I'm barely into this game, but this has to be a joke. This is probably one of the stupidest games I have ever tried to play.
A writers characters come to life and try to save the books from him. And the talking dog? A talking dog would be fine, but this one is ridiculous.
This game HAD to be written by someones 10 year old kids. This game is on it's way to be uninstalled. I'm glad I used freebies to get it, because I'd be upset if I had of paid for this.
I can't believe I fell for the great reviews on this game. As soon as I started playing, I knew I had been duped. This game is fit for a two year old. Graphics are childish and it's only hidden object. What this game was doing in the Adventure games, I'll never know. Luckily I got it for free. Still sad I wasted my free game on this!
I ended up buying all three of these. The collectors edition was a surprise. I loved the extra levels. I didn't care for the spooky one, and it froze up on my part way through so I had to start over. I liked the Amour one for the pretty colors.
I wish there was a little more variety in the three games. they are all the same with just different style buildings to build. I play all mine in the relaxed mode. On this one, once I finished, instead of starting over, I thought I'd just go back and try to get all my levels to 3 stars. But, after a while of just replaying the same games over and just getting a few coins, I reset it to play again later. The advantage is that you don't have to worry about paying too soon after finishing and already knowing where everything is!
The worst thing is, that you almost can never get ahead. I've gone until almost the last part of the 3rd round in relaxed mode, just flipping through card after card, after card to get the last one or two I needed.The guys who coded probably thought they were being funny, but they weren't. It's like this is all three games. I wouldn't buy another of their games for this reason. There is no point coding a solitaire game so that it can never be won.
The card game style is easy though, and helps pass the time when I don't have enough the play my adventure games.
Too frustrating. I had to use non stop hints in the first two areas. Too much different language to deal with. Click places are so hard to click. I keep clicking, but nothing happens. You have to hit that exact spot before you can go anywhere. The horses were non stop whinnying so that I had to turn the sound off while trying to get the pump made. Putting together the parts is hard, because they don't stick. The crossbow took me multiple tries. The parts kept jumping back to the items list, as did the pump parts.
After 30 minutes of frustration, I gave up. I'll move the game aside, but it's doubtful I'll ever finish it.
I honestly don't see how this had a decent rating at all.
I always play relaxed and take several days to play. These games are what I do at the end of the day to, relax! I really enjoyed this game.
The plot was good and the mini games are different than any other game I've played. Not too hard, but not too easy. If I can do most mini games without skipping, I'm happy. some games, I skip most because they're too hard. What's the point of playing if you have to skip them all?!?
There is a map that lets you jump to where you go. This is always important. No map means tons of walking and hoping you got the right room, and if not, going back to other places hoping it's right.
I think the bonus game was harder than the main game, but still fun.
I decided to dig through some older games, and this one sounded good. I've had fun with it, but it got 4 stars because the people who made the game put themselves in as the characters. You've got a fantasy game with real people. It never works. I guess these guys think they are going to be immortalized by doing this. I just find it weird, and egotistical.
There's a map for hopping from place to place. No wearing out your shoes in this game! And those hokey sounds of people being ghosts...Ooooooooo...is perfect! Graphics and voices are clear, and the volume can be pretty loud. I always use headphones when I play, so only I hear the games.
I knew something was up with the man being so helpful, I just didn't realize what it was. I don't want to spoil for people who haven't played, so I won't comment on that, but it did catch me off guard.
This is a fun game. Lots of stuff to do, and I've been able to do almost all the puzzles, and the HOP's are able to be solved without hints.
I only play the games in the evening as a way to wind down. I also always play on casual, as I want to relax, not stress. The plot is easily followable, even over a several night period of playing. I can start playing the next day, and know right where I left off. I can't do that on a lot of the newer games.
There is no real plot to this game. There is no adventure here, unless you read the notes and diary, which I never do in any game. This game is strictly hidden object. Pictures are so tiny that it gives me eye strain, even wearing my glasses. This is just hunting things that look the same, like a long match game thing. You can't click on the miniscule pictures at the bottom to see what they look lise so you can find the matching picture part. I end up just clicking to get done.
I don't get what the whole 'mature theme' of this game is. I've seen way worse than this in other games. After all, it IS just a made up game, not real kids or people getting hurt.
I play these games for relaxation. I only play a few hours a night. This game is NOT relaxing, it's boring.
If you like just looking for hidden objects this is for you. If you want adventure and excitement, this isn't your game.
There is no plot to this game. It's strictly hidden object, and hard to find objects at that. I've never used the hint feature so often.. There is no adventure, just seek and find. Can't believe I like this in the trial and bought it only to hate it! I should have known that when everyone else liked this game, I wouldn't.