I usually enjoy playing solitaire games and wanted to like this one but there are too many things that I disliked about it.
Playing full screen, the cards are almost square shaped and changing this leaves a fairly small playing area with suites on the cards tiny except for the basic pack.
The graphics are very colourful but the magic grains popping all over the screen when a card is removed from the layout started to give me a headache. I think the effects are overdone at the expense of gameplay.
It is not clear what the target is on each level, although possibly this is explained in the tutorial. The help button did not help much. The layouts sometimes include more than one copy of the same card so it is difficult to judge which cards to remove.. Also it seems odd that cards that are partially covered by another card can be removed. I was able to use the wild cards and also go back when I missed something.
The sound effects are minimal and I disliked the so called music.
The mini game at the end of the first level is very simple.
I am sorry that I cannot be positive about the game but please try it for yourself as you may like it better than me.
I don't recommend this game.
3of3voted this as helpful.
The fantastically fun crossword game is now specially designed for your PC or Mac!
Oh dear! I think it should have been made clear that this Hasbro version of Scrabble is intended for North Americans and not for those of us in the rest of the world as it does not use the same dictionary, board colours and rules as the company that has the game rights outside North America.
I tried to like the trial program as I had hoped to use the program to practise Scrabble but unfortunately this proved impossible. The differences in the list of permitted 2-letter words was the main problem as high scores often rely on making 2-letter words in the opposite direction to the main word being played and it did not seem possible to change the list.
I liked being able to shuffle the letters on your tray, the simple way you choose the letter to use for the blank and the inclusion of a list of words and the scores for each turn. I didn't care for the background music but you can, of course, mute it.
I played in normal mode (the middle of three) and took about 6 hours to complete the game according to the end stats. However this included some time when I left it running whilst getting a cup of coffee etc.
The hidden object screens are colourful and the objects reasonably easy to find, especially if you use the shape clues. Most of the mini-games are fairly simple eg matching pairs of items. The puzzles are mostly quite obvious and if you need help the journal gives you some hints and the map indicates where action is possible (and the name of the room when you run the curser over it as I found out towards the end of the game). I played with the sound off so cannot comment on the voice overs etc.
Overall I enjoyed the game but I wish the developers hadn't felt it necessary to include a snake as part of two of the actions.
I recommend this game!
1of2voted this as helpful.
Dream Chronicles 2: The Eternal Maze
Faye returns to more enchanting realms in this mesmerizing, much-anticipated sequel to Dream Chronicles ™.
I bought the other games in this series but was put off this one by the title as I do not like mazes.However, I bought it as a Daily Deal after trialing it and not encountering any mazes. It turns out that there are only two, one about a third of the way through the game and one at the end. Both are fairly small and you can get a map for the second one whilst going through the game.
As others have said, the items you need to find to complete various tasks are often tiny and well hidden. Also, I think that they are not always in the same place so although this adds to the replay value of the game, it can be frustrating and several times I had to resort to randomly clicking all over the screen. Fortunately there is no penalty for this.
When you comnplete the game you are given a score and title but this does not mean much unless you play again.
This game would have been easier if Ihad read the help pages before I started rather than when I had finished it eg information about the map and evidence wall. However, those playing in expert mode may prefer to work it all out for themselves. There is a lot of walking around and some hidden object scenes are played more than once. There are a number of innovative puzzles and I liked "talking" to the characters to get helpful info. The hint button charges in about 30 seconds in normal mode and stays charged if it is just giving you directions to the next action screen,
21of27voted this as helpful.
Slingo Mystery: Who's Gold
Help Maggie Gold track down her ex-husband`s murderer! Explore a huge casino to find the secrets left behind by Freddy!
This hidden object game in a modern setting made a nice change from castles and goblins etc. The graphics are clear and objects are fairly easy to find. I liked the twist that you find Slingo machines as you go through the game and have to win on them to progress (and you can play them in a games room afterwards). I think experienced players might find that there is too much guidance as to what to do.
This was the first hidden object puzzle game that I played and I was very impressed with it at the time. However, looking back I think I would find it easier now, although tricky in places, and my ratings reflect this. Also some of the mini games are familiar ones eg swapping tiles to restore a picture. I liked the graphics and have since enjoyed playing other Vogat games.
I recommend this game!
41of50voted this as helpful.
As Merlin, it's up to you to build bridges across treacherous puzzlescapes and bring the Knights back to Hexalot.
I enjoyed playing through this game in adventure mode (no time limits) and am trying again in arcade mode (time limits). There are 24 puzzle screens to solve and they get increasingly difficult quite quickly. If you are not careful you get blocked and have to restart the screen but I liked the challenge. As an older game, there were no problems playing it on my Samsung N10 netbook.
I was doubtful about this game originally as I hadn't cared for the trials of others in the series. However, I liked this one from the start. The graphics are lovely and the way of getting hints novel but they are limited and I ran out on the screen at the airport near the end so am stuck there. The hidden object screens are very varied and some are repeated. Some are very tricky especially when you have to find groups of objects like flowers or grapes but this adds to the challenge. I like that sometimes you have to find dictionaries to translate items on the list from Italian into English.The story line moves along smoothly. I just wish I could have finished it.
This Blue Tea game maintains their high standard. I was a bit put off by the title but I didn't find it gruesome. The screens are colourful and graphics clear. The plot moved along well but there was some to-ing and fro-ing and repeats of hidden object screens. The puzzles were fairly challenging and the integrated strategy guide proved helpful when I got stuck.The bonus content includes the music tracks and puzzles like those in the game as well as a shortish extra chapter.