Could not finish the demo. This one is enough to clog my garbage disposal, there is so much of it in this demo. I don't know what the deal is in some of these games that there are areas in scenes, as well as hos that are so dark you think they are trying to make you go blind.....or is it just to detain you in a particular area, because that is what you are going to be well as ridiculous tasks and puzzle after puzzle (that you cannot replay from what I saw in the Extras...only the 21 hos). WHAT FUN....I think not.
The graphics are like that of a grammar school book...very inferior. You have some very weird and unattractive teenage looking elves....and then there is Mr. Hett who looks like a sleeze with ulterior motives. I couldn't stand looking at them, particularly him.
In the beginning of the game, we have the wonderful and exciting game play of having to get rid of some really thick 2 places. It wasn't enough to find a stick, rag and lighter and then have to light it with hair spray. Oh no, you then have to get a heavier tool to do it. WOW! How long are we going to have to be in this one scene....or the other 2 that follow? A long time, going back and forth.
You enter an area that experiences a blast, making it darker than before, of course. It was hard to see in it to begin with. You are supposed to restart a broken down train, among other tasks to hold you hostage in the scenes. And best of all, we get a ridiculous Device of the Ancients we have to repair that either melts or freezes things. It even has a slide switch with a snowflake or flames so you can be absolutely sure of what to do. Oh my! I could hardly contain myself, it was so exciting.
Outside, there are absolutely insane things to do.....soften mud on a dumpster with a chalice of water you get from a pump you have to find a handle for. Then you have to use a folding chair to reach a car that is lodged up in the air, and even prop the hood up with an umbrella. You don't want to hear any more of this, believe me.
The intro video is strikingly familiar and almost identical to the true ghost story of Resurrection Mary, a woman who was killed in a car accident in the 1930's and many times materialized physically to travelers, and just like Emily, was picked up by several drivers only to vanish. The eerie road that Rick picks her up on is like that of the road Mary would appear to travelers on in a documentary that I just watched last week. There is also a resemblance of the cemetery gates in this game to those of the real Resurrection Cemetery that I lived near and passed by many times in my travels. No, I never saw her.
Unfortunately, that is where the scenario of what I had hoped would be a great and interesting game ended for me. The graphics are mediocre and could have been much better. Some areas were so dark making it hard to find items in a hos as well as some of the collectibles which were ravens, eyes, and some morphs. The morphs were quite visible and easy to find, some of the ravens, too, but the eye (the first and only one I found was a sketch) is another matter. There is also no indicator for these which is a luxury of new games today. Why did they omit that?
The hos were very poor....small hos, one in the back seat of a car... another to find only 8 items. Really, now! The puzzles outnumber the hos, as always, and the number for both of these, which you can replay is locked in the Extras. You are expected to buy it first. From what I played I wouldn't care to replay them anyway, but as a buyer we should be able to access the amount available.
Although you are not overwhelmed with hyperactivity, the tasks are so mundane and you are going back and forth, back and forth. Yeah, you have the keys to find, clock hands, and all the other inventory you have to collect and combine just made for an uninteresting game play. It's plain BLAND. If you like something new, perhaps propping a car window open with a tennis ball and retrieving an item with a tape measure?.....will be to your liking...but it wasn't for me.
The best part of this was the story. The gameplay was very unimpressive and for the most part became boring. It was disappointing because there was so much potential here. I lost interest before the end of the demo using hints just to keep going. I was ready to exit the game when I encountered the ghost kids puzzle, but it was the end of the demo....and for sure, the end of the game for me.
I don't care to continue on with this as a CE, but will have a look at a walkthrough when the SE comes out because I did like the story and am curious as to find out what happens and to see if maybe the game play might become more of an interest.
Is this supposed to be serious? It starts out ok, with an intriguing atmosphere, but turned into something quite different than I expected....a disaster of a demo. First of all, the characters are like a bunch of nerds with put on airs and not likeable. The inside of the mansion was not conducive to the story whatsoever and ruined it. Perhaps the atmosphere will get better as the game progresses, but I am not going to pay the price to find out. If they don't attract you in the demo, it's over.
Once again we are faced with having to perform an endless amount of collecting useless inventory, going back and forth. Everything needs something....EVERYTHING, and multiple parts...even the items in your inventory. It is excessive and turned gameplay in this demo into a complete bore. How about repairing a crane for entertainment? And there is much more than that. I gave up when I found half a horse part and then was supposed to find the horse's end part... That's what this demo is all about.
I skipped the puzzles. There was only one hos I thought to be innovative and that was the one that was like a fan where you switched parts to find the pictured items. The others were so poorly care put into them at all.
You collect owls that are quite visible to find....can replay hos and puzzles. There was a morph to be found in the hos which I did not care about because the hos were so lacking in creativity. I found the map to be useless and poorly done. The hint was more helpful and transported, which I resorted to using just out of boredom from the monotonous play. There was also something very annoying about the hint at times and that is it tells you that you better be moving along....don't you just love that? Perhaps that is good advice for this entire game.
A mysterious plague casts a dark shadow on the people of Persia. The young apothecary Tara must discover the cause of the illness before it's too late!
This was released last Sept of 2017 as a SE and has extras included in that particular version... one collectible, replay of hos and puzzles, achievements, and the other usuals. The only thing it does not have is a BC and a SG. Although this version is minus those extras, it is still very enjoyable and worth a buy.
Graphics are quite attractive...gameplay flows easily and is well balanced. Map and hint are very helpful. You are not overwhelmed with the collecting of numerous inventory and excessive back and forth movement. Story is interesting, also, as well as the setting for it (I don't go into story details). And the game is a very decent length. The only reason I am giving this 4 stars is because there is an excess of dialogue which is too time consuming.
This is a relaxing game to play with just enough to do. It may not appeal to expert players who like to be challenged to death, but for those of us who just want to relax with a game and enjoy its story as well as the scenery, this is the one for us. It is indeed refreshing and most welcomed to have this released here.
From being confronted with puzzle after puzzle I gave up and did not finish the demo. This factor alone was enough to chase me away from having any interest in this game. Whether easy or challenging, if I wanted to do nothing but puzzles than I would purchase a puzzle game.
It is apparent that there wasn't much effort put into this. Graphics were lackluster...what hos there were did not have much interest put into them. You have to collect numerous inventory items that got boring. And....there is a camera gadget for your complete entertainment or lack thereof. It is rather like they just put this one together without much care. From the download size, it also appears that it is not very long either, which would not warrant a CE price.
You have collectible swirls, some morphs and there is an indicator as to whether you have found them or not in the lower left hand portion of your screen. I think there are also cards you collect that describe the characters. You can replay hos and puzzles.
Because I did not finish the demo, or the game, I cannot either recommend or not recommend this game as everyone's tastes are different. Had there not been so many useless puzzles in excess creating such an imbalance of gameplay, I would have considered this perhaps as a SE.