I immediately purchased this game after playing the demo & have been playing it daily since then. It's not a game you can rush through. You have to stop & look at your map & figure out a plan. At first I was frustrated at not being able to finish the harder levels in time & then I would just watch the stars fall & if I got to 2 stars (out of 3), I would immediately "Restart" the level. I loved the buildings & the logic needed to solve some of the maps. The only thing I did not like was the cave puzzle. I could not get 3 stars on it in either mode.
I will most likely get the first edition of this game as well & any more that are like it. I have tried a few other TM/Strategy games, but they seem to go so slowly & don't give you enough of a tutorial to know what to do. I like that this game gave you your objectives right off & then you just get right to figuring it out.
When I first played this game I did not understand how the different boards worked. There is a fortune mode where you play three games & receive your Daily Fortune (when is usually bad if not just weird- they should have used humor) & there is the Contest (can't remember what it's called) mode, where you play entire boards. That one was tricky, as in order to proceed, you need to click on the tassel at the top right of the screen. The games seemed hard to figure out at first, it's not the usual 'clear all the tiles Mah Jong', instead your goal is to find & match the 2 black tiles. A lot of the layouts seem too easy to me & yet others are impossible- literally- without restarting the game repeatedly. The flashy graphics can give me a headache, but I still enjoy the game. I play it daily.