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Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
Fortsetzung von "Lost in the City"
PostedMarch 17, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Gegen-die-Zeit, Wimmelbild, Strategie, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Dieses Spiel ist die Fortsetzung von "Lost in the City", und wie beim Vorgänger läuft man durch eine menschenleere Stadt, um herauszufinden, was passiert ist - und die eigene Freundin zurückzubekommen/zu retten.
Wie bei dem Vorgängerspiel, so sind die Suchbildszenen bei diesem Spiel auch in einem Fotografie-Stil gehalten. Die Grafik ist nicht 100%ig, das heißt man muss schon ein bißchen Gedult mitbringen teilweise und länger schauen. Man hat eine Lupen-Funktion, das hilft sehr. Durch den Fotografie-Stil sind die Bilder allerdings sehr viel "realitätsnäher" als bei anderen Wimmelbildspielen - das trägt zu der zum Teil verstörenden Stimmung der Spielhandlung bei.
Die Suchbilder sind anspruchsvoller und machen Spaß. Viele der gesuchten Objekte müssen weiterverwendet werden. Es gibt immer mal wieder kleinere knifflige Spiele, die aber übersprungen werden können und nicht zu schwer sind.
Um Hinweise zu bekommen, muss man pinke Schmetterlinge suchen - eine nette Idee, und auch ästhetisch. Zwischen den Szenen wird der Spieler mit verschiedenen Handlungsoptionen konfrontiert, bei denen man extra Hilfspunkte sammeln kann. Ich glaube nicht, dass die Wahl den Spielhandlungsverlauf beeinflusst; trotzdem eine gute Idee.
Das Spiel ist wie sein Vorgänger recht düster in Bezug auf die Handlung - wer den Vorgänger nicht mochte, wird dieses Spiel auch nicht mögen.
Dies ist definitif ein Spiel für erwachsene Spieler! Ich habe bisher nur die Demo gespielt, besitze aber den Vorgänger und würde dieses Spiel mit einem Gutscheincode kaufen. Die Handlung ist sehr ungewöhnlich bei dieser Reihe und sehr originell (auch wenn das "suche/rette die Freundin" eher nach einem Klischee klingt - probiert es aus!).
I recommend this game!
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Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
das etwas andere Suchspiel
PostedMarch 17, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Gegen-die-Zeit, Wimmelbild, Strategie, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
3 / 5
"Secrets of the Dark: Pyramide der Nacht" ist ein Suchspiel/Wimmelbildspiel-Abenteuer der anderen Art. Um einem Freund zu helfen, ermittelt man in einer kleinen Stadt, welche ursprünglich eine Aztekenstadt war. Auf der ganzen Gegend liegt ein Fluch, und bei Nacht oder Dunkelheit verwandeln sich Gegend und Räume in Aztekenräume. Dieser Wechsel zwischen modern und alt ist besonders reizvoll und gut gestaltet - man kann durch das Verdunkeln der Räume in die Aztekenwelt überwechseln, und muss in beiden Welträumen Dinge erledigen, um den Freund zu retten.
Die visuelle Gestaltung ist detailliert und liebevoll gemacht, und die Gegenstände sind gut zu identifizieren und zuzuordnen. Die musikalische Untermalung ist auch angenehm.
Die besondere Stärke dieses Spiels ist, dass es nicht einfach nur ein Wimmelbildspiel ist: In vielen der Szenen bekommt man Gegenstände und muss sie dann richtig einsetzen, anstatt Objekte zu suchen. Sehr abwechslungsreich!
Eine Schwäche des Spiels ist vielleicht die Länge - es gibt nur 5 Gebäude mit je 2-3 Räumen. Eine Karte wäre oft auch hilfreich: Oft muss man sich zusammenreimen, wo es jetzt weitergeht, und läuft manchmal orientierungslos von Raum zu Raum (in beiden "Zeiten"), was lästig sein kann. Hier hätte man Abhilfe schaffen können. Die Hilfe-Funktion ist in diesen Fällen auch gar nicht hilfreich, da sie nur funktioniert, wenn man bereits in einer Szene ist, in der ein objekt, mit dem man interagieren kann, ist.
Im Großen und Ganzen ist dieses Spiel jedoch eine herrliche Abwechslung zu reinen "Such-" und Abenteuerspielen. Empfehlenswert auch noch beim wiederholten Spielen. Nicht zu schwierig, aber auch nicht zu einfach.
I recommend this game!
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Bring your people to a new age as you oversee the Rise of a Great Colony, Sanna! Lead the colony forward to wealth and peace.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
18 of 20 found this review helpful
average city planning game
PostedMarch 16, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
"The Legend of Sanna" is a rather average "build your colony" kind of game in which you have to collect a certain number of resources and build specific buildings to win each level.
The game's graphics could be a little bit better - it looks a little bit outdated, although that might be on purpose.
This game doesn't seem to be too difficult or challenging; however, I have not played through the whole game yet, so it might be getting harder.
One of the downsides to this game is the sound/music: it is very repetitious and thus gets quickly annoying.
Overall, I wouldn't buy this game myself, since I've seen more challening games in this genre. But it is easy for a beginner.
I don't recommend this game.
18of 20voted this as helpful.
Dive into an amazing Adventure game and return the White Bird egg to the Amerzone!
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
10 of 17 found this review helpful
an "adventure" game with little direction
PostedMarch 16, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
I haven't played the two "Amerzone"-parts before this one, so maybe my evaulation of this game is a result of this.
I tried playing the demo of "Amerzone Part 3", but I gave up after about 10 minutes into the game. For once, the visuals are not very good, so it is often hard to tell what things are exactly - it is too grainy. The sounds become very quickly very annoying - there is a random constant beeping which drove me nuts.
It is also not very intuitive or handy to play this game: all you have are directional arrows, but no hints or tasks you have to fulfill. This leads to a lot of random "walking around". You can interact with some items or collect them (fruits and other stuff), but it is unclear what you need them for. The navigation of this game works through the mouse - you can turn 360 degree, and you can look up and down while doing that. However, as long as no arrow or small wheel icon shows up, all this ability to turn etc. doesn't help you much. With the bad graphics it actually just made me feel nauseous.
So if you are trying this game out for the first time, this is definitifely not the kind of adventure game you want to go for.
I don't recommend this game.
10of 17voted this as helpful.
 Mystery of Mortlake Mansion
Mystery of Mortlake Mansion
Explore the dark halls of Mortlake Mansion and discover its secrets! Break the evil spells and become the owner of the mansion!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
hidden object game with repetitions
PostedMarch 15, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
"Mystery of Mortlake Mansion" is a hidden object game with an "adventure" story, drawn in a comic-book style. Usually I prefer not to play drawn hidden object games, since the hidden object scenes are not as much fun in them in my experience, since the objects are too obvious, or so badly drawn that it is unclear what the object is suposed to be. Not in this game: The visuals are actually very good, and the hidden object scenes are well done and clear.
First the things I really liked in this game:
- You have a lot of different rooms in the mansion you can discover and unlock, which gives the game a nice length.
- All rooms have a "shadow" side to them you have to unlock, when the room then suddenly changes and you are in the past and have to fulfill tasks there.
- The visuals and sounds are good. The characters are very well drawn and fun! It has a good sense of humor to it.
- In the easier version/mode, you get a map and you can switch between scenes by clicking on the map - neat! This avoids random walking around. The map also tells you where you still have things to do.
Things I didn't like too much:
- Especially in the "shadow" rooms, many of the hidden object scenes are in the same shade of colour (often blue-green). This adds to the atmosphere, makes things much harder to spot, though.
- My biggest criticism is the repetition factor: Especially after the demo version, the mini-games start to repeat themselves over and over, which is unfortunate. Most of the mini-games end up being matching symbols or untangeling nets of different complexity. I felt sort of cheated when I bought it and the rest of the mini-games were all the same style.
In general, I recommend this game, especially as the weekly deal. Although there is no hint available for the mini-games (to help you figure out what you are supposed to do), they are straightforward enought to figure this out on your own, and they could also be skipped. There are two different modes of difficulty (neither affects the general "hint" button though which recharges extremely quickly). In the easier version, you get a map, in the harder mode, the map in unavailable.
I would like to give this game 3.5 stars, but since this is not possible, I decided for 4 stars for the well executed visuals and the fun and length of the game.
I recommend this game!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
sehr einfaches Suchspiel
PostedMarch 13, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Rätsel, Gegen-die-Zeit, Wimmelbild, Strategie, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
3 / 5
"Mystic Diary: Lost Brother" ist ein sehr einfaches Suchspiel, bei dem man in verschiedenen Szenen Objekte suchen muss. Die Objektliste besteht hauptsächlich aus Umrissen von zu suchenden Gegenständen, und ab und zu gibt es auch eine Wortliste.
Das Spiel hat einige Schwächen: Zum einen sind viele der Worte für die zu suchenden Gegenstände falsch (Übersetzungsfehler?), was ein Auffinden der Objekte erschwert. Das Spiel ist auch viel zu einfach und daher nur sehr jungen Spielern zu empfehlen - oder Spielern, die gerne abwesend auf den Bildschirm starren. Alle Objekte sind offensichtlich und leicht zu finden. Das Spiel wird ein wenig schwerer wenn man lange genug spielt, da dann die Objekte zum Teil hinter anderen versteckt sind. Das Spiel hat nur eine Schwierigkeitseinstellung, und zu untersuchende Bereiche sind immer offensichtlich markiert. Man wird auch zu jeder Szene geführt - selbst knobeln und Lösungen suchen ist also nicht gefragt. Die Minispiele sind viel zu leicht und lassen sich auch noch überspringen.
Ich habe nur die Demo gespielt und würde das Spiel nicht kaufen, da es gar keine Herausforderung darstellt und somit auch wahrscheinlich nach einmaligem Spielen im Papierkorb landet.
I don't recommend this game.
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Use your amazing powers to guide the bewildered Sprouts by helping them grow food, invent wonderful things and build incredible structures!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
13 of 18 found this review helpful
watching sprouts grow - very slow game
PostedMarch 9, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
This game is a very slow game in which you spend most time watching your sprouts do different tasks and waiting for the next thing to happen. The gameplay is too slow, and the whole map could be easier to navigate, too.
Your task is to supervise a buch of sprouts, take care of their needs (food, fun, education, sleep, ...) and to build a flourishing sprout society. The idea behind it is fun, but since the gameplay is so slow, one looses quickly interest. Once a task is accomplished (like building a building - which takes nearly all the adult sprouts to accomplish this, and still a lot of time), you can't upgrade the buildings or do more with them, which is unfortunate. The sprouts also seem to be unable to acquire skills which would make them better at specific tasks, although there is a school. The interaction between the sprouts is also absolutely minimal - if brought together, they "dance" for a short moment with each other and then go back to doing noting, unless told otherwise. You have to find gems, butterflies and flowers on which you drop one of the sprouts to get food, motivation or curiosity - or once in a while to get a gift with which you can unlock special powers. However, since you either have the map in very close-up or far away, it gets annoying moving around and searching first for one of the items, and then for a free sprout.
The visuals are very adorable. The music/sound could be more engaging.
I played the whole demo, but wouldn't buy the whole game (except for maybe really young players).
I don't recommend this game.
13of 18voted this as helpful.
Step into the shoes of the Goddess Athena and help guide Ulysses’ fleet to safety.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
32 of 37 found this review helpful
drag a fleet of boats...
PostedMarch 9, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
2 / 5
In this game, you have the control over wind currents as well as water currents. The objective is to get a fleet of boats through a kind of "maze", while avoiding to have your boats stranded on beaches, crashed on cliffs or smashed by flying stones. It is a really nice idea for a game; however, the gameplay is not as much fun as one could expect. The controls are somewhat clumsy, and there is not much strategic thinking required. The visuals and the sound could be better, too - it seems to be somewhat outdated.
I tried out the demo, but I didn't get interested enough to stick through the whole demo with it.
I don't recommend this game.
32of 37voted this as helpful.
Uncover your grandfather’s secret in Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy, an incredible Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
2 of 2 found this review helpful
Fun HUG, but too short
PostedMarch 8, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
3 / 5
This is a beautiful, yet classic hidden object game - the visuals and the sound are excellent, and it is very beautifully done. Your task is to uncover the truth about the family secret and the past by going through and old mansion.
The hidden object scenes are interesting and not too easy. The mini-games in between are all not too challenging and you can skip them.
My only criticism of this game would be that I personally found it somewhat short. You can also not chose between different modes of difficulty - this is frustrating especially if you play it more than once.
Also, the story doesn't add up: You are always warned about danger etc., but there doesn't seem to be any real danger, and the resolution of the family secret is somewhat disappointing then. It comes too sudden (I haven't even used all of the objects - what about the tape?), and many elements that were striking and mysterious in the mansion are never mentioned again. It seems as if the story is somewhat incomplete, which is a shame.
I have played the whole game a couple of times and I recommend it, although I think the re-play is not as much fun any more.
I recommend this game!
2of 2voted this as helpful.
A strange talisman draws you to Mystery Island. Solve its puzzles and uncover its mysteries in this incredible Hidden Object game!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
54 of 61 found this review helpful
Great Fragmented Object Game
PostedMarch 8, 2012
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
3 / 5
If you are looking for a fragmented object game, this is the game to go for! You are crash-landed on a tropical island, and before you can return home, you have to collect items from the plane's storage and help out to clean up the mess on the island.
This game offers you lots of fragmented object scenes in which get pictures of the objects you need to collect, and you have to find the fragments of those objects. This can be a real challenge since many of these fragments are very small and well camouflaged. The game is relatively long and offers lots of different scenes. After you found all the fragmented objects, you need to find in the same scene objects associated with a specific job (like: objects for a musician, a teacher, ...). That is sometimes annoying, since this is far too easy and not on the same challenge level as the rest of the game.
There are minigames which are often challenging and which can't be skipped. There is also no hint option for the minigames available - this might be a weakness for some players. But the mini-games are never too hard, so you might need some time with them, but eventually, you'll crack them.
For the fragmented object scenes, a "hint" is available in the form of a stone which works like a witching stick: You'll have to go over the whole scene to see where it shines and moves most in order to find it.
I recommend this game!
54of 61voted this as helpful.