This was the game I spent my very first Club Credit on. This is the first time I've replayed it since then, December 2009. I think I loved it now more than I did then! It has a plot. It has great live acting. It has a great soundtrack and sound effects. It has no map and no hint outside of the HO scenes. You really need to think, and remember. The puzzles are good, not too hard, not too easy. I wish there were more of them. There are a lot of HOs, I wish there were less but they are all in context and found in appropriate places, you don't have to wander all the way to the other end of the game looking for a random one. I'm glad I got the SE version instead of the CE. I think the morphs would have distracted from the story and the immersive atmosphere, and not having a strategy guide at your fingertips really makes you work. Excellent game, I really loved it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
This is one of the stupidest games I've ever played. No strategy is needed, nothing ever really happens. There's no 'game'. You need money for something you hit the 'work' button until you're out of mana, then you hit the 'rest' button'. If you still need more money you hit the 'work' button some more. It tells you that you need a class, you hit that button, oops, you're out of money, hit the 'work' button again, then hit the 'rest' button. Now hit the 'learn spell' button, then the 'work' button, then the 'rest' button. There's no way to lose, no way to do bad, no way to do good, you just press the buttons it tells you and that's all there is to this 'game'. A friend and I played this together and we kept wondering where the 'game' was, cause we sure weren't playing one, not my definition of a game, anyway. I've played some bad games here, but this one is by far the worst.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Very nice Adventure Light game with no HO scenes and a good amount of medium difficulty puzzles. There are collectibles, some you only have one chance at. There are also achievements. The menu gives lots of options, you can customize hints, skips, sparkles, etc., along with many statistics. I loved the background music, the graphics, everything about it. This is not a real long game, one achievement is finishing in less than 3 hours. I really liked the story, it is set in the 1200s in a religious setting with Templars. Some do not like the ending, considering it blasphemous, I did not see it that way and enjoyed every minute I spent playing this game.
I didn't think this game was nearly as good as the other two in the series. There were a lot of HOs and not many puzzles, and the few they did have were way too easy. There was a map to show you where something needed to be done, but you couldn't jump. The HO scenes were repeated. I was just totally bored the whole time I was playing it and couldn't wait for it to be over.
This is a Puzzle game. There are only 5 buildings and only several rooms in each building, so not much wandering. It's basically puzzle after puzzle with a little inventory finding and use inbetween. This is exactly the kind of game I love. The puzzles aren't hard, but not insultingly easy, either. The instructions are hidden so you can make it harder by not looking at them. There are several hint buttons on the puzzles if you just want a little nudge instead of skipping them. I never needed more than one hint. The story is a continuation of the first game, The Riddle Box. I love the story, I love the characters, I love everything about this game. If you don't care for puzzles I don't think you will like this game, but if you're a puzzle lover like me I highly recommend it. It has a decent length, I would estimate between 3 and 5 hours.
This is a great game. It doesn't have hidden object scenes, but plays like it does. I played the Premium edition from another site. It contains Diary pages to find, Dream catcher pieces to collect, and also Beholders, which are creep, crawly eyeballs. A pop out screen on the side tells you how many are in each scene. You don't have to collect anything except the Dream Catcher. There are also Achievements in the version I played. There are lots of options on the menu screen. The hint is different, you drag the item to the hint button and then do a rotation puzzle with it. You don't really need many hints, sometimes I got some just for fun! (There was also an achievement for using the hint x times) The game takes place in a dream world, so lots of neat scenery. This game is set in Chapters, so if you don't have time for the whole game at once it is easy to stop and start, and it also means there isn't a lot of backtracking. There are only a half dozen scenes in each section. This is a wonderful game, I don't understand why we didn't get the CE version of it. I still have a screensaver from it on my PC! Even without HO scenes and a lot of backtracking it still took me hours to play and I wanted it to last longer. Enjoy it!
I thought the story was good, but it had waaaay too many HO scenes for me. In the beginning of the game they were in every scene, by the end of the game they were just as frequent but as far away as they could get, and no transporter map. Thankfully the map they did have showed areas where there was action if you played on easy. There would be no reason to think to look for the repeated HOs in those locations otherwise. The puzzles were infrequent and too easy. If I had realized how many HOs this game had I never would have bought it. I only recommend it for HO lovers. I didn't have any fun at all playing it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
I didn't expect to like this game based on the reviews I read but I ended up really enjoying it and I'm glad I bought it.
HO scenes... I read there were a lot of HO scenes, which I don't care for, but there weren't really that many of them. Half of the ones there were are the newer Silhouette Interactive ones which I really like.
Puzzles... weren't real hard, most anyone should find them easily solvable. All the HO scenes and puzzles are replayable from the menu in the SE version, so that's a nice plus.
Map... There was no map, but it wasn't needed because there wasn't a lot of backtracking.
Story... it held together well and came to a good conclusion, including a recap by the villian. The SE version is just fine. I never forgot what the story was, I was always involved in it.
Time... I'd guess 3 to 4 hours, but I'm slow. Keep in mind that there aren't a lot of HO scenes and not much backtracking to artificially pad the time. I'd much rather play a shorter game where I'm always doing something I enjoy rather than a longer one where I'm just trudging back and forth from one end to the other looking for endless HO scenes to pop up.
If you only buy one game a month, I'd say maybe buy a different game. If you fill a punchcard every month, I highly recommend this one. I went into it prepared not to like it, I only bought it mainly because of the bonus punch offer, but I really enjoyed playing it from start to finish.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
With a little tweaking this could have been a 5 Star game. I really liked all the game mechanics but I never got involved in the storyline, and that killed it for me.
It has choice of difficulty and the hint button points in the direction you need to go. No map is needed. HO scenes. Not many. I don't care for them, and I never felt overwhelmed by them. Regular scenes had 12 objects, some with multiples. 3 or 4 objects in each scene were interactive. Some scenes were repeated. It also has a good amount of the new type HO scenes with the silhouettes where you use one thing to find another to find another. I enjoy those and there were at least 4 of them, I think. Puzzles were pretty easy, with the instructions appearing for you right away. I wish they would have been a little harder although I did skip the last part of one and had my husband do another. This game is pretty short because it wasn't padded out with a lot of backtracking and HO scenes. That's alright with me, but I felt it was lacking in story. I never cared if the father found his daughter and it didn't seem like he cared much, either. If the game would have been a little longer, the puzzles a little harder, and the storyline more intense I would have given it 4 or 5 stars. The SE version ends satisfactorily, I am glad I didn't get the CE version. I will recommend this game only if you already have a lot of games, if you only get one game a month you will be disappointed with this game.
I liked this one the best of this 3 game series. It was more adventure than HOs, although there were a fair amount. It had some unusual HO/interaction scenes which I really enjoyed. It's a very pretty, fairy tale game with nice creatures in it. The puzzles aren't very challenging, although I did skip one towards the end. Outside of HOs the hint only tells you there's nothing to do, it doesn't point you in the direction you need to be going. It seemed to be of a moderate length, not too long, not too short. The plot held together fairly well, and had a satisfactory ending.