This is an amazingly beautiful game! The best graphics and colors I have seen lately. Only sorry I didn't get the collector's edition to have the strategy guide but hints are plentiful, challenge is very good and I have no complaints whatsoever. Would have given everything excellent but I am spoiled by the interactive maps recent games have supplied and wish the regular edition of this had one.
I think I bought this as part of a special or using my "free game" option. The story was okay and it was middle of the road difficult but I didn't enjoy the graphic colors (too muted and brown) and like others I didn't enjoy the over-long voiceovers. Would not spend the money for the collectors edition but if you don't mind alot of going back and forth (I prefer interactive game maps) it's worthwhile.
If you liked all the other EAP games you will like this one too. I went straight to buying after verifying with 10 min of demo that it looks great. The opening "play/option" screen is misleading; thank goodness the real graphics and art were of the same great quality of the other games. The narrator's appearance has matured and the storyline is good. Recommend this C.E. plus all the other Poe games if you haven't tried them; well worth the discount being offered.
I enjoyed the game and recommend it if you are looking for something just to pass some time. There was a little too much going back and forth but for the most part it was easy enough to navigate. I always prefer games with an interactive map that enables you to move around a game but this one was easy enough that it wasn't necessary. I liked it.
Haven't been very far into the game but took advantage of the "spirits" sale...nice story, old fashioned costuming add to the game appeal. Well worth buying the package being offered.
I enjoyed this game; it was not as hard as the first in the series. I like when I have the option to do match 3 sometimes but these were not as hard as the first game's where I often had "no more moves". The graphics are great and the story was okay. I had to use the strategy guide which is helpful to have in the C.E. but probably could have muddled through without if I didn't have it. If you played the first one get the regular edition; if you didn't play the first, get the C.E.
I initially was very disappointed that before I even finished the free 60 minutes the game said I was done with the trial version. So I waited till payday and decided to buy it...well worth the money! Very cute story, graphics and sound awesome, not too hard...just very enjoyable. And, again, love any game that comes with a map these days as I have backtracking and specifically not bought games that don't have a map.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
Like others who have reviewed, I was looking forward to this one too. It looks like a game that was originally designed a few years ago and updated with the videos. Lettering was too small to read at times, the inventory was too small...just disappointed. Might buy it some time in the future but not worth $13.99 to me.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I initially thought I would go as far as I could with the demo and then uninstal but it turned out to be a pretty good game. I really like games that now have the map that you can reference to get between places; no more aimless wandering around looking for areas to use a tool in. I often need to stop the game to do stuff in the house and forget where I was and what I was doing. I use less "hints" when there is a map you can use for navigating. The story was ok, not the best but not poor either.
A new breed of virus has spread throughout the City of Oxford. You must search the city for a missing girl who holds the key to stopping the global epidemic!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I bought this on a whim on the "free game" coupon; didn't play a demo as I usually do...and pleasantly surprised. Graphics are good, storyline interesting...what's reallly strange is I always turn the volume off and I am watching a History Channel show on youtube about UFO's and that program's music actually jived well with the game! LOL For an impulse buy I am really glad I bought it.