A jeweler is tasked with the restoration of some timeworn jewelry, but when he mysteriously disappears, rumors circulate that the pieces may be cursed.
This game is an interesting combination of match 3 and tangram, where you make matches to get the gems to complete a tangram puzzle.
Yes, it's timed, but as long as you can make matches of 4 or more, you continue to get 'spare' gems that you can drop into the box that grants extra time. I never even came close to running out of time in the dozen levels I played. The trick is to keep an eye on your time, and your spare gems, and stay on top of things.
Somehow sadly this game just didn't "catch" for me. The symbols are a little tough to distinguish, and a few times the screen would start flickering for some reason. The story is a little thin, but that's not why I play these games. I think the thing for me is that there is no reason to try for gold - no bonuses for me to purchase, nothing. Just beat the level (at gold, or silver, or whatever) and move on. Not enough to keep me pulled in, I'm afraid.
But - if you want something where you can play a few levels a day, focus intently and win and then move on with your day - I would actually recommend this game. But as always - test it first!
I've played only the trial, and only the length of the game keeps me from purchasing. The puzzle style is very innovative; the grid looks like a typical match-3 grid, but the player holds a puzzle piece (something like tetris-shapes) with icons on it, and must place the piece onto the grid in a way that makes sets of 4 in a column, row, or box shape. The music is subtle and compelling and quite enjoyable. There are two play modes - timed, and puzzle (where you have so many moves to clear the tiles). I love the play of this game.
The downside: there are 35 timed levels and 35 puzzle levels. I played 17 levels (about 25% of the game) in 40 minutes. I guess you could reply to beat your previous high score, but that's not really my style. For me, this is a far-too-short game, so I won't be buying it.
But if you like re-playing games to beat your prior score, and are looking for a game that doesn't just copy the others already out there, then this game is for you!
I am enjoying this game. I'm finding that the number of levels that can be played before the storyteller "is tired & needs a break" is just right. I can usually play for 30-45 minutes, then am prompted to either buy coffee to keep the play going, or take a break. Since I don't want to spend all day here without break anyway, it's just fine ... I go do the dishes or laundry or whatever, and come back and I can play more levels.
I love too that there's a time bonus - but no time pressure, you can play a level as long as you need. And you only need the 'coffee' to start a level - you'll never be kicked out partway through because of that.
Then for those who do want to play hours on end, they can buy coffee ... using in-game coins, or $4 cash for unlimited (still cheaper than buying a regular-price game, even for fishies).
Take a journey through medieval times. Help Joan of Arc to build a new kingdom and change the fate of the people in this epic story of honor and courage.
This game has so many good points, it's a shame that I cannot recommend it. The music is calming and lovely, the icons are attractive, the various challenges (ice blocks, chains etc) are good. You can switch between match 3, pop, and chainlink styles. You can switch between timed and relaxed. It "ticked all the boxes" or so I thought. I bought it and played for a few more hours.
Sadly, after the first few levels, there is no incentive to keep moving forward. The first 4 buildings (maybe 15 levels or so) give true rewards ... a better bonus, each time you save enough gold to buy a building. Great! But the next 8 buildings do nothing but give you more gold. Each building you buy means that another type of icon gives you 2 gold per match. So you can earn more gold so that you can buy the next building so you can earn more gold so that you can buy the next building ... rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.
If there is no 'reward' for buying the buildings, there's no point ... after the first 15 levels or so, it's just a game of "can you beat the next 85 levels". Yawn.
I am so disappointed. Not even finishing the game (so rare for me) let alone replaying - ever. Waste of money - I do not recommend this one. Which, as I say, is such a shame, because so many of the attributes were wonderful.
I quit after half an hour. Which is so rare for me as I simply love this type of game, and almost bought it without even testing. So glad I didn't! Too many flaws....
- I ended a hand with a chain of 19, but the "best chain" tracker still only showed my best chain as 8 - on scene 5 of 6, I achieved the 5000-gold goal - got the popup that struck off the goal - but at the end of scene 6, I was told that I had failed as I had not achieved the 5000 gold requirement. And no, I didn't spend any ;) - several "addition" errors on scoring ... say I earn 700 on scene 1, then earn 900 on scene 2 ... the end of scene 2 it will say "scene score 900 - level score 1020" or something foolish like that - ignoring most (but not all) of what I'd earned previously.
I simply cannot play a game that has flaws like this - no matter how good the graphics, story, design, music, power-ups, or anything else may be. :(
I too was surprised at how much I enjoyed this game. I am not much a fan of Angry Birds, and the lower ratings had me doubtful. However, after 40 minutes of trial, I purchased the game. Some of my reasons: - music is simple but enjoyable - levels are essentially pass/fail (so no stress to try to get that slightly-better score by playing again, and again) - it is possible to 'retreat' from a scenario & play other ones, then come back with fresh ideas - achievements add a different layer of challenge - special category types add variety (diamond play, grenades, more not yet unlocked)
All in all: a surprising hit!
I recommend this game!
15of15voted this as helpful.
Venice Deluxe
Venice is sinking! Launch treasures and score tumble bonuses to restore the city to glory!
Overall rating
4/ 5
13 of 14 found this review helpful
Simple, but far from easy
PostedAugust 11, 2012
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
The play-concept is simple - shoot items into matching-shaped silhouettes above.
However, "easy" does not apply: - the silhouettes above are moving (left-right, rotating, etc) - obstacles are in the way & ricochet/bank shots are needed - if you miss, you have to "catch" the falling piece or lose a life
No real storyline, but having one wouldn't much enhance the game anyway, in my opinion. This is really a game of angles & shot-timing (and planning shots to maximize bonuses). There is a point-bonus after each level based on your time taken - but no countdown timer etc. - so no stress.
A relaxing, visual-skill challenging, all-round pleasant game.
Of course all of this style of game are fast-paced ... but this one even more than most.
Some levels seem to be essentially "how fast can you click" rather than planning/using your resources (workers) to best efficiency.
However, many are a great combination of speed & planning, which is perfect. The music is good, the graphics are fantastic (cute, detailed, amusing at times). Levels have unexpected changes mid-stream (sudden earthquake creating need for new bridges, etc) adding to the "think on the move" features.
I love this game! I can only play a few levels at once then I need a break ... but that's all to the good, as the game will last much longer this way :)
I recommend this game!
1of1voted this as helpful.
Escape the Emerald Star
You awake to find your cruise ship abandoned and in disarray. Can you track down all the fragments of a map and escape the ship?
Overall rating
3/ 5
4 of 5 found this review helpful
Challenging HOG (perhaps too much so?)
PostedAugust 6, 2012
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
2/ 5
I've only played half the demo, but won't be finishing (or purchasing).
Good: - very challenging items (i.e. "not war" = peace sign) - very well-hidden items - nicely rendered scenes - inoffensive music
Bad: - using a hint on one scene means giving up the "no hint bonus" for the entire level (2,3,4+ scenes)
Worst: - collecting every anchor (2 per scene) is required to open the bonus levels / freeplay .... but if the player collects all items in a scene but forgets/misses an anchor, the scene closes, and there doesn't appear to be a way to get back in again!
I'm saying "yes I recommend this game" as I feel that it would be very good for very detail-oriented, find-everything, won't-forget-the-anchors sort of organized players. However, for me it's just to easy to make one error that will seemingly lock me out of the bonus areas ... so it's not for me.
I love this game. The gameplay is the standard "golf" style (play card one higher or lower than the current card). The graphics are pleasing to the eye, the music is both interesting & soothing to the ear.
I like that from level to level the player accumulates coin to be spent on upgrades ... similar to Fairway but with a medieval story instead. In Casual mode, a charming relaxing game. Still challenging though, as there are targets to meet each level - the perfect mix!
Plus there are timed modes for those who want more of a stress-achieve-success type of game ... for me, the casual setting is exactly what I wanted. And the free-play games are perfect for when I have just a few minutes.
All in all - my most satisfactory solitaire purchase yet!