Played the demo and although the storyline was something a little different, it didn't compel me to want to keep playing . The graphics were nice but the puzzles were too easy as were the HOs.
I don't care about collectables and achievements to be honest and buy CE's because they are fun, challenging or gripping. This was none of these I'm afraid, although others clearly disagree, all a matter of taste really.
Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova Collector’s Edition is an incredible adventure based on the true story of the first documented case of vampirism ever!
The demo only lasted for 40 minutes which doesn't normally bode well for the length of the entire game and I can't say that it gripped me in that time. I liked the idea of the storyline, but found the game rather linear. I don't like being told I need to go there next, I would rather figure it out for myself! The puzzles ( i think i only did 2) were straightforward and very familiar. The HOs were interactive but again pretty easy.
All in all, it lacked what I have come to expect from a game and certainly from a CE, so i will pass on this one.
I decided not to buy the CE but glad i bought this one!
Interesting storyline, beautiful graphics, challenging puzzles, some of which were a little different...liked the match 3 one a lot as wasn't expecting it! The HOs were interspersed well throughout the game...I don't like too many, which was fab.
Overall...really good and well worth the cost of an SE.
I really liked this game. I thought the storyline was a little different and so were the puzzles. I look forward to the The only thing I didn't like was that the HOs were a bit of an eye strain at times, you really couldn't see some of the items so I did end up clicking at random! Other than that, thoroughly enjoyed myself!
I have the others in the series and really liked those, but this is even better. Challenging puzzles for a change and not too many HOs. Highly recommend!
Review based on the demo. Graphics were good, but everything else was 'so so' imo. The storyline wasn't gripping in fact I am sure I already know what the 'twist' is that other reviewers have talked about. HOs and puzzles lacked any challenge and as others have said, the game just felt 'slow'. My biggest bug bear was the assistant. I totally fail to see what he added to the story apart from being a very irritating interruption in every new scene. All in all I was in no way compelled to spend the money on this CE.
Eerie music fills the air in Vienna, where shadows terrorize people in the streets. Two musical prodigies have gone missing. Can you save them without striking a single false note?
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
The story involves rescuing students who have been taken by the magical violinist.....didn't the same thing happen in the last game? After only 40 mins of demo I was bored! Too many HOs, easy puzzles....need I go on?
Played the full hour of the demo and did like the game, but it was lacking that 'wow' factor that some CEs deliver.
The HOs were slightly interactive and some items well hidden, but I found some of the graphics dark and blurry. Puzzles were not difficult and no different from the norm.
The storyline interested me but the demo did not leave me eager to find out what happened next, so happy to wait for the SE with this one.