I don't write these reviews very often, but this game was so well done I felt I had to. Rarely has there been a hidden object game that was this well thought out. The thing that stands out the most is that the feeling of urgency throughout the game. The cut scenes are exciting and keep you on the edge of your seat, and the animation, voiceovers and story line are all top notch. I dislike overly complicated stories that require a lot of explanation, so this one was a welcome change. It's the Butterfly Effect in action. Make a mistake in the past and it affects the future. It's a great premise, only this isn't Marty McFly and Doc Brown. It's serious business when you've angered a wizard!
Having the protagonist on the run -- actually on the run -- makes for an exciting adventure you don't want to miss.
If I have one complaint, it's that the instructions for a couple of the mini-games were a little confusing, but nothing too major. You'll be able to work them out on your own.
I'm going to keep this review short. I've played every Mystery Case Files game and it's hands down my favorite series. It has interesting stories and mini-games that are just challenging enough. The Revenant was not one of their best, but it's still a fun game to play. My main motivation for this review was that the bonus chapter had one of the more unexpected endings I've ever seen. Really creepy!
Overall, while the technical features are all up to MCF standards, the story was a little lacking for my taste. That's the main reason I only gave it four stars. However, I still enjoyed playing the game and do recommend it.
I just finished this game and it was fantastic. I've played a lot of HOGs, and they tend to be pretty predictable. Someone goes missing, you have to investigate, you drive a car somewhere, etc. This one is different. While you have to find someone as usual, you get sucked into a sinister game with creepy characters. The Deck of Fates game occurs in rounds, and each is a little more interesting than the last. I really liked the way this game progressed. The mini-games and HOPs were better than average with a good level of challenge. Great story with an interesting twist, vivid graphics with beautiful detail, and excellent voiceovers. I highly recommend this one.
Plus, I'm so glad to be able to play as a male! Why does practically every game have a female protagonist? It would be great to be able to pick whether to play as a male or female. So far I think I've only encountered one game where this was an option. Come on, developers!
I've played a couple hundred of these HOGs, and I can say without a doubt this is in my top 5. It's that good. It can get a little tedious playing the same old supernatural, rescue-your-sister/boyfriend/husband, etc., so this totally original storyline was a welcome change. This sci-fi adventure featuring a rogue computer was totally creepy! Excellent story, great characters and voiceovers, and the mini-games were challenging.
I really can't find a single fault with this game. You will absolutely love it!
If I have one complaint, it's that we always seem to have to play as a woman. Give us a choice, developers! Most guys don't want to be a princess when they play these games. One game I played recently allowed you to select male or female, and every game should have this option going forward.
Just finished Grim Tales: Crimson Hollow CE, and I really enjoyed it. Strong story, great visuals, and challenging games at times (but not overly so). If you're a fan of this series, you will like this one.
A couple of weak spots, which are more technical things: 1) Every so often the game would seem to freeze for a split second then come back. It wasn't enough to ruin the game, but enough to be noticeable. Also, when you didn't have the inventory locked, it seemed to lag when you would run the cursor over it to bring it up. That was a little more annoying, but again not a dealbreaker. Those are really the only things keeping me from giving it five stars.
I did enjoy the bonus chapter quite a bit and it ended on a fun beat. I was also pleasantly surprised to see the "secret room" after the bonus chapter. I can't remember if previous games had that, but it was a good way to wind down.
Overall, a solid game with a good level of creepiness.
I don't typically write reviews that often, and never before I've finished playing a game, but this time I had to. All I can say about this game is "Wow!" Out of the couple hundred of these that I've played, this is the first time I can remember being sucked into the action right from the start. The cut scenes are brilliant, and this time you're not simply watching. You have to start solving problems immediately. That just really gets the adrenaline flowing. Not only are the visuals great, but so are the voice actors. While the story is slightly predictable, it's not enough to take away the fun factor. The games are also well thought out, not overly tough but enough to be challenging at times.
I used my free game coupon to get this game, but I really wish I'd gotten the CE now. I will be sad to see this one end. Can't wait to see what the developers come up with next after this series ends.
I don't often write these reviews, but I felt it necessary for this one. This game was outstanding! Usually there's some weak links when you play these games - bad acting, weak story, etc. -- but Grim Legends 3 has none of these. The graphics were gorgeous, the game play was challenging but not overly so, and the music and voice acting was top notch. You won't go wrong playing this game, and that's coming from someone who is very picky.
If I have one nit to pick with these hidden object games, it's that you almost always have to play as a woman. What about us guys? They should have an option at the beginning of the game to play as a male or a female. I think that should be a standard thing for all HOGs. It didn't bother me as much in this game since Sylvia was a great character, but how about it, game developers? We guys want equal time. :-)
I've just finished Maze 360 and was blown away. This game takes hidden object games to a whole new level. The story is engrossing and terrifying, the villain is creepy, and the characters were great. For once, a game with great voices, especially that of the villain. Don't buy this game if you're easily scared. It's a major head game.
Most hidden object games follow a similar pattern, but not this one. The developers really put a lot of thought into this game and the result is something truly original. I haven't enjoyed a game this much since Dire Grove and the Ravenhearst games.
I don't write reviews for every game, but this one warrants it. This was a fun story with very clever HOPs. I like how the developers mixed them up a bit. It gets tiring when they are all the same, but this one kept it interesting. Also, the mini-games are challenging enough to be fun but not so difficult as to be frustrating. The scenes are beautifully rendered, and that Imp is quite a character. He's fun to have along (click on him when he's sitting still for some additional cleverness).
All in all, you can't go wrong with this one. Very enjoyable!
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Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms Collector's Edition
Your sister, the Queen, has fallen deathly ill. Now you must travel to a faraway kingdom to find the cure.
Overall rating
4/ 5
2 of 2 found this review helpful
Good fun with a clever story
PostedJanuary 6, 2015
fromLos Angeles, CA
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I tend to like my games on the darker side (or the wackier side like Witch's Pranks), but this was a nice middle ground. If you lean toward fairy tales, this game is for you. A fun story with a clever way to travel between worlds and a sidekick who is a little more intrinsic to the story.
The graphics, cut scenes, and audio are all top notch, and I found no bugs at all. One thing that usually bugs me about these games is that they tend to end rather abruptly with no closure. Not so here. The story is wrapped up nicely so you feel a sense of accomplishment rather than "Is that it?"
The only reason I didn't give it five stars is because it felt a little long to me. Perhaps I was just aching to move on to another game by this point.
Strongly recommended and it's also okay for kids since it's not overly scary.