I have to agree with the two reviews above. I played the demo for about 30 minutes and felt like I was being lead around on a tether. Also, the art work is comic book-like, which some might enjoy but I don't. Finally, the princess looks like she should have chipmunks running around in her hair. If games such as this one are designed principally for younger players, they should be designated as such. I don't mean to be harsh and from the reviews above others really, really like the game. I just find it overly cute and childish.
This is a very relaxing game. It's more HOS than puzzle, but the HOS scenes are clear and uncluttered (for which tired eyes are grateful) and somewhat unique as finding and using things in multiple ways is necessary to finish the scene. In this regard, the HOS's are sort of mini puzzles. The puzzles themselves are not hard and I found myself enjoying the ease of solving them. There are three levels of play and one for customizing. As I say, it's a relaxing , fairly easy game, so the casual setting may not offer any challenge at all. I've been playing in Expert mode.
There's a transporter map ( I won't buy a game without one) and indicators where things need to be done.) The art work is first rate.
Also, the story holds together well, and the central theme of entering and exiting dreams to find things adds to the storyline and elevates it above the usual artifact/evil spirit/rescue someone games.
This isn't a game that will having you scratching your head and making trips to the strategy guide, but you'll have fun while appreciating the thought the developers put into creating a very satisfying experience.
This is an entirely new game. I was frustrated at first because I kept looking for the usual HOS and puzzles and plot. This reminds me a lot of the Drawn Series, which also puzzled me until I figured out that the developers had brought us something altogether new. It it so encouraging to see Developers pushing the envelope with both HOS, puzzles, and story. I really think this is the next generation of where this sort of game is going to go, and it's only in its infancy! If this isn't game of the year, the one that is will be an absolute new paradigm.
Strange there should be such disparity in the reviews. Anyway, this is a good, casual game that will hold your interest. The graphics are sharp and quite lovely. The HO scenes are reasonably easy ( read: not junked-up and fuzzy), and the music is varied and consistent with the mood of each scene. This is just a really nice game when you don't want your brain buzzed. One caveat: There is no map. This is a serious problem in my judgment, as there is a bit of back and forth, though the hint button is helpful. Still...developers, you need to understand the problems of repetitive stress syndrome. It's real and it's painful and in extreme cases may need surgery. Overall, though, I recommend this game for ease of play when the brain just wants to hang out!
A long-forgotten artifact has just resurfaced, and the race to claim it will cause a devastating war. The only thing strong enough to stop it is one woman’s promise to the man she loves.
This is a well designed HOPA. challenging but relaxing at the same time. It has an interactive map, which I consider a must to avoid excessive clicking and ultimately a repetitive stress problem. The graphics are quite good, though some of the HO scenes are junked up and blurry. The music, however, is so annoyingly cloying and repetitive that I had to turn it off. This last is a real disappointment, as music is such an elemental part of any game. Hard to know what the developers were thinking here. So, I'd recommend it but barely.
Wow, I really like Blue Tea games but this one is almost unwatchable. I foolishly bought the CE without first playing the demo on the basis of the reviews. Dumb! Maybe it's my computer, but the graphics are garish to the point I want to make an appointment with my eye doctor after 10 minutes of playing. Too bright; too many contrasting colors; way too much going on in any scene, all of which make for a stunned rather than stunning experience. Make sure to ignore the fab reviews and see for yourself before putting out the money.