what a fantastic offering! this is a continuation in the Echoes of the Past series, and dthe best so far in my opinion.
this is a standard hidden object puzzle adventure with a good storyline, variety of hidden object scenes (list, find x items, place the items where they belong). the puzzles are of differing challenge levels, and so far some have a slight twist on what you're used to seeing (and in a good way, which is nice!). it's not so easy that you're simply clicking through, some of the inventory items require a bit of thought in their usage. a bit of back and forth, usually within a few scenes, though there are one or two things to unlock that are back near the beginning. lots of things to remember where they are before you complete them.
each scene has multiple things to do - hidden object scene, a puzzle or two, a couple of inventory items to find or use. this is not light on the interaction at all.
the graphics are worthy, the audio was unobtrusive. no lag in between scenes.
while this is not the most challenging game I've played, it has definitely kept my interest throughout the entire trial. it's rare that I buy a game the day it appears, but this is definitely the exception.
I cut my teeth on Letters from the Past, and the Cherry Blossom Murders. I've progressed quite a ways since then, but sometimes like a light piece of fluff to clear my mind between games.
This game. Ugh. The graphics are awful, the gameplay is a head scratcher, the music is reminiscent of a blue movie, and I couldn't stick it out long enough to encounter a puzzle.
The hidden object scene was accessed by clicking on a magnifying glass in the corner (or maybe that was the hint button, there's really no direction in this game#. but how nice that the hidden objects overlay the scene you're in, and you can watch them "ghost" into place. the challenge lays in trying to match the item up with the line drawing at the bottom that is your list. the wine bottle didn't look a whole lot like the milk bottle you were supposed to pick up.
and the cursor's persnickety. I clicked on an item four times, coming back to it again and again, before it let me select it.
oh, and the screen. there is no widescreen, which I've seen quite a few people complain about. I'd take "not widescreen" over this, which was about a 5" square in the middle of my monitor with huge black bars #taking up over half the screen# on all sides. the only display option was if I wanted to play windowed or not.
the language gap was glaringly apparent very early on, there was a note that I couldn't quite decipher. that was the end for me. one or two of these I might be able to overlook to use up one of those game credits I bought at a discount. but put them all together and it's too much to wade through, and anything but enjoyable.
I demoed this a few months ago, and it immediately went on my "buy it when it's released" list. there's nothing new or innovative about this game, but it struck my fancy anyway.
the hidden object scenes are not too difficult, and everything I saw was labeled what it should be. but I did have to think over a couple of puzzles #though most I got pretty quickly, so not too strenuous#. bring your sneakers, you'll be doing quite a bit of trekking about. luckily, they block off areas a couple of times during scene changes so you're not going over the entire map. you're also not going from one scene to another, back and forth between the two several times, to complete one task. you'll have to visit a few different places to get everything together.
most of the inventory items you need to use are logical, a few are a bit off and a couple items you'll carry around until you forget you have them... that's when you'll need them.
the game was a good length, I didn't feel cheated at the end of the game, and I wasn't at the point where I was waiting for it to be over. I don't know that I've seen another game by this developer, but I think I'll go on a hunt to see what else they offer. it was a very enjoyable way to spend the weekend.
if I had one complaint, it would be that more voiceovers would have really given this a bit more polish.
I can't believe I just played the same game these other reviewers did. I didn't care for it, and couldn't wait for it to be over.
The storyline was transparent. I was pretty disappointed when the ending came and it was what I had guessed after putting the second person in the boat.
there was an awful lot of back and forth just for the sake of adding time. when you have to go back to a location to pick up one item, go back to the second location to use that item and pick up another, then go back to the first location to use that item, that's just laziness on the part of the developer.
I really thought I was going to like it based on the demo. I would say the demo was the best part of the game. :(
I don't recommend this game.
22of33voted this as helpful.
Mystery Age: The Dark Priests
Stop the Chaos God’s Dark Priests once and for all! Amber must head back to Westwind Village to put an end to the evil for good!
I have to admit, I did the trial on this when it first came out. I wasn't too impressed - I only recall seeing FROGs in the demo, and that's not my first choice of game. I put it on my "probably later" list, and promptly forgot about it.
it popped up in my "games you may like" and I went ahead and purchased. there is so much more to this game than FROG scenes. you will also encounter the classic hidden object scene, as well as "find 10 whatevers". even when revisiting the same scenes, I don't recall being asked to find the same thing again.
there were enough puzzles tossed in to keep things fresh, but nothing super difficult. for the most part, inventory items were used in a logical manner - no sawing a wooden pole in half with a piece of string.
bring your sneakers, there is a great deal of traveling around. if you can't figure out what to do next, go revisit every area you've hit so far, you never know when a sparkly scene will give you what you need.
this game is extremely old, but it was still a cute game. there are many short scenes where you have one main goal - figure out how to get over a chasm in the road, get an ATM off of an injured person, etc. there are HOScenes, maybe two or three per area. they are not super difficult, but it does require a bit of looking for the last two or three items. some are blended in by color. I can't even really explain why I liked it, other than it was pretty campy and a relaxing experience.
there are your standard hidden object scenes, and so far a couple "find 15 whatevers". the graphics are hit and miss, mostly miss. at one point in the beggining it the renderings were line drawings like in Tiger Eye, then they went to very rudimentary hazy "realism".
WARNING: If you do not complete the scene you are in before you exit, you have to start it again when you resume the game. there is also quite a load time between scenes.
this game didn't require a great deal of thinking, the tasks were relatively easy to accomplish and there was no back-and-forth because you had to complete your mission before you could go on.
I'm definitely going to buy it, it looks like it will be a respectable length, about 4 hours for me since I'm not in much of a hurry.
I really wanted to like this game. when I got to the first HO scene, I kept clicking and clicking on the item it asked for. I finally used a hint, to find out that they were not looking for what they asked for but just a part of it. so if you don't click on exactly the right section, you can't pick it up but the list does not distinguish this.
there are no voice overs, just text to read.
not the greatest graphics - kind of outdated and fuzzy.
HO scenes lists items that aren't quite what the game calls them
I don't recommend this game.
I don't recommend this game.
73of98voted this as helpful.
Strange Cases: The Secrets of Grey Mist Lake
Discover the Secrets of Grey Mist Lake! FBI Agent Claire Ellery has discovered another Strange Case and she needs your help!
I have never been fond of the other installments in the "Strange Cases" series, but thought after trying the demo on this one that it would be better. and it is, I'll give it that.
there was really nothing redeeming about this game. the voice overs were wooden. the graphics were low-grade. the puzzles were very easy and certainly nothing unique. the hint button only repeats what's on your "objective" card if you're not in a hidden object scene.
and let's talk about this hidden object scenes. the ones you revisit sometimes three times. picking up the same objects you've already picked up. there's no excuse for that in this day and age, and is pure laziness on the part of the programmers. there must be three dozen or so items to find in that scene, and you want me to pick up the hammer *again*?
I bought it, I tried it, it's not for me. unfortunately, I wouldn't ever bother replaying it. I definitely wouldn't recommend it.
this was a great game, and I don't bestow that honor often. I played this over a course of three days, and enjoyed every minute of play. the puzzles were not difficult or unique, but broke up the hidden object scenes and adventure pretty well. I wish I had realized there was a map before I got the seventh rune in place, but it was helpful from that point on, especially in showing where you still had something to do. the hidden object scenes were not taxing on the eyes, though there was usually one or two items that took a minute to find, and an interactive item to locate as well. will definitely put this in my "replay" file!
very simplistic game, but quite a bit of running from one location to another at times. none of the puzzles was particularly difficult, and everything was pretty easy to find. I enjoyed the game, but was disappointed at the rather abrupt ending.