There aren't too many side-scrollers around any more. I have a bunch from Win 3.1 and 95 that can't be played on a 32-bit machine, so I'm really happy to have found this one.
Even if you only play a few levels at a time, there are a bunch of them, they have lots of action, and the music is nicely bouncy. Give it a shot.
Warning, level 8-1 can be really tricky. There are one or two other places like it, but no biggie.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
I have 3 others in this series. They have ghosts to fight, towers to build, lots of different things to keep you busy. This one has lounge chairs to build, dresses to make, fairy crystals to collect, and gardens to build. There's no action, and by the 3rd level you've done everything you will ever do on any other level. I think the devs are the ones who took the vacation.
I've played better games. On the short side compared to other HOs. Graphics are so-so. Mini-game challenge was moderate. Most of the objects that you receive after a hidden object round were NOT among the hidden objects. Personally, I found that annoying. Probably just because it's not the norm. The story wasn't really interesting. Certainly not suspenseful or charming, or anything else that would have grabbed me.
I picked it up for half price. I'm certainly glad I didn't pay full price for it, as I would have surely felt gypped.
If you are a real jigsaw player, forget the rest, this is the one you want.
Even while you are working on a puzzle, you can Choose the general shape of the pieces (regular, petals, identical, 4-sided, etc) Change the size of the pieces Choose the degree of oddness of the pieces Choose the percent of "fun" pieces (animals, etc) As many trays as you want Ghost the pic on the desktop Add more free puzzles from the author's website Add more paid puzzles from website Make your own puzzles from you own pics And way more features including Mystery Mode, Allow Cheating (find the neighbor), locking into place on the ghost, just too many to list.
If you are a true jigsaw player, you will love it. It brings back those days my dad and I used to spend with the card table up in the living room.
When a famous shapeshifting alchemist is charged with looking into the murder of the king's most trusted agent and friend, the last thing she expects to discover is an intricate network of shadowy criminals, intent on bringing chaos to the land.
Normally, this sort of game would be at the top of my list: lovely graphics, fairy tail, relaxing.
But several things just soured me on it: The collectables don't show up on every scene, so it's hard to figure if you got them or not. Maybe I'm lazy, but I just don't like that. The mushroom on the hints keeps bouncing and glittering. So does the book on the other side. They are distracting and annoying. But the thing that really did it for me was the potion cube. Everything seems to center on making potions and doing tests, and it's a sequence that I just don't enjoy. It's not challenging to follow a set of directions like that. I always skip that sort of puzzle ... but in this game, it's not a puzzle. Can't be skipped. That did it for me. Fourth time I had to do a potion, I quit. Not even going to finish the sample.
I've gotten all of these since the first.I still enjoy Elf the pup.
Perhaps they are running out of ideas, but this one was much too short for my taste. Lots of cut scenes, which I don't care for. Games were simple and some just tedious.
For me, this is a no sale: too many conversations puzzle pieces are hard to see/find progression through the game not particularly logical didn't hold my interest artwork just average
I enjoy slider puzzles very much when I encounter them in the hidden object adventures, so I wanted this to be a good game. But it's not.
1. The opening credits and stuff take a long time. Sorry, Joe, I don't care about your credits; I want to play a game. 2. There are 6 different options on the art gallery walls, each of which, presumably, takes you to a slightly different type of game. However, two with bright colors, even though the shapes in the pic are different, take you to the same type of game. 3. The pictures in the puzzles range from average puzzle pics to horrible. Some so bad that they are nearly impossible as you get to the more difficult levels. 4. You can't mix up the puzzles. Can't move the pics in puzzle A into puzzle B, for instance. 5. And the thing I absolutely dislike the most: there's no way to bring in new pics. No way to refresh the game with something you haven't done lots of times.
I have free game coupons that are about to expire, and I still wouldn't waste on on this.
This is a good game. It's very much like the Northern Tales series, and I like this formula for playing a time management game. (I love watching the little guys run around on the screen.) If I had played this one first, I might have thought it was great. However, it suffers by comparison as I played NT first.
My biggest gripe about this one is that all the stars for each level are based on how fast you complete the level. NT had bonus levels if you get all the stars. I'm about half way through this one, and if it has bonus levels or something else based on the stars you got, I'm going to be very irked since I've not been able to get all the stars since about level 6. And I hate timed games in general.
This game has a static background. The only parts that change are the ones your characters can interact with. NT had cute little background critters to click on that would move or hide.
The graphics are good. It's easy to get the hang of. The music is even decent. I like it. I bought it. I'll play it again. Yes, I recommend it. But it could have been better, and I *really* dislike being held to time standards.
I recommend this game!
3of5voted this as helpful.
Awakening Kingdoms
You are chosen by Queen Sophia to restore her kingdom back to its former glory through fun mini-games and beautiful hidden object scenes.
I have all the rest of the Awakening Kingdom games, and enjoyed every one. This, however is a piece of junk.
I don't know about having to pay money for things in the game, because I didn't get that far. I couldn't stand it.
All the instructions, pop-up windows, coins to collect, and other things that interfered with just playing a game drove me out of it in less than 10 minutes. I don't want to read; I want to play a game. I don't want to be given instructions for the least little thing; I want to play a game. I don't want pop-ups telling me how many points I have; I want to play a game.
Apparently there are plenty of folks who like that sort of thing, but I am certainly not one of them.