Nice graphics, well-drawn, no garish colors. You can get a hint or skip puzzles in one second. The guy who helps her build the glider is a hottie. The rest of it is just a mess.
This game hearkens back to the excellence of earlier Elephant games, so why am I giving it only three stars? Because I am so over games where you find needed objects in ludicrous places where they would never be found in real life unless someone had deliberately put them there -- using the hammer that you found in the dustbin to smash a vase to get the heel of the shoe that matches a footprint, etc. etc. etc. Unfortunately, there is an abundance of that kind of thing in this game. Other than that, the story hook is intriguing, and I think you will want to find out more.
I have the two previous Enigmatis games which I enjoyed. This one is a big disappointment. For one thing, I needed a hint on practically every task. For another, there are waaaay too many mini games, and I needed hints in those too. When I got to a scene where I needed to pull down a tree, even with the hint, I couldn't figure out what to do, so I quit.
What's up with the new and improved Dad? Younger, nicer, tenor voice, feeble sense of sarcasm... I much preferred the old one. This game is just one puzzle after another with a few HOS thrown in every now and then. I don't like puzzles and skip them all. I also don't like going from scene to scene and back over and over again, and there's way too much of it in this game. The graphics and colors are good, so I'm giving it two stars instead of just one.
Nice graphics, well-drawn, no garish colors. You can get a hint or skip puzzles in one second. The guy who helps her build the glider is a hottie. The rest of it is just a mess.
Two quotes from other reviewers will say it all for me.
BooksandGameFan: "This is definitely not Mad Heads best. The game is mediocre at best, I personally found everything I was doing in the demo was senseless, boring and at times downright stupid! There were also too many moments that just defied logic."
Granny Gruff: "Aside from the really inadequate story, the characters are wooden and alternately cliche and overly dramatic. The usual "lock everything and hide the keys" is even more absurd than in the last two games of the Cadenza series. The Cryptex is an odd addition to the game with no purpose other than to "unlock" musical instruments - which it does once - or break them - which it does once."
Very colorful, fanciful graphics but without too much of that awful neon cyan and magenta. There is quite a lot of backing and forthing which I dislike. Why can't developers have you finish with one scene or location and then you go to the next? But at least there's no airy-fairy, squeaky-voiced helper to contend with nor walls to scale or wells to fall into... not during the demo anyway. I recommend you try it; you might like it.
To quote another reviewer: "So a 500 year old spot from a well can have a see-through fire hydrant...WHAT?"
You have these special magical glasses that allow you to see the past and even pull object out of the past to use in the present, like the fire hydrant mentioned above. Note to developers: THERE WERE NO SUCH THINGS AS FIRE HYDRANTS 500 YEARS AGO.
Also, when you have a person being set on fire, you don't go around finding boards and screws and building ladders to reach a bird's nest!