I loved everything about this game. The sound effects grabbed me right away, and the narrator in certain cut scenes was professional and elegant as he read parts of the story unfolding.
I was surprised that some expert gamers didn't like the coins. I found them an added interest. They were not morphing animals or butterflies in the picture for some "virtual" trophy. They were part of the game play. I was frustrated as there were three coins I could not find....but not to worry, they allow a little room for being short a coin or two.
The GRAPHICS.....one word WOW! Especially inside the mansion....not the typical dusty dilapidated relic. It was depicted as if the characters still lived there.
It was challenging enough for expert gamers on other levels, but I played it on casual to enjoy the artwork and sounds and take in the story. No mystical crazy magic Genie's ......a good pirates tale with all the awesome folklore to go with it! Excellent......superb!
You've arrived in the peaceful resort town of Aurora Peak to investigate some mysterious local crystals. But the devious plot you uncover there could endanger the entire world!
I was very surprised I LOVED this game. I think the writers did an excellent job of playing out the plot. It had some fantastical elements that kept it interesting, but it had the feel good quality of being the "hero" and helping some of the people without a lot of overly dramatic dialogue. The artwork is good, the games were challenging enough, In spite of it not having spectacular artwork and music, I didn't want it to end.
The Emperor's son has a mysterious illness. As legendary healer Daiyu, you're called to the palace to save him, but you end up having to save yourself!
This is a super game for beginners....and anti up the challenge for more expert players, because it's very easy.
I will admit that it was a little cheesy for lack of a better word. Chinese legends are full of mystery and intrigue and they fell short conveying that rich history. But, in saying that, the folk lore kept it from going over the edge of being ridiculous.
It's a fast game played on casual mode. The artwork was very good....not superb....but the icons and Chinese imagery was very visually pleasing.
The music was a little annoying so I turned it down...and actors voices could have been more in character.
Great little game for beginners and more advanced players who are tired of the same old dungeons and skulls or floating cities.
This game was enjoyable and not disturbingly intense as some.
Great story line and unusual that it had a mystical tone with out going out in to full oddities. I like stories that are plausible and not so fantastical. This had the charm of historic Europe with a bit of a dark twist that it occurred during the plague. It was not filled with corpses and grotesque beings, which pretty much ends a game for me. I took my time with this one to enjoy the artwork around every corner. Sound was great ....really nothing bad to say at all!
I wish these games had an age range on them. This game was too much of a disney type fairy tale. The visual design was great, but the storyline seemed more for 12-13 year old age group. Even the HOG were weak. It may have a lot of ratings because it's new, but ....or possibly there are a lot of "tweens" that love it. I would even prefer any Nancy Drew story over this kind of youthful fantasy.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
I realize that big fish will not post this, but possibly you will think about this for future promotions. Today is Dec 30 2012......and you are offering a promotion of $4.99 on award winning games. Mystery Case Files - Shadow Lake was named by you as GAME OF THE YEAR! Please explain how this game could be GOTY when the overall ratings by those who have played it is only TWO STARS??? Nothing makes sense about your rating system of games. Just like all other advertising, it's really not worth the effort. Just let your gamers figure it out and play what appeals to them. I have never agreed once with your suggestions for great exciting games, yet I've purchased a small collection of some of the better games on my own.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
To be fair, I admit I only played the promo, but if that was meant to entice me to buy it.....then my choice was to pass it up. I love MCF....but one thing I do not like in all of them, is the very poor acting and characters in the cut scenes....and this one weighed heavily on a lot of that. It was almost as if you just sat back....made a few choices here and there and watched the game play itself. As a HO fan, I really did not like the HO portions broken up into several scenes. There was very little help or guide...but as I said...you really didn't need it because it sort of told you most of what to do. The artwork was good....not fantastic (as compared to the art and graphics in the new "Nutcracker" HO game).
There were too many things left unexplained...(in the promo)....as the detective...no one was in charge except this random woman who was supposedly psychic. No motel keeper and a map that showed you how to walk around a corner and back.
I've seen some games where the promo was actually not a good representation of the entire game. Hopefully that is the case here.....but I'm not spending my money to find out.
Do not let the demo fool you on this one. The only confusing thing about this story line is the beginning and end seemed to be written by two totally different writers. The story starts out with an abandoned summer camp with missing children....I know....seen that before. It's a little, pardon the pun, but "campy" at first. The main character is named "Sullivan"....and the first half of the game is sort of childish....kids camp, art class, toys....and one very annoying song being sung in the background by....a goulish nursery rhyme by Sullivan's spirit. Just when I was going to pull my hair out, the storyline leaves the camp and becomes much more sophisticated. Trails, catacombs, tunnels, marshes....even the music fits the scene. Then ending is a bit brief as most of them are, but playing the bonus games was just as challenging and sufficiently long and entertaining enough to be worth playing.
Playing just the demo, I'm afraid will not give this game a fair chance. It's one of the better games I've played in a while. The slightly sophomoric beginning actually makes this game a winner when it draws you into the game a bit later.
Repeating what a few others said....I was so hoping to like this game as I lived in Paris for quite some time. In the whole hour I played the demo, the only suggestion of Paris is a faded Notre Dame image through a dirty office window. It might as well been a poster. There were also some clippings from French newspapers.....but NO PARIS!
The HO....we so lacking imagination...in an hour I only made it to three scenes. 1st HO...7-10 pieces of a torn up invitation in a very sparse office....and it was STILL hard to find them because you didn't know if some were smudges, shadows or nothing. 2nd was to find parts of a camera....same thing...no eye candy or creativity. 3rd HO was a torn up painting (seeing a pattern?) in a very sparse art gallery. With the plain no atmosphere settings, these items were extremely tiny and hard to find. Very hard on GOOD eyes!
I can see the developer taking this idea back to the think tank and use this a a good concept idea for a decent game. This looks like it was in the dust bin from 10 years ago and just brought out for lack of inventory. Compare this the the Phantom of the Opera and there is no way they are equal in quality, creativity, enjoyability and most of all price.
Gamers.....two thumbs down....Developer...one thumbs up for potential after a LOT of revamping.
I like this little game.....nothing offensive or too outlandish about it. The story became more interesting as you played and realized why she can't talk. Definitely need the CE addition. The graphics and hidden object scenes were excellent.
The only negative distractions were the poorly done cut scenes with the nurse and the actors. Not sure why this seems to be a problem in a lot of games. Possibly the actors are not in sync with the level of intensity or storyline when they shoot their parts. Some of it is just poor script.
Overall.....play the trial and make up your own mind. It really does get better.