This game appears to be quite buggy. For me it happened right at the climax of the story. I missed an item but couldn't get out of the screen I was on to go get it, so I played the game for nothing. Judging by the forums, others are having bugs as well.
The story itself was interesting. I wish it had been scarier. Good graphics, interesting puzzles and decent characterizations. However, all of this is for naught if you can't finish the game.
Can't recommend this one since I couldn't finish the main game.
This is another really good game by Elephant. In some ways I liked this better than Dire Grove, Sacred Grove. I guess I liked this story better. Vivid graphics, great sound, fun mini-games. I'm liking the Rube Goldberg puzzles more and more.
Cons: I wish all games would follow Dire Grove's example and allow you to choose your gender. I know this is an Aunt Gray story, but it's more fun when you can jump into the character's skin and solve the mystery. I'm more Sherlock Holmes than Miss Marple. The ending was abrupt, as most of these games are. I wish they would spend a little more time wrapping them up in a satisfying way. The bonus chapter was the same. However, my disappointment was mitigated by the extra game at the end. That was a lot of fun!
The story was well done and the voiceovers were pretty good this time, with the exception of Thomas. Some were downright scary, which is a good thing.
Overall, an almost great story. Elephant consistently does very good to great games, so you can't go wrong with this one. Recommended.
For my money, the Mystery Case Files series is the best one I've played. Vivid graphics and cut scenes, interesting stories, and even good voice acting, which is rare for these games. The HOGs were fun but not overly challenging. But the mini-games! These Rube Goldberg puzzles are so clever, and I must admit I was baffled at times by them. Perhaps a bit too complicated in some places, but lots of fun to try to figure out.
The only thing I found a little disappointing was the story arc. I like my MCFs a little creepier, and the first Dire Grove definitely provided that. I wasn't knocked out by the whole sacred grove thing. The story was a bit convoluted and was a little too New Age-y for my taste. Don't get me wrong, though. It definitely holds your interest and is still a great game to play. I liked the teaser, also. Looking forward to the next one, and if you've played the series before you'll know where it's going next.
Bottom line: You just can't go wrong when you play a MCF game. Highly recommended!
Final Cut: The True Escapade has a fun premise -- murder at a movie studio. It's a great setting for all kinds of possibilities. This game has great graphics, excellent sound and fairly challenging mini-games. One strong feature is in the way it presents HOGs. Rather than immediately going to a list of things to find, you have to find things to help you find other things. It is quite cleverly done and makes the HOGs more fun. They can sometimes be tedious but not so here.
Where the game fell a little short for me is in the story. I found it to be overly complicated and had a hard time keeping the characters straight. After a while I sort of ignored it and just kept pushing onward. This doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the game, just that the story became secondary. One other small nit to pick: Some of the instructions for the mini games were a little vague. You have to figure a couple of them out on your own, but nothing too difficult.
Overall, I give this game a solid recommendation if you like the Final Cut series.
Free the frog princes from the clutches of an evil witch! Return them to their princess brides, and find out if the kiss of love can break the witch’s curse!
I've played a lot of these hidden object games, and they tend to get a little predictable over time. It seems like all of the storylines are similar. Not so for Witch's Pranks! I have to say that this ranks in my top 5 Big Fish games. The gameplay is smooth and without bugs, and the graphics are vivid and have a Disney-ish quality that is totally unique from all of the other games. The story is fun, the humor makes you laugh, and the puzzles are not too hard to be frustrating. The sound effects are great, and it was a wise move to make the frogs sound a bit like the minions from the Pixar movies. They were very amusing and fun to have along on the quests.
I wholeheartedly recommend this game!
I recommend this game!
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Found: A Hidden Object Adventure
After a crash landing, you find yourself stranded on a secret island. As you explore you will meet pirates, discover ruins and so much more in this thrilling Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure!
Overall rating
2/ 5
1 of 2 found this review helpful
Why does everyone like this game?
PostedAugust 9, 2014
fromLos Angeles, CA
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Perhaps I'm just not understanding the difficult interface, but I found this game to be boring. Maybe it's just my ADD, but I don't like things flying all over the screen. I also didn't understand why I couldn't access the well. I kept getting all these different level-ups, yet I couldn't go anywhere beyond the plane or the pirate ship.
Don't get me wrong, I love Elephant Games. But this one just didn't do it for me. I'm just not sure what people enjoy about this game. I'm glad it was free, though.
I enjoyed this game quite a bit--good graphics, challenging puzzles--but it suffered from the same problem that so many of these games have--the endings. I don't know if it's because the developers are focusing less on story than they are on the coding, but these games almost always end abruptly with an unsatisfying ending. This one, in particular, ended in a way that left me going, "Huh? What just happened?". Story really needs to be a priority when developing these games. An example of excellent storytelling is the Mystery Case Files games. Always a good story to go along with the puzzles and HOS's. I wish more games were like those so we wouldn't be left feeling unsatisfied at the end even if we liked the gameplay.
I don't often write reviews of these games, but I've played well over 100 of them and know a gem when I see one. This is one of the best ones I've ever played. The Mystery Case Files series has always been my favorite series, and this game is in my top 5. It's right up there with the Ravenhearst series and Dire Grove. Not only are the graphics and cut scenes spectacular, the HOS's are beautiful and the mini games are actually quite challenging. I also love the way the map is laid out. I'm not even finished with the bonus game yet, and I feel confident enough in this game to say you will NOT be disappointed. Superb!
Brink of Consciousness was an excellent game. Solid puzzles that didn't take too long, beautiful scenery, and excellent voiceovers. As someone with voiceover experience myself, I am often disappointed at the poor voice acting in many games. This one had higher quality actors that voiced their parts well. It always adds to the fun when people take their roles seriously. The only real drawback was that some of the dialogue scenes were too long. Characters rambled on and on without really adding to the story. Other than that, you will enjoy this one a lot. I know I did.
I loved this game and will leave the details to other reviewers. But I have one nitpick that seems to be the case with just about every game I've played on Big Fish (and that's a lot of them): If you're going to create such a visual masterpiece and put so much time and development into the story, then GIVE IT A PROPER ENDING PLEASE. Too many of these games just end apruptly after you do the final task. There's no closure at all. For example, in House of 1000 Doors, when you do the final task, the game just ends. No dialogue or anything. It's just silly. Come on, developers! Get with it.
In every other respect, however, this game is stellar. You won't be disappointed.