Bejeweled 3 1024MB RAM, 99MB hard drive Bejeweled claims to be the world’s #1 game and the lovers of the various editions of Bejeweled will probably agree. They have added a few more bells and whistles to the standard game of Bejeweled but the up beat music, deep voiced announcer; futuristic graphics are changed very little in any way to set this version apart from the other versions. This edition has 8 game modes: Classic, Lightning, Quest, Poker and Zen with Butterflies, Ice Storm, and Diamond Mine opening as you progress in the game. There will be the ability to earn up to 65 badges from various accomplishments on the different game modes and the various rankings achieved. The Options ball is off to the left and has adjustable sliders for music, sound and voice volumes. There are 3 resolution choices plus 4 boxes to check/uncheck for the 3D acceleration, full screen, custom cursor and animate background. The help button is below the option button but down at ground level toward the bottom of the screen. Off to the right is the Records ball. There are 3 tabs, for Records, Stats, and Badges. Under each of the game modes, the top 10 scores for each style of play are given. Badges are shadowed until each badge is earned and after a game is completed the new badges earned are lit up on the table of badges. The Stats tab highlights each players rank, their best moves and other accomplishments in the game. Under the Records ball also at ground level like the help button is, is the quit button. While playing the game there are 2 file folders in the upper right hand corner that will allow you to shrink the game board so you can access your desktop without needing to exit the game, which was a nice addition for those of us that did not know how to do this prior to the addition of the file folders. The standard jeweled pieces on the standard bejeweled board are the normal 8 rows by 8 columns as with past bejeweled boards. The same colored gems continue in this version of bejeweled including the normal power ups that can be achieved. If you enjoy any of the Bejeweled games then this version may just make your day. If you are a bit tight on money then sample each version and choose your favorite as they all are fairly similar except to the people who know every detail of every version to the smallest of details. For those people, it will be a sale for their favorite game! The only problem I had was as each scene ends you fly through a tube with a bit of flashing lights but luckily in this game the motion did not continue beyond 5-7 seconds at the end of each board so it did not trigger the nausea from the motion sickness I am prone to. Hopefully others who suffer from this will also be spared. But check for your self prior to purchasing; just to be sure it will not be an issue for you. The small amount of lights flashing also seemed minuscule enough that it is unlikely to be a trigger for seizure patients either, again use caution if this may be an issue for you. Thank You to the developers for taking these medical conditions into consideration so more people are able to enjoy playing the game without their health concerns becoming a problem. For those who have survived to this point without purchasing a Bejeweled game then this version is my preferred choice as the set up and actual flow of the game makes sense and I like the mechanics of the game better than the Deluxe 2 version of Bejeweled. If you choose to purchase this game I hope that you will enjoy the many hours of enjoyment you will have playing Bejeweled 3.
JigSaw Boom 2 New release Nov 5, 2012 puzzles from 9-660 pieces Claims that you can choose your own difficulty by choosing puzzles according to the number of pieces. Soothing music though a bit boring but at least not obnoxious, though the sound as you successfully place each piece is unnecessary & can be distracting while calmly zoning off while doing a puzzle. Game requires 68MB hard drive and 512 MB RAM
Categories 7 types of Trophies, Top Players & their score, Best Scores shows picture of puzzle, score, number of pieces & time required Modify allows you to choose a puzzle & alter it in rotation & +/- number of piece Options is the gear symbol music & sounds have slider adjustment and cursor and fasten pieces to table can be checked on or off. Resolution & credits can also be chosen.
Trophies Meditation- 1,5,10,50 hours of play Puzzle Solver- joining 10,100,1000,10000 &1 million pieces Jig Saw Expert -for 10,000; 100,000 & 1 million points Patience Solver- solving puzzles of 10,100,500,1000 pieces Master of Jig Saw- solving a puzzle of at least 200 pieces w/o hints, sorting or pocket Inconsistency- for solving 1,5,10,20 different puzzles Sage- joining 5,10,15,30,50,100 pieces w/o mistakes
Game opens to an album of puzzles to choose from Box1, had 8pgs of 8 puzzles(64puzzles) ranging from 12-330 pieces Box2, had 63 puzzles from 12-660 pieces Box3, had 51 puzzles from 9-456 pieces Box4, had 46 puzzles from 12- 228 pieces Unknown if the purchased version will have any other pictures, it does not appear so.
Puzzles were ocean scenes landscape and some city sites and what looked like a view of pictures from a zoo. I was not impressed with the pictures viewed, as there should have been a greater variety showing close ups and lots of color and texture evident in the pictures. I would have liked clear beautiful shots that would keep me interested while doing a larger piece count puzzle, and I saw multiple scenes that were very similar such as a seagull in 3 or 4 similar views none of which were so awesome as to spend time putting together a puzzle of.
Once a puzzle is chosen along the lower edge there are 8 symbols. The eye puts a picture of the finished puzzle in the top left with the ability of 2X and 3X for those needing a larger view. Next was Ghost which had a ghost print on the game board to help you determine where a piece is to go. Magnifying glass was next, which if you purchase this game you will likely become VERY familiar it. Next was a picture of 3 pieces forming the corner which sorts the pieces to all border pieces remaining out and inside pieces are put away until you want them back out. Then came? For hint, Sort to help divide and sort the pieces, Settings was next and finally an exit door. I tried 5 of the under 100 piece puzzles. They did allow you to move around groups you had already put together and there was plenty of space to move things around and place things how you want to onto a white background. My issue with the game was 2 fold. First I was not impressed with the pictures offered, not even if I went in and modified the puzzle piece count to my choice of puzzle size and difficulty. Then the second frustration is I looked at the largest puzzle they offered which was a 660 piece puzzle. Sadly it was a puzzle that was 2 inches by 8 inches and each piece was teeny tiny and hardly able to see detail what so ever. Combine that with the developers chose to have shadows especially the right and lower edge when you pick up a piece but there is still shadow along the 2 sides when the piece is laying flat so by the time those teeny tiny pieces also have the shadow lines it is unrealistic for them to think someone is going to enjoy doing the puzzle. The difficulty of doing a puzzle should come from color and shading of a given picture along with the shape of a puzzle piece itself. In this case it came from the developers trying to make it hard due to the minuscule size of the pieces, poor shaping of pieces themselves, and bad shadows/ lighting of the game board. Give it a try to make sure you like the choice of pictures and are able to do puzzles in the sizes you prefer prior to purchasing this one. I will be passing on this one.
Mystery of the Ancients, Curse of the Black Water CE Your traveling to the seaside town of Black Water to check up on 2 archaeologists who have not been heard from in several days. The remaining residents of the town were evacuated once the water turned black and scary sightings started happening. I’ll start by confessing up front “I’m a wimp!!! Start the game by watching the opening screen with the buoy floating in the water… then the buoy is then moved by something…something BIGGG! I made it past that without a problem & about to the 45 minute range but almost fled while still on the pier. If you make it through the 1 hour demo then you have nerves of steel and my hat is off to you! For me my dreams are too vivid for this kind of game this late at night! I live on the Southern Oregon Coast and maybe this is just too close to what my nightmares are already made of. Awesome graphics, very appropriate music, options to adjust the music, effects & ambient sounds, custom cursor & full screen options. Each player has a running total of time spent in the game where you sign in under your name the time total is off to the right of your name when you re sign in after exiting. This game is by the same developers that made Lockwood Manor and Kate Arrow Deserted Wood. Extra content in this CE is 7 sound tracks, 10 Concept Art drawings, 11 Wallpapers and bonus game material. The music titles were Memories of Water, Abandoned Town, Monuments, Kraken, Castles in the Air, A Dream and Clue to the Riddle. The Concept art were more incomplete than I like in the artwork and reminded me of water color art. The Wallpaper art were very nice and as scared as certain scenes made me I am surprised a couple other scenes were not in the selections. There are also 15 Achievements. The first is for finding all of the 39 items, one from each scene(…See forum review to highlight what the item is……) and you’ll earn the elite detective if you complete the game in under 6 hours so a very good length. Recommended for those who have nerves of steel and enjoy adrenalin rushes and worrying about what is around the corner….even in places they should not be! Best not to be holding your coffee or cocoa mugs over your keyboard while playing this game as there will be times you jump.
Halloween: The Pirates Curse Good family fun! Same maker as last years “Halloween Trick or Treat”with Mike and Sally, which we purchased last year & enjoyed very much. This round the 2 kids are teenagers Mike & Emma. They are choosing costumes & going around town once again for Halloween. They miss their friend Tom & set out to bring him back to the fair with them. Tom tells them some spooky tales about a cursed fair that his grandfather use to tell him about. As they make their way back to the fair a green fog settles over the fair and curses the rides & scenes. HO scenes are filled with skeletons, zombies & various spooky items. All the scenes are newly created from last years version but they do have the kids back in the sewer again this year as well as re-using a couple of the music clips that repeat through out the game plus quite a few graphics are also reused but the game is still worth $6.99 or a PPC if you have one. Last year we received bonus points for finding the Halloween candy canes & my grandson & I are finding that we keep clicking on them again this time around. I wish they had just left the candy canes out this time. A small cartoon Dracula can be found in each HO scene & he is often VERY well hidden. There are 2 levels to play. When you go to options you can adjust the sounds, music, full screen or mute all sounds plus it includes a tab for the credits of who helped to make the game. I played several rounds of both levels prior to purchasing & saw few differences. There were no tutorials, no sparkles & skips took slightly longer to recharge on the more difficult setting. Both levels the hint recharged in 15 seconds so it has a VERY fast recharge. The skip was an option after 30 seconds on casual & 45 seconds on the more difficult setting. Over all both versions are harder than last year’s game. Several types of mini games were placed between every 1-2 HOG’s. An example of the mini games played were put photos or Frankenstein back together, hex shaped puzzle, sewer lid puzzle, menu board puzzle, map where you match skulls, follow bats to Funny Bones store, untangle a mess of wires to turn on switches in the correct order, dart board math, fuses in correct slot to add up to a given number, arrange 3 shelves of books in the correct order, spot the 14 or 18 differences & find 20 cats & 20 bats.
One confusing part for kids (and grandparents too) is they sometimes have multiple items in a scene and you are to choose the correct one. It would be better to only have one broom, skull, arrow, pirate hat or O in a scene if that is an item that is going to be on the list of items to be found. Story helps to flow one scene to the next but it is not essential to read the storyline in order to play any of the games so, feel free to play with sound off or on and not read any storyline if that is the way you like to play your games! You do have to click “continue” to progress to the next scene which can be frustrating as it slows the progression as well as the shift between scenes does seem a bit sluggish or slow so you will likely read the boxes anyway.
Besides the multiple skulls, ”O’s”, brooms, pirate hat & arrows in a few of the scenes another difficulty came from language differences. So for those that may be confused as to what you are to find…A frogman is a scuba diver. A cockerel is a rooster. A Hell’s Angel is a logo on the back of a leather jacket. A bunting is a string of triangular flags. A abseiler is a person repelling down a wall. A cog is a gear. A ping pong bat is a ping pong paddle. Helter skelter is a lighthouse. A rosette is a ribbon award with gathered ribbon at the top and streamers hanging down. The waltzer is a twister ride at the carnival where the cars spin around.
Finally the item that threw me the most was the dart board math since I had never learned how to score points based on where the dart landed. The first 6 math problems were easy as it was just basic math. The difficult part is the problems that required you to know how points were awarded for scoring in the various red/ green sections. These are the basics. The very center is worth 50 pts the next ring around that center is worth 25. The next part to understand is each numbered section can have single, double or triple the value depending on where in that section your dart lands. The outer most ring of red/ green are double the number value and the inner ring of red/ green sections are 3 times the value of the numbered spaces. All other areas of those numbered sections are worth the single value. The last 2 math problems in this game totaled 27 & 39. Since both are unable to be divided by 2 evenly plus both are too high of numbers to be single values since the dart board goes up only to 20, means that they both will belong in the 3 times the value sections. Therefore divide both 27 & 39 by 3 to determine where the dart must land. It is important to not guess in these mini games because after a certain amount of wrong answer clicking your previous correct answers will be cleared & you will need to start again or else choose to skip that mini game.
This review is based on playing the complete game in both casual & challenging versions of play, multiple times.
I recommend this game!
22of23voted this as helpful.
Help the armadillos battle the evil Constructo Corp by strategically planting dynamite to obliterate the new establishments.
Overall rating
2/ 5
22 of 24 found this review helpful
'dillo as in Armadillo, don't make them angry as they solve problems with Dynamite!
'dillos in Armadillos. The evil Constructo Corp has started building on top of the 'dillos peaceful homes. The armadillos are fighting back with dynamite! In the first level of 10 boards the armadillos plan is that the Constructo Corp's gas station, will go KABOOM! Each game board needs to have dynamite buried at each X, plus it needs to be buried by an armadillo of the same color as the X. Each game board has rocks, cactus, ants & X's of various colors (red, blue yellow & green). The arrows on the sides of the game board are where 'dillo's can be placed to roll down the row until they come to an obstacle in their way. The cactus can be cleared with lightning but the rocks can not. Your job is to use the least amt of 'dillos to set the dynamite & collect as many ants as you can as well as using the least amt of lightning "energy" as possible. Filling of the holes is optional. You roll armadillos from alternating sides. The strategy is that you use the cactus and rocks as points to stop the armadillo prior to clearing the cactus, as well as not blocking your route to continue collecting the ants & burying the dynamite from the other side/ direction. As well as not running out of armadillos. The holes can be filled with any colored armadillo if needed & another 'dillo can then roll over the top of them or even stand on their heads if need be. The 3D graphics are more like 2D & cartoon. The options pg includes music & sfx. Game includes 40 levels to be strategically solved using multi colored armadillos bouncing their heads to the strumming music. I could not get the music low enough. The game is being released for both Mac & PC, req 126 MB hard drive &1024 RAM. When I first started the game I did have a configuration box pop up to set the graphics, screen resolution as well as 6 different levels of graphic quality, which did seem rather funny once I saw that we were going to be playing a cartoon of colored armadillos, not some high end game where the graphic settings would actually make a difference in the players gaming exp. Very little instruction is given. I did finally see the 1 page of basic instructions. A couple times there was a box that popped up as a tutorial but quickly disappeared. The head shakes that the 'dillos do after you make a move, makes it look like they are saying you made a bad choice of moves, though several times, I still won so I doubt there is meant to be a message here. Game is good for those who like puzzles/strategy but in small doses, as the music is grating & play becomes boring/repetitive, as you do the same thing over & over just on different boards. I may purchase with a PPC or as a daily deal but it is not a priority for me. Happy gaming with which ever game you decide to play!
Age of Adventure- Playing the Hero- TM, strategy We are suppose to have traveled back in time, to a time of chivalry & hero's. We have been summoned back there by a group of deceitful, backstabbing traitors, who want you to murder the king & make it look like a suicide. The villainous traitors did not know how to use the time machine properly & they requested a mafia actor from Chicago (you, the male hero to be) instead of a murderer for their evil plans. They burned up vital parts of the time machine getting you there, so now, you are unable to return home to Chicago & back to the present day & therefore you must now stay to help those that are working to keep the kingdom in good repair as well as helping to protect the kingdom against the evil no good traitors.
Good story line, though we would be going INTO the future to a time when time machines existed NOT back to a time of time machines since they do not yet exist in our modern day.
This looked like a beautiful TM game with great story & beautiful graphics in cartoon form. It includes 45 levels, 3 settings & 36 achievements, adjustable music & sounds. Options included custom cursor, full screen & vertical synchronization. There is only one level of play & if you want to race the clock for silver /gold trophies you can or take all the time you wish & receive the bronze trophy.
Now for the part of the game that will cause the majority of people to pass on this game…the click factor. The developers created the ability to getting power, wood, & money even faster, by continuously clicking the work box as it fills to completion, to speed up the task. Yes, you can wait for the task to slowly fill on its own once you click the box & just click to pick it up once the item has filled on it's own but you can not achieve silver or gold in this manner. The only way to get the silver or gold is to click as fast as you can, non stop. through each task for several minutes straight. I am not the fastest clicker, nor the slowest, by any means, I don’t have carpel tunnel or arthritis & just demoing this game with non stop clicking for 30 min has caused me soreness in my forearms & hands. I can’t imagine the pain this would cause those who do have health conditions that would increase pain from the rapid clicking.
Due to the rapid clicking that this game requires, I would only recommend this game to die hard TM’ers who have a love of speedy clicking. Happy gaming with which ever game you choose to play today!
I don't recommend this game.
80of87voted this as helpful.
Try your hand at fine art in Mysteriez, an incredible Hidden Object game! Master the gameplay and progress through the levels.
Overall rating
3/ 5
7 of 10 found this review helpful
Find numbers 1-40 in each scene- no other point or story to this game
“Mysteriez”- Hidden Numbers Enter your name on a “Restorer Sertificate” Elevator Music plays in the background. Adjustable controls for music and for other sounds Switches for Custom Cursor & Full screen Timer is set for 5 minutes to find numbers from 1 to 40 in each scene. The last 10 seconds a ticking clock sound starts and increases in volume until the time is up. The numbers are printed 1-20 at the top of the screen 21-40 at the bottom of the screen and each number change’s once you have found that number to allow you to know which numbers you are still trying to locate. Many numbers are very tricky to identify while others are blatantly obvious, giving a nice balance. You are penalized 10 seconds for each wrong click. Would have been nice to have a hint system or a way to say I am finished show me where the last 2 numbers are, without having to sit through the clock counting down the last 2 minutes. Numbers can be made from shadows, slightly different grass coloring, gaps in clouds, barely there coloring, hanging rope or link sausages etc. At the conclusion they then sparkle at each number missed. If you are going to replay you must pay attention carefully as they sparkle each missed number only briefly for about 1 second each. Your score is then added up for numbers found bonus points are received for fast finds and beating the timer etc. 7 categories- included are Trivia, Americana, Seasons, Sightseeing, Evolution, Epic Journey & Old City. Once you click on one of the 7 main categories, you are shown the first of 2 pages under that category. Each of those first pages includes 5 scenes, only one of which was unlocked. I can not tell if topics are duplicated since “Helloween” and camping were both listed twice. Un Known how many different scenes are included through out the game. Thankfully the developers could not miss spell any of the numbers and the spelling errors I found did not change the scenes you were looking for the hidden numbers in. No story line. No hints. Some numbers seem to require precise clicks, so be careful to pay attention that the number you just clicked actually changes to note that you have found that number. This game may be a good one to play with kids, grand kids or as a family since the range is from easy to VERY hard to locate all the numbers. For those with portable devices this game may be worth using a punch card coupon for when you need to kill 5 minutes while standing in line or wasting time while waiting on hold.
Categories and topics included were: Trivia-Museum, Gym, Space, Airplane Hanger, & Japan Americana- Wanderers, Farm, Saloon, Saw Mill & Hawaii Season- Lodge, Christmas, Camping, “Helloween”, & Ski Resort Sight Seeing- Victorian, “Armoury”, Greece, Orient, & Venice Evolution- Prehistory, Iron Age, Egypt, Babylon, & Antiquity Epic Journey- Provance, “Helloween”, Siesta, Camping, & Trailer Park Old City- Cairo, Rome, Kiev, London, & Moscow
A Moon for the Sky I have been trying each new release. This game seems like it should have been released 15+ yrs ago! Well maybe that is the feeling the dev’s wanted to bring out in players. For me, it did not work.
When I am confused at what needs to be done, I scan through the games options to see if anything in those categories will help me, plus help me to find the volume controls so I can turn those down right off the bat. In this case, there were no options listing on the main page or “sign in” under “profile” or volume controls anywhere. I became more confused, so I exited, read the forum pages & bravely tried again. This time with my ear buds with volume control & armed with Big Fish Game member Mr_Russ's response to another confused player,
Mr_Russ states "That first line between the stars is only the start. Draw another line higher up the screen before the moon comes back down (so it hits and bounces again). The shorter your new line, the higher the next bounce. Green / orange / red reflects the length of the line and the power on the bounce."
The opening screen will say Play & Profile. If you choose Profile you will see a Moon with a star badge, “Custom C” & “Shop”. At the beginning of your gaming experience with this game, the Custom C category will only have a crescent moon avail. Under "Shop" along the bottom of the screen, ticker tape style states "here you will find new moons & hearts to unlock." In “Shop” there are 4 icons, an 8 ball egg@ 50 units, yarn ball@300, frog like creature@300 & a gear@300. I am not sure what to call the unit of measure that looks like a Capital B with a double long line. Under "Lives" you can purchase 1 hearts@200, 3 hearts@ 500 & 10 hearts @1000 units. The game states at the bottom of the screen again "Buy a lot of lives for the No Limit mode." Under “Badge” you have the choice of a star, a heart or what looks like a cellophane wrapped candy ball. I am back to thinking I am reading a foreign language here... I exited again and read BFG Kamali’s post that said to choose “adventure” for tutorial instead of “No Limit”, so I went back to try yet again.
This time I skipped “Profile” & selected “Play”. Given the choice of “No Limits” and “Adventure” I now selected “Adventure”. There are 4 levels listed, Nebula Oceanis, that is unlocked & Nebula Hiverna, Nebula Prehistoria & Aero Nebula which are all still locked. So I selected my only choice, Nebula Oceanis & clicked on the #1 star & “GO”. The game finally started. Recalling Mr_Russ's advice, I was at least able to start playing a game that reminded me of the very early years of casual gaming.
The difficult part of this game is that the whole game field is not in view. When the moon with a star attached, drops back down & hits your line, like a trampoline, & bounces up, you will need to figure out very quickly, where to place the next line segment & how long to make that line, plus figure out if you need to angle that line, in order to have the moon clear any obstacles in the playing field, which you can not see until that part of the playing field comes into view. Those sensitive to motion sickness should try before buying. Then again, with this game EVERYONE should try before buying! The moon will keep bouncing higher & higher, as long as your lines keep moving the bouncing moon to clear any obstacles.
You earn pts by the number of coins & bonus stars you collect on the mini game field. I say mini game field as it only uses the center 1/3rd of my screen. Once you have earned enough pts you will be able to choose other items to bounce, instead of a moon, plus you will have the opportunity to purchase more lives which this game calls heart’s.
With Big Fish Game membership numbers there will be at least a few members that will either love this game and give a thumbs up since it reminds them of the games from their youth or they have not yet learned to read the forum pages before they purchase any game or there will be the rare few that will enjoy this type of game play. That is the beauty of Big Fish Games as there are games to suit anyone’s style of preferred games. Happy gaming!
Sticky Linky On the opening screen You choose between Play & Zen Mode. Zen is locked until you have reached 400,000 coins. Along the bottom of the screen there are 5 symbols. 1.Gears-choose between 2 picture icons, a TV with arrows shooting out or a speaker. TV with arrows is for the game stretching to fit your screen. The speaker allows adj the music & other sounds. I looked for this symbol immediately, as the happy, cheerful, music became very annoying rather quickly. 2. Awards box- scoreboard for the regular game or Zen mode 3. Player list- slots for 5 players 4. Achievements- 32 available achievements. An example is the "Zebra achievement" is earned for collecting creatures alternating between 2 colors. Not all are difficult as the "Charmed achievement" is earned by not touching anything on the game screen for 20 seconds. Many achievements deal with gaining of creatures according to their color. 5. "i" icon -names of development team, testing crew, etc. The screen set up is very basic graphics. The molecules keep having new segments arriving and adding onto the structure, that reminds me of chemistry science lab when creating molecule clusters of various elements. As pieces are added the structure may become too heavy, out of balance, drop into the ocean or just sink and be lost. When under water there is the added risk of fish swimming by and eating a part of the structure which can disrupt any planning you may be doing. You start with 100 mana in your beaker. Each click depletes your mana or energy level by 1. The goal is to gather creatures in various color patterns. Once there are 5 or more creatures of the same color in a cluster, you click them, they will evolve to the next size up creature cluster, or blob. Once that creature is once again part of a cluster and you click on that group then that creature is added to the the upper right hand side of the screen. There are 5 diff colors gold, red, blue orange & purple. The gist of the story is these units are the basic parts that will evolve in the theory of evolution. They are changing and evolving into higher life forms. Story is not well developed , seems they just needed something to base the game on & chose this idea. Easy to pick up and play for just a few minutes here and there through the day, but is only saved at the completion of a level. Seems rather simple. Has very poor instructions, but seems easy to learn and play through trial and error. Some achievements will be harder to get. Give it a try!
LOVED IT!! purchased CE & completed the game/bonus. I'll give a bit of info about the guide, CE content & options pg. I have hidden the title of one Parable Notes plus a couple other bits of info in case you don't want to know. Game and bonus include FROGs only, and a few puzzles not many, beautiful graphics, cursor locks up if over clicking a lot. First time I have noticed this from this dev. Can not click through dialog. Puzzles -3 main types plus a couple other kinds similar to this dev past games, poor instructions for games. *remember sequence of shapes * new game that you remove shapes from game board * match items from same fairy tale (ex ___ and ___ both came from the story Puss & Boots)
Guide is located on the lower right just above of the inventory box located at the bottom of the screen. pg 1-38 Main game/10 ch pg 39-52 Bonus pg 53-55 morphing objects pg 56-57 bonus puzzles
Bonus content/ CE version incl 1) "Little Boy who Cried Wolf"- somewhat short 2) Puzzles-3 main kinds of puzzles in the game-1st kind 3 boards of memory games of repeating symbols;2nd kind,4 boards of remove shapes, 3rd kind- match items coming from the same fairy tale. 3) 6 Wallpapers all from reg game 4) Movie Galleries- 17 from reg, 4 from bonus 5) Music Museum- 6 clips of music titles- able to be saved Red Ridinghood Sisters Mist Kingdom Outpost of Vosges Valley Return of ___ ___ Tattered Cape The Fabled Land 6) Concept Art- 18 scenes- 2 are very similar to each other 7) Parable Notes, 5 from reg content 1 from bonus The First Red Ridinghood Sister The Mist Kingdom Order of the Red Ridinghood Sisters The Moon Goddess The___ ___ *Bonus- Mermaid Tears
Options pg 6 player slots adj volume for Music, Ambiance, Sounds Checks for Full screen, Wide screen & Custom Cursor 3 Difficulty Levels- Casual, Normal, & Hard- You can change as you need to within the game
20 Morphing Objects some of which may not be active until you complete a specific action or chapter.
Definitely worth playing. I did not find that I needed the guide as the Hint points you in the direction to go. I enjoyed Exiled Prince & Snow Queen and it's bonus in that game even better but this game still deserves 5 thumbs up! I am now looking forward to the next game very impatiently! AGAIN 5 thumbs up..WAY UP!!