Good graphics, good storyline, lots to do. Puzzles were challenging although HOs were pretty standard. The only thing I didn't like was the backtracking, there is a lot of it! You do have an interactive map which is fab but kept forgetting what to do where which was mildy irritating so resorted to the hint button which I wouldn't do normally. I am not sure why but this game (as others have said) is not as good as the others in the series, still enjoyable though.
I love this series so was keen to play this one. As usual the graphics are gorgeous and the storyline was interesting for us fairytale/fantasy lovers. What I found was that it lacked the challenge of the previous games - very easy puzzles and very linear. Also towards the end it was one HO after another which was like the devs had run out of steam! Again I didn't feel that in the other games, so all in all although this was stlll fun to play, I was rather disappointed.
I recommend this game!
0of0voted this as helpful.
Reality Show: Fatal Shot Collector's Edition
After a man is murdered on a hit reality TV show, you are called in to uncover the truth behind the crime.
Review based on demo which took me only 45 minutes.
I was quite hopeful having read the first few rave reviews, but I honestly just never really got in to it.
The graphics were good, some of the puzzles although quite easy were a little different and the game did flow well, but there just wasn't that gripping, wow factor which you get with some games, so I ended up not really caring whodunnit (lol), certainly not enough to buy a CE version!
I liked the storyline and it did grip me in that I was interested in finding
What let the game down was the very dark graphics and constant tooing and froing to find the HOS which would give you the item you needed to move forward. There were a lot of HOs which I don't like but they were quite challenging because of the dark, grainy graphics. Puzzles, what very few I remember were very easy.
The map was useful in that it showed you where the HOs were and unfinished objectives, but not transporting which wasn't actually a problem because very few locations.
The game is worth a bonus credit if nothing else you want to play.
I was very excited at the thought of another fairy tale so close to xmas...well tis the season to be
After only a 45 min demo however, this one missed the mark. The graphics are good and the storyline had possibilities but I found the game far too linear, with no real challenge. HOs were standard and too abundant for me, and puzzles very easy.
I love this dev and what a beautiful game. Superb graphics, fun puzzles and HOS with a twist! Long game play and interesting bonus chapter. It is a real pleasure to be able to escape in to a magical world with no dark and sinister aspects. I was amused by the reviews which said it was for little girls...and I am not ashamed to say that my inner child is completely satisfied by this one.
Only played 10 minutes of the demo then deleted. I found the grapics quite dark and dull and the scenery therefore quite depressing. The cursor was not responsive in places which started to annoy me. I guess we have come to expect crisp, clear exciting games and this isn't like that at all, so all in all boring.....sorry.
I beta tested this game and wasn't overly enthusiastic about it at the time but the devs have clearly taken comments on board and I really enjoyed it. Fast moving, interesting and beautiful scenery. Good puzzles and HOS which you can swap for match 3 which adds to the interest. Good bonus chapter too. What more do you want? lol.
Liked the storyline, something a little different, and agree with other reviewers that nice to have a change from the spooky/kidnapping stories. There were a lot of HOS but they differed slightly in difficulty level so that kept it interesting for me. Puzzles not too hard either, so all in all a relaxing game to play.
I also liked the hint button which allowed you to travel to where you needed to go next.
The downside for me was the length of the game, it was pretty short. Still recommend spending a bonus credit though!
I recommend this game!
2of6voted this as helpful.
Unfinished Tales: Illicit Love
After the Raven Queen crashes her wedding, Thumbelina must save her prince to reclaim her happy ending!