PostedJuly 26, 2018
fromAfter this game, Isaac, along with his ghostly virtuosos plan to enter the world of reality TV starring in their own weekly music show, “My Haunted ‘Opera’ House.”
REVIEW BASED ON THE COMPLETION OF THE MAIN GAME 6 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 55 Pages
OVERVIEW: Plan to spend time underground - beneath the streets of Paris playing a game based upon the “Phantom of the Opera.” In this revised version, as Raul proposes marriage to his love, the young ingénue, Christine, a masked stranger, Isaac, appears and drags her through a mirror into his dark, underground lair. The deranged, obsessed Isaac (the victim of a terrible fire to his opera house) has written an opera, the “Ghostly Opera,” an opera so divine that it can only be sung by the voice of a ghost. He now plans to use a ritual to add Christine to his ghostly production believing he will become the greatest opera director! As you wander through the game, get some help from Isaac’s ghostly victims and his long-suffering relatives as well.
OPINION: Playing a Domini game is like drinking Parisian champagne! It titillates the senses with its beautiful imagery and creative design. They are in a league of their own! Be prepared! This is a very long game! Again, Domini has provided those extra features which set them apart from other developers. This game, as in all their previous games, is a puzzle-lover’s delight. However, it should also appeal to all hopeless romantics or even opera lovers out there. It is a fast-paced game with plenty of activities to keep the player on their toes. With the puzzle options, I recommend this game for everyone. I love this series and this game is a welcome addition. It is another tag-team event. Play both lovestruck Raul and Christine as they take on crazed Isaac.
MECHANICS: There are four levels of play including a customized version. You can choose the level of difficulty, (easy and hard), for the puzzles in the menu. However, you can still change the difficulty level for each puzzle while playing it. There are thirty-six (36) achievements to earn. Collect fifteen (15) opera posters, forty-eight (48) crystals (to purchase items for a dressing room), and fifteen (15) theater props. An indicator on the inventory bar shows if there are any collectibles to be located within the scene. Some of the items are easy to locate and others are more difficult to find. You can also replay eighteen (18) HOP scenes and twenty-four (24) puzzles. There are ten (10) wallpapers along with concept art, music selections and video sequences.
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. Play Christine, who is now the mother of an aspiring prima donna of her own, Margaret Delacroix. A hooded stranger gives your daughter a wrapped box. Upon opening it, she loses her voice – stolen by this stranger. You are off to find the culprit. I have not completed this chapter, waiting until the weekend to do so. It is a long chapter, well-worth the extra price. From what I have played, the quality of the HOP scenes and puzzles are equal to those in the main game.
HOP SCENES: You have the option to play a Match-3 game in lieu of the scenes. The game has a diversity of HOP scenes. After the demo, there are several mini-HOP scenes. Most of these require searching for a specific number of one item. Be prepared! There is one scene which has you handling cobras! I found most creatively designed. The standard scenes include lists of items, silhouette, storybook, and matching. My favorite is a search and replace scene, locating items and then placing items back into their proper location. This scene also includes some mini-puzzles. There are NO repeated HOP scenes.
PUZZLES: I LOVE the puzzles in this game. The main game contains thirty-seven (37) and the bonus chapter has many as well, which are NOT included in this total. I will need to replay some of these as I found some of the puzzles somewhat difficult and time-consuming. There is a wide-variety, and, unlike other developers, there are no repetitions of the puzzles within this game. Here are few of my favorites after the demo:
SPOILERS: LIST OF SOME PUZZLES AFTER THE DEMO: A. Pipe puzzle. Move a ball through segments of pipe from the upper left to the bottom right of the grid. Create a path through the pipes using a gold pipe to connect the pipes. Then push a “start” button to see if you are successful. B. Mahjong puzzle. Match up stacked tiles. After a match, new tiles will be uncovered. C. Connection puzzle. Connect snakes with eyes of differing colors with a gem of the same color without crossing paths. All spaces must be used in connecting the snakes. D. Switch puzzle. Switch wigs, bows, crowns, necklaces, earrings and masks on mannequins according to a given guide. (LOVE this puzzle – so much fun) E. Mathematical puzzle. Open a safe by entering the given code using a dial upon the safe. The dial is only allowed to go either 3 spaces to the right or 4 spaces to the left. F. Physics puzzle. Place angled tokens into place to direct a beam of light from the top to the bottom of a grid. G. Rotating tiles puzzle. Rotate fourteen (14) wheels so that on each wheel the arrow points up. Moving one wheel affects the others. H. Rotating rings puzzle. Rotate a series of triangles on a grid so the sides of each one matches up with the side of the triangle next to it. (Lengthy and somewhat difficult) I. Switch puzzle. Switch slats to restore a picture.
PostedJuly 21, 2018
fromInstead of searching through the dense, snake-infested jungles of Honduras for an artifact, you think these thieves would make a heist on the valuable, vintage cars sitting in that Montana diner and adjoining garage.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 4 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 39 Pages
OVERVIEW: Agent! You are off to Honduras to locate an ancient artifact with immense powers, the Spear Lord. However, an international group of smugglers, the Noble Scoundrels, want this valuable artifact as well to sell on the black market. Upon arrival at the archaeological site, you and you partner, Sam, are ambushed by this group resulting in what appears to be Sam’s death. Upon your return to the United States, you find yourself in hot water with the agency. You are being framed for Sam’s supposed death and are under suspicion as a mole within the agency. Now you must go undercover to clear your name all while trying to keep the Spear Lord out of nefarious hands.
OPIINION: This is a hi-tech fantastic adventure, one which should keep players in suspense. For me, this game is a matter of quality over quantity. There are not as many puzzles nor HOP scenes as in other developers’ games. Nevertheless, this game demonstrates master craftmanship in gaming. The graphics of the Honduran rain forest are breathtakingly beautiful! Hi-tech devices are incorporated into the storyline including three-dimensional imaging and drones. The storyline is excellent with EIPIX incorporating some lovely Mayan legends into this game. This would be a great game for children (with adult help on the puzzles) to learn about Mesoamerican ancient civilizations such as the Maya. It is a fast-paced game with a myriad of activities to keep the player engaged.
MECHANICS: There are the usual four levels of play, including a customized version of the game. There are thirteen (13) achievements (some with three parts). Collect fact cards which provide background and historical information about places or items within the game. Collect thirty-six (36) Mayan hieroglyphs and twelve (12) morphing objects within the HOP scenes. There are twenty-four (24) souvenirs (jigsaw pieces) which are collected at the end of the game. Surprisingly, you do not use the pieces to play a jigsaw puzzle; rather, the pieces, when gathered, produce a completed jigsaw puzzle. I found all collectibles easy to locate. You can replay sixteen (16) puzzles and fourteen (14) HOP scenes. There are eight (8) wallpapers along with usual concept art. There are musical selections and video sequences as well.
BONUS CHAPTER: The bonus chapter is a prequel. Play Sam and find yourself back in the Honduran rain forest. As in the main game, you are ambushed by the same evildoers. You must overcome danger in your attempt to climb to a higher altitude to be air rescued by a fellow agent. I was not impressed with this chapter, and to me, it is NOT worth the extra money. It is very short. There are only three (3) HOP scenes – two are short lists of items and one is a matching scene. The puzzles are better; however, there are only four (4) in this chapter. I played this entire chapter including all four puzzles in approximately one-half hour.
HOP SCENES: There are fifteen (15) HOP scenes within the game. They are thematic in design and there is a nice variety of them. Many are multiple-step in design, consisting of searching for items in two different formats. Most of the scenes are somewhat interactive. Included are two of my favorite types of HOP scenes – cryptic clues and rebus scenes. There are also silhouette, lists of items, storybook (searching for highlighted items within the script of the story), and matching. There are morphing objects in most of the scenes.
PUZZLES: There are twenty-three (23) puzzles within the game. Although there are not as many as in other developers’ games, they are exquisitely designed. I would rather play fewer puzzles which are enjoyable than numerous ones which are poorly constructed and/or boring. The puzzles range from easy to moderately difficult. There is a wide range of puzzle types as well. My only complaint is the lack of sufficient instruction on solving some of the more difficult puzzles.
SPOILERS: THESE ARE SOME OF MY FAVORITE PUZZLES AFTER THE DEMO: A. Connection puzzle. Connect two yellow gems by creating a path through a grid. You must go through four (4) green stones as well. You cannot retrace your steps. B. Maze puzzle. Move a Mayan hieroglyph through a grid to reach its final exit in the middle of the board. The hieroglyph must knock out all god statues in its path. Once knocked out, the gods turn into boulders. Somewhat difficult C. Maze puzzle. Move four colored tokens on a grid to their like colored slots by using eight (8) buttons at the side which have established movements upon them. Strategize the proper sequence of moves to get each one into its proper location. D. Logic problem. On a chessboard-like grid, place ravens so that each row and column contain the number of ravens as indicated at the top and sides of the grid. E. Three-dimensional puzzle. Move cubes into position on a 3-dimensional slanted grid so you can stack them on top of each other as per a given code. F. Physics puzzle. Mirror puzzle. Rotate mirrors so that the angles of the beams of light connect like-colored tokens. G. Beat the computer! Place lines within a grid to create squares. Once you close a square, you add it to your collection. Whoever has accumulated the most squares wins the game. H. BONUS CHAPTER: Tangram puzzle. Place pieces into proper position to completely fill in an arrowhead-shaped grid.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME: 3 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 37 Pages
OVERVIEW: Time traveling Anna Gray is back! As Anna, zigzag through time and space to save your favorite niece, Jackie from a serial killer. Your niece’s murder is identical to a series of killings which occurred seventeen (17) years prior. Jackie’s father, Detective Alexander Gray, and his partner, Chris Lewis, investigated this series of crimes but could never pinpoint the perpetrator. Now it is urgent you go back in time to gather evidence to identify and stop this serial killer before he murders your niece in the current time-period. Flip back and forth through the pages of time solving a cold case which will reveal some surprises.
OPINION: The main game is somewhat short; however, the bonus chapter is lengthy and well-worth the extra money. I feel this game is one of the best in the series. The gaming script is well-written. The story changes somewhat after the demo providing a few surprises. Daddy Dearest, Victor, returns to help Anna. However, he does not appear often in the game. His only function is to give advice and provide some needed inventory item. He adds comic relief to an otherwise dark game. The graphics well-portray the noir element within this game. The game flows smoothly with an excellent pace, providing plenty of activities to move the game along.
MECHANICS: There are the usual four levels of play including a customized version. There are eighteen (18) achievements. Collect twenty-seven (27) morphing objects, twelve (12) photos of the characters from the game, and thirty-four (34) pieces to create three (3) screensavers. Surprisingly, the pieces automatically create the screensavers. You do not play a jigsaw puzzle to create them. Most of the collectibles are easy to locate and many of them are aligned with each other within the scene. There are eight (8) wallpapers plus the usual music selections and concept art. For each segment of the game, you collect five (5) pieces of evidence and then analyze the data which provides a small video detailing more information about the case. You have a section called “archives.” Those “archives” consist of a replay of thirteen (13) puzzles and thirteen (13) HOP scenes.
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a prequel. Play Alexander, Jackie’s policeman father. Rescue your pregnant wife Natalya, who has been kidnapped by an evildoer. When your wife consults a fortune teller, Lily, concerning the fate of her twins, Jackie and Jared, she learns some unsettling news concerning their future. This is a long chapter with a great storyline. There is some beautiful artwork depicting New Orleans during Mardi Gras. There are several HOP scenes, including a few mini-HOP scenes. There are eight (8) puzzles as well. I found some of the puzzles better than those in the main game. There is cliffhanger ending in this chapter. Could this be a hint for a future game?
HOP SCENES: There are thirteen (13) HOP scenes in the game which do not include a series of mini-HOP scenes which consist of searching for a small number of items. As stated, you can replay them once you complete the game. For the most part, the HOP scenes are thematic and fit well into the story of the game. As with most developers nowadays, the scenes are principally lists of items. However, other scenes include storybook (with items highlighted in the script) and silhouette. There is one matching scene. Many are multiple-step ones in which you locate items in different formats.
CREATIVE HOP SCENE: There is one scene I found creatively designed. The scene consists of a bookcase with six books. First you locate items surrounding the books and then place them on the front of the books. Afterward, you open the pages of each book, search for items within each book and then replace them in their logical place in another book.
PUZZLES: There are thirty-one (31) puzzles in the game. I found most of the puzzles of middle difficulty. There are some easy ones, but most of the puzzles require effort to solve them. There is one puzzle which allows the option to be played in a “casual” or “hard” mode. There are two super puzzles within the game (a sequence of puzzles). I love the puzzles in this game, although most I have seen before in other games. Here are some of my favorites:
A. Choice between Casual and Hard. Map puzzle. Using arrows, plot your course to arrive at your destination. You only have six moves available. When finished, press start. 3X B. Variation of a connection puzzle. In this case, turn on lights surrounding sixteen (16) numbered tokens so the lights lit surrounding each token equals the number on the token. C. Switch puzzle. Unique puzzle in which you switch pieces on four (4) masks so that each mask has parts which are the same color. You must rotate the masks to change the items. D. Rotating tiles. Rotate butterflies and roses until they are in the proper position. Beautiful puzzle. 2 parts to the puzzle. E. Super puzzle. (1) Switch puzzle. Switch pie shaped pieces to restore an image. (2) Matching. (3) Switch puzzle. Switch two sets of colored tokens from one side to the other. (4) Rotating circles puzzle. Rotate circles to create an image. BONUS CHAPTER PUZZLES: F. Mathematical puzzle. Remove a latch by moving it through spaces until it exits at the end. Move the latch based on the number of moves indicated on three buttons. Each button has a different number of moves and you must exit on an even number of spaces. G. Super puzzle to defeat an evildoer (1) Assembly puzzle. Choose the two (2) tokens which create a larger symbol in the center the grid. 5 X (2) Skipping stones. Remove symbols three or more at a time until none remain on the grid. 3X
PostedJuly 14, 2018
fromAfter playing this game, I am now leery of my “My Lookalike Doll” from childhood. My doll twin sits on a shelf smiling at me, holding a bouquet of flowers wrapped with SPRIGS OF IVY! Yikes! Time to put that doll into permanent storage.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME: 5 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 42 Pages (A very long game)
OVERVIEW: Hi Emma Roberts! “Ring Around the Rosie” you go in search of a puppet master who is targeting members of your writing staff at “Fear for Sale.” After your office is invaded with dolls, you are caught holding a poison-tipped knife in front of the body of a coworker, Jack. Now the police deem you as the prime suspect in this case. Your investigation reveals that the dolls are stabbing their victims with a poison called Black Ivy, causing the victims to die within three days. Escaping as a prisoner chained to a bed in a hospital, you are now off to discover and confront the tortured mastermind behind these attacks.
OPINION: Despite some flaws, I highly recommend this game. This is one of the longest games I have played in some time. It has an excellent storyline centered around the sad, tormented childhood of the evildoer. I feel this game is better than the previous games within the series. The pace is excellent with plenty of movement in the game with a myriad of activities. There are no helpers nor gimmicks in this game, except for a sequence at the end of the game where a doll, Sarah, helps you twice. The puzzles are amazing in this game! Nevertheless, there are a few elements I dislike about this game. The graphics are dated. There is an extended pause between scenes accentuated with a pop-up copy of “Fear for Sale.” Although I found most of the puzzles creatively designed, I found most of the HOP scenes standard fare, with a preponderance of them being lists of items in junkpiles.
MECHANICS: There are four levels of play including a customized version. There are twelve (12) achievements. Collect twenty (20) eyes symbols, thirty-one (31) morphing objects, and fifteen (15) magazines. There are nine (9) wallpapers and three (3) screensavers. There are the usual concept art and music selections. You must locate all the eyes to unlock a secret room. However, I missed locating one eye in the game and could not return to the scene to retrieve it. EleFun, if you are going to tie searching for some collectible to an after-game activity, then allow the player to return to the scene(s) to collect the missing item(s).
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. Emma, our paranormal investigator, is out on a date with policeman Michael, reminiscing about how she developed her interest in the paranormal. Emma relives the day her sister disappeared. Enter an abandoned orphanage during a solar eclipse and relive an event from her teen years in 1997. Then fast forward to 2006 to the time she met James Hill, the editor of “Fear for Sale.” The chapter is a long one and well-worth the extra price. I love the activities in this sequel.
HOP SCENES: There are twenty-four (24) HOP scenes in the game (from what I could count). This includes the five (5) from the bonus chapter. There are mini-HOP scenes as well in which the player searches for small number of items or pieces of items. You can play a jigsaw puzzle in lieu of the scene for most scenes. I found many scenes rather boring. Most are lists of items with little interaction within the scene. There are many storybook scenes either requiring a search for items and then replacing them back within the scene; or, involve searching for items highlighted in the text. There are a few multiple-step ones and one rebus puzzle which I found creative. There is also one scene in the bonus chapter which I also found creative with the items to be located featured in three children’s drawings.
PUZZLES: WOW! There are forty-eight (48) puzzles within the game. This number includes eleven (11) from the bonus chapter. They are varied in style and difficulty. I found the puzzles BETTER after the demo. There are some fantastic, creatively-designed puzzles within this game. This developer has remastered some standard puzzles making them thematic, fitting well into the game. My only complaint is – if you are going to create so many puzzles – then why not allow for a replay of the puzzles?
SPOILERS: HERE ARE MY FAVORITE PUZZLES AFTER THE DEMO: A. Logic puzzle. Using three (3) colors of paint, color sections of a spiral so that no color abuts another in the figure. 3X Progresses in difficulty. B. Connection puzzle. Connect knots in a rope to light all the rope segments connected to that knot so that each knot is only visited once, and every segment of rope is lit. C. Switch puzzle. Switch sides for an army of red and blue toy soldiers. Soldiers of different colors cannot stand near each other. D. Connection puzzle. Connect honeycomb squares on an embroidery piece so that all squares are filled without retracing steps. E. Physical puzzle. Move a doll up a wall. Rather neat puzzle in which you must choose buttons to have her jump, climb, or use a grappling hook to reach stone ledged until she reaches the top. BONUS G. Physical puzzle. Balance yourself while going over a hand-crafted bridge. Move arrows sideways to keep from falling H. Maze puzzle. Move Emma and her sister through a maze in ten (10) steps. You must place the arrows and set up the route before pushing the “Start” button.
PostedJuly 12, 2018
fromThis game reminds me there are some advantages of having a puppet-self. You can be in two places at the same time, sending your puppet-self to those places you don’t want to be.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 4 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter - Strategy Guide: 45 Pages
OVERVIEW: Detective! Prepare to investigate another puppet-inspired mystery. In this case, you must save the terminally ill Miriam White from an evildoer. Super scientist Miriam, with the help of her assistant, Frank, has attempted to transfer her soul into a puppet. However, something has gone awry and now poor Miriam’s consciousness is split between her body and her lookalike puppet. Beware! In trying to save your friend, you could end up as a puppet yourself. Who is the villain here? There are some surprises as you investigate this case.
OPINION: Surprises? This game surprised me! It is a great game! The demo does not do justice to this game. The game still has numerous puppets; however, the elements I found irritating in the previous games of the series are gone from this game. There are no helpers in this game, although there is a puppet with scissors who helps at the very beginning of the game. However, she disappears after the demo. The grunting dwarf does not appear, thankfully. There is a gimmick, half a pair of scissors, in the bonus chapter, but it is only used three (3) times.
This game should appeal to those who like this series. The story, although a little offbeat, does touch upon the dark side of robotics. The graphics are incredibly beautiful as in all of AMAX games. The hand-drawn scenes are breathtaking! The pace is decent, although I found a few slow spots throughout the game. This game demonstrates that you do not need gimmicks nor helpers to produce an excellent game. There are some very creative HOP scenes and puzzles in this game – including a NEW TYPE OF HOP SCENE. I love the activities in this game. However, despite all this, I do believe it is time to end the series. I am tired of this series and the numerous puppets. It is time AMAX cut the strings and put those puppets back in the box. I would love to see this caliber of game in a new series.
MECHANICS: There are the usual four (4) levels of play including a customized version. You can choose your character’s appearance from six (6) choices – three (3) are male and three (3) are female. They include choices between Detective, Journalist, and Adventurer as well. You collect coins, as in all AMAX games, to purchase items for a special room. There are twenty-six (26) morphing objects (masks) and eleven (11) collectibles (coins). You can replay fourteen (14) HOP scenes and eleven (11) puzzles. However, with the quality of these puzzles, I wish AMAX had provided more puzzles to replay.
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. You are still on a quest to save Marian. You are off to locate a book which contains a formula for a remedy to save her. There is a gimmick in this chapter; however, it is not used often. You receive a scissors blade to cut things. It is a decent length and there are some fantastic HOP scenes and puzzles within this chapter.
HOP SCENES: Many of the HOP scenes are amazing! From what I could count there are twenty (20) HOP scenes plus a myriad of mini-HOP scenes in which you search for a small number of items or pieces of items. They are creatively designed. My favorites are the search and replace scenes. There is one scene in which you search for morphing objects. There is another which is mathematical in nature. Solve equations and then search for the numbers using a special mirror. What I did not find, nor did I miss, were boring lists of items within this game.
AWESOME NEW HOP SCENE - STENCILS: Toward the end of the game there is a scene I have never seen before. You place animal-shaped stencils within a scene. You must locate the colors within the scene which best fit the animal involved, and then, place the stencil in place to produce a rather cool depiction of the animal. Creative genius at work here!
PUZZLES: The puzzles are better after the demo. From what I could count there are thirty-four (34) in the game. They vary in design and difficulty. You do have a few puzzles which allow you to choose between “casual” and hard” modes of play. There are quite a few maze puzzles which are just “a-maze-ing!” Listed below are some my favorites after the demo:
SPOILERS: SOME OF MY FAVORITE PUZZLES AFTER THE DEMO: A. Logic puzzle. Place three tokens into position on a sliding scale according to clues given concerning their placement. B. Maze puzzle. Move a marionette through a series of hands until it reaches its strings. You must rotate the hands to move it from hand-to-hand. C. Choice between casual and hard. Maze puzzle. Lead a mouse through a series of mazes picking up keys to unlock doors as you proceed. You are give a specific amount of moves in the hard version. D. Beat the computer. Card puzzle. Match up pairs of cards which are related to each other, attempting to get more points than the computer for the matches. E. Marble shooter puzzle. Remove images by shooting a marble with an image upon it at a moving chain of marbles. Shoot the marble toward similar marbles so that three or more of the same image are removed. Remove all the marbles before the chain reaches the end. BONUS CHAPTER: F. Map puzzle. Move a tram down the track to its destination by landing on the correct spots to remove obstacles in its path. If you make a mistake, you must start over. G. Map puzzle. Plot a course using arrows to lead a key through a pathway to its designated lock. You will need to place the arrows in place before pressing “Start.” 3X for 3 different colored keys.
PostedJuly 7, 2018
fromLiving close now to the bayous of Texas and Louisiana, I appreciate the term “drain the swamp.” Hopefully EIPIX will “drain the swamp” of stereotypes, nonexplicit puzzle directions, and boring activities in their games.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 4 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 43 Pages
OVERVIEW: Welcome to Louisiana! In this land of swamps and bayous, you, Matthew Rust, are off to save your sister, Faith. Anguished by the death of your parents in a car crash, she is now suffering from terrifying nightmares of the accident. Dr. Zachary Ryan is her last hope! His hypnosis techniques are controversial; however, this may be your last chance to save her sanity. Nevertheless, something is not quite right with this doctor and unfortunately, you and your sister will find out the motive behind his bizarre treatments. The doctor is stuck in his own nightmare, anguished by of the loss of his wife, Melissa. Join your sister in her nightmare, assess what the doctor is planning, and then try to save your sister and yourself from his grip.
OPINION – WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO EIPIX? BUYER’S REMORSE! I purchased this game and regretted it. This game may appeal to those who like this series. However, for me, it cannot compare to the previous games in the series. For me, it is more boring than scary. The game is somewhat slow-paced driven by all the psycho-babble and lack of activities. Although it is meant to be a psychological thriller it became a boring journey into a dream world with little activity except back-and-forth searching for items and playing numerous non-creative HOP scenes. There is about as much movement in this game as a hot day in July under the summer Louisiana sun. The graphics, although a little stereotypical of Louisiana, provide a somewhat spooky image of the swamp-like bayous.
This is one game where I kept looking at my watch to assess how much longer it would take to finish it and bury it in the swamp! I should have been paid to play this game! What has happened to EIPIX? At one time the best developer on this site, nowadays it is a toss-up as to the quality of any game they produce.
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel. This time you play Faith. Dr. Ryan’s wife, Melissa, helps you remove the memories of the car crash. You will need to revisit the tragic scene and try to release all your repressed emotions of sadness involved with this crash and death of your parents. The chapter is long, and I feel worth the extra money if you like this game. I found the puzzles better designed in this chapter than in the main game. On the other hand, I found the HOP scenes as boring ones as the ones in the main game.
MECHANICS: There are the usual four levels of play including a customized version. There are fifteen (15) achievements. Collect thirty-six (36) brains and sixteen (16) morphing objects. At the end of the game you collect fifteen (15) souvenirs, (moths), for the Souvenir Room moth collection. Some of the collectibles are easy to locate but others are not. You can replay nineteen (19) HOP scenes and twenty-one (21) puzzles. There are eight (8) wallpapers along with the usual concept art, music and video sequences.
HOP SCENES: Boring! Let us add “super” to make that “super-boring.” There are twenty-one (21) in the game. There are also some mini-HOP scenes as well. There are too many in this game and they show little creativity. Most are lists of items with little interaction with the scene. I got tired of looking for items in junk piles. However, there are a few which are decent. EIPIX provides several scenes in which the player searches for morphing objects. There are also a couple of scenes with rebus clues. There are some multiple step ones as well which include silhouette items. Of course, it would not be an EPIX game without their standard, now hackneyed, scene. Don’t remember it? Search for five items, which, when placed into the scene, produce two lists of items to locate. You have the option to play a Match-3 game in lieu of the scene.
PUZZLES: There are thirty-eight (38) puzzles within the game. Some of the puzzles are creatively designed and some are not. There are some which are just idiotic. Among all the BFG developers, EIPIX used to provide the best puzzles within their games. However, I do believe, those bygone days are gone. Now, they are creating some rather bizarre ones. There is one puzzle with flowers in which you must click on a green section of a circle every time you see the outline of the flower. This puzzle appears four times within the game. Why? It is not tied to any gimmick, so why would this developer provide four variations of it?
The puzzles are varied in style and difficulty. However, most are easy. I found the puzzles in the bonus chapter the best ones in the game. EIPIX did provide one puzzle in which you have the choice between “hard” and “easy” options. I wish they provided more of these. And once again, a couple of puzzles had CONFUSING AND NONEXPLICIT DIRECTIONS.
A. Map puzzle. Move your token to avoid police, which are in the streets with flashlights. If you are spotted by the police, you must start over. You have options for the paths you take. 3X B. Whack-a-mole puzzle. Whack a mole as quickly as possible to reach a high score. Really? C. Assembly puzzle. On a grid, place eight (8) plates over holes so that all holes are covered, and all plates are used. You can overlap the plates (which was not indicated in the puzzle directions) D. Mathematical puzzle. Using arrows which move an indicator either two spaces forward or three spaces backward, center an indicator on two specified locations. BONUS CHAPTER PUZZLES: E. Assembly. Switch on-and-off the lights on a digital readout to create letters to form a name. F. Assembly puzzle. On a grid of nine (9) spaces, place six slats onto this grid so that nine fans appear with four blades each. G. Assembly puzzle. Assemble a skeleton by placing arrows in correct position to move its parts to their proper location on the trunk of the skeleton. You must strategize where to place the pieces because you cannot test their placement until the end. H. Slider puzzle. Slide chains of beads on a bracelet to move a skull from one end of the bracelet to the other.
PostedJuly 5, 2018
fromNightmare traffic! Welcome to the Fourth of July bumper-to-bumper nightmare traffic jam exiting the fireworks display! I wish there was a dreamcatcher to catch and remove all the cars in front of me.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME. 5 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 43 Pages (This is a long game!)
OVERVIEW: Welcome to Nightmare Week at BFG! Tonight, turn off the light, and enter the less-than-pleasant dreams of Ethan Jackson and other characters from this game as you fight Nightmare, a monster which has escaped from the world of dreams. Those targeted develop a tattoo on their arms and experience tormented dreams relating to some traumatic event in their lives. As a detective for the “Dark Light” agency, enter the surrealistic world of dreams of the troubled souls affected and battle and defeat Nightmare’s control over them. Those affected have a connection with a psychotherapist, Naila Moore. How does she relate to this beast and what does she know that she is not sharing?
OPINION: This game is a vast improvement for this developer. This is a well-scripted psychological thriller which should appeal to those who love this genre of games. If you love searching for morphing objects, you will love this game. There are quite a few to collect plus there are puzzles and HOP scenes with these morphs as well. Enter a nightmare world of beautifully illustrated scenes which truly reflect a terrifying surreal dreamscape. For the most part I found the pace excellent. However, I did find some parts of the game a little snail-paced. I feel there is one chapter which is superfluous and appears to me as filler to make the game longer. Nevertheless, with a great gaming script accompanied by creatively designed HOP scenes and puzzles, this is a fantastic game! It is an incredibly long game with a rather short bonus chapter.
BONUS CHAPTER: The bonus chapter is titled “The Last Sleep.” It is a sequel. After being invited by a professor from the main game to attend a workshop, find yourself back in the dreamworld once again. This time you will be battling Nightmare’s little brother, Eternal Sleep. Locate the Bronze Dreamcatcher to seal away Eternal Sleep forever. The graphics are incredibly beautiful. I like the puzzles and HOP scenes within this chapter. However, it is rather short in comparison to the rest of the game.
EXTRA CHAPTER: The extra chapter is titled “Forest of Dreams.” It is not a chapter at all. It is an extra HOP scene which is a variation of a silhouette scene. You must collect all the memorable objects to play it.
MECHANICS: There are four levels of play including a customized version. There are fifteen (15) achievements. Collect thirty-five (35) memorable objects. Collect twenty-one (21) morphing objects. Collect twenty (20) jigsaw pieces to play a puzzle after the game is completed. An indicator on the inventory bar tells how many of these collectibles are within the scenes. Most of the collectibles are easy to locate; however, the surreal aspect of the scenes does make it a little more difficult than usual. There are ten (10) wallpapers. There are the usual music selections and video sequences.
SMALL COMPLAINT: You can replay twenty-five (25) HOP scenes but only eleven (11) puzzles. With all the excellent puzzles in this game, I am disappointed that this developer only provided a small number of puzzles to replay. Some of these I truly wanted to replay.
GIMMICKS: You receive a Detective Magnifier (looks like a mirror) to locate a specific area you need to investigate which is not seen by the naked eye. You need to find a crystal every time you need to use it. You will play a HOP scene in which you search for seven (7) morphing objects. You also receive a dreamcatcher which allows you to enter various dreamworlds throughout the game.
HOP SCENES: There are twenty-five (25) HOP scenes within the game from what I could assess. However, there are numerous mini-HOP scenes in which you must locate a small number of items. These mini-scenes are either lists of items or silhouette. The storybook scenes are all the same. You must search for items and then replace them back within the scene. I am not impressed with these scenes. I feel there should be more items to locate and more variety in the design. The rest of the scenes are varied, most are creatively designed with some multiple-step ones. Most require interaction with the scene and some greatly so. They include interactive lists of items, silhouettes in a variety of formats, and matching. You have the option to play a Match-3 puzzle in lieu of the scene.
PUZZLES: There are thirty-nine (39) puzzles from what I could assess. Some of the puzzles provide the option to be played in either a “hard” or “easy” mode. The puzzles are varied in difficulty and style. However, I did not find any puzzle challenging. For the most part they are creatively designed. There is a wide variety of puzzles. There are so many puzzles, I just listed my favorites.
A. Assembly puzzle. Increase, decrease and rotate colored images of a picture until the pieces are sized perfectly to fit a black-and-white image beneath. 2X B. Maze puzzle. Maneuver a man through a maze until he reaches a girl at the end of that maze. Pick up supplies to help fight obstacles in his path. C. Switch puzzle. Switch trophies placing them into their proper positions based on clues at the sides of the row and top of the grid. Each trophy should match up by color and type. D. Choice of Easy and Hard. Chess puzzle. Remove nightmares from the board using a knight. Remove them with the “L” shaped move from chess. You have a specific number of moves to do this. E. BONUS CHAPTER. Connect the dots. Create given constellations by connecting the dots on a grid. F. BONUS CHAPTER. Map puzzle. Traverse a museum basement in the dark. As you traverse, you will turn on lamps and collect keys which open doors in your path to reach the end.
3 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 46 Pages
OVERVIEW: Ann Sparrow, as an investigative journalist you are off to Fog Island to get research for your upcoming book on this cursed mysterious island. While sailing to this island, the boat in which you are traveling crashes on the rocks of the island. Awaken in a castle, chained to a bed. Your host, Jacob Fogg is very cordial, but why has he chained you to a bed? Is he insane or are there other factors involved? His only request is that you follow the rules! What is happening on this island? Find a way to escape and investigate what is behind the curse of this island.
OPINON: This game should appeal to those who love horror-lite games with just a tinge of spooky fare. It appears to be decent game in the series; however, the details of the story are so sketchy, it is difficult to ascertain. The graphics well-portray a creepy, fog-infested island full of intrigue and suspense. The dark colors contrast nicely with the foggy scenes. However, the pace is very slow with few activities and a great deal of back-and-forth movement between the scenes.
WHY I DID NOT PURCHASE THIS GAME: I do not have the foggiest notion what the plot is behind this game. Those village people and Adam Fogg are not identified if they are monsters, suffering from some disease, or something else. I am not spending the money to find out. I may purchase in the future, but before I purchase this game, I want some idea of the direction the story is headed. I also do not like the activities. I do not think either the puzzles or the HOP scenes generated enough interest for me to continue down the foggy bogged-down path in this game. I found both the HOP scenes and puzzles lacking creativity. With the slow pace, weird story, and lackluster activities, this will be a pass for me.
MECHANICS: There are the usual four levels of play, including a customized version. Collect fourteen (14) morphing objects (within the HOP scenes) and thirty-six (36) hidden signs. There are fifteen (15) achievements you can earn. There are eight (8) wallpapers along with the usual music selections.
HOP SCENES: The scenes are standard fare seen in many other games. Ye old boring EIPIX-inspired HOP scene is displayed three (3) times in the demo. Don’t remember it? You have seen it at least a dozen or more times. Collect four items which, when placed, open a list of items. I am so tired of this scene. That was enough to turn me off from this game. This scene has now been used by every developer, now including Deep Shadows. There is a matching scene in the demo and a storybook scene as well. To me, the scenes are bland fare and lacking creativity.
PUZZLES: I am underwhelmed by the puzzles. Most in the demo are ones we have seen before. Most are easy – a little too easy for my taste. However, there is one puzzle which has the option to be played in either a “hard” or “normal” setting. Listed below are the puzzles from the demo:
SPOILERS: HERE ARE THE PUZZLES IN THE DEMO. A. Lock puzzle. Use two hairpins to open a lock. A meter indicates when you have the pins in position to open it. B. Choice between Hard and Normal. Connection puzzle. On a grid turn all tiles red by moving glowing tile over them. There are three tiles and you are only given a specific number of moves. (30 Hard – 40 Normal) C. Moving tiles puzzle. Move four (4) tokens to spaces of the same color and design. The rub is that the tokens will continue moving until it is stopped by an edge or another token. D. Sequence puzzle. Light up tiles on a grid according to a given diagram. Lighting one affects the others. F. Matching puzzle. Place chessmen into position as per a given diagram. G. Switch puzzle. Restore a map by switching pieces with those next to it until the puzzle is complete. H. Matching puzzle. Place food into the proper compartments. Rather like being a checker at a grocery store. I. Assembly puzzle. Light up squares on a grid y using an X to dim light and an + to add light to a square.
Review based upon the entire game. 3 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 37 Pages (Nice-sized game with a long bonus chapter)
OVERVIEW: Holy bats! Vampires are back! Play Arabella, daughter of Chamberlain, leader of the vampires. You and your brother, Damien, have grown up with privilege and wealth. As the next ruler of the vampires, your brother, Damien, is endowed with special powers. However, your Aunt Alessandra, sister of your father, wants to usurp him as ruler. You and your brother were sent abroad for further training and when summoned home, your ship is shipwrecked by dark forces, landing you upon a mysterious land. Now, your aunt has kidnapped Damien, put a spell on him, and is planning to use his to usurp your father. Can you stop her in time?
OPINION: What a fantastic game! Personally, I feel this better than the previous games in this series. The main game is short; however, the bonus game is almost one-third the size of the main game. This game should appeal to those who like vampire stories or those who love this series. The story deals with vampire royalty, jealousy, and family intrigue. I found the game flowed smoothly and was an easy play. The pace is excellent with plenty of activities. The graphics are stunning, providing beautiful fairy tale scenes contrasted against a blood-filled vampiric environment. I highly recommend this game for its quality.
MECHANICS: There are the usual four (4) levels of play including a customized version. There are twenty-two (22) achievements. Collect twenty-seven (27) morphing objects and thirty-two (32) stained glass fragments. Collect eleven (11) figurines of characters within the game as well. Most are easy to locate. Some practically jump out at you – a little too large, in my opinion. I also wish Elephant would provide an indicator bar to show if there are collectibles within a scene which need to be located.
There is a secret room. Although not announced, within the secret room you will discover thirteen (13) puzzles and sixteen (16) HOP scenes you can replay after the game. There are ten (10) wallpapers and the usual concept art and music selections. The only thing I dislike about this game is the curved inventory bar. It does not display many objects upfront, and I disliked having to move it back-and-forth to view all the available inventory items.
OPTIONAL HELPER. You can receive the help from a cat – or not. You can opt out of the cutesy helper. I wish more developers would offer this option. You also get this option in the bonus chapter as well.
BONUS CHAPTER Get ready for some pirates, matey! The bonus chapter is a sequel. Arabella has been contacted by Callum, a character from the main game. Pirates have kidnapped his friend and he needs her help. It is a long chapter and I feel this chapter is better in some ways than the main game. I found the puzzles much better in this chapter.
HOP SCENES: There are sixteen (16) HOP scenes in the game with five (5) mini-HOP scenes. They are varied, and to me, the ones after the demo are better crafted than those in the demo. They vary in style. Most are lists of items or silhouette. However, Elephant provides scenes which alternate searching for lists of items with searching for silhouette items. Most scenes are somewhat interactive. There are also a few matching scenes and a pattern scene, (items are searched based on their pattern, not by name or silhouette).
FAVORITE HOP SCENE: There is one HOP scene which I feel demonstrates the ingenuity and gaming craftmanship of this developer You search for a list of items and silhouette items at the same time. The scene consists of a very long cabinet in which you must use five (5) arrows to extend the scene to locate these items. The cabinet has several shelves so locating theitems is not easy. The silhouette items require interaction with the scene. This scene also includes a mirror jigsaw puzzle and a switch puzzle as well.
PUZZLES: The puzzles are amazing! There are twenty-nine (29) in the game and they vary in style and difficulty. Most are of middle difficulty, although there are easy ones as well. I did not find any challenging puzzles. My favorite was a creative gear puzzle within the bonus chapter.
SPOILERS: HERE ARE SOME PUZZLES FROM THE GAME AFTER THE DEMO: A. Switch puzzle. Switch three types of items – bats, fangs, and cups so that each row has items which match up and each column has items of the same color. You can only switch items which are the same color or item. B. Map puzzle. Plot a path for Arabella’s ship by placing arrows in a grid to plot the course, avoiding obstacles. Press a button to test your path after you have set it up. 2X C. Rope puzzle. Untangle flaming ropes so none cross. 3X BONUS CHAPTER: D. Matching. On a grid of stars, create a given pattern seen in a telescope. The pattern is not copied for you. If you forget the pattern you must return to the telescope to view it. E. Matching pairs. On a diamond-shaped board, match up like tokens. Press on “eyes” which allow you to see only one row at a time. There is only one way all the items can be paired so you need to strategize. F. Gear puzzle. Switch colored gears in five locations on a clock so that the same colored gears are within the same location and interconnected. The gears will spin if placed correctly G. Skipping stones puzzle. Connect like tokens to remove them. Play against the computer to get the most tokens.
PostedJune 23, 2018
fromRoad trip this summer? I have learned from HOP games to stay on freeways, never travel on isolated country roads to avoid crashing into some monster, and to never spend the night in a small village with an abandoned asylum, hotel, or castle!
REVIEW BASED ON THE ENTIRE GAME 4 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 43 Pages (This is a long game!)
OVERVIEW: A car accident lands you, Jane Patrick, into your worst nightmare. Awakening from the crash, find yourself imprisoned in the abandoned Mountain View Asylum. A mysterious masked man has informed you that you are now part of an experiment. It appears you are under the control of a mind-altering drug. As you suffer hallucinations and visions, you realize you are not the only one in this deserted building. Who is the man behind the experiments and why has he chosen you as part of his experiment? Can you escape in time and stop this mad scientist?
OPINION: This is another fantastic psychological thriller from Mad Head Games. The theme behind the game is one of mind control and a thought-provoking look at the boundaries of scientific research. How far should science go in its quest to unlock the human mind and control man’s basic instincts? The pace is excellent with plenty of activities to keep the player entertained. The graphics provide a creepy atmosphere to this game. The soundtrack for the game contributes somewhat to the scary ambiance as well. For me, this game is much better AFTER the demo. Mad Head saved all the goodies for the actual game.
MECHANICS: There are five levels of play including a customized version. There are ten (10) achievements to earn in this game, some with three parts. You collect twenty-eight (28) collectibles (brains). There are twenty-eight (28) morphing objects within the scenes and nineteen (19) morphing objects within the HOP scenes. An indicator on the inventory bar alerts you when a morphing object or collectible is within a scene. All the game scenes have one of each. You can replay all nineteen (19) HOP scenes. There are eight (8) wallpapers plus the usual concept art and musical selections. You also receive a sketch book of the characters from the game.
There is a bonus game (playing against the computer to get the most tokens), which can be played when you collect all the morphing objects. You have nine (9) choices to make in this game. Making the incorrect choice will force you to rethink that choice and play the scene again. There is an indicator at that end which indicates how many poor choices you made within the game – unfortunately, they indicate the lives that lives were lost with your decision. You can play an “ultimate HOP scene” after the game is finished.
HOP SCENES: There are nineteen (19) HOP scenes, all of which can be replayed. You can also return to locate those missing morphing objects, one within each HOP scene. There are several mini-HOP scenes in which you collect a small number of items. Most of scenes are lists of items. However, there are a few silhouette scenes. There is not a storybook scene per se; however, you will need to search for items in bold letters. In one clever scene, you must shut down a boiler by following instructions to locate gears, valves, and levers listed in bold letters. The final HOP scene in the bonus chapter is unique. It is a matching scene in which you must open compartments to find the matching items. I do feel the HOP scenes show creativity.
PUZZLES: There are thirty-nine (39) puzzles in the game. The puzzles are extremely easy in the first part of the game; however, they become more challenging toward the end of the game. There are also seven (7) puzzles in which you must “zap” hallucinations – ghosts which are not there. You must center crosshairs on each of the hallucinations to zap them. The puzzles vary in style. I almost did not purchase this game because of the lack of decent puzzles in the demo. However, I am glad I did. The puzzles are excellent within the main game and bonus chapter. I do wish I could replay some of these puzzles!
BONUS CHAPTER: I cannot ascertain if the bonus chapter is a prequel or sequel. However, the sheriff from the main game returns in this chapter to help you deal with another crazed scientist, Victor Hawkins. This evildoer is forcing all the staff at the asylum to breathe a gas which causes hallucinations. I feel the chapter is a decent length with a similar story to the main chapter with creative HOP scenes and excellent puzzles
SPOILERS: HERE IS A SAMPLE OF PUZZLES IN THE MAIN GAME AND BONUS CHAPTER: A. Variation of a Match-3 puzzle. A clever variation in which you add tokens to the grid to get rid of a set of three or more tokens in direct contact with each other. Every token must be removed from the board. A unique and creative presentation of this standard puzzle. B. Pattern puzzle. Switch colored buttons so they create a given design. C. Maze puzzle. Rotate tokens and add three others from the outside to create a continuous path from end to the other. A unique and creative presentation of this standard puzzle. D. Domino puzzle. Place domino-shaped plates with symbols on them so that the ends of the plates match up with the plate next to it. Slightly difficult. E. Play the computer. Try to get more colored gem stones than the computer. Abutting a stone changes a stone to your color but then again, so is it for the computer as well. This is the bonus puzzle for the game. BONUS CHAPTER: F. Matching puzzle. Choose among many books on a bookcase to fill in a row of books by color and symbol. G. Assembly puzzle. Move a sequence of numbers up-down and right-and-left (two at a time) until the numbers match those on a given sheet of paper