Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Again another winner from ERS!! Imagination with these Developers is just amazing. Story line is great, lots of action, creativity in the characters etc. I was impressed with this game because as a collectors edition it did not have a lot of distractions. Sometimes we are required to find morphing objects, collect items etc., which to me takes away from the involvement of the story and that being said to me detracts from the total enjoyment one should be experiencing. A game's superiority comes from how it captures its audience versus finding all the funky things that CE are famous for. In this game you can focus on what is happening and not worry about the number of collectables you need to find. Visuals are great, puzzles solvable without extreme frustration and creative HOS. In my opinion based solely on the demo, this game rocks!!! My one and only criticism is the silly (to me) voices that say "Yes" every time you accomplish something. This seems to be a speciality of ERS and I am befuddled as to why?? Despite that they remain a fav for me!! Two Thumbs Up, I hope you as well enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
Well, this game almost lost me right at the beginning and it had nothing to do with the storyline or anything. There was this annoying background chanting that sounded like "YES" every time I did something, it was so distracting and didn't seem to have any relation to what was happening. Thank goodness it did decrease (although not entirely), but enough to carry on with the game. Okay, so this game does have merit as far as entertainment goes, but overall it did not match up to the others in the series. Collecting butterflies, furnishing a bull pen, I mean really! However, somehow I kept going and found myself enjoying it more and more. The HOS were fun and offered a variety of things besides just finding objects. Mini puzzles were okay and not too difficult. I found the graphics good as opposed to other comments, but maybe I just didn't focus on that aspect as much as other things. Characters were colorful and rather fun even if rather corny in their delivery, but hey it's a game and made for enjoyment. I'm not sure I will buy the CE, perhaps the SE will be sufficient enough entertainment for me. Try this game for yourself (the storyline has already been mentioned), you may be surprised, it does have a subtle appeal.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Based only on the trial, yet good enough for me to buy! First of all I am a fan of the Devs, they do turn out quality game after game and yet not always a blockbuster at that. There just seems to be a certain subtlety about the way they do things that deviates from the norm. I like that, it makes for individuality versus competition. Now on to the game itself. Wonderful full screen attraction, graphics good for the most part but in spots seemed grainy. I was not put off by that because combining it with the music seemed to create the atmosphere the Devs wanted to impart. Lots of HOS and Puzzles but a variety in the challenges for both. Storyline not new particularly but presented in a way that captures your attention and wants you to go forward. To me just a wonderful SE game without the bells & whistles and yet has the ability to pull you in. Don't pass this one by.
A famous actor has literally stepped off the screen to kidnap your niece. Now you must find a way into the dangerous and exciting world of the film to save her!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Okay, cool, going to a nostalgia movie with your Mum and poof you are grabbed by your (once) real life fiancee into a world that should have been real but isn't!!! I apologize for my cynisysm but this drama went over the top! Crazy monkeys, tigers etc. took so much away from what the story could have been. I mean todays games have so much sophistication and indeed this one had the potential but I became bored after 35 min. of the trial. I also remember this as a Beta trial and even at that I was not thrilled. Believablilty is a big thing today and this to me was not believable. I am reviewing this without making comment on the game itself, and perhaps this is unfair, but sometimes good just isn't good enough. I recently played a game that is 4 years old and the rating was 4...I couldn't give this game a 4?? Wonderful graphics, good sound affects, all the bells & whistles we look for yet to me boring. I didn't even finish the trial. Once I saw the Mother on stage appealing for help to get rid of the tiger I knew I was done. Sorry gamers, this is all about authenticity and this game just fell short!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
While this game doesn't have all the bells and whistles of other games I found it to be rather entertaining. Good clear graphics, decent map, 2 levels of play, hint button recharges quickly, interactive HOS with some different results and a good story line. You can even switch to a match 3 type game instead of the HOS. You are on a mission to find the lost island that your father set out to discover but supposedly his ship crashed and all was lost. Following your mother's death you receive information and clues that this island was indeed found so you travel to your family mansion to find some answers. Strange things begin to happen as you search for clues and then someone attacks you and you flee to the airship in an attempt to escape. You successfully launch the airship but not before this stranger does some damage to the ship and you suddenly begin to descend. Low and behold the air ship crashes on the very island you had hopes of finding, thus the adventure begins. Again this isn't a wow game but it has an appeal that will make you want to know how it ends up. Nevertheless it will give you some fun entertainment to wile away a rainy or lazy afternoon.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I thoroughly enjoyed this game (at least what was presented in the demo). It was equally as consistent with the other 2 and although based on the same story line did a great job at mixing things up in the plot to keep up player interest. In this one it comes to light that there was someone who was a part of the Wolf cinema world yet was somehow on the sidelines and not given the credit they felt they were due and now that Morton has died wants to exact revenge on the rest of the Wolf family. Graphics were good, music fit the suspense, mini games fun and HOS great using silhouette objects to interact with, adding a nice change. All in all there was little to criticize, except I did find the detective a wee bit silly! His dialogue was rather corny and he indeed came across somewhat like a dim wit! Perhaps that was intentional and if so it put some humor into the seriousness of the story, but, if not deliberate then I can only wonder why add something that would take away from the overall effect? Anyhow, there is enough there to warrant a buy, but perhaps not a CE, I'm really not sure on that one & would need to play SE before deciding. Give this one a try and see what you think. Oh, and, as a suggestion, I think the Devs should stop at this one, anymore might just be too much!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Always a quality game, it's a guarantee! There's nothing like an Edgar Allan Poe Mystery to help you wile away the hours on those days when weather isn't inspiring and you just want to sink into a good book or a good suspenseful game and let yourselves go! This is it gamers, wide screen, wonderful graphics, a story line that intrigues and an ability to always add something different & challenging to keep you wanting more! Kudos to ERS!!! I really can't say any more, just try this for yourself and you will see the dynamics of how this game is perfected and how the Devs strive to give us the best of entertainment time & time again! Great job and a must for my library!
You are one of the planet's only survivors after a natural disaster devours all signs of life. Amid the destruction, the legend of a Mysterious Oasis offers a glimmer of hope...
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
This game drove me crazy...it had so much potential but fell so short of the mark! No map, hint button had to recharge every time you used it, slow, difficult to figure out what to do, kinda tiny scenes, HOS rather boring etc. I wanted to like this game but all I felt was so much disappointment. I mean why put together a story (as others have already reviewed) if you offer such a low quality of presentation? Give this game wide screen, a map, and something in the story to grip your teeth into then you have a winner. We gamers have been commenting of late on the quality of SE versus CE and for the most part have been impressed...what happened to this one? Clarity was good, storyline had a message but oh my what took place after that turned out to be a disappointment. This is just my opinion but as I see these games progress into a sophisticated world why would a game like this be given such a disservice? I gave it more than it deserved and for that I feel bad!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I wasn't sure when I started this game but the more I got into it the more intrigued I became. Without all the frills, bells and whistles there is something that compels you to keep going. Everything about the presentation is crisp, clear and straight forward. Mary is assigned to find out why the toy factory closed and where is the toymaker? Nothing fancy here and maybe that's what the appeal is, simple basic game play with no hidden surprises, well, except for the creepies that jump out and surprise you every now and then!! Graphics are super clear, HOS fun with a different aspect (change the items in blue to something you can find in the scene) which was a nice change. Mini games not too difficult but stress free making them fun. Hey, let's face it this game is nothing super exciting but in light of all the newer games that are riddled with collectibles, back & forth map, journals, same old same old story lines with only enough changes to hopefully fool the audience this is a refreshing change. Mary does a super job and is not boring with her dialogue, I did not miss the journal or the map (even tho' it meant lots of back and forth). Sometimes simple is good, try this one and see what you think...I loved it!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Wow, what a game! I was hooked from the get go...so much to do, and lots of action to keep you engrossed. Time seemed to fly by! The game came a long way from the first Unicorn Castle, hard to believe we played those games and actually enjoyed them, so boring in comparison! I loved the mystical balls that seemed to drift in to help speed up the hint button once you clicked on them. I also was impressed with how when you used the hint button that the arrow took you back to exactly where you needed to act, almost like a fast forward map! And speaking of maps, this one was easy to follow and simplistic in its usage. The introduction of the "Karmic Choice" was a wonderfully unusual but ingenious creation and with whatever you decided, could have an effect on the course of events, a very clever additive. Graphics were good and although not crispy clear added to the eeriness of the story. And speaking of spooky those wonderful creepy critters, especially the rats added so much fun! Good mini games and although few HOS there was challenge to the completion. So much to this game for great entertainment. Whatever flaws there may be certainly did not take away from a superb and fun game play. This ones a keeper!