I do love the rescue team series, and this one was really great fun to play.
However it didn't take long to finish the game with 3 stars on each level. Personally I wanted some of the levels to be harder and the game to be more of a challenge to complete.
I don't normally like this type of game but I enjoyed this one. However I would have liked a hard mode as I didn't find it challenging enough. I'm not sure if the collectors edition is worth the extra money as there seemed to be little extra.
If you are expecting this to be part of the Adelantado trilogy you'll be disappointed. This is Roads to Rome with all the features of a Roads to Rome game. The characters and some of the graphics are from the Adelantado trilogy but the game play is not.
Typical of the recent TM games this is a game made to make money and without much thought and no passion.
The characters move so slowly and removing an obstacle takes longer than is reasonable; they also make constant annoying noises.
There is nothing special, you can't interact with the back ground at all, there are no hidden secrets and no interesting features. All in all it's pretty basic game play.
There are 2 modes untimed and timed but timed is pointless as the game is so easy.
I also find the way the hunter shoots animals such as cowering bears a little off putting.
I only played the demo, even though there is a sale on I'd still be wasting my money (and my life) if I bought this game.
I can't put my finger on exactly why I don't really like this game. There are things I know I don't like such as the annoying sound effects from the traders, it's also too easy and I don't struggle to get gold. I just find it a bit tedious and dull. All the elements are there for a good game but the mixture feels wrong. Maybe there is to much running around collecting resources and in reality very little else to do.
The depressing thing about this game is that it could have been so much better. The game is good, the strategy is good but the characters move so slowly it makes the game frustrating. The speed bonus makes them move slightly faster but not much and it runs out far to soon. It's like walking through mud.
The game is the usual run around (or walk in this case) collect resources and build factories. I will play it to the end but like a lot of the recent TM games I won't play it twice and I won't remember it.
This game is okay, It's fun but not great fun. It's the usual run around collect resources and build factories to create resources. It is basic, there are no real added thrills other than needing a fire station to chase off little green men that steal your resources.
I will finish it but I might not bother with replaying levels to get 3 stars in all of them. I won't ever replay this game and I will probably not remember it.
I missed this when it came out but saw someone mention it in another review. This game is terrific fun and totally different from other TM games because there is little to do during the "play phase", you set everything up (supplies, prices, marketing etc) and then the game runs in short bursts.
I didn't think I'd like it, but I actually loved it.
There is nothing I like about this game. Bad graphics, dull game play and nothing of interest such as hidden treasures. This game looks and feels like it is 15 years old. Terrible, terrible game.
Time management and stratergy together works for me
PostedMarch 10, 2017
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I enjoyed this game. To get 3 starts you need a strategy and some levels take more than one go. I enjoyed this particularly because you needed a different strategy for each level and you have to think and plan quickly.
I liked the fact that it was possible to get 3 stars on every level. The graphics are good, the game play smooth and quick enough.