I liked the trial enough to purchase. The game play can be so slowed down by small hops that take their time to change to the next thing you need to find. I could barely find a mini-game that I liked. Most are fool with it puzzles that I dislike. I was very bored and didn't want to finish.
The best thing about the game are the bonus content. It has six screensavers and the last one has moving water and a waterfall. I also like the paint by colored sand from the hourglasses that I collected.
The story was good enough but the gameplay, lack of mini-games I like and slow mini-hops didn't get it with me. I think the game is barely OK.
Liked the different take on the story. Not so, mystery. Or not a mystery to me. Liked the relaxed and do-able mini-games. Always like the hops. Long 6 chapters+bonus. I was bored towards the end of the bonus chapter. In the bonus chapter I didn't like picking up things before I could do anything else. Especially when you didn't see the thing to pick up at first. You have to move a note before you can get the wand. Take the pencil before placing the amulet.
Liked the crystal hummingbird. My favorite replay of 27 videos. I downloaded all 5 of the music. Replay of 17 hops and 17 mini-games.
I still can't get over the lack of collectibles. You don't find a collectible in every scene. You only pick up the moonstones in 28 places but there are 53 you find. (multiples in different spots). The 15 morphing household items can be very tiny. They don't need info. so there isn't any. The 15 shoes could be more fancy, this is Cinderella after all. I'm thinking ballroom wear. Not swimming flippers. I think the achievements are ho hum. I like some wacky or fun things to find for achievements. Besides these things l liked the game.
This game has no map which is so inconvenient. The hints will lead you. Even with plenty of back and forth I liked that I wasn't locked out of scenes. Plenty of hops, which I like. Liked the puzzles too.
You have a Newfoundland Dog named Arthur. He smell things you give him off your tool bar that has a paw print. He finds them for you. He's really handy. Long with 7 chapters. I don't like that the dog is next to the hints and I tapped him several times meaning for the hints to lead me to a location.
I bought this on a disc and my standard edition has replays for 8 hops and 16 puzzles. I checked my game manager and it isn't a collector's edition. I liked the game.
Dark and sinister. How do homes feel? They are quotes from the game. Maybe that's why I didn't see the end coming. The game is bizarre. I found it entertaining, not that I want all my games like this. Once in a while is good.
I didn't like the beta. I used a full punch card to give it a chance for free. Then I was playing a while and wanted the Eipix extras so I upgraded it to a CE. I believe this is the last Eipix game.
Has a good indicator. Found 34 stain glass pieces, 14 morphs in the hops and 20 souvenirs. Four Chapters+ bonus. Replay 14 hops, 21 mini-games, 5 videos and 8 music. Eight wallpapers and eight concept art. Three panel Stained glass picture from the stain glass pieces you find. Beautiful.
I'm Grace from the order of the Guardians. I have been invited to the mechanical toy fair and someone nabs my owl. I have to get my mechanical owl back.
Liked my journal that keeps notes and pass videos. Different worlds, neat characters. Four long chapters + bonus. Collect 54 ancient coins (they look like a pin) 54 feathers and 27 morphs. Beautiful game. Nice hops. Liked some puzzles. The theater with five animals you can dress up is silly.
Great quality game. The hidden puzzle is a hops. Replay 15 hops, 11 puzzles, 26 movies and 8 music. Wallpaper 9 and concept art 9.
Nice Adventure. This is my type of game. Rick Rogers likes a girl named Rachel could she be the one? The game has some nice plot twists.
Nice collectibles. Twelve hidden figures, Twenty six hidden eyes and twenty six morphs. Three Chapters + bonus. Nice Achievements. Secret Room is a jigsaw from the morphs and you can replay and save the picture. Replays on 15 hops, 13 puzzles and 5 music. Wallpapers 12 and concept art 11.
This came out in 2014 but it look much older. Their mouths don't move. I like the long 6 Chapters. The map could be better. Lots of back and forth. You use a picture to open up more areas or things you need. You always have a rat on the tool bar.
I liked the story of grown up twins. One is missing. The bond is like one living organism. The previous detective is also missing. I liked the game.
I liked the story, the movies and the graphic are great. Game play was touchy. You had to place it just so and you can't place if you need to pick up something first. I liked the hops but they could be better. I didn't like some mini-games and especially didn't like the bonus mini-game with finding all of the collectibles and morphs. I didn't like the string and picture mini-game, crossword type, circles with numbers, pencil in hand navigating different streets or the adjust circle mini-games. The rest I liked.
The morphs are very slow but at least if you know what it is before it morphs they are easy to find. I would have liked to have faster morphs. You find 27 of each of morphs and collectible shamrock coin per scene.
The bonus chapter your back in town and there is a banshee problem.
There are 5 chapters + bonus and the trial ends at the end of chapter 2. Replay 10 hops and 11 mini-games, 47 movies and 5 music. They have 5 screensavers and 7 wallpapers.
I liked that the map gave you access to achievements, tasks and notes (which you can see passed movies).
No childish game play here. This is not a beginner game either. Just a interesting game. It's relaxing and fun. It was challenging enough for me.
I played as William Rogers a man who needed money in college and submitted himself for a study. The drugs he was given has changed him. He can read minds. That helps his new career for the NYPD as a police psychologist and counselor.
I like the sounds of this game from the windchimes for the hops to the rushing train. It has some nice enough places to visit. A bowling alley, marina and subway station. I like the drawing of it. Liked collecting the 27 eyes, 27 scene morphs and the 16 morphs from the hops.
I took off a star because I'm not into tool type, welding etc. type hops. I prefer pretty flowers or jewels hops. I really didn't like some of the mini-games either. The rest of it I liked.
The bonus chapter begins two weeks after and you see Mortimer again.
The trial is the whole first chapter. There are 4 chapters + bonus.
I couldn't find the Treasure hunt at first so I replayed the hops to get all stars in the achievements. I still couldn't find it so I clicked on Collection as I found all of them in gameplay. That was it. There was the Treasure hunt and after the Treasure hunt ( finding one item per scene) came the Ultimate hops comprised of items from the Treasure hunt. I didn't like that the Ultimate hops used silhouettes, as I prefer lists. You can replay the Ultimate hops if you want. I would like to replay the Treasure Hunt but can't.
Replays on 16 hops and 10 music. Wallpapers 16. Concept art 6.
I'm not even half way done but I know how I feel about this game. I Love my knife and the sounds. I Love the throwback to my Grandma Laura from NY Mysteries. I was wonder what my husband is doing in the game and it's revealed. I like the videos and the characters.
What I don't like is all of the mini-games and puzzles. I like putting in the codes I find, but that's it. I will play it for the story of Susan. I like the twist in the story.
I don't like unfindable collectibles and morphs. What's fun about something you can't find? Seems like a big waste of time. Don't get me wrong I Love collectibles and morphs just the ones I can find.
I don't see what others find wonderful about this game.
The trial ends at the end of Chapter 1. There are 3 chapters + bonus. Find maybe 30 collectibles, 30 morphs and 11 manuscripts. They say you will receive a new puzzle in the extra section if you find everything.
Replay 12 mini-games, 8 puzzles, 17 videos and 8 music. They have 10 wallpapers and 10 concept art. Achievements.