Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
it's rare that I quit a demo before time is up because I really want to give a game a fair chance. that said, I had to drop this one like a hot potato. the gameplay itself is mediocre compared to other TM games, and there's no difficulty in achieving 3 stars or completing the challenges. on top of it all, the laugh track they hit the button on every time someone says something not witty at all is grating and if you turn the volume down you will miss the "mouse" noise. too bad, I loved Love Boat back in the day but this game didn't even make my "might buy in a drought" list.
this plays just like the Emily Delicious games, but the score and clock are along the bottom of the screen instead of to the left. the storyline is engaging so far, and I'll surely be adding this to my collection soon. this is better than the Angela versions.
in this sixth edition of clutter, we find much of the same gameplay as in previous games. a junkpile of shapes and colors, in a variety of matches - find 2, find 3, black and white, match the halves, etc. the slider puzzles make a return appearance, but seem to be related solely to the story (which to me makes them more worth playing, I skipped these in the last 2 editions).
but stop the presses - there's a new clutter. CLUTTER CHAOS! and chaos it is, as items reorganize themselves on the screen one at a time. just when I didn't think there could be a different twist on matching, they found it.
I highly recommend this to anyone who likes a good junkpile challenge. it's a great break in between all of the HO games that rehash the same story over and again.
omg, stop the presses - a puzzle I haven't seen at this challenge level before! Skipped it after a few minutes just to get the demo in before time ran out. this is the Haunted Hotel I've missed in the last couple of installments. I'm dying to buy the game and get back to it. Morphs in areas instead of HO scenes, collectibles in popups, a completely different "music room" collectible - things you wouldn't expect to be collectibles but each has its own part to play in what I'm guessing will be a cohesive song of some sort. you can see the silhouettes of items you're looking for in the music room. there were a few twists here and there in the demo. I only stopped because I didn't want to ruin the suspense.
yes, there is the standard missing zipper pull - it's in nearly every game by any given developer. but I'm still very engaged halfway through the demo, and I haven't looked forward to getting back to a game quite this much since Bridge To Another World: Alice in Wonderland. that one was a definite winner, keeping my fingers crossed that this one is, too.
I absolutely love this series. I normally play hidden object / adventure games and there's nothing better than a good storyline and gameplay. but there's something about Clutter that keeps me engaged, not only through a single play but on a repeated basis. I purchased the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Clutter and have definitely gotten my money's worth with them. this edition looks like a great deal of the same and a half hour into the demo I'm ready to hit the "buy" button.
This is your standard Clutter fare - a junkpile of objects to match in one way or another in order to remove them from the field. There is a great variety of styles - match 2, match 3, find the two halves, find the object shown. there are little minigames scattered throughout to give you a break from the repetition. Like most of the other versions, there are letters, coins, and puzzle pieces to find.
The only downside I can see to this edition is the music. It was a little frenetic for my tastes.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Word, Mahjong
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
I could find no fun factor to this game. within the first 20 minutes, you have collected numerous "powers" that make the whole mahjong gameplay too easy. shuffle the tiles, reveal hidden tiles, find a match even though you can't see it, match a tile that's still locked. how hard and fun is the game when you don't have to think ahead?
also, I was irritated that there is no way to collect three stars on all of the levels. In the first page of the map, there are three rooms where you have to complete the game in 0 seconds in order to achieve 3 stars. I've never been able to complete a game of anything in 0 seconds.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management, Match 3
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
this is a game I'd definitely like to demo. when there were issues upon its release, I patiently waited for an update (hopefully) from the developers. Unfortunately, the update was worthless for me as I'm still unable to even get the game to start on my computer. I've never had an issue where I can't get a game to load, and am disappointed that this game, that looks so promising, won't be added to my stable. I am not the only player experiencing the same issue, and the update did not fix the problem for a great many players.
Please read the forums of both the CE and SE before making a decision to purchase - you can find them in the upper right hand corner where it says "get game tips."
extremely long cut-scenes with a lot of dialogue - and why use live actors when their lips don't even try to match up to their speech? it's like watching a foreign film without the subtitles.
but what really lost my attention was the inability to pick up inventory items when you come across them. there were at least two items that you know you will need at some point in the game, but when you try to pick them up you get a message that you can't yet - but there's no reason why you can't. so there is unnecessary back-and-forth, seemingly to extend the time it takes you to play because there doesn't look to be any other reason for it.
the storyline might have saved an otherwise unremarkable game without these two major flaws; as it was I was uninterested in continuing the demo.
there's nothing I loathe more than a game that will not let you make a mistake in a puzzle. that was my end point, the first puzzle is a paint by numbers, and you simply can't click on the wrong number.
this game is more for a beginner. everything is right where you need it, there's very little back-and-forth. the storyline has been done ad nauseum - a boy disappears into a closet and ends up in an alternate universe/theme park.
the dialogue also borders on ridiculous. you come across a man sitting on a bench, and he informs you that he forgot his paper and doesn't know how to entertain himself. a grown man can't entertain himself? so you steal a newspaper, and then once you give him the newspaper, you steal his bag.
there wasn't any point in going on, the puzzle came right on the heels of this nonsense. I can suspend belief for many a game, but it's got to have something going for it and this game just doesn't.
what else is there to really say? the game is set up as a storybook, with four scenes to a page, four items to find in each scene. the last two scenes on the facing page are puzzles, then you spot the differences after putting the puzzle together. I didn't go on past the first page, STD isn't really my cup of tea.
the graphics are older, no voiceovers, and the storyline is pretty vague.
I would recommend this game only if you're a fan of spot the differences.