Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I love jigsaw puzzles and I have long been searching for an online puzzle game to add to my collection. Sadly, the quality of photos in most puzzle games look like they were taken by an untalented tourist with a smart phone on a boring vacation.
So kudos for a lovely variety of photos from Jigsaw World Tour 3. These are some of the first puzzle images I have seen that are shot with an eye for beauty, color, and composition. And there are more than a few to chose from. The play in most of these are fairly standard, with the ability to vary piece shapes and count, choose to rotate or not, to pull out just the borders, or show the image as a ghost should you wish.
On the down side, I do agree that a good sound track is missing. I simply turned the sound off and put on my own but the in end this made me hesitate to purchase the game. I will likely wait for one that delights both eye and ear, but this is a step in the right direction.
The other thing I would change in ALL of the puzzle games I have seen is the ability to look at the finished puzzle without cut lines for more than a few seconds. In fact, why not offer them as a screen saver? While there are small pictures to work by, I just worked 15-20 minutes putting the thing together so let me enjoy the full image for more than a split second.
In summary, if you want a variety of beautiful puzzles to work, this one is one of the best. But like all the rest, it could still be much better.
There is nothing wrong with this game. It plays fine, looks ok, the games are pretty much the same as other games. But there is nothing new or different either.
The plot is pretty standard as well. Once again we are rescuing children from an evil entity, in this case a vengeful mother who lost her children to her spouse when he abandons her for another. Drowning herself in a fit of sorrow she returns to take the children of the town. Or does she? This is what you, the detective, come to discover.
I simply could not get interested in this game and there are so many better out there. The art does not encompass you, many of the are voices and accents are phony to the point of offensive, and they could have created a much better feeling of pathos with all of the wonderful Spanish guitar music in the world. While I admit I only played the demo, it was more than I wanted. I found myself in a hurry to finish 20 minutes into this game.
While the Weeping Woman is functionally strong with jump maps and lots of play options, it is weak in presentation and for me, just another cookie cutter game option.
I don't recommend this game.
16of23voted this as helpful.
Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms Collector's Edition
Your sister, the Queen, has fallen deathly ill. Now you must travel to a faraway kingdom to find the cure.
I enjoy the occasional trip to fantasy land, but from the outset this one had me wanting to throw it away without even completing the demo. I decided to give it a fair chance as so many had rated it highly.
My mistake.
Animal helpers are rarely effective. They might be fine for a teenager or child, but once you are over 20 they are annoying at best. This one was one of the worse I have seen yet and should have been put away with the stuffed toys. This game must have been designed for really young audiences, or perhaps just very young at heart. The voice of the cat was grating on the nerves and made my teeth itch like nails on the chalkboard.
There is very little challenge in the standard puzzles, the artwork was adequate and forgettable, ambient sound un-magical. I have herd some reviewers complain that you shouldn't judge games on the demo, but really, I played that in less than 30 minutes and it was a chore, so why would I want to?
For me fantasy should be Pans Labyrinth or even Maleficent, but this was more on the level of My Little Pony.
I rarely give 2 stars to any game as the creators work so hard, but unless you really love HOGs with teeny tiny items, the same terrible music that repeats until you want to scream, skip this one.
To be fair I did not play the game very long, maybe 10 minutes before I quit. There is no real story, staid static illustrations, and no action. While I know there is something for everyone I really have to wonder who wrote the good reviews because only the most patient could sit still long enough to play this one for long.
But try the demo and see if you could wade through it. I could not.
I don't recommend this game.
12of16voted this as helpful.
Dark Dimensions: Somber Song Collector's Edition
Townspeople flee as the black smoke covers their town. Can you close the dark dimension, before it’s too late?
Overall rating
3/ 5
9 of 16 found this review helpful
Done to death
PostedMarch 14, 2014
fromSalt Lake City, Utah
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Brain Teaser, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
There is nothing remotely frightening about this game except its redundancy and the fact that anyone gave it 5 stars. Dead musical kids. Smoke monsters. Victorian era setting. Sound familiar? Same old art that looks like all the other art. The HOAs were the most original thing about this one as each found item needs to be used in order to find the next, but that is not all that original either.
This review is based only on the demo because I would not buy another game just like those from years ago. But the demo is free so see for yourself.
Perhaps I am spoiled, but I really felt the graphics on this game were way below par. Stiff, poorly drawn and muddy. The story was ok but nothing new. And the monsters laughable. The voice overs were mixed, there was very little atmosphere and the music became redundant. The character analyzer and green essence remover were annoying rather than enhancing.
Pluses were the map worked well, the games were varied and the story line not bad. There was the option of a match game if you tired of the many HOAs.
Maybe it gets better in the real version. As always, try the demo for yourself, but I personally am not tempted to by this one.
Your grandfather disappeared while searching for Inuits' legendary treasure. Travel to the Arctic to find your missing grandfather and solve the Inuit mystery.
Welcome to an arctic exploration complete with newsreels and charts. The mode of transportation is a ship soon to be entrapped in the icy arctic. If castles, love stories, cute side kicks and fairies are your style, definitely look elsewhere. Missing also are the spiders, skeletons and ghouls of the usual dark tales. We don't even have a car, plane, train or carriage to crash. How refreshing! And while we still have a grandfather to follow, whether we are to rescue him is not evident at first. We are following the legend he told of a cursed treasure, not all that original in these games, but with the live cut scenes there is a bit more realistic feel than most.
Some reviews have criticized the acting, but I felt it was average and better than that in many of the most popular games. (Sadly that is not saying much). The graphics and sound are good although not the very best. As they seem to be going for an old film quality rather than the fantastic wonderland of many games, perhaps this is appropriate.
The games take a bit of thought or time without being frustrating, which for me is about the right level of play. The HOAs are hard to see at times but the option to switch to some pretty unusual jigsaw puzzles redeemed this flaw. The jump map is very helpful, the hints more directional than give-a-ways. And as others have said, the extras such as money to find, a pet penguin to outfit, and morphing objects flesh out the game nicely.
All in all I appreciate the attempt to create a cold gritty world that is more realistic, based on man's very real greed rather than some demonic fantasy or otherworld plot. My review is based only on the demo so I do not know if it is going to stay that way. But I have definitely put this one on my wish list for a future purchase.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
Any game that starts out with a kitten helper is bound to be designed for a young romantic audience. It is called the Forsake Bride, after all. That being said, this isn't a bad story line for the teenage mindset.
Basically it is the common "spurned lover, revenge" theme. And it looks like once again, your sister is making a big mistake on her wedding day, which you have to fix. The wedding is interrupted when she is carried off into the forest by a bear. You, the villagers, and the fiancé follow where you fall/are shoved into a ravine. Here you meet a (witch?) that helps you continue the journey.
My review is based on the demo as this is not a game I would buy or recommend to anyone over 25. The graphics and sound are decent, even good at times. And while it seems to me that the ending can be guessed at early on, they are getting there with an interesting enough tale.
The HOS's are a bit more fun than usual as there are things you need to do and an order they need to be done. Plus the option of Dominos is a nice touch I have not seen before. The problem is that there is almost no challenge to the games. There is a nice variety but no originality.
Overall, if you like overtly romantic stories and want an easy time of it, you might like this. But for me it was standard, a bit trite, and there are better games for my money.
Shadow Shelter is not a game for those seeking unicorns and rainbows. It is definitely one of the creepiest of the games out there. Which is why I was surprised this was not rated higher as it is also one of the better executed games of this type. You will find no kitty helpers here and hurrah for that!
What you will find is a game that with a very realistic presentation. It does not frighten with pirates, rubber spiders and glowing skeletons but with an truly decrepit ruin of a house full of demons and ghosts that are not at all amusing. (Ok, the hand was rather fun, I admit). Figuring out what to do with them is most of the fun. If atmosphere is what you are after, it is what you get. Art and ambiance are the big pluses.
Expect a lot of object gathering and HOs. Great if you do not like games but I personally prefer games and not too many HOs or I would have rated this higher. The hidden object scenes where also often too dark for my eyes, although some have said they had no problems. I did enjoy the slightly different approach of using sketches rather than just a name list in the searches.
Over all a great game for those who love hidden objects and scary movies.
I recommend this game!
2of2voted this as helpful.
Fall of the New Age
Help Marla uncover the secret conspiracy of the Cult and release her brother from captivity!
Overall rating
3/ 5
11 of 17 found this review helpful
My kingdom for a wrench...
PostedJanuary 6, 2014
fromSalt Lake City, Utah
Skill Level:Intermediate
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I have to admit that I did not get very far on this demo. So my review is limited at best.
The story line looks good so far. For once we are not traveling and crashing a vehicle into a desperate situation. My little brother and I are thieves, which is a bit different as well. In the act of stealing we stumble into a medieval blood ritual, and are caught by a the Cult, thrown into prison, and must escape with the aid of a mysterious man who seems to know all about our particular "talents".
The graphics are a disappointment, however. Not terrible, but certainly nothing engaging either. The sound is only adequate as well.
But the biggest problem is the hint button. I have played dozens of these games and have never needed a strategy guide before, but the hint button here leaves you with no where to go. All I got from it was "there is nothing to do here" in every single scene. Which left me unable to continue the game at all. Don't get me wrong, I hate when the hint guide tells all the first time you ask. But an arrow pointing in the right direction might have been at least helpful. Or a map indicating the active areas is also a good way to go.
I gave up after only 20 minutes for lack of a wrench, something I have never had to do before. I am sure others had better luck as most of the reviews were positive.