Aequel in which your uncle follows the evil Morgana and her spiders to a new town, which she'll terrorize with her destruction.
THE GOOD: - relatively straight gameplay (though not linear) with lots to do - interesting puzzles and mini-games (nicely put together). - separate task list and journal; choice of difficulty levels. - ability to customize interactive map by turning the task flag on or off. - lovely music and wonderful voice overs.
NEITHER GOOD / NOT GOOD - Interactive HOS are very crowded, interactive and well blended into background. - very good graphics, but the color palette was a bit drab for some locations.
NOT SO GOOD: - some of the scene changes took a long time - I was getting somewhat bored looking at a black screen. This was not an improvement from the CE and was so annoying that I took off one star for it.
I love scary movies and this game has got to be among the top 5 scariest/spookiest games I've ever played. The animations that turn ordinary objects into imaginative, scary, grotesque characters is the best I've seen. Objects just seem to naturally morph into creatures from your worst nightmares.
The voice overs are pretty good; you get an interactive map; hint system recharges fairly fast. The HOS are very nicely done - you get a break from having objects morphing into horrific scenes. This is a game to play on a dark, stormy night. I would suggest with the lights off, but the graphics and animation might be a bit much. I think I would actually get a nightmare, even with the lights on at night.
SUMMARY: Love that this nightmare of a game actually lives up to its description. There are quite a few games which promise you a scary and nightmarish atmosphere. Some came close to delivering, but next to this one, I will have to redefine what a nightmarish game is. Some people will likely have a difficult time accepting it. Beautiful graphics and first rate story.
I really like this game. Instead of the same ole, same ole, we have a twist in how it unfolds. Besides Jack, he now has a hero (you). The graphics are brilliant, the scenes/locations fantastic, and the qualify is first rate.
You are constantly in a HO mode - you click on things and find that outlines of objects appear in your inventory tray for you to find. When you complete the objects for your tray, you get a complete "kit" to use for something, such as to heal, to fertilize, et al. It was a tiny bit confusing at first, but I quickly got the hang of it. In addition, you have regular HOS with easily identified objects - they are no trouble at all; i.e., no tiny objects, stuff hidden in dark places or just a corner sticking out. They are a relief to play.
Puzzles are easy enough for novices, but are very innovative. They are a lot of fun and I hope to see more like that. They seem to have a purpose rather than the developers saying "okay, it's time to stick in a puzzle of some sort - how about here and how about this type." It's nice that they took care to tie them into the game.
I like that you can customize the settings to determine the time for the hint and skip buttons to recharge, as well as how long the glint lasts. I foresee this type of customization to become even more common than it already is - for those of us with little patience or who dislike having to do puzzles, it could help sway our opinion of whether to buy the game and make it enjoyable.
You also have 3 volume controls and automatic widescreen. At first, I thought the narrator sounded a bit forced, but upon reflection, it is how an adult would read a tale to a child. A winner.
SUMMARY: This is one very weird storyline. I felt confused and lost a few times – I’d get used to a change in storyline, only to have it suddenly change again. I can only assume this was planned by the developers to mimic a horrible nightmare which, as you know, seldom makes much sense. Even the ending was a little confusing – some of it was good but I wasn’t sure what it said about everything that happened. Okay, so the ending was a lot confusing. Though, if you’re not into the storyline too much, it’s a perfectly good adventure with lots to do, plenty of locations, good graphics, crisp and clear HOS and a fairly helpful hint system. Nice production values. LENGTH: A little over 4 hours.
STORY: After a car crash, I am taken to a hospital where I see a lobotomy being done on my friend Angel. When I awaken, I think my and my doctor’s skin looks odd – all splotchy with lesions. I am on Twisted Island, but at times I thought the story was twisted (i.e., seemed to get confused at times because suddenly I’m saving children, only to be – well see Progressing the Game for the confused parts).
PROGRESSING THE GAME: This is mostly an adventure game. After a short time, I noticed that the locations become drab and dilapidated and I didn’t recall whether that progression was natural or even happened. (How did I get there?) While in the old hospital, I suddenly find I’m trying to save 15 children. When I finally got used to the antiquated hospital, suddenly I was back in the newer one (which I think is where I started, but by then I was getting confused trying to follow the story). But the children were not all saved yet. What’s happening? Then I’m again suddenly in the decrepit hospital, continuing to save children. I do finally save all of them, but the ending said I had something to do with the tragedy. Now I’m really confused.
You’re probably thinking I’m babbling, but if you can follow, you’ll see just how twisted this game is supposed to be. Talk about nothing seeming as it appeared. I encountered a few HOS, which are list-based (the words are in a rather small font). The HOS themselves are nicely done so that you can find things without much difficulty. There are also quite a few puzzles; I would say they were challenging (moderately to above average). It takes the skip button several minutes to charge. So I decided to just take a stab at the puzzles instead of staring at the screen, waiting for ability to skip. There was only one or two I had to skip, though, so I’m rather proud of myself.
OTHER STUFF: The sounds (such as chirping birds) are quite nice. Music is relaxing and nonintrusive and is conducive to the theme of the story. The graphics also fit the locations – from the more modern hospital to the old one. They were very well done.
IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED: I didn’t include these in my ratings since they’re not deal-breakers –merely annoyances. The HOS and puzzles, as well as printed matter you read (newspapers, notes, etc.) don’t automatically close when you’re done with them. They should. And printed matter shouldn’t keep giving you magnifying glasses to look more closely after you’ve already read the material unless you need it again. Wastes time trying to remember that you don’t have to click on those two pieces of paper again.
It should have been a tremendous achievement, but the tunnel through the Ridge of Leviathan became the site of a great disaster. What really happened that day?
SUMMARY: Game promises to be as good as the first two (the third didn't live up to my expectations), which are impressive, beautifully conceived, skillfully told and, well, simply outstanding. Glad the series is back on track. This was a definite buy for me, although I haven't completed it yet.
STORY & GAMEPLAY: Very interesting premise. One year following the disappearance of a train on its inaugural run in a tunnel, the wife/mother Gina sets out to find out what happened. The artistry is simply gorgeous; the music tracks are fantastic for the scenes; the voice overs are wonderful (Elephant must have used professionals, except Gina's voice sometimes seem a bit forced in an effort to show emotion).
The HOS are list-based and beautifully colored and detailed. Are somewhat crowded. Puzzles and minigames are a nice variety with varying degrees of complexity - not too difficult. If there's one negative, it might be that there are either too many cutscenes OR they are too long (I think the latter, but that's personal preference). I think I'd prefer some of the story to be in a journal as I do get somewhat impatient. But it is certainly a very minor detraction.
SUMMARY: A supernatural story with nicely spread-out HOS scenes. Each chapter includes a “detective mode” to capture all evidence with “Retrospection” bringing together all clues – a lot of fun. With several suspects, you have to determine who the villain is. All loose ends were tied up in ending. A rather short game – 3 ½ hours on casual.
STORYLINE: A supernatural story. Your friend has found a horrible secret in Serpent Creek (involving serpents to your surprise). You encounter a giant reptile shortly after you arrive and he seems to be following you around. There are several weird characters you meet, each creepier than the other. Even the “normal one” is creepy.
PROGRESSING THE GAME: Your latest objective flashes on screen. You play very well laid-out HOS scenes (list-based) and should have no trouble finding objects. You have a map for fast-travel and your journal will hold any additional information you find. There are quite a view suspects, one at least is the villain. So you’ll need to collect evidence during your adventure.
Each chapter includes a “detective mode.” If playing casual, your cursor will flash whenever it is near any evidence so that you can capture it. Then you have a “fun play” period: you do a mini story to tell how the evidence/clues tie in with each other and the unknown suspect. Example: The story might begin “someone opens the balcony window and steps inside.” So you select an inventory item, say a curtain. The story continues “he trips over the long curtains, pulling them down.” One slight downside to this play period is that the inventory doesn’t say what the objects are and not not all are readily identifiable. But the story goes on, even if you pick the wrong object to continue the story. It’s like the storyboards young school children do – I find them fun at any age. They can really stimulate the imagination.
OTHER STUFF: Voice overs are somewhat forced but acceptable. Music is appropriate to the story and locations. Graphics were detailed and very well done. Ending was a little abrupt, but by the time I was about 2/3 finished, there wasn’t any question of who the villain was. So it wasn’t unexpected. Game ties up loose ends (although that was also rather abrupt).
SUMMARY: Not as good as the others. If you only want one Reincarnation game, I would suggest you go with Uncover the Past. Game took about 4 hours (one hour per life). The instructions for puzzles were sometimes incomplete. If you’re story-driven, one of the other two Reincarnation games will better suit your needs.
STORY: Jane has suffered a terrible accident and must remedy bad karma from her past lives to return to her current life. She must go to the Astral Library of Lifelines where books on all reincarnations are maintained. Opening the books has good animation and special effects, so I was expecting more. Story is uninspired; although the first reincarnation as a doctor is okay, storyline becomes weaker for remaining lives. Visit a mill, museum, Eskimo village, and an island with mechanical plants and bizarre hybrid plants.
PROGRESS: The HOS are relatively easy; some scenes are rather crowded, others are not; and some have dark areas within the scenes, so you may be using fast-recharging hints to find what you have difficulty seeing. HOS are list based or find X of a certain object. PUZZLES are varied and most are easy if you can figure them out. Instructions on some puzzles are vague – such as one tells you to turn a large wheel to match the little wheel’s colors, but there are no instructions on how the exchange of colored pieces is made so I gave up on that one. Another says to transfer all tiles to a marked spot – it should have said to transfer all gold pieces to the green areas. Didn’t they beta test to see what needed improving?
There aren’t many locations with any of the lives, so there’s no need for a map. You do one thing at one location, then go off to another to do another thing and repeat. You revisit locations to see if any new HOS or puzzles appeared.
SUMMARY: Not as good as the others. If you only want one Reincarnation game, I would suggest you go with Uncover the Past. Game took about 4 hours (one hour per life). The instructions for puzzles were sometimes incomplete. If you’re story-driven, one of the other two Reincarnation games will better suit your needs.
STORY: Jane has suffered a terrible accident and must remedy bad karma from her past lives to return to her current life. She must go to the Astral Library of Lifelines where books on all reincarnations are maintained. Opening the books has good animation and special effects, so I was expecting more. Story is uninspired; although the first reincarnation as a doctor is okay, storyline becomes weaker for remaining lives. Visit a mill, museum, Eskimo village, and an island with mechanical plants and bizarre hybrid plants.
PROGRESS: The HOS are relatively easy; some scenes are rather crowded, others are not; and some have dark areas within the scenes, so you may be using fast-recharging hints to find what you have difficulty seeing. HOS are list based or find X of a certain object. PUZZLES are varied and most are easy if you can figure them out. Instructions on some puzzles are vague – such as one tells you to turn a large wheel to match the little wheel’s colors, but there are no instructions on how the exchange of colored pieces is made so I gave up on that one. Another says to transfer all tiles to a marked spot – it should have said to transfer all gold pieces to the green areas. Didn’t they beta test to see what needed improving?
There aren’t many locations with any of the lives, so there’s no need for a map. You do one thing at one location, then go off to another to do another thing and repeat. You revisit locations to see if any new HOS or puzzles appeared.
STORY: You’ve taken a bet from your friends and go into a haunted house. You’re attracted to a mirror, touch it, and it captures you. It will never let you go. Only finding the 17 mirror shards can help you escape. So, off you go.
GAMEPLAY: Play is straightforward and easy to figure out. You collect shards at each location and put them into the mirror. Each shard represents a person who has been captured and has given up trying to escape. To collect each shard, there is a HOS, minigames, finding the shards, dusting off the mirror, and off you go to the next shard. Your task button tells you want you have to do. From one of your first interviews with the captured ghosts, you find out that the “bad” ghosts are afraid of light. You now try to light up the atmosphere where possible.
The HOS are nicely spaced but are mostly bland with a little color added here and there. In casual mode, the HOS and areas of interest will sparkle. Puzzles are a wide variety – some can be reset by backing out of the scene and re-entering.
OTHER STUFF: Clicking penalty – game seems to accumulate them so, even though you haven’t misclicked for a short time, you may get the penalty next time you click something. Unfortunately, I don’t play games all at one time, and I missed timing one session. While I can’t say how long it took to play, it seems like an average length game. Nicely put together.
LENGTH: Over 4 ½ hours. GOOD: - Automatic widescreen (check “full screen” and checking “widescreen” is merely a regular-sized screen) - Voiceovers generally are good - HOS: most have a predominant color with splashes of brightness; are busy but artistry is very detailed; and doesn’t usually close automatically after completing the object list (there is frequently something else in the pile that you must use in the game but which isn’t in the object list). - Very fast hint recharge on casual play. - Each room seems to have its own music. - Love the sound effects, especially the gentle rainfall. Used to love sitting on the stairs outside listening to the rain as a child. But now I’m in LA and there isn’t much rain. I miss the calming effect. So I use games to recapture. - There’s a real SURPRISE in the kitchen.
SO-SO: - Playing recorded tapes sound disjointed to me. In fact, they sounded like the old cassette tapes that fade in and out because they have been played so often.
NOT SO GOOD: - Closer to the end, the unknown monster (who seems to be someone from the heroine’s childhood), keeps repeating “scared Sarah,” “little Sarah, “ha, ha, ha” like the voice is on a loop. It is extremely annoying after a bit. Makes me wish I could smack the guy. I took off an entire star because it was so pervasive and annoying. - Clicking in the HOS about two inches or less from bottom takes you out of the HOS. A couple times, I thought I saw an object from the list in that area (I was wrong, but hope they don’t do that again). Irritating. - Clicking penalty – it seems to accumulate them no matter the time lag. - Ending was abrupt and completely unsatisfactory. I was so disappointed.