I played the trial game first. I thought it was cute, so, I bought the game with a game credit What a waste. The game became confusing and complicated. The programmers of this game cannot begin to match what Eipix creates. This game puts you all over the place. Then you have to figure out not only where you are, but, you need different people to get you free. There are too many conversations and way too many people .I really do not recommend this game even though I know there are people who like traveling all over even when the game is complicated. I will not buy any game made by this company, again. .
I only played this game about 10 minutes and instantly hated it. My husband said I could have 2 games of my choice since they are 2 for 1 price, This will not be one of them. I have three more Amerthine games to try. I hope two of them are worth buying, because this one is not. I do not recommend this game.
I really like this game. I bought it without playing it first, but that is because of the developer. While I was greatly disappointed in the Tree of Life (waste of a good game credit), this game was easier to follow and play. Yes, help was needed and some of the mini games were hard. But, overall, I recommend this game. The graphics are great with terrific scenes. I could only afford the $6.99 games, but it was worth the money.
I hate this game!!!!!! It is way too long, you go back and forth too much and the game never seems to end. I got the game with a game coupon of buy one get one free. I did not play thus first because I had played other Amarathine games that were great. Big Mistake. I do not recommend this game
I loved this game. A couple of the puzzles were hard for me, but that is not unusual in these kinds of games. I want to say to the programmers that the HOPs were great in size and color. I do not have the collectors edition because I could not afford the extra money. However, I will still play this edition again and again, and be happy. I highly recommend this game.
Why Eipix thinks that long, drawn out games are fun, I do not know. just like the Obsinean Book, it starts out okay, then goes into worlds that make no sense. Several times I think, "okay, I can play this game", then Wham! The game goes in all directions and the puzzles are impossible. When will these programmers learn that not everyone ia a rocket scientist who can figure these games out. While the HOPs are okay, a lot of the time the area is either too dark, or the items are so blended in you can hardly find them. I try to play with little help, but that soon stops once the game really gets going. I recommend this game, but beware. This one, like all of their games, goes ,in so many directions it does not take long to get lost.i
I played the trial version of this game and spent more time on HOPS rather than the game itself. If this does not bother you, then I recommend this game.
Enter the role of Eve Glover, one of the best CCPP's agents, sent to investigate the lack of radio communication from your scientific team on Iceland, researching harmonium radiation.