Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
The drawigns are ERS-nice, and the HOS and minigames are as we know them. There are achiewements, collectibels and morhs so all in all this could have been a great game... BUT ..... the storyline is so ridicoulous, and animals to save have been too generously dashed over the game, that I just can't help sitting with a feeling, that only a child would love it.
I was so bored, that I had a hard time finnishing the trial. A few years ago I used to like the ERS-games, but I must admit that have stopped buying them, as they obviously have children and absolute beginners as their target-group. It's OK to aim the games towards beginners, but after having played these kind of casual games for a long time - they just don't appeal to me anymore.
I'll recommend the game... but only to children and beginners
I always have very high expectations when Elephant Games come out, but for the very first time I wasn't impressed - I was bored.
Yes the Visuals are eyeteasing, and there are some nice mini-games and morphing collectibels, but the gameplay was ridiculous; Pick up some items, do a task and run back for six souls (one in each location# and put them back where you found the "soul-pot". Then pick up a few items, do a task and run back to pick up some wasps #one in each location)..... It was boring and even though the statues were well thought out they didn't really add anything exiting to the gameplay itself.
The demo ended after 38 mins and I had already found half the morphs - very dissapointing as Elephant usually are good for at least 5-6 hours of gameplay in the maingame.
Elephant games have been my favourites for a long time now, but I won' t be bying this one. Maybe as a DD I'll recommend this game to beginners
This game should take an adults knowledge to understand. Face your inner demons and free your will to make a more independent life and deal with your quality of life - How cool is that ? On the track towards a freed personality you meet cheats, helpers and sinister persons and even an old woman trapped in a tree (or a talking tree with a female face ??)
You have to find 4 artifacts to get to the "final door" - and as I entered a portal to find the first one, my best guess is, that there are portals for each artifact. But as I didnt even make it to the first one....... what do I know ??
It is a SE so there is no bling = no cellectibels, achievements etc, but in stead you get a very nice SE with lots to do
HOS are promising - some ar usuals from lists, but there was a "new" one - looks like a rather simple drawing, but hundreds of items were hidden in it. Has been a long time since I saw one of those
Minigames are easy and if in doubt there is a very helpful hint-button and a jump-map that also shows areas of interest.
No doubt I'll buy the game. When the demo ended after 45 mins I had the feeling that the game had only just begun, and I just have to know what happens......
A really entertaing game, and I might just take advantage of to days sale.
The story isn't that new - The detective has to rescue a kidnapped girl before she is sacrified by some sinister "goasty" knight that wants to steal her youth, but nevertheless ...I was so engaged in the story, that not even the huuuuge rats could disturb the pleasure. While running about trying to rescue the girl you meet several ghosts. They all want your help with something, and I bet they'll give you important items in return.
Everything is beautifully drawn. and the HOS are worth giving an extra glanse
There are features where you can choose how to solve a problem. Fx - kill the scorpion or move it away. I really like that touch to the game, and it is quite thrilling not to know yet, if it has a deeper meaning to how the story goes on.
7 chapters + bonus, an excellent jump-map, diary, collectibels and lots to do everywhere - I love it. As far as I remember there aren't any "hidden rooms" with replayable HOS and mini-games, but I could have missed it. There are probably also all the "who-cares-CE-stuff", like wallpapers and achievements, but I never pay any attention to that
Minigames are easy, but the HOS took some time as the items were very well placed. HOS are from lists and have been added some interaction
The hints are really, really helpful and takes you all the way to the best place, but maybe there is less handholding in a harder mode You can recharge the hints faster if you collect the "fireflies" that are situated in every scene.
This could very well be a 5 star game, but as the mini-games "so far" are very easy and the demo ended after only 32 mins and therefore indicates that it could be on the shorter side - 4 stars is what I can "offer"
I recommend this game and will look forward to a couple of hours of fun gameplay Dive in and try it yourself :)
From the reviews I began playing with low expectations, but to my surprise - and in spite of some of the glitches, such as HOS that keeps sparkling after being played etc - I somehow just liked the game.
True - the hint button isn't particulary helpful, but the map shows areas of interest so I never felt lost. No one have mentioned the map, but when you click the task-list it pops up along with the list
There is absolutely no bling such as collectibels, so what makes me rate this game 4 stars is, that even though some of the tasks are ridiculously easy, I actually had to think to solve some of the tasks. It´s just a nice little game, and as it is a DD I'll grab it for 2,99 and save it for a lazy day
After having read so many 4-5 stars reveiws I bought the game and was really looking forwards to hours of fun. After 30 mins I was so bored, that only a strong will made me play it til the end. Even though I kept going to another world with new HOS and minigames it was so boring to have to do many of the same things over and over Again; Find stuff, open the portal, gain a power and go to a new World ..... I have deleted the game and won't replay.... ever
I know I must be a weird gamer as so many have described it as one of the better games - I just didn't like it, so I suggest you try it out on your own
I was really looking forward to play this game. I had read all the great reviews, and had no doubts that I had hours of good entertainment ahead of me. I honestly think that some have been blinded by the bling: a cute Little dog for a helper and the bow/arrow.... and I suppose that there are collectibels in the CE also. When the bling is scraped off we are left with a nonsical story wrapped in nice fantasy drawings
Some deatails were nice, and I liked the clear and variated HOS, but the puzzels were way too easy and the storyline was ridiculous.... not to mention the lame ending that really pionted out how childish the developer's minds are put together.
On top of that the game felt too short. I am glad I didn't pay for the CE. I have deleted the game, and I won't replay it.
In spite of my opinion I'll recommend the game - but only as a Family game. I guess there is the right amount of fantasy, good/evil and the HOS/puzzels are suitable for children also
It's a nice little game. The Graphics are darkish, but well done. Not a very challenging game, but you do get a good variation of minigames and HOS - even though they were easy some of them were well thought out. The map is excellent (transports) and the tasks are clear. The linearity makes it easy to figure out what to use where and when.
Easy and well-flowing gameplay makes this one a good game for either beginners or families. I for one kept thinking that there had to be more into it, but there wasn't.
I finnished the demo in about 30 minutes, so there is no way I'll pay CE Price for it- also - one of the achievements is for finnishing the game in less than 3 hours, so I am sure the game is rather short. In my opinion a CE should be at least 5-6 hours in the main-game and at least 75-90 minutes in the bonus.......
Even though I can recommend the game I miss both challenge and a longer game .... I might get the SE, but don't think the game lives up to my personal CE standards Try it out - others could just love this game :)
Jack's fiancée Emily was kidnapped by mysterious scientist! Can you unravel the mystery of the secret bunker and save Emily before she is used in dangerous experiments?
I think I might have liked this game 5-10 years ago, but developers have taken adventure HOS out of the dark middle-ages a long time ago, and I am just so used to flawless, surprising, intelligent, smooth and renewing games, that I will forget this one by the end of these lines. Even though the demo was short (35 mins) it was enough to decide not to buy.
I won't even recomment to beginners, as there are so many beautiful and entertaining games in the Big-Fish-Pond, so I could easily name 10-20 games that would be far more recommendable.
Slow, dated and clumpsy cluttred with unnessesary messages like : "I need to find a way in to the Castle" I didn't even bother to finnish the trial The game might appeal to others, so I suggest that you try it our for yourself