects were clearer, the scenes were not as cluttered and the colors were brighter; in this release, some objects might require you to hit that "Hints" button to find them.
It's still a fun game, and I'll possibly revisit it; fun for the whole family with cheerful music. A couple of things I didn't like:
1) Despite having a total score, you don't know if you've found ALL of the Santas and candy canes.
2) You cannot replay any level unless you start a new game.
Fortunately, I was able to play it using Windows 10 without any issue.
I recommend this game!
2of 3voted this as helpful.
Help Santa deliver presents! Can you help Santa find all the toys scattered around Wonderland? Deliver his presents in time!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
2 of 2 found this review helpful
About 90 minutes of Christmas cheer
PostedFebruary 22, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
4 / 5
Review based on entire game.
This is a mostly HO game; there are a few interludes with "find the differences" scenes, and a few jigsaw puzzles sprinkled here and there.
This game will put you in the spirit of the Holidays: it is NOT timed, the "skip button" charges very quickly, and the "Hints" button takes about 15 seconds to recharge.
The story is simple as you follow Santa Claus in a Christmas Wonderland; the objects are generally well defined and named (all the HO scenes are lists) and fairly easy to recognize if you pay attention... always check the screen borders!
It's not spectacular but you can stop and resume any time and the music is pleasant.
I played using Windows 10 without any issue, and will probably play it again during next Holiday season.
I recommend this game!
2of 2voted this as helpful.
Build food orders and satisfy a variety of customers to discover the truth behind a mysterious food-making contraption.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Warning: SUPER addictive!
PostedFebruary 22, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
Review based on completed game.
This "serving customers" type of TM game is just fantastic. I only started recently to get into TM games as I needed a diversion from the HOPA games.
BURGER SHOP has 3 modes of play:
1) "STORY": you start with very little equipment, a small menu and patient customers; it's a good way to learn the mechanics. 80 levels, and they get progressively more difficult as the menu becomes larger, the dishes more complicated (like a triple bacon cheeseburger with lettuce and ranch dressing) and the customer base more diverse.
2) "CHALLENGE": you can play any of the 8 restaurants from STORY mode, but in 60-second bursts; you progress to the next round and play until 1 impatient customer leaves.
3) "RELAX": don't let the name fool you... it just means that customers don't leave until being served; each round includes 20 customers, you can choose any restaurant, and there is no end in sight. A GREAT way to practice strategy.
The game is easy at first... you can get all 5 stars on all levels of the first restaurant; a fair amount of clicking, but right-clicking as a shortcut to serve helps a LOT. I'm 60 and completed the game with an average rating of almost 4 stars out of 5 in STORY mode: not spectacular, but not impossible either, so don't give up; I had to replay most levels in the 8th/final restaurant 2 or 3 times to pass.
As the menu expands due to "upgrades", you'll need to click certain dishes from 1 machine to another (e.g. glass of ice cream to the milkshake machine) before serving it.
What's great is that you can replay any level to improve your "rating"; you can also use the "RELAX" mode to practice (but you'll need to complete 1st restaurant of STORY mode first); that will become helpful in later levels when right-clicking to quick serve is NOT the best way to serve: you'll need to click on the customer you want to serve the dish you've collected so you can maintain every customer's patience level and make sure nobody leaves.
There is so much more to say, but I won't give spoilers: I had hours of fun, so I can't wait to get into BURGER SHOP 2 !!!
I recommend this game!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Cassandra finally has her magical ring back, and must now find and banish a mysterious demon that has come to our world!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
Sequel to the first journey
PostedFebruary 20, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Review based on completed game.
I loved the first game, despite having no cut scenes or voice-overs: the story moved along well and there was a nice mix of various levels with straightforward and fun tasks.
This sequel is fairly similar, but the devs decided to add a little movement in the characters' animation: lips and eyes move on a loop, but there's no voice acting... you still need to read/skip the story in the speech bubbles. That fake movement distracted me more than anything, but I understand the era in which this game was published.
The HO scenes still link well with the storyline, despite generally being in a darker lighting with some items difficult to find; I found the mini-games to be less enjoyable and slightly more tedious (my fave being the brain teaser "light all the jewels with 2 torches" and my least fave the "find all the parrots" in the jungle decor.) Perhaps it's because the Mayan context doesn't do the job for me, or perhaps it's a "darker" topic than the 1st game which was about the theft of a ring. Overall, it's somewhat more gloomy.
You don't know how far you've progressed in the story until almost the very end of the game. I did not skip any puzzle (some were quick, some not so much), and the game took me about 4 and a half hours: good value for the money.
It's too bad a 3rd installment was never released. If you're thinking about buying this game, I suggest you play the first journey ("The Legacy of Nostradamus") before this one: there's some nice continuity in the storyline.
Both games are worthy. I played them using Windows 10 without any problem.
I recommend this game!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
If you like that kind of thing...
PostedFebruary 18, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
Review based on trial period.
WORD CHALLENGE EXTREME! is a 4-in-1 game, each of which is TIMED:
1) "Jumble": you have 7 tiles and must form as many words (up 7 7 letters) as possible; the main objective is to figure out the 7-letter word.
2) "Hunt-A-Word": you have a grid filled with letters and you must highlight the words provided in a list. I really disliked the chalk-like format of the letters, making it harder than necessary to identify the letters.
3) "Hungman": you must click the provided QWERTY keyboard to choose the letters needed to unveil the 7-letter word just like in the traditional game;
4) "Word Whiz": you have a grid of letters and you must link them (you cannot actually link with your mouse... you have to click on each letter and then "submit") to make as many words as possible to reach the number of points required to advance.
I wasn't impressed by the mechanics and I admit I'm not a word buff. There is no difficulty/timer options, and it's game over if you don't meet the goal or if time runs out.
Not my cup of tea, but word "buffs" should give it a try because of the 4 modes it includes.
I recommend this game!
3of 4voted this as helpful.
An amazing and challenging arcade-puzzle-game for all ages.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
1 of 2 found this review helpful
Just doesn't cut it
PostedFebruary 18, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
Review based on the trial period.
WIND BOXES takes many ideas from an addictive but much older computer game: shapes fall out of the sky and you have to position them in such a way that it removes an entire row of cells.
There are 4 shapes that are scrolling at the top (you can change in which direction they scroll and you can rotate all of them at your leisure) and you drop one into your play "bucket".
This game is enhanced by power-ups (there's a shop to buy/sell !) and obstacles to help/hinder the completion of each level; the goal is to remove a target number of lines without having the content of your bucket reach the top.
The graphics are good, the music is fairly typical "arcade"-like. The gameplay is smooth, but the controls require some practice; you'll need a combination of mouse (to rotate the shapes or drop one) and keyboard (spacebar to change scrolling direction, F1/F2/F3 to use your power-ups) and you have the option of using an "aim-helper" which shows where your shape would fall. A shape must fall "cleanly" or it will fly back into the scrolling bar.
Personally, and obviously because of my lack of skill/practice, I found the game to be too complicated to be enjoyable. Try it for yourself: your mileage may vary!
I don't recommend this game.
1of 2voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Defeat Olympian Gods!
PostedFebruary 17, 2019
Customer avatar
fromthe world of imagination
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
Review based on the trial period.
Time Quest is a swap-type match-3 game with a few twists: instead of trying to beat a timer, you're trying to be faster than the Olympian God you're competing against on that level. In order to complete a level, you must turn all of your tiles to gold. It's NOT a battle-type match-3: your opponent has a similar board (i.e. NOT shared) and you can monitor his/her progress as tiles on his/her board turn gold. The sample screenshots provided illustrate that very well.
Sure, there are a few grammar problems and typos (like Mount "Olumpys"), but the game has some interesting features, like:
- you can replay an earlier level in order to accumulate some power-ups;
- you have power-ups that you can use against your competitor
- your competitor can have power-ups to use against you.
The boards vary in shape and complexity, and the tiles are large and colourful. The animation of the characters gets repetitive, and there are no side missions or castles/villages to build/restore: from what I've gathered, it's basically level after level, which increase in difficulty as you progress.
It's a change from other Match-3 games, so I recommend it.
I recommend this game!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
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