.....which is just my opinion. The best part of this game is the opening cut scene with the beautiful wedding scene on the cliff.
As expected, bliss lasted less than a couple of minutes and were off to the races to save the gorgeous bride.....only this was more like the race between the turtle and the hare. There was urgency to get things done, but to me this game was very slow.
They did attempt to introduce some different elements in the games and game play, but it was very disconnected. Even on the casual level, I had to rely on the map or hint button continuously. I think the developers knew that because it recharged very quickly.
The story was a bit confusing as a good ghost or a "good grim reaper" was chasing a bad one to allow the souls of the dead to finally get off this never stopping train. At times it wasn't clear who was the good guy or the bad guy....
Anyway....this game did not challenge or entertain me personally. The characters were from all centuries and all over Europe, however they had the same accents which were very poor. It's like nails on a chalkboard.
I won't go as far and say NOT to purchase this....but play the demo and get a feel for the pace and the story. The graphics are very good, and that's the best I have to say about the entire game.
It's a good game for someone new to this type of format, but not the best example of what is out there!
The intro to Cursery: The Crooked Man was spectacular! And then it just flopped.
Another dark twist to an old nursery rhymes of the "Old Crooked Man that lived on a crooked lane...had a crooked cat...etc" You know the one. This crooked man also has a crooked mind and kidnaps countless maidens to make up for the loss of his young loved that died early.
All of that isn't a bad plot, but the game play in this story was very hard to follow. There are the morphing "cursed items" that will speed up the hint button when you find them, but it slows down again if you skip a puzzle. AND YOU WILL!
At first I thought they were going to be easy....but there is very little instruction to go with them, so it's not a matter of not "solving" them to challenge your brain. Some just did not make sense....while a few were childish.
The part of the demo I did play had on HOS and it was VERY easy. Piece the parts together.....
There really isn't much point to elaborate on other features. They did nothing spectacular to wow me into playing further.
The best part of this game is the beautiful music in the overture.....and interspersed throughout. But even with that, a full game of that same music might drive you batty.
I really don't recommend this game at all. Even the theme would be too dark for younger players considering the young girls being kidnapped. My guess is that older player and experienced gamers might just be annoyed by this game. It's really too bad......no follow through from the fabulous short beginning. At least enjoy that in the demo.
This was a fun and relaxing game. I thoroughly enjoyed kicking back and just taking in the scenery and the highly improved art design and lip sync graphics of the characters. I own the Chinese Healer and this is a step above that as far as art and design.
The story, while not exceptionally new, had plenty of elements that kept my interest. The "ermine" plays a great part in the fun factor, helping along in some areas that you cannot perform unless you are an adorable creature of winter.
In a very positive way, this story did have princesses, good and evil, but they were not portrayed in an overly sugary manner, nor as a dark disturbing character.
There is also an interesting addition to the inventory that appears to be a permanent item to help you when you reach stubborn spots in the coldest of winters. The effect is charming.
I rated this low in the challenge category, simply because it was easy and simple. I wouldn't really consider that a negative (or poor rating) if you want to relax and not strain your eyes in the HOS and puzzles.
It received five+ stars in the visual design from me because I am extremely impressed with the step up in voice overs with the characters. They were very engaging. On a small scale, the background music was somewhat annoying, so I simply just adjusted it to a much more quiet level. That added up to five stars for visual and sound in my opinion.
It may be a purchase for me for a cold rainy day to get a nice cup of hot tea, curl up in a warm corner and turn the world to Spring!
It would have been a five star game and a certain purchase for me if it did have a little more challenge in the game play, HOS and puzzles. But....it's certainly an excellent option for a different mode of fun!
This game is truly a great game for new and experienced players of all ages.
I totally recommend this game.....at the very least ...do not pass up the demo!
I just finished the demo.....initially thinking I may not like the game, I was surprised at my disappointment when it ended. That usually means a purchase for me.
This story had a "Nutcracker Suite" flavor to it.....sort of a childish theme made for adults (and children). It was fresh and had new twists in game play I had not seen before.
The beginning is a little different because of the way they present the level of challenge. I always test my demos on casual.....but when it asks if you want a tutorial, I recommend you use it in this game. There are enough different actions that you'll need them at the git go or you'll spend too much demo time figuring it out.
You are an attorney.....kicking up your heels after a difficult case when an infant lands on your doorstep with instructions to get her home. This is where the "help" is needed to even get out the door.
Interesting, you learn fairly early on that the antagonist is the good guy and bad guy, who truly wants to make sure the infant is safe.
The story is crazy good....so get ready for time and place changes to come into the mix. The artwork is incredible.
There are voice overs that are very good....and you interact with some of the characters.
The HOGs vary as well....clean and crisp and not always a pile of junk.....although there are those as well.
I really recommend this game.....and it will be a purchase where I start over at the beginning to get that initial tutorial.
Expect anything.....but in a good way. This is a good mystery but in a story book fashion. Super! Kudos for fresh ideas!!!
I don't know where to begin with this game. The title gives you no indication of what it's about. As a very long time Hobbit fan from before it was popular, this story is loosely inspired by the "hobbits" themselves. Everything else is up for grabs.
I will be fair and say I played this on the casual level of the demo only. The game play was very fractured and not logical.
Fiona is on a quest with her very annoying storm cat that I wished I could mute when he was talking. No voice over from Fiona....so she is sort of invisible....but then of course, you are supposed to know that YOU are Fiona....a little blonde girl that looks like "Heidi."
The game play went from extremely easy, to not even a brilliant player figuring out....EVEN with help. It was sort of hit and miss, and a couple of places did not even give the option for a "skip" when it gets monotonous.
The "hobbit people" are called Kowalds....and are very warty unappealing characters. They had very amateurish character voices and were just annoying overall.
I'm trying to find a redeeming aspect to this game, but even the music was somewhat depressing. If it weren't for the disconnected game play, I would recommend it for a "fairytale" for kids.....but then there are the faceless supernatural futuristic beings that one encounters that even take away from the "fairytale" for kids aspect.
I don't really totally dislike many games ......this one has pretty colors.....but not even great art and visual quality. So I have to say that I don't recommend this for any reason.....not even a freebie.
It's a good start for a new developer.....hang in there.
It should have been a tremendous achievement, but the tunnel through the Ridge of Leviathan became the site of a great disaster. What really happened that day?
My review is based on the full version of the CE. I have very mixed feelings about this game, but when it was done, the bottom line was an unusual level of enjoyment along with some question marks about where this story was going.
For me....the visual and sound quality, along with the voice overs and cut scenes really made this game quite fun. Put your imagination goggles on and sit back a relax and enjoy this one. There really are no annoying glitches or too much back and forth.....the game is nice and long, yet moves right along at a steady pace.
The "Capital Express" is about to make it's maiden journey through a newly engineered tunnel saving three hours off a train trip through the Ridge of Leviathan. You are trying to catch up with the train to meet up with your husband and daughter, but fate has you being tripped up and missing your scheduled trip.
From there.....time passes and after a year of grieving, you are determined to go and find out the fate of your husband and daughter.
Gameplay is fairly standard....HOS and games...the games are mostly easy and a nice distraction.....and the HOGs are fairly typical with the exception that a few items are actually from your inventory list, or items yet to be found. It's nice to have a little switch in the middle of a HOG to go find something to bring back to finish the mini game.
There are also collectible flowers as usual from this developer.....the colors you collect have different point values. I would be happy to leave that out, but some gamers like the extra "hunt" in each new scene.
Midway through the game, you've found yourself in a "settlement" of other lost passengers or searchers that is sort of like "Hippie Hollow" or the "Lost Boys". The characters are interesting and you interact with them.....not knowing if they are there to help or hinder you....and that's for you to find out.
Throughout the game, there are cut scenes where you are "thinking out loud" which serves the purpose of explaining your actions. I really felt this added to the total composite of the game.
The last third part of the game gets a little fantastical....not so demonic or scary, but definitely the "bad guys" are explained and you understand the nature of the beast you are following.
This game is great for any age. I almost did not buy it, because the demo really did not grab me. I decided to give it a try based on the very clear and well done graphics and visuals. I was not disappointed. While the subject is a little off my usual interest, it was refreshing not to see monsters, demons, endless skulls and dungeons and death.
After playing the demo for the recent Haunted Hotel game, I had to go back and see how other Haunted Hotel games compared.
I'm not sure when this game came out, but I assumed it was more recent since it was a second version. That being said, I do not thing this was made by the same developer as the recent "Haunted Hotel: Eclipse," unless they completely changed their staff. One reviewer mentioned a connection, so I really don't know.
This game was 99.99% series of HOGs. I happen to like a good solid HOG game occasionally, but this artwork was very small and cluttered. The scene is not just a closet or inside a dusty trunk, it's a whole room of clutter.....AND...along with larger items, you are looking for obscure things like a guitar pick, or a bullet or a puzzle piece.....things that are so miniscule that you find yourself clicking on anything. The good news, (sorta) is that they do copy and paste some of the artwork, so IF you find that guitar pick, you might spot it in another HOG.
These HOGs are also the scrolling type....where they list about 10 at a time and add one every time you locate one. You get that quicksand feeling like you'll never find the bottom.....especially when a "fly" is on the list and you are going blind.
Now....for the eagle eye player that is hooked on HOGs, this is a perfect game. Also a great game for younger players to build hand/eye coordination.
The story IS at a hotel...and there are clues in the rooms, but as stories go, there isn't much of one. In the demo, I played about five HOGs and a couple of games, and I did not see a break from that.
It has nice generic background music that is not really distracting.
I won't be purchasing this game, but I do believe it has merits for those gamers that are really into this genre.
For fans of "Haunted Hotel: Eclipse,"....just be warned....this is nothing like that game.
I love this topic and a good story line would make this a great game. However, I did not get 10 minutes into the game before I was frustrated.
It start off with a HOG that you need a microscope to find. After struggling with my vision, I needed one last object that was as thin as hair! It was the only remaining object on the list, but I still had to click on it to tell the game what to find.
At that point....nothing. You are told to pick up and object, but no instructions. Then you are left with the HOS and no where to go. Blinking lights on stairways to a pre-launched submarine made me think that was a hint to move in that direction. Instead I get a warning that I can't board until the "BIO-COIL: was installed. ??? The dock was stacked with wooden shipping boxes and I just happened to click on the right one. A close up indicated that this was the fantastic bio powered coil made from exotic "beetles" in some tropical place. I honestly have already forgotten. I thought that was illogical even for a fantasy game.
The music sounded good...but not much to say since my visit was so short.
This was not a CE, so there were few bells and whistles.
I feel like this is an older game re-released. The beginning shows a newspaper with an article and the caption says "PRESENT DAY".....but the paper was dated 2009.
I truthfully think there are some good older games out there that could be reworked and re-released as a 2nd Edition using new technology in current gaming. I am not happy to see new "cover" artwork that I don't recognize and find that a game is 4-5 years old.
I would not recommend this game to even a new player because they would be lost and frustrated.
Regretfully, this could have been an awesome topic.
I wanted to write about this one while it was fresh in my mind. At first glance....in the first five minutes of the demo, I thought I was not going to finish even one hour of game play.....so I put it down for a day and picked it back up to give it another go..
You and a male detective are working on this together, so the interaction is really only with him. The beginning starts with you talking about how awesome he is and the best partner you have ever had. I had to chuckle at one of the other reviewers because they echoed my sentiments. This guy is always running off leaving you to do the "scary" stuff and he comes back with nothing and says..."good job!" Not my idea of a fantastic detective.
On a casual level, this CE basically plays the game for you. The hint button charges quickly, and trust me, you'll need it. The strategy guide is also available right by the hint button. It's not that this game is so challenging, they just added fictional items that no one could guess it's purpose. IE....the Hotel has two dead guests.....a Vampire and a Werewolf. Being a Vampire, he's dead in his bed and the room is darkened. Next to him is a glowing nightlight with a dome and a lock. You have to find the lock (Only because it tells you to)...and out comes a glowing "flutterfire"....which is a glowing butterfly that has powers to light things on fire. You have to use the hint button to know that...or rely on the SG. Those were just the little bothersome things that made you depend on help.
The game play really had nothing new or clever. Locks, keys, bas reliefs and fantastical locks that only certain shaped elements could be used. Lots of going back and forth, and upstairs and downstairs.....and this is just the demo.
No music that I recall...and very little sound. This game could really be a bit creepy and get you in the Halloween spirit if it had well placed appropriate music.
Now...to the visuals.....I give them an A+ on artwork and creative elements. The overall idea of a haunted hotel is not new....but they did do a super job in artistic design.
There also is no map....but just in the demo portion, there really wasn't one needed. If the story after the demo takes you outside and expands the area a great deal, this might be helpful.....but the back and forth is not as tedious in the demo as I have seen in some other games.
I did go ahead and play the entire demo and when time ran out, I really wasn't ready to stop. That's usually a sign to me that I might purchase this game in the future. I will keep it on my list of games for a special or freebie with credits.
Even with the semi weak story, I do recommend this game. It's great on casual level for beginners or anyone who just wants to relax and take time with a game. It's also age appropriate for tweens and older up to adults. Nothing too horrible compared to the graphic stories with blood and guts and slashers out of Hollywood. This is just simple good fun.
Definitely try the demo and play it through....it does get better.
Reveal the twisted plan of a deranged magician who has his own Vendetta against the world! And uncover a secretive world of magicians and discover the power they have held and passed down through the centuries!
This game started of really well. Just be warned if you only play the demo and decide to buy. You might want to save it for a freebie or special.
I was so glad to see Paris again ...featured as the setting of a game. I played the regular version and got through without any extra help.
The evil Damien LaStrange is out to get revenge for not becoming one of the elite magicians in the Paris expo. And "expo" is really a more accurate word. It starts out with a tragedy at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower...and you get to be the detective to find and hunt down LaStrange. You go forward under the Eiffel Tower and you oddly find yourself in what looks like the remains of the NY World Fair, or a scene at Epcot. Future land with engineered food, robots etc. Back and forth is the big question when you get lost, because the map is not interactive. It consists of a black and white concept drawing with a red crayon pencil circling the area. The legend indicates that activity is needed where you see a red (!).....only the area NEVER has an exclamation mark in any of the circled areas.
The music and artwork are wonderful....but where is Paris? A few minor references to "French" items could be found in Las Vegas....seriously.
There are clever areas to search, and some of the HOS are creative and vary in difficulty. Once you find LaStrange's HQ, you basically see nothing of Paris. It turns in to a rat race back and forth down an alley with some crazy ideas that Magicians don't even use.
Everywhere you turn, there is another dead body....OOPS! He did it again! Then he shows up out of no where with a mardigras type mask with horns and taunts the detective to catch him......which makes no sense. He's not menacing as much as he is annoying.
The music is in a loop....but it's changed up according to where you are. It's not annoying and does have that typical accordian French touch.
There was nothing really remarkable about this game in my opinion other than the excitement at the beginning.....that quickly fades.
The synopsis of this game under the title is very misleading. There really is nothing notable about historic magicians....other than ending up in a misplaced cave that might resemble the catacombs in Paris, but highly misses the mark.
I REALLY wanted to like this game......
I do recommend playing the demo! Who knows....it may be spectacular to the next person.