fromThis game is a blast from the past! Relive the 1980’s with the return of the Jedi, disco, big hair, Indiana Jones, and of course, those hooded terraforming, aliens who blast in-and-out of the past!
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 3 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 39 pages (This is a very long game – My time 8 ½ hours)
OPINION: Get your backpack ready as you travel the world searching for monoliths containing mysterious powers! You will also zigzag through time – first stop – 1980, the setting for the game. This is a long, fast-paced sci-fi thriller! This is one which I believe will become a classic and displays the creative genius of this developer. Being a sci-fi aficionada, I could not stop playing this game until I finished it! It is well worth the price of a collector’s edition, and, to me, one of the best games this year – a classic! There are only three (3) chapters plus a bonus chapter; however, each chapter is very long. The player will travel to several sites around the world investigating monoliths while trying to thwart the self-centered ambitions of an ailing financier.
The story behind the game is excellent. The story delves into ancient alien theories. The graphics are a combination of futuristic sci-fi technology blended with the beautiful backdrop of exotic locations. It is a puzzle-lover’s dream. There are SIXTY-TWO (62) puzzles within this game. They vary in style and difficulty. There is one puzzle which is repeated throughout the game using a gimmicky book of ancient languages to decipher glyphs. There are sixteen (16) of these within the game
I feel the last part of the game is much better designed than the first part. It is almost as if two different teams worked on this game. This is especially noticeable in the twenty (20) HOP scenes within the game. The ones in the last chapter and the bonus chapter are better designed – some incredibly beautiful. The ones in the first two chapters are principally lists of items set in junk piles. Almost all the scenes have morphing objects. My favorite scenes are in the bonus chapter. There is a beautiful matching scene set in a jungle in which animals perched on a tree must be matched. There is also a creatively designed scene in which the player must locate the one image which is not identical to the rest in fifteen (15) scenes – each with over twenty pictures to pore over. I have never seen this type of HOP scene before.
The collectibles are different than the usual swirls in this developer’s games. Besides morphing objects, there are symbols to collect within the scenes. If all collectibles are collected, the player can play an ultimate HOP scene which is another list of items. There is also an ultimate puzzle which is a variation of one of the puzzles within the game. My only complaint is this – with so many puzzles, why doesn’t this developer offer some of the puzzles to be replayed? There is only the option to replay the HOP scenes.
• Five (5) levels of play including a customized version. • Eleven (11) achievements. • Collect twenty-nine (29) morphing objects within the scenes • Collect eighteen (18) morphing objects within the HOP scenes. • Collect twenty-nine (29) symbols • Ultimate HOP scene which is a list of items. All collectibles must be located to play this scene • Ultimate puzzle is a variety of one from the game • Four (4) wallpapers along with concept art and soundtracks • Gimmicky book with a collection of ancient languages used to decipher texts along the way. • Replay eighteen (18) HOP scenes. No replay of puzzles
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. It is three years later (1983) and a man in black (AKA government alien chaser) arrives at the home of Jane Black. You, as Jane, are off to Peru and Bolivia with him as he believes the government has found another monolith and the sarcophagus of your strange hooded traveling buddy, Neev. Again, you will battle an evildoer, Abbar, an evil alien obsessed with power. Continue to collect the collectibles. This is a long chapter with thirteen (13) puzzles and four (4) creatively designed HOP scenes.
A. Alignment puzzle. Move a disk with holes against a starry sky until all the holes contain a star B. Fight a mighty large spider. Using two buttons at the bottom of a screen, avoid the spider’s attacks by using a shield and then throw darts to defeat the spider. C. Mathematical puzzle. On five shelves, switch numbered books between the shelves so that the sum of each shelf of books is the same as the others. **3 consecutive puzzles to deactivate a mechanism D. Tangram puzzle. A variation in which you receive colored tiles which, after being placed in the grid create tangram pieces. Each tile indicates the direction and number of spaces it fills within the grid. All the tiles must be used to complete the grid. E. Spot the differences. Locate 10 differences between two scenes. F. Dodge-em. Use a lever to speed up a bar at the bottom of the screen from being hit. You must avoid 20 falling tiles. (A variation of this puzzle is the Ultimate Puzzle offered at the end of the game) BONUS CHAPTER G. Match-3 puzzle. Match up 3 or more like-colored tiles to remove them within a grid. Strategize your moves so that all tiles are eliminated within the grid. H. Shooter puzzle. Shoot metal balls from one gear to the other. The gears vary in size and speed as you travel up the wall shooting them from one to another. Rather unique puzzle. I. Tangram puzzle. Place tangram pieces into 4 grids to create images. All tiles must be used and cover the given design.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 3 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 43 pages (My time: 5 Hours)
OPINION: Welcome to Arkansas, Rick Rogers! As a paranormal investigator, be prepared to tour a ghost town as you uncover its history and the legend behind its most notorious resident, Hook Man. I found this a decent game. The story is a haunting tale of a vengeful ghost. It is mildly spooky fare for the fall season. Nevertheless, I feel the past games in this series are better than this one. Although the puzzles and HOP scenes are creatively designed, there are few of either in this game. With so few activities and the monotonous back-and-forth action between scenes, I found this game dragged in some places.
The HOP scenes are the best part of the game. There are not many of them, only twenty (20) in the entire game. There are also two (2) mini-HOP scenes with a small number of items to locate. There is a variety of types of scenes. They include lists of items, silhouette, storybook, and matching scenes. There are some spot-the-difference scenes along with pattern scenes. There are some very novel scenes in this game. My favorite is a clever search-and-replace scene in which items within four (4) birdhouses must be located and then placed in the proper location.
The puzzles are fantastic – there are just not many of them. There are only nineteen (19) puzzles in the game, including the bonus chapter. There are multiple step puzzles (2 puzzles presented at one time). I counted them as one complete puzzle. They vary in style and difficulty. Most of the puzzles are easy or of middle difficulty. I found none of them difficult, and all are ones seen in other games. The final puzzle at the end of the bonus chapter is amazing! It involves knights in five (5) different puzzles as you navigate through a sewer. There is also an awesome three (3) part puzzle involving keys in that chapter as well.
The collectibles are morphing objects, voodoo dolls, and eyes. The eyes can be used to open three (3) additional puzzles at the end of the game. The morphing objects are puzzles pieces for a jigsaw puzzle played at the end of the game to create a screensaver.
• Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • Twenty (20) achievements. • Collect twelve (12) voodoo dolls • Collect twenty-eight (28) morphing objects • Collect twenty-eight (28) eyes to open bonus content (3 new puzzles) • Ten (10) wallpapers along with screensaver, concept art, music and video sequences • Bonus art which includes puzzle pieces for a jigsaw puzzle • Replay fourteen (14) HOP scenes and thirteen (13) puzzles
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. Return to Ashen Valley at the bequest of a father in search of his missing son. A ghost has possessed the boy and now you must locate him and free him from this ghostly hold. Time will be of the essence in this case in more ways than one! I found the bonus chapter comparable to the main game. I found the story somewhat strange. There are five (5) puzzles and six (6) HOP scenes. To me, it was a decent addition to the game.
A. Strategy puzzle. Move two crates to designated areas using a forklift. You must push them to the proper locations and avoid obstacles blocking your path. If you are blocked in obtaining access to the crates, then you must restart. B. Logic puzzle. According to given clues, place babushka dolls in the proper order. As career-driven dolls, those babushkas have been replaced with appropriate career head gear. C. Escape Room puzzle. Use the abilities of 3 characters from the game to move all three to the upper level of a house. Each character has from one to 3 skills which they carry with them. You will use all of them and choose between their skills to get through the house. D. Multiple-step puzzle. (1) Matching puzzle. Match up 12 heads with 12 silhouette heads emanating from a ghost. (2) Sequence puzzle. Repeat the sequence of skeletal hands 2X BONUS CHAPTER: E. Maze puzzle. For three keyholes in the middle of the maze. (1) Choose the correct key which has a path from the keyhole to the key at the top of the maze. (2) Take the key and replicate its design on the bottom right of the screen by having either 1, 2, 3 or 4 notches showing. (3) Place the key into the lock and turn it clockwise and/or counterclockwise the number of times as indicated by given directions F. Navigate a sewer. Solve puzzles involving knights. (1) Choose the correct knight to open two exits and choose the correct one (2) Sequence puzzle. Click four knights in the proper sequence. Then choose between 3 exits (3) Choose a piece on one of the knights and interact with it Choose between two paths (4) Match up knights with their correct shields Choose between 3 paths (5) Place arrows into proper position and choose between 2 paths
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 5 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 55 pages (My time: 7 Hours – a long saga)
OPINION: Be prepared to play a “monstrous” game! This is a very long game and one of the best games I have played this year! Join Alice, on a new adventure as she enters a looking glass – one which releases a venomous monster which she must battle without the aid of fellow travelers, Faraday and Ray. Our brave heroine is up to the challenge in this action-packed adventure.
To me, this is the best game to date from this developer. The story is well-written, based on a Greek mythological monster. I found the graphics more realistic looking than in previous games. The game is creatively designed – one which displays the time and effort which went into its creation. Once I began playing, I found myself totally immersed in this game and could not stop playing until it was finished!
This is my favorite series from this developer and this game is one which should appeal to puzzle lovers and HOP lovers alike. I usually don’t replay a game; however, I am replaying this one this weekend to enjoy the amazing number of puzzles offered! This is one game which is truly worth the price of a collector’s edition.
The collectibles are morphing objects and an assortment of different items. You must locate all the collectibles to open bonus puzzles at the end of the game. I found most easy to locate. I like the fact that codes are not written down on a sheet of paper and placed in the inventory. The player must either memorize the codes or write them down to remember them when they are used.
HOP SCENES: The HOP scenes are the best I have played this year. They are puzzle-like in design. There are seventeen (17) within the game and extremely interactive. Most of the scenes are either lists of items or silhouette. However, once the items are collected, they are used to interact with the scene to locate other items. Some items are well-hidden within the scene. There are puzzles within some the scenes as well. There are some scenes which only require placing items back into their proper position. There are also some which involve searching for a specific number of one item. One of the replacement scenes incorporates four (4) scenes which must be rotated to find the locations for the items. My favorite was one from the bonus chapter which requires rotating rings to create items to be removed.
MINI-GAMES: This game is a puzzle-lover’s delight! There are fifty-one (51) puzzles within this game. They vary in style and difficult. I do wish the developer had provided an option for more of these to be replayed. There are some fantastic puzzles within this game!
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. Join Albert from the main game as he formulates a method to restore the stone statues in the meadow. Travel with him to the swamp to visit his former instructor, Teacher Young, who will help him create a formula to resurrect the statues. I found the graphics of the swamp beautifully illustrated. It is a long chapter and well-worth the designation of a collector’s edition. There are three (3) interactive HOP scenes and ten (10) mini-games. The activities, to me, are as good as those of the main game and I feel the HOP scenes are better than some of those in the main game.
• Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • Twenty-two (22) achievements. • Collect thirty-two (32) morphing objects. Collect all to open 20 levels of a bonus mini-game. • Collect eight (8) bullfinches, seven (7) apples, eight (8) butterflies, and nine (9) phoenixes. • Collect twelve (12) tin cans in the bonus chapter to open a bonus puzzle. • Eleven (11) wallpapers along with concept art, music and video sequences • Replay twelve (12) mini-games.
SPOILERS: There are fifty-one (51) mini-games within this game. Here are a few of my favorites:
A. Paint puzzle. Paint a picture as per a given diagram. Click on four vials of paint to fill in the picture and then remove paint from areas by clicking on them. Go back-and-forth until each area is filled with the correct color. B. Matching puzzle. For each of 3 animals -, a cat, a bird and a fish - locate 3 tokens on a circular grid which are related to each one. Rotate 3 circles to find the 3 correct tokens. C. Connect the dots. Make a key by connecting dots as shown in a diagram. There must not be any breaks in the connection of the dots. This puzzle appears 3 times and increases in difficulty D. Weights and balances puzzle. Distributed weights so both sides of a scale are equal. E. Logic puzzle. Locate the one animal in each row in a grid full of animals which is not related to the others. F. Moving tiles puzzle. Move pieces of “bijous” (which means jewelry pieces in French) so that each is with the proper piece of jewelry. G. Assembly puzzle Move four rows with statue heads left and right so that the heads drop down until they are situated on the correct bodies H. Sequence puzzle. Pull out spears in sequence. Some spears block other spears. Must be removed in sequential order. BONUS CHAPTER I. Matching puzzle. Click on 6 squares to that the petals of the small flowers connected to the squares are the same color. J. Switch puzzle. Switch 5 gnomes so each one is situated with its proper weapon. K. Map puzzle. Ride a bird through rocks and poor visibility avoiding obstacles in your path. L. Maze puzzle. Lead a knob through an ant farm maze to its exit.
PostedSeptember 19, 2019
fromWith all the “fowl” elements in this game, you will need to “duck” in and out of danger as you confront an evildoer. Save the world before it takes a “swan” dive into darkness. Let’s hope you are not allergic to feathers!
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 10 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 37 pages (My time: 6-1/2 Hours – long game)
OPINION: Welcome to Spain, detective! Save a cursed princess trapped within a painting so she can stop a dark force out to devour the entire world. This is another fantastic game in this beloved series. It is an easy breezy game which should appeal to all ages. It is also a very long game, one which is well-worth the collector’s edition designation. The story is well-written. The game is beautifully illustrated with a gem-like opalescence. I love the fact the chapters are identified throughout the game. With ten (10) chapters within this game, it made it easier to consult the strategy guide when needed.
There are two (2) collectibles. Collect pieces to unlock seven (7) parables – five (5) in the main game and two (2) in the bonus chapter. There are also morphing objects to collect. I found most easy to locate. There is only one style of HOP scene. There are twenty-one (21) FROG scenes. Each one creates a jewel encrusted inventory item to be used within the game. There are an equal number of puzzles – twenty (20) in all. Most of the puzzles are easy and vary in style. All the HOP scenes and puzzles can be replayed after the game is completed.
My only complaint are the lag times within the game. This is a very long game. I feel a game of this size needs more puzzles and HOP scenes than what was offered in this one. Most of the game centers on investigating scenes and searching for inventory items to be used in yet another scene. With only one style of HOP scene (FROG scenes) and long lag times between puzzles, I became somewhat bored toward the end of the game. I do believe this game would be better if it were shorter. Some of the game, as well as the story, felt as if it were tacked on as filler to make the game seem longer.
BONUS GAME: It is a sequel named “The Knight’s Name Taboo.” Play Benno, one of the art students from the main game. After the traumatic events from the main game, the princess is recuperating along with your friend, Siegfried. When the princess goes missing, you and Siegfried go in search of her. When Siegfried is trapped within a painting, you alone must save them both. This is a nice addition to the game. There are five (5) FROG scenes and four (4) puzzles. Continue to collect the collectibles throughout this chapter. To me, this is a nice addition to the game.
• Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • Twelve (12) achievements. • Collect twenty-seven (27) pieces to unlock five (5) parables in the main game and two (2) in the bonus chapter • Collect twenty-one (21) morphing objects • Eight (8) wallpapers along with concept art, music and video sequences • Replay twenty (20) HOP scenes and nineteen (19) puzzles
A. Switch puzzle. Switch knights on a grid, placing each one into its proper position by color and symbol. Knights can only switch with ones next to them. B. Logic puzzle. On a grid with red-eyed crows and regular crows, choose lines which separate the red eyed crows from the normal ones. C. Mosaic puzzle. Place pieces into position on a round portrait to reassemble a picture. D. Isn’t that just ducky! Rotating rings puzzle. Rotate 3 rings containing ducklings and black swans so that the nice, sweet ducklings surround the evil dark swans – with all the dark swans in the middle. E. Strategy puzzle. Lead a crab through a checkboard maze collecting brown and blue mollusks until it reaches its destination at the bottom right of the grid. Clicking on the crab produces arrows. Plot your course so you don’t run out of moves. Each mollusk captured grants additional moves. BONUS CHAPTER: F. Connection puzzle. Connect all dots on the top of a box. All dots must be connected, and every path covered without retracing steps. G. Gear puzzle. Switch and connect gears so they mesh with each other.
Main Game: “The Ugly Duckling,” “The Water of Life,” “The Ugly Princess,” “White Swan/Black Swan,” and “The Clan with No Hearts “ Bonus Chapter: “The Swan Knight” and “The Realm of Darkness”
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 5 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 35 pages (My time: 3 hours - a very short game)
OPINION: As a budding journalist, you are off to interview the members of the legendary rock band, Velvet Whisper, reuniting after twenty (20) years. You are upbeat; however, your jubilant attitude will soon dissipate when you arrive in Downbeat, an alternate reality created out of fragments of the past. Despite the confusing story from the demo, I purchased this game and then regretted my decision. I was shocked at the brevity of this game and the lack of creativity, a trademark of this developer’s games. Nevertheless, this game may appeal to those who like sci-fi games or easy breezy games. Overall, it is a short game with standard straight HOP scenes and simplistic puzzles. To me, this game is NOT worth the price of a collector’s edition game and NOT reflective of the quality of past games from this developer.
In the beginning, I found the story confusing. I suffered my own brain “fog” assessing what was happening in the story behind the game. However, after the demo, the story behind the game became clearer. It is a sci-fi adventure propelling the player into an alternate reality where an evildoer lets a “genie out of the ‘music’ box,” so to speak, causing chaos. The graphics well-depict the music theme behind the game with most puzzles and HOP scenes reflecting that theme as well. The background music is reminiscent of rock from the 60’s and 70’s. There are the usual collectibles – morphing objects and this developer’s trademark swirls. There are morphing objects within most of the HOP scenes as well. I found all easy to locate. There is an error in the strategy guide. There is one morphing object which is not indicated in in picture E of the guide.
HOP SCENES: The HOP scenes are disappointing. There are only seventeen (17) within the entire game. Most are straight lists of items and not interactive. They lack any creative design. By the end of the game, I was bored with playing the HOP scenes, all cookie cutter versions of each other. You can replay all of them if you wish. There are also a few mini-HOP scenes along with some silhouette and storybook scenes.
MINI-GAMES: There are only thirteen (13) mini-games in the entire game. Unbelievable! For a collector’s edition I expected more than this paltry number. They are all easy, a little too easy for my taste. I found none which even approached average difficulty. You cannot replay any of the mini-games at the end of the game. This is something I do wish this developer would provide. I would rather replaythe puzzles than those boring HOP scenes.
• Five (5) levels of play including a customized version. • Ten (10) achievements – some with 3 parts. • Collect twenty-seven (27) collectibles • Collect twenty-seven (27) morphing objects within the scenes • Collect seventeen (17) morphing objects within the HOP scenes • Collect twenty-seven (27) treasures at the end of the game • 4 wallpapers along with concept art, music and video sequences • Replay seventeen (17) 17 HOP scenes
BONUS CHAPTER: Rock on grandma! In this sequel, join aging rock goddess Lisa Ames as she helps her granddaughter break into the music business. When her granddaughter is kidnapped during the recording session, it is grandma to the rescue. Lisa is off on her motorcycle to confront a hooded evildoer. To me this chapter is very short with only two (2) mini-games and four (4) HOP scenes. Continue collecting the collectibles. To me, this chapter, as well as the whole game, is not worthy of a collector’s edition designation.
A. Matching puzzle. Using a syringe, melt and remove tumblers so that the inside of the lock is identical to that on a given diagram B. Rotating tiles puzzle. Rotate tiles on grid containing segments of train tracks until all are interconnected. Then lead the train to the designated exit by pressing arrows at the sides to lead it down the proper tracks C. Sequence puzzle. Figure out the proper sequence to remove boards on the doors of an orphanage. D. Switch puzzle. Switch pieces of a mosaic to match that on a given picture E. Picture puzzle. Place pieces of a Tuba into position on a diagram. BONUS CHAPTER: F. Connection puzzle. Connect like-colored nodes within a grid. 2 X. Connecting lines may not cross. G. Assembly puzzle. Boogie on down while defeating the evildoer. Combine two notes or musical symbols to create a given image. 3X
PostedSeptember 12, 2019
fromJohann Strauss, the Waltz King, wrote a beautiful waltz, “Tales from the Vienna Woods.” After playing this game, perhaps he should have named it “Tales from the Vienna Neighborhoods” instead.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 4 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide:45 pages
OPINION: What a fantastic whodunit! Enjoy sleuthing through Vienna as you, detective investigate the case of another phantom of the opera. This phantom is threatening the cast and crew of the Vienna Opera House striking fear throughout Vienna. This game is a creative delight filled with exquisite puzzles with creatively designed HOP scenes baked into the mix. It reminds me of the fantastic HOP games from the past. To me, this is the best game from this developer to date.
The gaming script is well-written based loosely on “The Phantom of the Opera” blended with the addition of the historical figure of Viennese Waltz King, Johann Strauss. The game is fast paced with most of the activities centered around collecting data and then analyzing it. The game has an all-seeing eye, placed on the inventory bar. It opens a mini-HOP scene with items used in making deductions concerning the case. There are eleven (11) of these within the game. The player is also given a notebook in which to collect evidence. “There will be justice!” states the Phantom throughout the game. The player will be judge and jury and have the option to choose that justice at the end of the game.
Collect morphing objects and letters of the alphabet. There is a bar at the left side of the screen which indicates how many collectibles are within the scene. The chapters for this game are designated, which is a nice touch and one I wish more developers would employ. It makes it easier to use the strategy guide if one knows what chapter he or she is in while playing the game. There is an additional word puzzle provided at the end of the game.
HOP SCENES: They are the best part of this game. The scenes are some of the most creative ones I have played in some time. There are twenty-three (23) scenes plus a few mini-HOP scenes. They are highly interactive, and many have puzzles within the scenes. They include a wide variety of formats. Some of the scenes include two different styles of searches. There are scenes with rebus clues, matching scenes, replacement scenes plus the usual list of items, storybook, and silhouette. My favorite is a scene in which cut-outs of various items are placed within a scene over an item within the scene to create a new item to be removed. I have never seen this type of HOP scene before. But then again, this is an example of the creative design which went into the development of this game. Some scenes are repeated; however, the searches are different formats.
MINI-GAMES: There are twenty-five (25) mini-games. They vary in style and difficulty. I found none challenging. Some of the mini-games are repeated within the game. My favorite puzzle is a unique map puzzle which requires the player to formulate the number of spaces to move in order to lead a tram to the Vienna Opera House. It requires some math skills to formulate the steps needed to move through this maze.
Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. Twenty-three (23) achievements. Collect thirty-four (34) morphing objects. Collect twenty-seven (27) letters of the alphabet Eleven (11) wallpapers along with concept art, music and video sequences All-seeing eye. Click on it when you want to make deductions about a scene or person. Briefcase in which to collect evidence throughout the case. Replay twelve (12) HOP scenes and thirteen (13) mini-games
BONUS CHAPTER. It is a sequel. Johann Straus has lost his muse. This masked muse is unknown to him and appears just after sunset. Some of his friends believe the muse is a figment of his imagination and he is going insane. Save him from an asylum by searching for the identity of the muse. There are seven (7) mini-games and seven (7) puzzles. Continue collecting all the collectibles. I found the chapter long, of the same quality as the main game, and worthy of the collector’s edition designation.
A. Maze puzzle. Move a tram to its exit using arrows to indicate direction and then selecting from a set number of spaces the tram is to move. If it reaches a dead end it will continue going backward and forward until the number of spaces have been met. B. Within a HOP scene. Switch puzzle. Switch pieces on the spine of a book to recreate a design. C. Picture puzzle. Rotate circles to restore an image on a portrait. D. Switch puzzle. On a 4 x 4 grid which is a wine case, switch bottles so that each bottle is listed in a row with the proper city listed at the side and the proper symbol listed at the top of each column. E. Map puzzle. Create a route to lead a tram from City Hall to the Opera House by visiting all tram stops along the way. BONUS CHAPTER: F. Moving tiles puzzle. Move a fox token and a bird token simultaneously. Both must pick up 5 related tokens within the grid at the same time. G. Within HOP scene. Switch puzzle. Switch blades of a fan to create an image H. Logic puzzle. Switch pieces on a 3 x 3 grid so the tokens match a given schematic by column and row.
PostedSeptember 5, 2019
fromThe Gray clan (with matriarch Anna and her wayward father, Richard) have nothing in the way of family drama in comparison to this family – a dysfunctional family which is a royal pain!
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 6 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 43 pages (My time: 6 ½ hours – long game)
OPINION: As Prince Liam, venture to the Hallowed Kingdom to combat Queen Celeste at the bequest of your mother, Queen Henrietta. As you journey through this kingdom, uncover family secrets and treachery. To me, this is a mediocre game, not of the same quality as the previous ones in the series. I did not care for the story behind the game. The story is rather bizarre. I found it difficult keeping up with all the family ties and drama, especially in the bonus chapter.
The graphics are all decked out in bright purple and neon green, this developer’s signature colors. Purple cats, dragons and other forest creatures abound. Usually this developer’s games are fast paced; however, I found this game snail-paced in some parts. Although this game is better than many developers’ best games, to me it is not in the same league as past games from this developer. The game seems a watered-down version of previous games from this developer. Nevertheless, this developer provides more game for the money than those from other developers.
There are three (3) collectibles – bestiary pages, morphing jewelry, and amulets. There are three (3) indicator lights on the inventory bar to indicate when a collectible is within the scene. The amulets can be used to purchase items for a garden at the end of the game. I found most easy to locate. Play both Prince Liam and Queen Celeste in a tag team effort to battle the true evildoer.
HOP SCENES: There are seventeen (17) HOP scenes and all can be replayed at the end of the game. They vary in design; however, to me, they are not as creatively designed as those from previous games. There is a variety of different styles of HOP scenes, including the usual lists of items and silhouette. There are storybook scenes, matching scenes, a replacement scene and a spot the difference scene. There is an optional Match-3 game which can be played in lieu of the puzzles.
MINI-GAMES: There are twenty-nine (29) mini-games. Most can be played in either an “easy” or “hard” mode. Most developers do not offer this option, which I wish was available in more games. They are outstanding and creatively designed. To me, they are the best part of the game. However, I played two (2) mini-games which lacked clarity in the directions on how to solve them. I skipped these puzzles not understanding exactly what I was supposed to do to solve the puzzle.
MECHANICS: • Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • Thirty-nine (39) achievements. • Collect fifteen (15) pieces of morphing jewelry • Collect fifteen (15) Bestiary pages • Collect seventy (70) amulets • Ten (10) wallpapers along with concept art, music and video sequences • Replay seventeen (17) HOP scenes and seventeen (17) mini-games • Tag team approach. Play both Prince Liam and Queen Celeste
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. Prince Liam is now the proud father of two (2) daughters. Upon the coronation of the youngest, Bethany, the evil sister of Queen Henrietta, Augustina, provides an icy reception, turning the kingdom into a frozen tundra of eternal slumber. Play Bethany’s older sister as you battle this evildoer and attempt to restore the kingdom. It is a long chapter – almost a third the size of the main game. There are ten (10) mini-games and five (5) HOP scenes. Continue collecting all the collectibles. I feel this chapter is better in some ways than the main chapter.
A. Mathematical puzzle. Using a 3-liter and 5-liter bottle, meaure liquid from an 8-liter bottle between these two bottles to get an exact measurement of 4 liters of liquid. B. Maze puzzle. Using a map, go through a maze choosing the right directions to turn. The map will track your route. C. Sequence puzzle. On a piano, repeat the sequence of keys given. D. E/H Paint by number. In this case paint roses according to a given guide. E. E/H Beat the computer. Fill up a grid with more of your tokens than those of the evildoer. Landing next to the token of your enemy, changes it to your token and vice versa. You can jump over tokens as well. BONUS CHAPTER: F. E/H Matching puzzle. Match up keys with their appropriate locks. Symbols on both must match. G. E/H Sequence puzzle. Remove seaweed to allow a fishhook to move across the grid from right to left. If the hook hits seaweed, the puzzle restarts. H. Mathematical puzzle. On a grid, use arrows to move rows of stars so that each column has the number of stars as indicated at the bottom of the screen. I. Connection puzzle. Rotate tubes so that all spheres connected to the tubes are connected to a central one.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 5 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 42 pages
OPINION: Get two murders for the price of one in an outstanding whodunit! Join retired sleuths, Aaron and Mary Fletcher, as they relive a double homicide case from 1989. The script behind the game is well-written. Play both Aaron and Mary Fletcher as they tag team to solve these crimes. The graphics are colorful and provide a humorous view of small-town life in rural Oklahoma. Use a notebook to collect and analyze evidence throughout the game. This game should appeal to all those who love classic detective stories. With a well-written script along with plenty of activities to provide an excellent pace, this game is a must have for sleuth lovers!
There is only one collectible, clapboards. I found most easy to locate; however, there are some which are well-hidden within the scenes. There are morphing objects within most of the HOP scenes. At the end of the game, return to the scenes and search for souvenirs. Locating the souvenirs will not be an easy task, however. Most are well-hidden within the scenes and require some interaction with other items to retrieve them.
• Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • Twenty (20) achievements. • Collect thirty-eight (38) clapboards • Collect fourteen (14) morphing objects within the HOP scenes • At the end of the game return to the scenes to collect twelve (12) souvenirs • Eight (8) Wallpapers along with concept art, music and video sequences • Notebook in which to collect evidence, analyze it, and make conclusions • Replay fourteen (14) HOP scenes and eighteen (18) puzzles • Enjoy playing an arcade game and a game of mahjong after the game is completed.
TWO EXTRA GAMES: Double your fun with two additional games playable at the end of the game. One of these is a retro-style arcade game. Shoot alien space craft while avoiding meteors in the path. This game can only be played after locating all the souvenirs. There is a mahjong game as well. Neither of these games are featured within the game itself. They are extra entertainment.
HOP SCENES: There are nineteen (19) HOP scenes in the game. In this number are what I consider mini-HOP scenes – those which have a small number of items to be searched for within the scene. Most of the scenes are straight lists of items. As previously stated, there are morphing objects in most of the scenes; however, there are some scenes which do not. There are some scenes with rebus clues and cryptic clues. There are some storybook scenes with highlighted items to be located and a couple of silhouette scenes. Some of the lists feature items with letters missing. The letters of the alphabet are placed back into the word once the item is located.
PUZZLES: There are twenty-three (23) puzzles within the game. They vary in style and difficulty. They are creatively designed. I found the instructions well-written for the puzzles, a feature which has been missing in many past games from this developer. My favorite puzzle is the cornfield maze! Get into the spirit of autumn trekking through that maze. Also adding to fall fever is the basketball hoops puzzle. That puzzle was a slam dunk for me being a basketball fan!
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. You, Aaron, along with Mary, have been invited to a party to celebrate the conclusion of this case. Mary has gone early to help with the preparations for the party. However, upon arrival at Pineville, you discover a note from an anonymous person indicating that your family has been kidnapped. Now play cat-and-mouse with this abductor as he/she leaves cryptic clues as to their location. A surprise ending awaits you in this chapter! Although there are only two (2) HOP scenes and four (4) puzzles, the chapter is long and well-worth the price of the collector’s edition.
A. Picture puzzle. Move triangular pieces onto a triangular grid to create an image. B. Connection puzzle. Slide connectors left and right to connect fuses creating a solid flow of electricity within a panel. C. Domino puzzle. Place dominoes on a grid so the ends of adjoining dominos are identical. D. Cornfield Maze puzzle. Yeehaw! Plot a route through a corn maze by placing 14 arrows into a grid to create a route to lead you to the exit E. Physics puzzle. Let’s play hoops! Set up pegs under 4 basketballs in a trajectory so that each ball ends up into one of 4 hoops at the bottom. Balls cannot share hoops. BONUS CHAPTER: F. Bullseye puzzle. Unique puzzle in which you must pass a signal from one satellite to another while the satellites are facing each other. Pass between a series of them until the signal finally reaches the end at the bottom right of the screen. G. Sequence puzzle. Bar removal puzzle. Remove bars in sequence until all are removed. H. Tangram puzzle. Create 3 animals using tangram pieces
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 5 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide:38 pages – (My time: 3 ½ hours)
OPINION: Tackle more family drama as Anna Gray blasts off into the future to save the Gray family from extinction. I found this an enjoyable family romp through time. It is a short game; however, despite its brevity, I found it a quality game with plenty of activities. It is an action-packed adventure, with a cleverly written story line. Zigzagging through time lends itself to a variety of scenes within this game, giving it a good pace. My only disappointment are the HOP scenes. Most of the scenes are lists of items set in junk piles. They are cookie cutter variations of each other, demonstrating little creativity or ingenuity in design.
This game is an easy-breezy delight which should appeal to most players. Vincent Gray, Anna’s wayward father, returns from the afterlife to provide a little comic relief and give Anna a hand in battling a misguided evildoer. Now a proud grandfather, he helps flesh out the complicated story of the Gray family. There are three collectibles: portraits of the Gray family, morphing objects, and pieces to create three (3) screensavers. I found all easy to locate. There is an equal number of HOP scenes and mini-games. At the end of the game, the player can open archives, which include mini-games and HOP scenes which can be replayed.
HOP SCENES: There are twenty-three (23) HOP scenes, most of which are straight lists of items. Six (6) of these are what I call “mini-HOP” scenes which only contain from six to eight items to locate. I found most of them lacking creative design – most are junkpiles. However, there are a few silhouette and storybook scenes (in which items to locate are highlighted within a story format).
MINI-GAMES: I found the mini-games better designed than the HOP scenes. There are twenty-two (22) within the game. Most are easy, some a little too easy for my taste. Nevertheless, there are some puzzles which are of medium difficulty. There is a Rube-Goldberg mini-game with three (3) picture puzzles within the bonus chapter. The entire game is picture perfect in a sense– many of the puzzles center around photos and portraits from the Gray family album.
• Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • Twenty-two (22) achievements. • Collect fourteen (14) portraits of the Gray family members – all descendants from Richard Gray. • Collect thirty-six (36) morphing objects • Collect twenty-six (26) picture pieces to create three (3) screensavers • Eight (8) wallpapers along with concept art, music and video sequences • Proud Grandpa Richard Gray returns as a helper as in previous games. • Replay thirteen (14) HOP scenes and thirteen (13) mini-games hidden within the archives.
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. Join Alice, Anna’s future daughter, as she follows in her mother’s footsteps. When Anna Gray is kidnapped, it is up to Alice, along with the help of her proud Grandpa, Vincent, to locate her. The chapter is a decent length. To me, it is of the same quality as the main game. Continue collecting the collectibles within the chapter. There are seven (7) mini-games and six (6) HOP scenes, two of which I consider mini-HOP scenes.
A. Switch puzzle. Switch numbers on a clock face by using the two clock hands until all are placed into proper position. B. Rotating tiles puzzle. Rotate hexagonal tiles to restore a family portrait. C. Weight and balances puzzle. Place a series of books on scales stacking them into two piles – one dealing with knowledge and the other dealing with feelings. Place them in consecutive size with the smallest books at the top. D. Assembly puzzle. On a4 x 4 grid of masks – place the masks so that no row nor column has the same color nor emotion on the masks. BONUS CHAPTER: E. Checkers puzzle. Jump over tokens until only one remains. 3X F. Origami puzzle. Fold a map so that a route is exposed to an evildoer’s house. G. Rube Goldberg mini-game: (1) Picture puzzle. Place jigsaw puzzle pieces into position to restore pictures. (2) Paint by number puzzle. Place paint on a canvas to create a picture according to the number assigned to each color. (3) Assembly puzzle. Click on the sides of an image to change the pieces of an image until all combine to create the image.
PostedAugust 22, 2019
fromCongratulations to this developer for a fantastic game and one which contains some “punny” humor. This game also proves that having a detective’s badge can open many doors for its bearer.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 6 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 55 pages - (My Time: 6 Hours)
OPINION: Master Detective! Get ready to play a game of cat and mouse with an egotistical malcontent, the Archivist. As you engage in a battle of wits with this evildoer, it will be difficult to figure out who is the cat and who is the mouse as you meander through a maze of rooms containing memorabilia from past games in the series. For me, this is one of the best games within this series. The story behind the game is well-written, incorporating bits and pieces from previous games. It is an action-packed nostalgic adventure – one which incorporates stories and memorabilia from past games.
There is only one collectible within the game, stamps. I found most easy to locate. At the end of the game, return to ten (10) scenes within the game to locate souvenirs. Many of those souvenirs are well-hidden within the scenes. In the beginning of the game, receive a M.A.C., a device used to investigate and retrieve small items. I dislike gimmicks in games; however, after the demo, the device is no longer used.
PUZZLES: This game is a puzzle-lover’s dream! There are twenty-eight (28) creatively designed mini-games. They vary in style and difficulty - most being of average difficulty. I found none challenging. This total includes eight (8) Rube Goldberg mini-games; each one containing from four (4) to six (6) puzzles. There are also activities which are puzzle-like; however, they are not designated as such. One of these is switching portraits on a wall according to their shadows. Another involves using mirrors to deflect light to a book on a bookcase.
Kudos to the developer on a creatively designed finale complete with thirteen (13) back-to-back puzzles. At the end of the game, puzzle lovers can feast on four (4) Rube-Goldberg mini-games which are played simultaneously. Switch between all four (4) of these mini-games – each associated with one of the characters in the game. Play a puzzle in one of the Rube-Goldberg mini-games, then switch to another one of the three (3) others to play another puzzle.
HOP SCENES: My only complaint about this game are the HOP scenes. Most of the scenes are straight lists of items set in junk piles. They are repetitive in design and somewhat boring. There are nineteen (19) within the game and all can be replayed at the end of the game. There are also a few silhouette scenes and scenes with cryptic clues as to the items to be found within the scene. However, most of the scenes are cookie cutter variations of each other.
• Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • Twelve (12) achievements. • Collect forty (40) stamps • Collect nineteen (19) morphing objects within the HOP scenes • Collect ten (10) souvenirs by returning to the scenes after the game is completed. Some souvenirs are well-hidden. • Eight (8) wallpapers along with concept art, music and video sequences • Receive a M.A.C. – a device which can investigate areas you cannot reach and retrieve small items as well. It lights up when it is needed within a scene • Replay nineteen (19) HOP scenes and twenty-five (25) puzzles
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. The Archivist has one more trick up his sleeve and it is up to you, Master Detective, to deal with a bombshell revelation within your headquarters. Continue to collect the collectibles in this chapter. There are four (4) mini-games, including a Rube-Goldberg mini-game. There are three (3) HOP scenes as well. I found the chapter of the same quality as the main game and well-worth the price of a collector’s edition.
A. Rube Goldberg puzzle: 1. Assembly puzzle. Place angular gear pieces on a grid so all are placed in the proper position. 2. Rotating tiles puzzle. Rotate triangular pieces so that a continuous path is created. 3. Sequence puzzle. Turn on all lights on a grid. Pressing the power button turns on some and turns off others. Use 3 brackets to shield some of the lights so they do not turn off. 4. Stacking puzzle. Stack pieces from smallest to largest using arrows to maneuver the pieces on paths within the grid. 5. Switch puzzle. Switch tiles on a 3 x 3 grid so that the three in each column creates the image at the top of the column. 6. Sliding tiles puzzle. Slide four tokens through a round grid until each one is next to an associated item. B. Switch puzzle. Switch puzzles pieces on a grid to restore an image C. Logic puzzle. Move a dial with gems around its perimeter so that each of 8 skulls has a gem in its mouth. D. Assembly puzzle. Follow directions to create an elixir. E. Whack-a-mole. Sequence puzzle. Find the right sequence of moles so that all 16 are found. If you choose the incorrect mole, you restart the game. BONUS CHAPTER: F. Connection puzzle. Connect tokens to create a path from the top of a grid to the bottom while following a given sequence of 4 tokens as you traverse the path. G. Rube-Goldberg puzzle. 1. Alignment puzzle. Using levers, align 3 balls. 2. Sequence puzzle. Pull out interconnected bars in proper sequence until all are removed. 3. Assembly puzzle. Rotate three rings with symbols on them to create three given complex symbols 4. Logic puzzle. Place red and yellow keys into their proper slots. Keys are connected to other keys. 5. Domino puzzle. Place dominoes with symbols on them so their ends match with the dominoes next to them. All dominoes must be used.