Love TD games. Looked forward to a new one. Only played the demo and tore through several levels. Graphics boring and lacked color, detail, or interest. Music annoying and repetitive. Weapons lacked variability which made game play so-so. For the first several levels, one weapon sufficed with upgrades. That's not a great TD game feature. Not enough power-ups or arsenal-type add-ons unless they appeared much later in the game. Overall, didn't motivate me to buy. Maybe the Toy Defense series spoiled me with the color and fast action.
I don't recommend this game.
4of5voted this as helpful.
Toy Defense: Sci-Fi
Rally your army against the invading robots and experience the thrill of intergalactic warfare in this exciting new tower defense game!
Bought and enjoyed the Toy Defense Fantasy and Sci Fi. Preferred Fantasy over Sci Fi. TDSF graphics are crisp and clear but on the small side. The board is smaller. It was difficult for me to see the upgrades. TDF upgrades were easier to see. The sound is appropriate and useful. Game play flows very well for a TD game. Never encountered any glitches. The speed seemed to be on the slow side in normal but way too fast on speed up. Upgrades based on levels was the same as TDF and very useful. The added feature of retaining upgraded weapons from one level to the next helped. Unlike some TD games, it's possible to make 3 stars on every level. On the downside, the tutorial was scant. Anyone new to the Toy Defense series might become overly frustrated. I recommend the game to Tower Defense fans but not for newcomers to the series. They should probably try out TD Fantasy first. And always try before you buy.
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Bought this a few years ago and have played it again a couple of times. All the Farm Frenzy games require fast and repetitive clicking and fairly difficult strategy. If you don't like clicking fast, you won't like the Farm Frenzy series. I enjoyed playing them. There's a relaxing, rhythm to the clicking. The graphics and music are cute. No chatty workers. I found Madagascar to be the easiest of the series and Viking to be the hardest to get 3 stars. It's very possible to get 3 stars but, again, it's lots of fast clicking and strategy.
Jill & Mike’s gardening company has taken off in Sunnyvale, and they need your help to make their business soar! Help them win a contest and earn lucrative contracts from all over the world!
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I only played the demo because I had a hard time seeing all the resources. I tried various settings in the game and on my laptop. Had difficulty watching more than one worker too. Overall, the game-play, graphics, and sound was great. I especially like the background music. I'm sorry I can't buy it. If I had problems on the lower levels, the more difficult levels would not be fun.
I really enjoyed Weather Lord Hidden Realms and gave it five stars so I thought this would be as good if not better. It isn't. The graphics are different due to different artists. They're OK but not as crisp or interesting as I had hoped. The storyline is more intricate than it needs to be and gets confusing. I shut off the music and sound effects. They were annoying and distracting. The basic game play allows for multi-clicking, building, and gathering resources. Standard for this type of game. The worst part of this game are the glitches. A new build did not correct the errors. According to the forums, the only way to get gold is to guess at what the developers originally mapped out. Not fun. Players should be able to use different strategies and still get gold. I had very high hopes for this game because the last Weather Lord was so excellent. Disappointed.
I don't recommend this game.
11of11voted this as helpful.
Toy Defense 3 - Fantasy
Perfect the skills of warriors, build defensive fortresses, and devise strategy to dominate the enemy’s army. Rid your lands of evil once and for all!
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Current Favorite:
Plants vs Zombies
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
Finally finished the game in Casual Mode with 3 stars. Started the game over in Hard Mode. Changing modes required a new player and buying new upgrades. This time around I'll know what upgrades I want first. Very re-playable and fun to try different arrangements of towers. Graphics are clear and well drawn. I really enjoyed the fantasy creatures much more than the military of the early Toy Defense games. The higher Tower upgrades' graphics are superb. The ring of fire animation, for example, is terrific. The Acid Rain is a little too opaque but presents another challenge. The battle fields are complex enough to challenge and drawn clearly. Music and sound effects are appropriate but I found them distracting and muted. The challenge in the Casual Mode wasn't that bad. The first 8 levels were super easy. From level 9 on it got trickier. Buying upgrades for the towers, castle, and magic were critical. Several levels required re-plays to get the 3 stars/300 coins to buy upgrades. And upgrades are worth buying. The Castle and Magic upgrades are really important to buy early. You can buy upgrades and go back to previous levels but if you don't have enough coins, you can't buy upgrades -- arrrgh. Game-play was standard for tower defense games. There's a pause button to consider layouts and change/upgrade towers. You can speed up the pace to get coins. Creatures damage towers so they have to be repaired with coins. You can't just sit and watch the creatures march around. If they aren't repaired they have to be resurrected with a magic button. The magic buttons include a freeze that slows down the march, an asteroid that destroys, a repair button for all the towers at the same time, and the resurrection button if you missed a tower. They all take time to recharge which is part of the upgrades. The top upgrade of the asteroid button, for example, leaves the ground burning for a few seconds. Overall, I highly recommend this game to tower defense players. Especially anyone tired of military-based TD games. It might be too challenging for TD newbies who might want to try the earlier games that were simpler in the choice of towers and layouts.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
3/ 5
Gameplay is standard TM -- nothing new or interesting. Dull. Graphics are poor cartoons, hard to see, symbols too similar to know the difference and the treatments tend to block out much of the activity. Even when I put the client in the wrong treatment they attained Nirvana. Clicking on pink crystals for extra "karma" is annoying at best. The chimes and music was irritating so I muted. The forum discussed ways to manipulate the clients to get higher scores. Not a sign of a good game.
I don't recommend this game.
3of7voted this as helpful.
Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms Collector's Edition
Your sister, the Queen, has fallen deathly ill. Now you must travel to a faraway kingdom to find the cure.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
This beautifully drawn and orchestrated game happily filled some rainy afternoons. Compared to other HO games, I'd say it was in the middle challenge range. There were different modes that regulated how slowly the hint button charges. Even in the easiest mode I rarely needed the hint button. The HO drawings were clear and pretty easy. The storyline was standard but one that I enjoy. It's the kind of game I enjoy as a break from TM. I don't enjoy dark, murder, or grisly games so this was a welcome addition. I'll replay it again in the future. I recommend this game for anyone who enjoys relaxing, beautiful HO games and has the patience to get past the demo.
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I've played all three in relaxed mode and enjoyed them immensely. I'm sure I'll replay in the future. While you don't need to take the books in sequence, it makes it more interesting. Graphics are detailed, easy to see, complement the storyline, and beautifully drawn. Another reason why I enjoyed relaxed mode. The Book Three Conclusion level is impressive. Music is lovely. I never muted it. Game-play keeps players engaged and thinking about what to do next. A maze-like quality presents an overall challenge. Generating resources dominate game-play in the beginning. Setting up buildings pays off in the end. Each new book has new buildings and tasks that have to be done. I would not want to play these games in the Timed Mode. I think the pressure would remove the ambiance. I definitely would have missed the details in the art. My only complaint is that it's a Trilogy. I hope the developers come up with a similar game using a different theme. Or maybe Don Diego finds a new set of adventures :-)
Loved this game the first time around. Every once in awhile I play it again. The last few levels are nearly impossible but enjoyable. The music and sound effects are the best part. Definitely a picker-upper. Don't want to spoil but the 'newest' customers and storyline surprises are a great laugh. The game play is strictly repetitive time-management but the rhythm of the music and sound effects make it fun. Make different foods for serving including difficult burger, fries, drink and ice cream combinations. The right-click serving feature in BShop2 adds to the game. A great value game.