Getting bored with the same old routines that so many of the 'adventure' (which are really just HOP games) offer? Then grab this complicated game. In the vain of Mystic, you navigate your way through a maze of rooms, doorways, tunnels, crypts and cellars talking to people and trying to figure out where to go next - or how to break the code on puzzles. There are NO HOPs - yay. This game could do with some serious editing - really laboursome dialogue and wordy books - again this is very Mystic in style and requires you to remember quite a bit. But they give you a camera phone - so use it! And the only other complaint is that the entire game is dark- I have trouble seeing it well on my small screen even with full bright levels turned on. I have had to refer to the walkthrough several times, which is annoying, but also representative of the level of challenge at Master level.
This had elements of good gameplay, but lost it a bit with all the HOPs - many of them, although there was variety in their execution. What annoyed me was various stupid use of connecting the dots - looking in wind chimes for a faucet - really? Just became silly part way and I stopped caring. Sorry, not high on my rating but visually strong.
The graphics are gorgeous once again in this Nevertales. The gameplay is fun, although it makes more sense if you begin with the first in the series, Nevertales The Beauty Within. The challenges are fairly routine, but the gameplay is made more fun simply by the glorious interaction. if you like this game, head back in time and play THE PAINTED TOWER triptych. Same production value and same narrator.
My first introduction to this game was plagued with issues - glitchy sound, off-syncing of voices, blackened screen at times etc. Which is a great shame cause this is a really good game and its popularity is possibly destroyed because the game developers did not do enough testing before they released it - a good warning to would-be developers out there, get it right first time or watch your game take a painful death!
But now, lots of fun, wonderful atmosphere, characters. I could have played much more than offered and have completed it twice now. For once the Bonus Chapter was as good - if not better - than the original game play. So buy the CE for this.
I would like to see this company produce more like this - use the same graphic style, animated characters, and much less emphasis on HOP - they only appeared in relationship to (spooky) photographs that took you - the doctor - back in time. And then each object you found had to fit someone in the image for the next item to be discovered. Great fun to play. Only one complaint now is the weak ending - but hey, it ain't Game of Thrones, so I suppose you gotta expect pathetically happy endings.
Half way through and am really enjoying the great storyline, setting and level of intrigue. This is set in a corn field where everything is rusting, rotting and unpleasant. Not particularly scary, but fun. Good characters, and visuals are engrossing. I like games set in outback towns where anything could, and usually does happen - nice change from the number of fantasies coming out. ONLY negative - stupid dollars to collect, could gamers start putting these additional game play as an optional extra? They get in the way of the real fun and take away from the immersion experience.
This begins in an enchanted forest, and leads to a mine, controlled by an evil .... ogre, orc, troll? Not sure what, but not very friendly. I try not to like games that are about fairy characters, but this is more robust with interesting characters. However, as I was weaving my way in and out of those hidden caves, I found the gameplay too easy to follow - too obvious.
I realise that I play these games equally for the graphics, the storyline and the puzzle challenges. And having played over 230 games with Big Fish, I have to say that these three ingredients are becoming more and more important to maintain interest.
I remember games in the past where I spent over an hour trying to fathom a puzzle. This game is good only on the first two, so yet to decide if I will purchase the full game - however, I am concerned about that little owl - did he make it? And that pet dragon, well who wouldn't want one of those, right?
So, as you can see, think I might be getting closer to celebrating 250 games with Big Fish?
There was much to love about this game - the graphics (elephant, which we are big fans of eh?), the storyline, the characters, the weird little creatures that come and go, those little dragons, etc. And where you begin this mystery has little baring on where you end up - which is great, nice to keep you pacing forward and into new and different spaces.
I felt the game could have made better use of some of these gorgeous graphically rich places, like the floating world, which we entered and departed all too quickly.
In places this game lost logic - which had you heading waaaaaaay back in the game to find and use an elusive item, which was a tad annoying but so be it - can't have everything delivered in a nice neat parcel. But the challenges on those games, come on!! Increase the use of my brain please.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
If you are just new to the Ravenhearst collection, then you are beginning at the best place to start.
The previous one to this edition - simply titled 'Mystery Case Files: Ravenearst' lacked good graphics in the HOP which made some almost impossible to compete without asking for hints - and there were penalties if you just guessed. But the puzzles on the door locks were awesome! Something others could learn from.
But this and the Return to Ravenhearst were gripping - and really scary in places - the idea of depressed victims living in a cave with doll houses and sad lolly stores - seriously creepy.
This was also my step into the world of MCF Mystery Case Files which led to Dire Grove, one of my all time faves, and to Madame Fate, and the 13th Skull. It was a heady time of scary characters, fabulous graphics, intriguing story lines and a load of tricky puzzles to solve. And the best of settings.
This is a perfect game for those that have tried a few and want something a little more challenging. But for me, I get frustrated by pointless puzzle action - like organising evidence but not given the chance of making an error - essentially the game play will not allow you to make an error - and where is the fun in that? let us put all the evidence together incorrectly, then allow us to logically sort it out. Otherwise we are only robots and I find this soooo boring. And even though this is all fantasy, I like some semblance of logic - why would a machine require game parts to be inserted and why can't I just dig my hand into sand and pull out the puzzle piece instead of going searching for a shovel - and then its handle? I am beginning to find this repetitious game play very tedious and boring. Time to stop playing until a new Madame Fate or Cadenza returns?
Just love Elephant graphics, they produce the richest worlds, crisp with sharp detail. The game was really fun to do, but not challenging enough for an advanced gamer like myself. I was happy with the level of challenge in the HOP, for I am not a huge fan of these, but with the puzzles, I want to really scratch my head over them. And PLEASE to all designers - when you offer us options in a game, don't set the only option is the correct one to play. It just makes us a robot - the worst example of this was the circular game, where the rings turned independently with funnels that were to line up so balls could fall into their correct plant. But since the developers deleted the option of ever getting it wrong, all you had to do was turn the rings and let the balls sort themselves out. Very robotic and tedious to be honest. We play these games for the challenges as much as the visual splendour. But I would still recommend this game, it was fun and filled with interesting characters and for the first time I got sucked into trying to win all those awards!