I love a good challenge in time management game. I'm an expert and have play countless of them over the years. This one is a failure for many reasons.
#1 The biggest problem of this game is the impossibility to achieve 5 stars in any levels even with a perfect gameplay. If you reach 2 stars you are lucky. Improvements cost a lot and even with them at full you barely reach the 4 stars. So you have to replay them over and over again. It's annoying and boring to replay the same levels all the time. Having less than 5 stars on each levels is not fun and bring a sens of failure even if you are a good player.
#2 The story is good, but short. The under levels are just plain with no story and no novelty. I'ts repetitive and not fun.
#3 The bonus chapters are just a repetition of the main levels - the story is identical, the levels are identical except for some puzzles stories (very few). So you have to replay the entire game for just a bit of new stuff. That was not enough to replay the levels a countless amount of time in the main game - you have to redo it over again in the bonus. It's a complete nonsense and it's the most annoying gameplay i have ever encounter.
#4 There are no trophies and achievements. Another not-rewarding aspect of the game.
The mini-games, the diamonds store and the lost letters to find are interesting but those are not enough to save the game. There are no pleasure to achieve the tasks because even with a perfect play - you finish with a ridiculous 2 stars !
If i want a good story i will certainly not play a casual game but read a book. Games are made for the challenge and the reward of completing a perfect level in the less attempts possible - which is not possible here.
I love the previous games - they were good. Not this one. There is no challenge at all. Each levels are easily done with no needs for the power ups. The expert mode is ... timed ! I want to play a solitaire with a good challenge not a time management game.
The design is more and more childish. I want a cute game - not a kids game. The CE is not worthy either - too expensive for a solitaire game.
The story is childish with a ridiculous monster. There are no challenge - everything is on the easy side. I use to love this series and have play most of them but this one is not a Mystery Trackers - just an average boring title...
Finally ! I feel like a part of the old MCF games are reborn.
The quality is there. An esoteric vibe with murders give some substance to the game. The artwork is great - one of the best I've seen. Many references to the old games which is fun. The characters and the story are interesting. Puzzles are easy but you could choose "hard" on some of them. Hos have variations and are well made. Collectibles and bonus level worth to pay for the CE. I love the journal. This is one of the feature I enjoy the most in the MCF. They could upgrade it with many more details but this is a start.
I'm am not a fan of the green glowy thing put on every spooky games. This is not necessary and it downgrade the quality of the game - it's childish ! The device didn't bring anything interesting neither. Hope they will improve the difficulty levels, the Goldberg puzzles and bring a bit more of the creepy factor like the old games. With this been said - it's the best MCF since forever - high five Grandma Studio !
Take on new time management challenges and help three young archaeologists unearth the mysteries of the past and piece together the story of the brave Xi Niu!
The graphics are ugly. Blackoutlined characters with blurry videos. No difficulty settings - it's super easy with no challenge at all. Characters are not interesting - some stereotype of women who seems borderline stupid. Bugs, bugs and bugs again - this is an immediately turn off for me (freeze screen, sounds problems etc).
The archaeological part could have been good - the intro is well done with beautiful minimal graphics - but that's the only good part of the game. The rest is a mix of bad references to the Chinese history.
I don't mind the dialogue if it's served the purpose of the story. Here there's too much talk for nothing. The technology part with the flying device is weird and it's annoying. The screen of the digging site if full of stuff and people and it's just a total mess.
I love the Parker & Lane games. They are based on the same gameplay. I don't know why they create new series all the time with so bad quality when they could just had some new chapters in the previous good ones.
Finally ! The developers have made games with challenge. I have play in hard mode and this is one of the best strategy game i have ever played.
The story, the characters and the graphics are great like the previous games but i couldn't find any challenge in those - they all were super easy and borderline boring. The upgrades still need to be improved because you finish way to soon to buy them. But apart from that this is a fun and challenging game - the best in the series with Evil Genius.
Finally ! The developers have made a game with challenge. I have play in hard mode and this is one of the best strategy game i have ever played.
The story, the characters and the graphics are great like the previous games but i couldn't find any challenge in those - they all were super easy and borderline boring. The upgrades are so-so because you finish way to soon to buy them. But apart from that this is a fun and challenging game - the best in the series.
Favorite Genre(s):Aventure, Gestion du temps, Objets cachés, Strategie
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Quelle série de qualité ! Ce troisième volet fidèle aux précédents m'a plu du début à la fin. Une superbe aventure : )
La gestion est parfaite. Il faut réfléchir et faire preuve de stratégie si l'on veut réussir chaque niveau avec trois étoiles. L'histoire est intéressante et ici le héros principal est le shaman qui semble avoir quelques problèmes avec sa Némésis. Du défi, de la stratégie et en bonus des cartes aux trésors à trouver dans chaque niveau.
Les graphismes, les sons et la musique sont excellents. Un jeu fluide sans bugs ni délai de chargement. Le collector en vaut la peine. Plusieurs niveaux bonus et un guide de stratégie fort utile et bien conçu - ce qui est rare dans ce type de jeu.
Une des meilleures série de gestion auquel j'ai joué. Bon jeu à tous シ
I love this series - Revival it's a great strategy game with a high difficulty level. The game works great without any bugs or loading problems. The story is good with a young Ragnar who have to save is village. Old characters with same abilities : the witch, the bomber, the hunter etc.
Does not worth a CE : too few levels - 47 in total with wallpapers and some trophies. Unless you have a good deal, bought the standard version - it's a better choice.