I really enjoyed this game. The story was excellent and the levels were imaginative. When the game starts we meet the Smith's who to grandmother's house they go. When they arrive they are puzzled that grandma is missing and they decide to sit down and enjoy the freshly brewed tea at the table. As soon as they do, they are shrunken down and thrown into the world of the Brownies, who happen to live in grandmother's house. The family has to work through the different rooms in order to defeat the evil Boggart and rescue their beloved Grandmama. The story is great and really fun, with some elements that any Harry Potter fan will recognize (the Boggart uses the crucio curse at one point). Also, tying into the fun factor, I enjoyed the vermin who you had to keep a constant eye out for. There are raccoons that you have to beat with a fly swatter or they will dig holes in the road, spiders that spit webs at your guys immobilizing them, and a mischievous crow that will pick up your guys and carry them to a different location in the map. I would have loved to give this game five stars, but alas, I cannot. The level of challenge was not present and that is the entire point of a time management game (you know, to come up with a strategy and manage your time). I track my scores (hey gotta have something to show for all the hours I spend playing these games) and I only had to replay FOUR levels to get the gold time. And it only took me one additional try to beat each of those four. That means on the other 46 levels I beat them the first time through. In TM games, I expect to always mess up the first run-through as that is when you figure out the best strategy. I still screwed up, but it rarely kept me from achieving gold which is kind of sad. You have the casual option available for those who don't like a challenge, I would expect a TM game to have its timed mode to be difficult, otherwise, what is the point of even having it timed? I beat this entire game in about 6 hours. This is three stars because the developers couldn't be bothered to design a more difficult game.
In this game you make different dished by finding the items in the kitchen and then clicking on the appliances to cook the items. The flow of the game play was not bad and it was easy to maneuver around the kitchen. With a lot of these games, especially the slightly older ones, I usually run into bugs or glitches and I was pleasantly surprised not to run into any while running this game. After I played through the demo I reluctantly bought the full version of the game half expecting to be disappointed because I was moving kind of fast through the levels. I did beat the game in one sitting, but after finishing it and reflecting on it, I was again pleasantly surprised to find that I really enjoyed it.
The level of challenge was present but in different ways than I am used to. I was able to beat pretty much every level on the first try, and no more than two tries if I did have to play again. I did like that the items changed location each level, this kept did keep a level of challenge to the game that held my interest. I also like that the difficulty of the recipes themselves them increased as the game went on. Towards the end the recipes had 7 and 8 steps to them. I also enjoyed how they designed the play of the final restaurant you unlock, it is different than the rest of the levels on game in that you had to cook for a previous chef you worked with on each level, and cook recipes that they had in their restaurants.
As always, with the good things come the bad and there were opportunities for improvement with this game. I would have liked if you could have built bonuses in some way. Also when the customers started to get upset there was no day to redeem yourself. I would have liked if chaining together a bunch of ingredients would increase their mood. If not that then some perk you could click on, a radio or cookie, to improve their mood and get some coins back. When time ran out and the store closed the customers got impatient really really quickly and that was kind of a bummer because it took away any incentive to hurry up and finish a customer to get that last one in the door. This wasn't a problem as much on the earlier levels when the recipes are simpler, but on the later levels they would get upset and leave before you would have any chance of completing an eight step recipe. This didn't hinder me from beating the game, but it would have been fun to fully annihilate the levels.
I also would have liked there to be performance upgrades available to use. Like make Ginger move quicker or increase the speed of the oven etc. You did get to buy upgrades for your own restaurant and I did find this part to be fun. It would have been better if you had choices for each upgrade, but everything looked really nice at the end. Another issue was that I ran out of upgrades while I was still working in Hiro's restaurant so I was out of things to upgrade at the end when I was making the big bucks. Despite the minor setbacks I really enjoyed this game and I think it is deserving of four stars.
This game was slightly similar to the concepts in other games, like Gardenscapes, where you get to customize your own area, in this case your very own zoo. I loved playing the different restaurants to earn money to build the upgrades. After you introduced different animals you had to periodically go into their areas and feed/water/play with them, I thought this was a really fun addition to the game which added some depth. I really liked that you didn't play the same restaurant several times in a row before moving onto the next. This kept variety in the game and kept you from being able to remember the exact location of every item in each location etc. There were enough different restaurants to play that it kept it nice and challenging. I liked the storyline on this as well, you are a young socialite and you have to earn your father's respect by managing restaurants to earn money. I really enjoyed this game, definitely worth a credit/money.
I loved this game, and I almost didn't even try it because I was so disappointed by the first installment of the series. I am so so glad I tried the demo because I knew almost immediately that this game was worth the buy. You go around and restore/ cook for different restaurants around the world. The levels can be really challenging and it is a lot of fun to scrub down your buildings to make everything shine. I loved the variety that this type of game play offers. I had to knock of just one star because of a glitch, I was unable to achieve the full stars for one of the restaurants in Paris. I did everything possible but it kept telling me to scrub down the bar with the a sponge until it shone, and no matter how long a scrubbed (and it was a LONG time with both sponges, with and without both types of cleaner) it would never click and give me the last star. I even played a second game, and the same thing happened there too. This was a minor setback, but I can't allow myself to give a five star rating with such a glitch in existence. I highly recommend this game, it is well worth the play!
This game was simply too easy for me. I really loved 2 Tasty and 2 Tasty Too which are very similar games. Those games are challenging, look great, have a sweet story and have multiple rooms you have to navigate in order to get the items, they also have different types of bonus games instead of just the same one. So I maybe, unfairly, got to this game after I played those so the bar was set a bit higher than what this game was able to deliver. All that being said, it was a relaxing play through and I did enjoy that aspect of it, there was just no challenge for me at all. I was able to complete each level with hundreds of dollars over the expert goal, sometimes double it. Once you figure out where the items are, they stay in the same places three times in a row, so by the third repetition of the set up, you knew where everything was automatically. The levels did change up after the bonus round, but it was the same items, you just had to take note of where they were this time. There was no story line in this game, you just went around and bought up different restaurants without any other purpose than to make money, which you had oodles of after the first two restaurants are finished. There was nothing to engage you or pull you further into the game. There was potential for this game, and I did enjoy the others of this type, as previously mentioned, so I will be trying out the demo for the second Gourmania game. Hopefully the developers made improvements instead of regurgitating the same boring material.
Not the greatest game. I will preface this review with honesty, I only played the hour long demo before righting the review. With that being said, I beat up through level 15 on the demo and according to the divine entity Google, there are only 30 levels to this game in its entirety. I did not feel that spending money for another hour of mediocre game play was worth it. This game was just okay, and on the bottom half of just okay at that. The graphics were terrible, but I am not sure when this game was created. In gameplay you have a set of tasks to do per level, you build up different buildings, send little guys to run them and then you build more buildings or trade with your hut people. I didn't like that after you created your buildings, they did not keep producing, you actually have send someone there to produce goods and they will stay there for five production repetitions. This got to be a bit tedious, but at the same time, I was not having any trouble beating each level well within expert time. The level of challenge was not the greatest. I recommend this game for the free demo time and to experience a slightly different take on TM games, but I wouldn't waste my money or game credit on this.
This was a cartooney Adelantado game without any of the challenge that was in the Adelantado series. There are no serious time goals, so there wasn't any real need to try and complete goals quickly or to manage resources and no rush to build buildings etc. Occasionally you would get a goal that you would have x amount of minutes to complete, this usually consisted of gathering resources and I never had any issue fulfilling the requirement in the given amount of time. I was able to complete this entire game in the span of maybe three-four hours. I was really really disappointed as this game did actually have a LOT of potential. I really liked that when you built/upgraded your buildings they never lost efficiency in the same way that they did in the Adelantado games. You stopped getting as many logs as the game wore on but that was about it. You do have to be careful to make sure you are producing enough resources for your population level. I also liked that you could move buildings around, so if you placed something and then decided you did not want it there, you are not locked into one place and you could move the buildings around to suit your preferences. This was nice to have, but it also helped cut back on the level of challenge because you didn't have to be careful where you put things. I also liked the hand of God feature, it was fun to exert my will over the little computer entities. You could bless the little guys to make them work faster or use it to pull resources directly out of buildings. One aspect of the game that helped with the fun factor was the concept of building schools/universities to earn little books that you used to study and 'learn' various subjects which unlocked buildings and helped you to progress through the game. This was fun, again, it was another area that could have used improvement, there were no time goals on when you learned subjects so again, there was no motivation to try and do things quickly. I think that the entire issue with the level of challenge could have been fixed if they had simply put a set number of game days that could pass for you to earn gold, silver, bronze etc. If you are the type of person who enjoys planning out cities, like to place everything just so then I can see you getting enjoyment out of the game as you can switch things around and set up your little city however you like, you can even build little roads. I am more challenge driven when it comes to these games so I couldn't quantify spending time organizing my city, I would just prefer to move onto a game with a bit more challenge. Oh, and I'm not much of a storyline person but this story did appear to be well done.
I really enjoyed this game. Visually it looked great for this genre and the sound effects and music didn't annoy me. The story line was detailed and you had chat bubbles to click through between each level. Your little dude gets stranded on the tropical island at the beginning of the game and you are immediately conscripted by the chief for assistance saving his daughter from the evil guy. You get her back and continue the rest of your journey with her restoring the lands and pursuing that dastardly bad guy. The story was fun. The game play was great, it was entertaining and and varied. The goals you had to attain varied from level to level and how to win each level required strategy on what you needed to build etc. The levels also had added challenges built in. There were ghosts you had to click on to kill (unless you had statues or a shield) which gave you a bit of mana. They were not super easy to get rid of and that challenge increased as the levels increased which kept the ghost attacks from becoming stagnant. The different regions also present their own challenges. In the desert area you had to click on your farms and wooded areas every other yield or they would stop performing. The goals/attacks/weather requirements combined to make for fast paced levels which is imperative for good TM games. The only area I marked down a little was in the Level of Challenge. There were a few levels which I had to play over several times in order to get three stars, but the rest of them were beatable just once with the occasional replay. I had really been hoping when I got to the end that there would be an expert mode unlocked, but alas, I was disappointed. It says a lot for this game that I still awarded it five stars despite the slightly decreased challenge, as this is usually my biggest concern when rating TM games. The other aspects of this game were so fun and enjoyable that I feel it is a must play game despite the slightly lower level of challenge.
This game is just an uninteresting click as fast as you possibly can type of game. There was no story line, but really, how can there be when the subject is baggage handling. "One day a lonely suitcase was gliding down the conveyor belt waiting to be filled with it's misplaced contents. The suitcase was not a good suitcase, as he had failed in his only job of holding items." I can't think of much more potential than that. There was no strategy involved and a lot of the game was luck depending on what items came down the belt. The items were really distinctive and the developers were creative in the sense of figuring out what items would go with what package. I would really save your money, if you just play the free demo hour you can pretty much beat the entire game anyways. I do want to note though, some folks mentioned issues running the game on their computer, I did not have any trouble in this respect, I even have a pretty big monitor and the game was able to go full screen and it wasn't lagging. It might be due to difference in machine/settings.
This game was a bit click happy, but I actually found that to be rather satisfying. I know I have had my moments playing TM games where I find myself clicking on tasks in a futile attempt to make my little dudes work faster. In this game it isn't futile! Clicking on the little guys ACTUALLY makes the work go faster, yeah, pretty fun. I was a little disappointed in the level of challenge, reading other reviews I was looking forward to really difficult levels, but I found with the proper strategy, I rarely had to redo a level and even then it would only take one redo to pass. The game was also a bit short, 45 levels went by rather quickly for me. The game also lacked layers, it has the standard trophies you can obtain but there were no bonuses, challenge levels or anything to 'build' so it was just your basic strategy, click, onto the next level, repeat process 45 times. I do have to give the developers credit though, there were levels where you would get secondary and sometimes triple goals to meet after the level had been started and even when it was nearing completion. I always appreciate when a little extra challenge is thrown into the mix, and most of my redo's were due to these added goals. The story that went with it was cute, a poor actor for a Wild West film gets transported back through time as the hapless villian thought he was summoning an assassin. Our hero joins up with this guild chick and they go around fixing things up and helping different people do their jobs. I really found this game to be fun, I recommend it, and I will definitely keep it in my rotation in case I am ever in the mood to rage-click with results.