PostedDecember 21, 2023
fromLocation: In the Great Library, book traveling down the yellow brick road with fellow book travelers, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, and the Cowardly lion. We’re off to see the “Wonderful Wizard of Oz.”
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 3 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 42 pages
Join Megan Webster, Senior Librarian, on another adventure through the world of books. Someone is trying to rewrite the Dumas classic, “The Three Musketeers.” That evildoer is scratching out the name of Charles D’Artagnan, an aspiring Musketeer from the novel. Answer the question as to who is behind this and why are they doing this. Joining Megan in her pursuit will be her sidekick and friend, Elgin, and Tom Sawyer. Megan will enter the book as Charles D’Artagnan, Help Megan locate the evildoer trying to rewrite the Dumas classic while saving Queen Ann from the dire consequences of a romantic dalliance. Restore the classic to its original content and help D’Artagnan earn the status necessary to become a Musketeer.
I loved the main game and hated the bonus chapter. If I had any knowledge of what the bonus chapter entailed, I would have waited for the standard edition of this game. I would have recommended this game as a family friendly one; however, some of the content is adult fare, especially within the bonus chapter. This is a short game; however, the main game is an excellent, fast-paced whodunit chock full of activities.
The game follows the same format as Elephant’s other games. The graphics are excellent and there are some incredibly beautiful HOP scenes in this game. Collect statues of famous writers and gather puzzle pieces to play a jigsaw puzzle hidden within the Secret Room. If the player misses any of the collectibles, they can search for them in the Expedition Room upon completion of the game. I found the statues easy to locate but thought the puzzles pieces were hard to find, blending well into the scene.
There are twenty-one (21) mini-games and eighteen (18) HOP scenes plus four (4) mini-HOP scenes with six items to locate. I found the mini-games easy, some of them too easy for my taste. The HOP scenes are varied and some of them are creatively designed. I thought the scene which has the player treading through a forest, stopping at each exclamation point to locate objects was very creatively designed. The scenes include lists of items and silhouette items, as well as matching, spot the differences, scene fragments, and one in which items are placed into the correct position within a scene.
BONUS CHAPTER: Prepare to meet Cicero as he gives you a guided tour in the World of Sorrows. I disliked this chapter. I found this chapter depressing, confusing and strange. Snakes? Yep, round up those dark slithering critters hanging around your soul. Bet you never guessed you might have one residing inside your body. Join Elgin as he relives his tragic childhood upon the death of his father. I found the chapter became darker, morose, and confusing toward the end. If you like psychoanalyzing your childhood or lack thereof, then you will love this chapter. However, if you are not into psychobabble, then perhaps just purchase the standard edition of the game. There are five (5) HOP scenes, one mini-HOP scene, and six mini-games. I felt this chapter was tacked onto this game and someone’s attempt at psychoanalysis.
• Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • 21 achievements. • Collect busts of 12 famous writers. • Collect 24 puzzle fragments to complete a puzzle upon the completion of the game. The puzzle is hidden within the Secret Room. • Collectibles which are missed during game play can be collected within the Expedition Room upon completion of the game. • 5 Wallpapers along with music selections. • Replay 14 HOP scenes and 13 Minigames.
A. Map puzzle. Move through a path on a map eliminating obstacles by choosing between 2 items. B. Switch puzzle. Switch two triangular tiles next to each other until an image is created. C. Assembly puzzle. On a chessboard, place chess pieces into position on a chessboard as per a given set of instructions. D. Switch puzzle. Switch 4 colored lights on a star so each light is next to its same-colored area. BONUS CHAPTER: E. Assembly puzzle. Place the 3 family dolls into the proper position to hear a story about Elgin’s childhood. 3X F. Picture puzzle. Drag fragments onto a picture grid to create a picture. 4X G. Matching puzzle. Cleanse your energy wave. Match up snakes to those within a scene.
PostedDecember 7, 2023
fromLife is tough for elves. They have only two career options. They can make toys, scantily attired in leggings and curled up shoes in the frigid weather of the North Pole, or live in some cramped, hollowed-out tree making cookies for a mega corporation.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 3 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 32 pages
Grab a plate of cookies and a hot chocolate and prepare to enjoy another heartwarming Christmas game from Elephant! For me, it is not Christmas until Elephant’s yearly game appears. This game is another beautiful addition to this series. The festive graphics are filled with glistening Christmas trees, snow, elves, cookies, candy, and of course, Santa. In the background there is a festive soundtrack which has Christmas-like music. This is a great game for the whole family. The puzzles might be a little difficult for smaller children; however, they can be skipped if they prove too difficult.
STORY: Christmas is under attack by two misguided broken dolls, Malice and Mischief. These two evildoers are out to destroy Christmas. They have been infected by an evil force intent on destroying the magic of the holiday. Join an apprentice elf, Fizzy, as he tries to stop these dolls from their malice and mischief. A magical hammer can stop these two; however, it is broken and must be repaired. Join Fizzy as he travels throughout the land looking for Santa’s Diary of Adventures to discover how to restore its magic.
MECHANICS: There are fifteen (15) HOP scenes and nineteen (19) mini-games. Thirteen (13) of each can be replayed upon completion of the game. They can be found in the Archives section of the game. The HOP scenes are highly interactive and reflect the Christmas spirit of the game. There are a variety of different styles for the HOP scenes. They include lists of items, matching scenes, those with rebus clues and cryptic clues, and searches for items within a narrative. There are also several mini-HOP scenes in which the player searches for six items. The mini-games are Christmas-themed and easy to play. Collect twenty-six (26) snowflakes which become puzzle pieces to play a puzzle hidden within a secret room. Collect twelve (12) elf figurines. They are easy to find within the scenes and some are so large – they practically jump out at you!
• Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • 26 Scenes. • 21 achievements. • Collect 12 elfin figurines. • Collect 26 snowflakes which turn into puzzle fragments for a puzzle hidden within a secret room. • 5 Wallpapers along with a screensaver and music selections. • Replay 13 HOP scenes and 13 mini-games hidden away in Archives. • An Expedition Room allows the player to retrieve any missing collectibles from the game.
BONUS CHAPTER: It is another story. Return to Catstown, the location of last year’s game. As the elf, Sugarplum, investigate the kidnapping of Santa’s reindeer. Following the tracks, you find yourself in Catstown. Mayor Meows will help you track down the culprit behind kidnapping the reindeer. An unlikely culprit is involved, and their motive is somewhat unexpected. I found the bonus chapter creatively designed and long as well. To me this chapter was worth the price of a collector’s edition. There are six (6) mini-games and six (6) HOP scenes along with one mini-HOP scene.
A. Fizzy. Assembly puzzle. On a chess type board, move green elves to the center of the board and red elves to the outside by using 2 levers to rotate the rows of elves, B. Perky. Ye olde Fox and Chickens transfer puzzle. In this case, transfer trolls and elves in carriage across a chasm. You cannot leave an elf alone with two trolls and only 2 trolls can be transferred in a carriage per trip. The carriage can only move with someone in it. C. Sugarplum. Assembly puzzle. Follow a recipe to create a broth/soup. If the player makes an error with assembling the soup, they must restart. D. Hazelnut. Map puzzle. Lead a reindeer through the air to an elf village avoiding obstacles in your path. The player is given 3 lives. E. Bluebell. Logic puzzle. Place 6 buildings on a map according to given clues as to their location on the map. F. Bing. Origami puzzle. Fold a sky map so that the shortest route for a magic shell to reach its target is created. BONUS CHAPTER G. Fuzzle: Tangram puzzle. Place items on 3 rows of shelves so all items fit without overlapping each other and all are placed on the shelves, interconnected with each other. H. Drew: Jigsaw puzzle. Place map fragments into position to create a map. I. Gingersnap: Strategy puzzle. Create a path on a map collecting the exact number of items shown on the map until you reach the end point. J. Trinket: Bullseye puzzle. Using four sliders, adjust four stars so they are all center together upon on a wicked cat.
FINAL THOUGHTS: This is a fantastic game for the whole family. I found no errors within the game and felt the pace was excellent. If this game does not get you into the Christmas spirit, nothing will. The puzzles are easy, a little too easy for my taste. However, as a family -oriented game, one would expect the activities to be on the easier side. The collectibles are easily located within the scenes. The game is not as good as earlier ones within this series; however, in my opinion, it is better than last year’s game set in Cat’s Town. I feel the story behind this game better reflects the holiday season.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 3 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 38 pages
Was Sherlock Holmes a criminal? In this case, help Holmes’ niece, Sharlotte as she ferrets out information to clear her great uncle’s reputation. Some masked evildoer is behind a smear campaign to discredit Sherlock Holmes and it will be up to Sharlotte to discover the truth behind an old case involving her great uncle.
I loved the story behind the game. I thought the stories behind both the main game and bonus chapter were well-written. However, I could find little else to justify this game as a collector’s edition. This is a very short game. Sometimes less is more, but I feel this game is “too short” for the price of a collector’s edition. The redeeming grace of this game are the two stories. The game did keep my interest and never lagged due to filler as with other developers’ games. There are twists and turns throughout the game as to both storylines; however, I figured out what happened to the missing wife in the bonus chapter almost immediately.
The format is the same as with most of Elephant’s games. There are only nine (9) achievements, less than those from the beta version. I was surprised the developer removed many of the achievements. Collect twenty-three (23) puzzle fragments shaped as magnifying glasses. The fragments are used to play a jigsaw puzzle hidden within a secret room upon completion of the game. In addition, collect twelve (12) items associated with both Sherlock and great-niece, Sharlotte throughout the game. I found most easy to locate although a few are well-hidden. I had no issues playing the game. I found the game an easy play. Throughout the game the player will play a deduction puzzle in which four statements must be connected sequentially. I found this very helpful in understanding the direction of the story of the game.
There are only fifteen (15) HOP scenes within the entire game. Thirteen (13) of these can be replayed upon completion of the game. There are also numerous mini-HOP scenes in which the player must locate five or six items. The scenes are standard lists of items, silhouette, matching and placement of items into the scene in the proper location. I found little creative design within the HOP scenes. They are standard fare and not very interactive. There are twenty-five (25) puzzles within the game. Thirteen (13) of these can be replayed upon completion of the game. However, seven (7) of these are deduction puzzles. To me, the puzzles lack creative design. All the puzzles are easy, a little too easy for my taste.
MECHANICS: • Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • 9 achievements. • Collect 23 puzzle pieces which look like magnifying glasses to play a jigsaw puzzle hidden within a secret room. • Collect 12 items associated with past cases and both Sherlock and Sharlotte Holmes. • 5 Wallpapers along with a screen saver and a musical soundtrack. • Replay 13 puzzles and 13 HOP scenes.
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a sequel in which Sharlotte visits her friend, Olivia. Of course, Sharlotte cannot go anywhere without being involved in a murder mystery. Olivia’s neighbor’s wife is missing. Supposedly she ran off with her lover. However, both girls are somewhat suspicious of his story. With both girls involved in some sleuthing, they will uncover clues as to where his wife went. I enjoyed the story behind the game. There are seven (7) puzzles and four (4) HOP scenes with three (3) mini-HOP scenes.
VERDICT: Although the bonus chapter contains an excellent story which should keep the player interested, to me, I would wait for the SE version or a sale on this CE version. The game is very short even with the bonus chapter. If you enjoy murder mysteries, you may love this game. However, if you enjoy playing puzzles and/or HOP scenes, this game may be somewhat disappointing. It is a decent game; however, not exceptional, and to me, not worth the price I paid for the collector’s edition. It is hard to justify the price when other developers offer thirty to forty puzzles and the same number of HOP scenes per game. Some also offer choices in difficulty of the puzzles. This game has none of these features.
FINAL THOUGHT: I have been very disappointed by the direction this developer’s games have taken. They have removed characters which are fan favorites from their games. It is almost as if Elephant is aiming to snatch defeat from victory. The old saying is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, this is exactly what Elephant has done with most of their series. Bringing in the “team” approach by introducing new, younger characters is not setting well with many of us. The games are shorter and not of the same quality as a few years ago. Hopefully they will return some of their beloved characters such as Rick Rogers and Anna Gray’s father, Richard.
SPOILERS: HERE ARE A FEW OF THE PUZZLES WITHIN THE GAME: A. Map puzzle. Move 3 figurines of the game’s characters to their respective spots on a gaming board. They all move together. B. Jigsaw puzzle. Restore an image by placing puzzle fragments into their proper position. 2X C. Map puzzle. Move 3 figurines of the game’s characters to their respective spots on a gaming board. They all move together. D. Connection puzzle. Rotate hexagonal tiles – each containing a segment of pipe so all are interconnected with each other. E. Assembly puzzle. On marionettes, position their body parts as per a given diagram. 3X BONUS CHAPTER: F. Map puzzle. Move Sharlotte to a swamp in the middle of the map, avoiding obstacles within her path. Use arrows to move her figure. You must complete it in 46 moves. G. Bullseye puzzle. Use two sliders to move a target to the center of each of 3 traps. H. Picture puzzle. Rotate segments of a picture to restore it.
PostedNovember 16, 2023
fromAfter playing this game, I have a strong yen to watch “Little Shop of Horrors” again. Hope that carnivorous plant from the film has not escaped into video games.
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 3 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 49 pages
In the mood for romance? Saddle up your horse and enter the kingdom of Arandon, where two lovers, Arthur, and Rosalynn, are planning their future together. However, due to an ancient tradition, her father, the king, states that a competition must be held so that her husband is proven a worthy choice, chosen based upon the winner of that competition, not on the man she loves. The competition consists of finding a rare scarlet lily. The competition will not be as easy as Arthur thinks. Treachery lies beneath the surface and this couple will face many trials and tribulations as they prove their love for each other. As you trek through the game, you may get a yen for botany or get the feeling Seymour from “The Little Shop of Horrors” is making a cameo appearance in this game.
I highly recommend this game, especially if you are an aficionado of romance novels. This is a Harlequin romance set in a gaming format. Domini Games is my favorite gaming developer and, to me, the “gamemeister” of HOPA games. It always amazes me how many puzzles they offer within their games. Domini Games always provides more gaming pleasure for the price. This game is no exception. The story behind the game is a nice romantic tale. The graphics are beautiful, and the pace is excellent. It is a long game as well. This game, as with many of their others, is twice as long as those from other developers.
There are three (3) chapters in which each main character (Arthur, Rosalyn, and Nevenna) will be the main character for that chapter. The player will have decisions to make from given dialogues. Decision points will lead the player to one of three possible endings. I believe the proper ones have a star and are awarded points if you choose it. As with their other games, most of the mini-games can be played in either an easy or hard version. There are thirty-eight (38) mini-games, twenty-four (24) of which can be replayed upon completion of the game. The difficulty of the puzzles can be set in the menu; however, if the puzzle is too difficult, the difficulty can be changed while playing the game. I found the puzzles well-crafted, and I always find some new variations of their puzzles.
There are thirty-six (36) HOP scenes; all of which can be replayed upon completion of the game. The HOP scenes are very interactive. They include a wide variety of styles besides lists of items and silhouette scenes. There are rebus clues, cryptic clues, searching for items based upon a small fragment from them, spot-the-differences, matching, and placing items back into the scene where they belong.
My only complaint is the concept of serial games. Domini did respond to my inquiry on Facebook as to why they are using this venue for games. They informed me that many of their customers were asking them to develop new concepts in gaming. Personally, I don’t care for serial games; however, at least this one is not a continuation of another game which the player would have to play to understand what the story is about. The game has a beginning and a typical fairytale type ending.
BONUS CHAPTER: It is just another chapter within the story. Play Arthur in his quest to locate a falling star to create a wedding ring for Rosalyn. As he searches for this star, he meets Stellaria, a falling star who is searching for a way to return to the sky and her own kingdom. With the help of other characters from the story, help Stellaria discover why she is stuck on Earth in the first place. Save her from a menacing warlock who wants her power for his own wishes. I found the chapter delightful. It is the same quality as main game. There are nine (9) mini-games and nine (9) HOP scenes. I found the chapter very long but loved the beautiful story behind the game.
MECHANICS: • Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • 39 achievements. • Collect 10 morphing gifts for the princess and 10 pieces of jousting gear. • Locate 70 crystals which will enable you to exchange for items for a boudoir. • Wallpapers along with concept art, music, and video sequences • Replay 36 HOP scenes and 24 mini-games.
SPOILERS: Here are samples of the 38 mini-games within this game. These are some of my favorites. A. Maze puzzle. Choose between directional arrows to leave a labyrinth. B. E/H. Assembly puzzle. Place colored spores into empty spaces so none are next to those of the same color. The hard version provides the number of each colored spore you must place. C. E/H. Switch/Assembly puzzle. Switch pieces on two totems until two dwarf totems are formed. The easy version has fewer pieces to switch. D. E/H. Sequence/Time Ratio puzzle. Open vials based on the rate of the water flow, so the streams of water reach the mill at the same time. The easy version has 3 vials and the hard has 4. E. E/H. Paint by number. In this case – paint by symbol. The easy version has the symbols identified for each color. In the hard version. Some of the symbols are smudged. F. E/H. Maze puzzle. Find your way to the throne room collecting items along the way to clean obstacles in your path. G. E/H. Search puzzle. Using a magnifying glass locate all symbols within a sky image. The hard version has more symbols to locate. H. E/H. Domino puzzle. Place dominoes into position so that both ends match with the domino next to it. Hard version has more dominoes to place.
PostedOctober 12, 2023
fromHappy Halloween! Enjoy but remember to not eat all the Halloween dishes collected in this game. After all, you don’t want to lose that “ghoulish” figure. On second thought, in this game you probably do!
REVIEW BASED UPON THE ENTIRE GAME 6 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 56 pages
STORY SYNOPSIS: All aboard! Play the photo editor from Mystic News. Your career is crumbling due to the lack of catchy photos for your magazine. A young woman named Millie invites you to a Halloween party given by Anna Charlestone. You are off to the party, hoping you can capture the essence of Halloween. However, you will find yourself at a party where you will be traveling between the world of the living and the Underworld. Meet Alister Deadstone, a spirit whose yearly visit to this annual Halloween bash provides more tricks than treats! Be wary! Hopefully, he does not trick you! This Halloween Hunt Ritual will see Alister hunting for more than a Halloween costume.
OPINION: Ah! This is my favorite time of year and what better way to celebrate the season than with a game from my favorite genre and from my favorite developer. It resurrected my ghoulish spirit traveling between the real world and the spirit world. This game is all decked out for Halloween, dressed up in orange and black and chuck full of pumpkins, festive lights and, of course lots of monsters, ghosts, and ghouls. If you are not in the spirit of Halloween yet, the imagery from this game should get you into that spirit.
I loved this game and once I began playing it, I could not stop until I finished it. Domini Games always provide more gaming pleasure for the money. A lot of work went into the game. I found the game rather long; however, not as long as previous games. It follows the same format as the other games from this developer. Choices made throughout the game between two dialogues or actions determine the outcome of the game. There are four (4) extra rooms the player can visit for extra activities. They include a dressing room to create a costume, a ghost book library, a train dining car, and Emmett’s bedroom in the bonus chapter. This game is best suited for teens and adults. I feel the content is not appropriate and too difficult for younger children. The collectibles are morphing Halloween party food and masks. Collect tickets throughout the game to exchange for occult items to outfit a boudoir.
HOP SCENES: I counted thirty-two (32) HOP scenes within the game. Some of the HOP scenes are somewhat challenging as well. There is a nice variety of different styles of scenes. Besides the usual standard lists of items and silhouette, there are some of my favorites such as rebus and cryptic clue scenes. One of my favorite scenes from this game involves placing cutouts into a scene over the item to be removed. Some of the scenes are repeated; however, they are offered in a different style. Be warned! I found it difficult of locate some of the items within the scenes. They are well-hidden. I enjoyed the search for those well-hidden items; however, I can understand some people may not.
MECHANICS: • Age Level: Teens/adults • Difficulty level: Moderate to difficult. However, some of the easy puzzles are somewhat challenging. • Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • 38 achievements. • Collect 14 morphing Halloween themed dishes and 15 Halloween masks. • Collect 70 tickets which can be exchanged to provide occult items for the boudoir. • 12 wallpapers along with concept art, music, and video sequences • Replay 24 mini-games and 31 HOP scenes.
MINI-GAMES: As in most of this developer’s games, most of the puzzles are offered in both an easy version and a hard version. I found some of the easy version of the puzzles slightly difficult as well. From my count, there are thirty-five (35) puzzles within the game.
BONUS CHAPTER: It is a prequel. The setting is three (3) years before the setting from the main game. Play Anna Charlestone, a rich pretty socialite from the main game. This chapter explains some of the mysteries surrounding the main game. After visiting her Uncle Henry, she discovers there is more behind her visit than her uncle has told her. Allister Deadstone appears in this game along with her ghostly cousin Emmett. I found this chapter a welcome addition to the main game and answered a few questions I had about Anna. There are ten (10) HOP scenes and eight (8) mini-games.
A. Assembly puzzle. Position hands on a scarecrow so they match blood-stained handprints. B. E/H. Sequence puzzle. Arrange statues so they are arranged from lightest to heaviest. The easy version has 5 statues and the hard has 6. C. E/H. Strategy puzzle. Place 4 occult symbols into squares on a grid so that no identical symbols are together. Hard has more squares to fill. D. E/H. Sequence puzzle. Examine a line of stones and place missing stones from a given inventory of them into the empty spaces based upon the pattern of the stones. The easy version has colored stones; the hard version has symbols. E. Connection puzzle. Connect pieces of a web with given links so that a spider can eat prey within their cocoons. They can be rotated. F. Connection puzzle. Connect bottles with lines based on the number of dots on the top of their lids. The lids indicate the number of lines to attach to that bottle. BONUS CHAPTER: G. E/H. On circular grid, place gears into their proper slots. Rotate the circles until the slots are in the proper position to place the gears. H. E/H. Connection puzzle. On a grid, connect and remove all squares so none remain. You cannot go over the same cell twice. The hard version has a larger grid of cells to remove.
Well I see the assembly line is in full swing at Boomcrap. There is a recent boom at BFG to produce this crap. This developer is cranking them out as fast as humanly possible. I will say this game has a lot of diversity in activites. The player can play many varieties of activities within the game. However,that being said, all those activities are boring cookie cutter variations of each other.
This developer used to produce some decent games. I would love to see them slow down and produce better games. I usually don't even bother to write a review for this type of game; however, I do want to support fellow members of this site. We all just want better games to play.
Detectives! Prepare to enjoy another detective game from one of the best game developers for HOPA games, DO Games. Play a seasoned detective, who, along with a young apprentice detective, investigates a series of murders. This is a very long game. There are four (4) chapters plus a bonus chapter. Each chapter is as long as some games on BFG. I enjoy playing games such as this one because those breaks within the game make it easier to quit and not forget what happened previously when you return to the game. DO Games always provides more gaming pleasure for the money and for the length of the game, it is a steal at the collector’s price.
From the first two chapters I have played, it appears that each chapter is dedicated to a new murder case. The first chapter deals with an evildoer who is trying to escape punishment for a lifetime of crimes. The second case deals with the murders of members of the occult, an exorcist, and a fortune teller. Are the two chapters connected? At this point I am uncertain; however, I am looking forward to completing the entire game to find out.
The format is the same as the other games within this series. Chapters are identified as the player progresses through the game. The collectibles are morphing newspaper articles and flowerpots filled with a variety of flowers. I found most are easy to locate. Collect sixty-five (65) badges which can be exchanged for bouquets of flowers hidden within a boudoir. There are fifteen (15) wallpapers. I am enjoying playing a new story with each chapter. For me, it breaks up the monotony of such a long game. Throughout the game the player receives points. Stars and points are rewarded for choosing the correct choice between two actions or responses. The graphics are good; however, there are not as many scenes as in this developer’s earlier games. However, I am just happy to have a decent HOPA game to play. There are fewer and fewer of these being produced nowadays.
This game is a little more difficult than many other HOPA games. It is jam packed with puzzles and HOP scenes. Most of the puzzles are offered in both an easy and hard option. The HOP scenes are varied and as with their other games, DO Games has a wide variety of styles of HOP games. All the scenes are highly interactive. I found some of the items to be located a little difficult to find; however, for me, that is part of the fun of playing these games. This game is not boring. It will keep a player engaged with each new chapter.
MECHANICS: • Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • 35 achievements. • Collect 10 morphing newspaper clippings and 10 flowerpots. • Collect 65 badges used to exchange for bouquets of flowers. • Wallpapers along with concept art, music, and video sequences • Replay 35 Mini-games and 32 HOP scenes.
A. E/H. Sequence puzzle. Adjust flags on a globe so that the position of each one matches the flag beneath it. Moving one flag up-and-down affects the others. The easy version has 5 flags; the hard version has 7 flags. B. E/H. Match-3 puzzle. Match up 3 or more of your colored tokens before your nemesis fills up his grid. You each have tokens of 3 different colors. Tokens can connect either up, down, or diagonally. C. E/H. Sequence puzzle. Using dials which move either 3 or 4 spaces – clockwise or counterclockwise – choose the correct key outlines for a set of keys. The easy version has 5 keys and the hard has 7. D. E/H. Gear puzzle. Rotate gears with images on them so that chains connecting gears with each other have the same image appearing in both gears they connect. The easy version has 5 gears and the hard has 6. E. E/H. Maze puzzle. Rotate a circular grid so that blue marbles end up on indicated slots. The easy version has one blue marble – the hard has two. F. E/H. Connection puzzle. Create a maze for a mouse by rotating squares on a grid s until a path is formed. In the hard version, rotating one square affects the others. G. E/H. Matching puzzle. Connect boot prints on a bog until all are connected. The hard version has more boots than the easy version.
Elephant - what were you thinking when you created this fiasco? UGH! I am terrified and horrified (well maybe those words are a little overdramatic), that Elephant is going the same route as many other developers and will stop creating HOPA games. I cannot believe that Elephant thought this game would be well-received. This game is modeled after another developer’s successful HOP games. I don’t play that developer’s games, except at Christmas. It does provide a nice beginning to the Yuletide season with its musical background. At least those games are well-formatted and are a little challenging.
This game lacks anything warranting a collector’s edition price. The game has no voice-overs. The HOP scenes are boring – the simplistic puzzles are boring, and the format is boring as well. You lost me Elephant from the first hello to this new series. I dread seeing any more of these games. As others have stated, it is boring, boring, boring! Hopefully you are getting the message.
I sincerely hope BFG is NOT going to have a deluge of HOP games in the future. I am certain I am not the only one who will just give up their membership if this is all they are going to provide in the way of gaming for PC and MAC.
In case the message was lost because of all the verbiage – allow me to define this game in two words:
REVIEW BASED UPON THE FIRST 3 CHAPTERS 6 Chapters Plus a Bonus Chapter – Strategy Guide: 80 pages
What a fantastic game! This game is long. I was only able to finish the first three (3) chapters. It will take me several days to complete the entire game. I am savoring every moment as we BFG customers see fewer HOPA games nowadays. Although I have not completed it, I will give my assessment on the first half of this game. This HOPA game, unlike some others offered on this site, is worth the price of a Collector’s Edition game. For members, this game is a steal at the price listed. There are hours of gaming pleasure. Hopefully other developers will look at this serial game. It is a cut above most HOPA games offered lately. I feel DO Games has taken HOPA games in a new direction, and most importantly, in the right direction. Lately, some of the HOPA games offered on this site are short, poorly constructed, and boring.
This game is a hybrid. It is more of an adventure game; however, it has HOP scenes within it. The game is the fourth one within this series. In this episode, the citizens of the kingdom of Thornheim, are off to save their kingdom from eternal cold. This is a serial game with chapters, each one with a new character as the protagonist. The story is well-written. The activities are superb. Enjoy trekking throughout the kingdom casting spells, making potions, and fighting off evildoers. The graphics are breathtaking.
DO Games exceeded themselves with this game. They have always been my favorite developer and this game is truly another masterpiece. The format is the same as in their other games. There are three collectibles. Collect stained glass windows, magical amulets, and sun amulets. The sun amulets are exchanged for plants to place within a greenhouse upon completion of the game. There are decision points given for choosing the right answer to questions throughout the game. However, there is no guesswork involved. The “right” answer has gold star and red gem next to it.
Almost all the puzzles have two versions which can be played in either an easy or hard mode. No other developer offers the number puzzles with two levels of difficulty as DO Games. There are many puzzles within this game and found the ones I played superb. The HOP scenes are varied as well with many different styles of play including lists of items, silhouette, fragment, replacement, and rebus clues to name a few. The usual thematic Match-3 game can be played instead of the HOP scenes. The player can replay nine (9) HOP scenes and eight (8) mini-games upon completion of the game. With so many superb HOP scenes and mini-games, why are not more of these offered to be replayed? If I have a complaint, this would be my one complaint.
If I were to play only one game this month, this would be the game. Thank you, Do Games, for providing a PC version of this game. I love playing these on a PC as opposed to playing on a mobile device. I cannot wait to play the rest of this game and hope we have more of this type of game in the future.
MECHANICS: • Four (4) levels of play including a customized version. • 39 achievements. • Collect 10 pieces of stained glass and 10 magical amulets. • Collect 70 sun amulets used to outfit a greenhouse with plants. • 14 wallpapers along with concept art, music, and video sequences. • Replay 9 HOP scenes and 8 mini-games.
A. E/H. Connection puzzle Connect two crystals by placing angular shaped bone pieces into position within a grid to connect them. You must use all bones. The hard version has more bones to connect. B. Picture puzzle. Rotate and switch pieces to restore a note. This requires some strategic thinking as switching the pieces causes them to switch direction. C. E/H. Sequence puzzle. Get to a red portal by traveling across a grid by using portals. You can jump through portals of the same color. The harder version has more portals. This must be done sequentially to arrive at the final red port. D. E/H. Chess/strategy puzzle. Move a chess piece into position avoiding 3 cats which move to block your path. E. E/H. Rotating rings puzzle. Rotate chutes so that they are placed in a forward position facing bolts. When all are placed correctly, the bolts will move into the empty chutes. There is a blocker provided to hold one chute in position while the others move. The easy version has 4 chutes; the hard has 8 chutes. F. E/H. Lock puzzle. Move lock picks up and down to create a path for latches to be removed. The easy version has 2 latches and the hard has 3 latches to remove. G. E/H. Gear puzzle. Place the gears into position so all are in motion. In this case, the gears are slid into position and not switched as in other games. The hard version has a more difficult setup in which to position the gears.
Ever tried those “lite” drinks? They have some of the flavor of the original drinks, but are missing the gusto, flavor, and sugary goodness of the full calorie rich ones. Same with these HOP games. They lack the story, creativity, and fantastic activities of HOPA games; ones which immerse us into other worlds and satisfy our hunger for a fantastic gaming experience.
I do usually do not review HOP games. I find them boring and a waste of time. CBTX has outlined this game beautifully. I “ditto” everything he outlined in his well-written review. There is no story behind this game. There are a series of HOP scenes followed by some “puzzle.” The puzzles are hardly what one would consider puzzles. Most are a type of picture puzzle.
I played the demo for this game and found it the same as the other HOP games from this developer. Hopefully, BFG will cancel their HOPA Light contract with Boomzap. Personally, I am tired of Boomzap crap being thrust down our throats twice a week or even more. CBX is correct. They are the same game – over-and-over-and-over again. (I could have used the word “repeatedly;” however, it loses some feel of the ho-hum resonance it invokes). All Boomzap games use the same format, only changing the theme of the HOP game. I have seen scenes reused from one game to another, especially within the sequels to those “I Love Finding” games. What I would love finding in the future are less games from this developer and, in general, less games from this genre.
The fact I am taking time from my busy schedule to write a review is to show support for those of us who detest these games. I love playing with my cat. However, I do not love searching for cats, dogs, turtles, birds, fur babies, or any other member of the animal kingdom. This HOP game is the same game as all the others Boomcrap has produced. I grew up in a Great Lakes state; however, I see images within the game which do not even reflect this Midwest area of the country.
There are those who love these HOP games. There is a need to have some games from the genre. However, many of us would prefer to not have a consistent diet of these games, and not two to three per week, especially from the same developer.