I'm a veteran player and Mystery Case Files used to be my favourite but Lost Lands has now taken it's place. I have purchased all of the games and recently replayed them all and each is fantastic and this latest addition is no exception. It is so apparent that the makers put so much effort into giving us players something to get our teeth into, gameplay well worth the money, so to speak. Pity other maker's don't follow their lead. Thank you. I can't wait for the next game. I am praying that the maker's of the new Mystery Case Files about to be released have listen to us punters and done a better job this time as the last few releases have been disappointing to say the least..
I really enjoyed this game, although I did feel it might be an old one as it was a bit 'jerky'. It was much better than many I have played over reason months. Only problem was that it froze during the bonus game as I mistaken clicked on the map and went back into an old scene in the main game and no matter what I did it wouldn't let me go back into the bonus game. So if you do play it, don't do what I did and so I never got to finish the bonus game.
I really enjoyed this game, and it is certainly better that some hidden object games that have been released over the last few years, but the game play wasn't as challenging as it could have been. I cannot help but compare all games to Return To Ravenhurst, which to me is the best Hidden Object game ever to have been made as not only was the story line great but the game play was so challenging and nothing since has come close. Please, please can developers play this game and see why it was so popular with us players and devise their Hidden Object games on those lines with modern twists. I would still recommend this game though, as as I stated earlier it is better than most that have been released over the last few years.
After years of being a Hidden Game addict I was on the verge of cancelling my subscription due to the mundane, uninspiring Hidden Object/Adventure games that we have been presented with over the last few years which neither tested my skills or excited me, when along came this game which although a traditional hidden object game also has enough new play puzzles and quirks about it for me to find playing it thoroughly enjoyable and hoping that other game makers will take note that we more challenging puzzles to keep us old stalwarts interested. The graphics are great. Highly recommend this game and hope more of the same and even better come along.
The old case mystery games were so good, Return to Ravenhurst being my absolute favourite and really taxed me as a player and such fun to play, but these latest games over the past five years or so have failed miserably to either tax me or somewhat understand the story or it's connections to Ravenhurst. I know we need to progress but when so many of us players love the old style games then can't the maker's give us games modeled on those styles. Graphically this game looked great but it was neither taxing or exciting and very short. I can't say I enjoyed it that much.
The graphics are great, but game play, so disappointing. Not the challengue I was hoping for, just simple hidden object puzzles that we have seen many times before. The release of a MCF games were something looked forward to with great excitement but seems those days are passed. I am a bit miffed that I used 2 credits to buy this instead of waiting until Bigfish did one of their weekly offers.
I recommend this game!
6of10voted this as helpful.
Jane Sinclaire faces her greatest challenge in the mysterious city of Adera. Solve puzzles, collect artifacts and unlock its secrets!
Overall rating
5/ 5
0 of 1 found this review helpful
Loved it
PostedSeptember 20, 2019
fromLincolnshire, England
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Just loved this game. It was like playing a game like it should be. Plenty of puzzles that needed to be thought about to crack them. Please make more like this. And a sequal to finish off the game as to me although it's a long game so great value for money, but it ended abruptly.
Just loved this game. Thought it was a child's game when I trialled it, but kids game it's not. I found it quite challenging. Please can we have more like this.
At last, back to the old style Mystery case files we all know and love. Only finished investigating first suspect so only at the beginning of game but already this game is far exceeding last few that have come out and been so disappointing. I am an ardent fan of Mystery case files but the last game was so unplayable to me I hardly got halfway through before I gave up and I am an experienced player of many years of hidden object games, an addict in fact. Thank you, for going back to the essence of Mystery Case Files, please may it continue.