FIRST IMPRESSIONS Excellent beginning, not at all like the norm, and extremely intriguing. Looks good, and Stephan’s pact with Death already has me hooked – particularly because she’s a woman!
SIGHTS & SOUNDS Much better than the previous games in series – well, it should be, it’s been 4 years! Has same peculiar flat-finish look about it, but now we have vibrant colour it looks quite lovely. (The earlier games had nothing but greys and browns *yuck*) And the artists have captured the eyes of Stephan Black brilliantly – they look alive and glow with intensity.
Hint is a cherubic child with a fit of the giggles. If you know me, you know I’m a sucker for cute. But apparently it depends on the species. This is a variation on cute I’ve not seen before – and one I will be glad not to see again! Eeek! *giggles maliciously*
After the opening, there is not much in the way of voice, but it is all good. Done without attempt at lip synch. Ambient noise is wonderful – creepy voices, creaking floorboards (or was that a door?), wind blowing through the gaps in walls. Great stuff. Music also good. Sometimes, after an important find, it wells up triumphantly. Other times, it sits quietly in the background murmuring about things that crawl in the dark.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? A brilliant artist has made a pact with Death in order to save his wife and son. Now, he paints beautiful women, and they disappear. You are his latest victim. You are transported to his gloomy mansion, where you discover that your portrait is the means of your salvation. You must locate the 15 pieces of it to get home.
You are ‘at large’ only as long as it takes Stephan Black to paint a ‘painted prison’ for you, as he has done to the others. You must find and rescue them from their various cages into the ‘soul vial’ so that they can be returned to their own lives. To do this you must travel into the worlds of the paintings. One thing I like a lot about this game is that there are lots of paintings, not just 2 or 3, that we unlock and visit, even if just for a HOP.
GAMEPLAY As well as collecting pieces of your portrait, and souls of other victims, you will also need to collect 33 beads for the rosary a priest has given you in order to protect yourself from Death – anyone smell ‘big finale’ in that?
The adventure is easy but interesting. There are a smallish number of rooms in the mansion so far but plenty of paintings – at least half a dozen navigable ones so far... There is a directional hint which is more use than I like, because there is no indicators at all on the jump map. Hint and skip fill very quickly on lowest of 3 levels of difficulty. The mini-games are easy, and numerous, the HOPs are fewer. They are interactive lists by word or image.
One final unusual thing about this game – the map and the journal with your story notes are in the top righthand corner, while the task list is in the left bottom and the cherub is on the right bottom. I found it quite comfortable. A solution, perhaps, for those games that have just too many gadgets to keep organised when all down with the inventory interface.
CE BLING! The collectibles, which I think are essential to the game, are 30 rosary pearls. As well, there are morphing objects to collect and achievements. Standard gallery fare, bonus chapter and SG round things up.
COMBINED IMPACT I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed this. The first of this series , Lord Of Mirrors, was an excellent HOG, even though the graphics were dismal. The 2nd game, Queen Of Death, was awful. The colours had me wanting to slash my wrists, and unfortunately the gameplay didn’t compensate that time.
This game is good on both fronts, and has an interesting story as well! While not one of the mega games, this is one I am looking forward to finishing. One last thing has me curious – there was an awful little girl in both the prequels, but I can’t see her showing up here... I just gotta know if she’s involved.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS For what Elephant have done to the beset Gray family this time. They’ve gratuitously changed the names in utterly ridiculous ways! And without any cause I can fathom. It really is quite unforgivable. Luckily, they have introduced a new dimension to the story – now we are not the only one who can travel back in time to significant events in a person’s lifetime.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS As you’d expect from Elephant, the artwork in this game is brilliant. The style is beautiful, colourful, detailed. The Dobermans are way scary, and the creep behind them is ominous too.
The voiceovers and acting are both excellent. Ambient sounds of a courtroom are pretty unnerving – all this shuffling and coughing, everything waiting on my ability to ‘read’ personal objects.
Much of the music, though, really bugs me. Too loud and jarring. I am normally a person who finds music essential to the gaming experience, but in this case I think I’d rather silence. It is not for the whole game, though, and the rest of the quieter music is actually soothing and pleasant. There are 4 sliders for altering sound, plus gamma, and the usual mix.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? Well, see, here’s where I get cranky. The “McGray” (previously known as the Gray) family is now minus my sister and her husband (remember, the first game, all those years ago, started with their wedding), who have died unceremoniously and left a will that leaves the entire estate to Elizabeth – reasons unknown. Even worse, Elizabeth is now also dead and our dear nephew James is accused of her murder!
We, as Aunt Gray (what? My sis married into the Gray family, not me), are subpoenaed to give evidence to the court, based on our ability to use important objects as a kind of doorway to significant events in the past.
After finding an old photograph of the Black Rock (wasn’t it Black Lock?) mansion, we are transported back to a moment sometime before our niece’s death, to find James looking exceedingly angry and threatening Elizabeth. While they remain suspended in time, we must seek evidence of James’ innocence to show the judge. But we are not alone. Impossibly, something or someone is moving it this normally frozen environment. And it is getting nasty.
One thing I dislike about this game is that there is a confusing and contradictory back story to go with all this, with family trees and so forth, all delivered in an amazing assortment of media, that could have made the backstory interesting and involving. Again, why couldn’t they just stick to what we know and build from there?
GAMEPLAY Standard Grim Tales fare. Each location has an interactive word list HOP, as well as a puzzle/mini-game here and there. Nothing too demanding, and usually nicely integrated and imaginative. The adventure component is also not too difficult, and there is a teleporting hint system, as well as the interactive jump map. The map shows where they are active objectives, but also where there are none.
The action flows nicely, but there is a lot of to and fro even this early into the game, so that map really is necessary. There is no notebook. The demo lasts for 2 out of 6 chapters.
The inventory is lockable, and there are items which can be combined in it. There is no journal, and there are only 3 levels of difficulty.
The unique elements in the game play are the evidence items you must bring back from each excursion into the past. There are 5 items that must be found, and each has a story attached to it that may affect the judgement on James. These are indicated along the right side of the monitor and are separate from any other searches. That doesn’t explain how different this method of investigating is – you really need to have a go at it.
CE BLING! There are two types of collectible (I think). There are 13 figurines, each with a story attached, and in groups of two or three, a film reel is played, giving further information. I played the beta for this game, where there are also 10 (in the beta) morphing objects. I found 6, so I am thinking there will be more than that in this, the full game, but I didn’t find any. There are 10 achievements, based on performance.
The gallery has 9 wallpapers, including the Dobermans, 8 saveable concept art, 5 music tracks, and a screensaver of the beautiful waterfall.
COMBINED IMPACT Grim Tales has always been a simpler series of games than most of the other Elephant games, and this one ought to be too. The mechanism of testifying in court as a method of structuring the flashbacks is great, but all the changes, differences and contradictions that are to be found in this game spoilt it quite a bit for me.
Certainly not one of their best games, not a world beater, but a good and beautiful game, if you can ignore these story-related issues.
Very similar to the other recently released Cateia game, Tales Of The Dragon Mountains 2: The Lair. But a strictly ADVENTURE LITE game. No HOPs at all.
10 Mini-games, according to the statistics page, but I think that is just in the demo. There will be more in the full game. Because, there seemed to be an awful lot of puzzles *~*. I found them a bit too hard and at times too confusing for my taste. The instructions are sometimes just not clear enough. At others, a simple and familiar game is transformed into something I can’t do at all by an extra layer to it.
Mostly, though, the game is adventure, not too difficult.
The journal has useful info. It also has a section for achievements, game statistics (including things like how many puzzles you have completed from the total, and a game timer), and a help section.
There is a symbol of walking feet on the right of the (lockable) inventory bar, which toggles exit indicators. Hint is directional.
Good 3D graphics, very well done of their type, but I dislike the look. Bright and colourful, cleverly done. The people are well drawn, and I liked the art style (just not the 3D aspect).
There is a LOT of chatter, and it is all very well acted .
The story is not ‘told’, it is simply experienced. You are somewhere tropical (later, we find it’s on the Amazon River) when the area is set on fire. We collect our things and skedaddle by air. From take off to, um, landing, the cut scene is very good. On the ground once more, we must survive in the jungle until we can find civilisation. What we find instead is snakes longer than we are, piranhas, and human sacrifice!
There are achievements and collectible skulls (21).
Looked okay, but I couldn’t work up much excitement. (I’ve said that a lot lately, so maybe it’s me). If you are into the puzzles, you might get a kick out of it. The 3D graphics probably put me off it more than anything.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS I haven’t enjoyed sitting down and playing a pleasant and involving game like this in what feels like ages. It is not in the same league as the overwhelming games of the Hope Diamond, Cadenza or Haunted Hotel kind. It is a fairly mild game with little in the way of a challenge, but it does everything it does so well! And the overall effect is one of pleasure.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS The graphics are really wonderful, particularly some of the cut scenes. The first movies played as the intro to the game are amazing. It starts with a tense and exciting event clearly depicted in the best of 3D animation, the train wreck is, wow! The best I’ve ever seen. And despite its fairly dark theme, the game itself is well lit and colourful throughout.
The voices are excellent. They suit the character they belong to. No attempt has been made at lip synch, but the acting is good enough that it is not really noticeable. I admit, the music and ambient sound made no particular impression on me.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? Long ago two mages helped rule the world and keep all in balance. Their bond was strong and never wavered. There came a time when an evil intruder threatened their world, a lot of bad stuff happened, and in the end, a group of 3 surviving guardians of magic were left with the task of restraining she who had once been their leader and benefactor, but who now, possessed by evil, was a devastating threat to the world.
All of this we learn upon coming to the rescue of our niece and her fiancé. Her fiancé, along with other townsfolk, has been kidnapped, others have simply disappeared. There is a plague of ravens attacking people in the town, and black magic prevents your progress at every turn. BUT, you have the remains of a powerful amulet, which protects you from the dark magic and helps you to clear it. It becomes your mission to repair the amulet and use it to defeat the evil that is trying to escape the castle.
GAMEPLAY The amulet is badly damaged. You will need to find pieces of 3 large crystals and 12 small discs to complete it. However, you can have limited use of it straight away, but it must be charged. To charge it, you must complete 3 mini-games of the rotate-and-align-stars kind, where the image created will be relevant to the point of the story you have reached.
There are HOPs of the progressive silhouette kind and interactive lists. Some have mini-puzzles within them. Deeper into the game an occasional scene is revisited, but it is rare. The mini-games were not too difficult for me, so, that means too easy for most. There is a directional hint, an interactive map and a notebook that shows only the cut scenes for replaying or character cards. These last are filled in as you find information about them in the game. There are 3 difficulty levels.
One definite plus is that inventory items often return to be used again and again. I do like this approach. The backstory is presented in a variety of ways, some of it interactive. I also prefer to find out the history this way.
COMBINED IMPACT I had a delightful time playing this game. It is definitely the best of the Mysteries Of The Ancients series, with excellent graphics, a good story and fun gameplay.
You've returned from school to visit your father at his famous Jazz Pepper Club during Mardi Gras, but everyone is hypnotized. Have they heard the wrong note?
They’re the awards I’d be issuing to this breathtakingly new and original game. Not only are the production values of Cadenza utterly top quality, but the features and action are also new or so cleverly revamped you’ll think it’s new.
BEST CHARACTERS You are an African American woman (the first of an impressive list of firsts!) come home from school at Mardi Gras. Your cabbie is not only the most helpful in the US of A, (so my American fishie friends tell me – you will find out the reason if you are very, very sharp, about 2/3 into the game), but he is also brought to life by the most amazing animation and lip synching I’ve seen. He’s darn close to real.
The other characters are the same. Every character has his/her own accent, interests and obsessions. His own background and motivations. The band members’ story is made involving with a series of original mini-games that reveal new info in an interactive way. The who-dun-it really does require the collection of information and character analysis before the truth is revealed.
BEST SIGHTS & SOUNDS The graphics are exceptional, and capture the feel of the era, if not a strictly accurate depiction. There is so much to look at! Particularly for a person such as I, who can only imagine the beat and vitality of such an event as Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
And the music supplies that beat perfectly. It is so beautifully done, even I started feeling like a jazz fan. With “Minnie The Moocher” running through my head, I felt as though I was really transported to another time and place. And there are actually songs! Sung well!
MOST UNUSUAL STORY A true mystery – how are the members of Daddy’s old band being targeted and killed? And why? Is Papa not the saint we always thought he was? What’s with Aunt Adele? HOW are these victims being killed exactly? What is the strange music that has sent our father and so many others into a trance. Some of the answers will shock you!
MOST INNOVATIVE GAMEPLAY In an environment in which players are demanding more and more that’s ‘new’, this game more than answers the demands. Within an almost-familiar structure of HOPs, puzzles, mini-games and adventure, this game delivers the most innovative gameplay you could ask for. The HOPs in particular are “outside the box”.
The first one you meet with involves a standard word list, delivered in a unique way with a silhouette ‘replace the object’ list and all of it allowing you to move, not “disappear” the items, to reveal the actual ‘hidden objects’. And it all runs so smoothly, and requires but a little head scratching at the beginning.
That is just the start of a delightful visual experience. There are oodles of mini-HOPs that pop up everywhere, that might require, say finding 5 saxophones in a newspaper article. Or the replacing one out-of-place item in a grey-scale sketch, which in turn reveals one more, and all the time we are learning the history to this drama, and of our father’s band.
There is a type of matching pairs game like no other, in which you must move items to reveal the parts of matching pairs, and if the pairs don’t match, the items return to covering the required items till you match them up. You are given no list or set of silhouettes, you must find out what you need by trial and error, and memory.
The map is fun. You can jump from location to location, and you are given indications (at the least difficulty levels, there are 4 plus custom) of where action is required. But you give your preferred location to the cabbie, or other modes of transport as the game progresses. The hint is directional within each cluster of locations, and very useful in the complex HOPs.
The puzzles tend towards the visual. I liked them very much. They were innovations of familiar concepts, for the most part, breathing new life into ideas we’ve come across before, without ever looking or feeling old. The adventure component is very easy because it is broken easily into chapters and the action is generally limited to a few locations at a time. But what a nice change to have things make sense! lol
COMBINED IMPACT This game is outstanding. Original, involving and with top flight production values. I finished it in one sitting of approximately 3.5 – 4 hours, and the ending was deeply satisfying. The whole swath of CE bonuses, while fun are totally unnecessary, to the enjoyment of this game.
Your librarian friend wants your help as a journalist – he’s found an ancient book that is still unfinished. Can you save the world in the book before their story ends?
FIRST IMPRESSIONS The opening scenes of this game are hilarious. Finally, we have a bunny in an ERS game and he’s so delightful! The other truly new aspect of this game is the convincing display of evil. I have never thought any of ERS’s bad guys have ever felt really bad, but this one sure does!
SIGHTS & SOUNDS Am I right? This is the first time we’ve seen 3D animation in an ERS game? It is certainly very impressive regardless. Flawless in fact. Eldor is seriously ugly and intimidating. The rest of the art is also of a high standard – another imaginative depiction of a fantasy world filled with strange and compelling characters, bright colours and rich sound. The voices are as good as the rest, no lip synch tried, and none needed. The background music has a hint of previous ERS games, and as I’ve said before, this is not a good thing. Original games, original music. A must have.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? Your friend has invited you to have a look at a strange ancient book that seems to be unfinished. On closer examination, the words “We are dying, please say you will help us”. With the quill at your hand, you answer “yes, I will” and soon find yourself in the world of the book.
You discover that this land, Torelion, is in danger because an evil mage has kidnapped the king and will kill him unless the guardians of the king’s treasury give him the Enchanted Crown, an artifact of great power. This bad guy rants about seeking revenge, and the fulfilment of a prophecy.
We of course are the kingdom’s only hope. A not very original story, but when it comes to being caught in books/paintings/mirrors, I can never get enough. And it has this – someone is rewriting the book as we play! And not in a way that is at all helpful to us! I love this twist and can’t wait to see what happens with it.
GAMEPLAY Again, as you’d expect, but add a serious dollop of humour. There are HOPs of the multiples kind, and silhouettes. I notice that there are no standard interactive word lists yet. The puzzles are few, well with only 2 HOPs (one scene visited twice), there are few of them too! In any case, the gameplay is easy and relaxing, with the choice of 3 difficulty levels and a custom. Many will want to turn off the black bar tips – they are dead giveaways.
There is a map with objectives indicated, and which can be used to teleport. There is also a directional hint, and a notebook. No cute companions except our brave friend Liev, and no special gadgets.
CE BLING! Now this is interesting. You have, according to the trophy room, 18 coloured paint pots to collect. Plus a palette and brush to earn by achievement. Then there are 9 scrolls, each referring to a different story, one being our current game, with the people of Torelion asking for our help. But there are 8 others... which you only get to see after you’ve gained an achievement. Are they all part of this game?
Well, it appears, however we obtain them, we can then paint each on a canvas with our palette and brush and collection of paints. I’m curious!
There are loads of gallery items: wallpapers x 7, concept art x16 (saveable), movies x 14, screen savers x 8, music x 4, pix of ERS team members x28.
The HOPs (16) and mini-games (15) are replayable.
COMBINED IMPACT I am, as I’ve said crazy about stories that are actually a set of mini-stories, so I am sure to be biased about this one, but for once, ERS has got me intrigued about their CE content, and I am impressed with that ugly bad guy and the idea of a not-so-nice author indulging in a little gratuitous editing.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS I was very pleased and surprised to see this game. The original Lost Souls game seems to have been released eons ago, and I’d never hoped to see a sequel. It was lovely and a little different but a tad childlike.
This is a good following game, faithful the feel and structure of the first game, with a bit more maturity in presentation. In story terms it is an independent game, though, so you need not be familiar with “Enchanted Paintings”.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS The opening cut scenes have graphics that are very good quality, but dark and the art is inconsistent. The images of characters change enough to be distracting. Yet throughout the rest of the demo the graphics and art are wonderful. I love the initial cut scene of the library and the book that is causing all the trouble.
Throughout, the art is detailed, precise and lovely, although it maintains its darker qualities. Even the HOPs are dark – too dark for many I’d guess – in part. Some portion of each scene will be illuminated but not all.
The voices are very good, and the lips do not move in any attempt at lip synch. The music is good, nothing special, though. Plenty of ambient sounds and special effects to keep you in the mood. *grin*
WHAT’S HAPPENING? Your archaeologist brother finds a rare artifact and disappears. You are having nightmares about him entering a portal, and you think you know where you can find answers. In a strange book at your brother’s (?) library.
Upon attempting to open it, you watch the medallion shatter into 5 books. You enter the first one, The Call Of Cthulhu. Which, you soon discover, is about a tentacled monstrosity terrorising the town of Innsmouth.
This is my favourite game storyline – entering a number of completely different locations via a book (painting, door) - but best of all, when the stories/fables are well known. I have, thanks to other games, seen Cthulhu before, but had no notion it was a well known tale. The others, though, will be recognised by all, I think. Robinson Crusoe, Jack The Ripper, The Three Musketeers, and Titanic.
GAMEPLAY This is the reason I am so pleased and surprised to see this game keep to the original game structure. It was always a bit unusual. Within each world of the book, we play an interactive HOG, rather than the now more popular HOPA. But this is not all about HOPs.
Each 'book' has several smaller locations for you to travel in, at your choice for the most part, although an announcement will be made if you have completed the tasks in that sub-locale. Inside each of these, you sometimes find a couple of rooms as well, so the structure of the game has a vertical, pyramid-like feel to it.
In these locations, you will need to find certain items, by finding them lying around, getting them as a gift or reward from a character, on completion of a fairly simple puzzle, or as a result of a HOP.
The HOPs are both interactive word lists and picture lists. Each is visited twice, once for each type. They are fairly tricky, because the lighting is restricted to only part of the scene. My advice, when stuck, look up – all the really difficult to see items seem to hang out together up there in the shadows!
Each book is self-contained, but you do have a map which you need to travel to the locations, and which gives you the number of items still needed to be found in there. There is a directional hint and a notebook to help.
And two degrees of difficulty. Fair enough, too, because this is not a game that could ever appeal to the “make it harder” players.
Gradually, you work your way around the locales until you have found and used all the items. You then receive the portion of the medallion for that book and move on.
CE BLING! Don’t really know a thing about this, as it is all locked up. BUT. The 5th book – Titanic – is locked. Does this mean this world will only be offered in the CE? I fear so, and because there are 5 pieces of the medallion, that means the game will not be completed unless you have the CE. Not just that the story won’t be as satisfying. That the whole darned game will be incomplete! A truly heinous crime by the developers and Big Fish if true.
There are achievements of the performance kind, displayed in a cabinet in your ‘trophy room’. As well, you can buy trophies (souvenirs) with the gold coins you find everywhere, including in HOPs.
COMBINED IMPACT I dislike the fact that I can’t see a sample of the CE extras, but it’s a beautiful game and I imagine the art will be too. I REALLY dislike the idea that the SE may not be enough to finish the game (for the 2nd time this week!?). However, it is a great game, a bit different, a little light weight, and so I willing to wait for someone to complete the game to decide if I will buy it as SE, CE or not at all as a protest.
Well, there’s no way to ignore it, the graphics aren’t perfect, and they are a bit blurry on a large monitor. The backgrounds are that 3D super realistic style I dislike. But they’re good enough, and show nice locations, and let’s face it, it’s not the most important feature of a mosaics (nonogram, pictograph) game anyway, is it?
Can’t say I’m all that rapt with the music either, and I definitely would have liked this game more if it had more harmonious and varied tones.
What this game does have going for it is its different feel, structure and level of difficulty.
Important start: you begin with 1 hint, which you can increase as you score, and 2 allowable mistakes, which are also automatically increased as you reach certain scores. I know that will be on a lot of minds!
Hints give you a single intact tile, but you can also expose a pick axe by scoring, and it gives you a single empty space.
And automatic completion of a line when all the tiles have been placed is nice too.
However, game is not easy for long. In the first 2 levels, I found it easy to score all 3 gold cups (as opposed to silver or bronze). But in level 3, the grids go to 15x20, and while not particularly difficult for that size, it’s a lot easier to make a mistake. I had to redo several of these levels. But then, these games are not something I’m awfully good at.
I like that the tiles you use aren’t always the same from grid to grid. Variety is the spice etc. Also, that most of the resulting pictures are recognisable as the name they have been given.
There is no serious attempt at a story line, just a bit at the beginning. And no achievements. But at the end of each level, you get an addition to your meditation-style Asian garden. One of which is a friendly hippo! This too is in that shiny hyper realistic style.
In all, an improvement on the same ol’ same ol’ we’ve been getting from those guys I love to nag on the subject of variety. See, guys, it really isn’t that hard!
This release is timed perfectly for me. I have been feeling too drained to focus on HOPAs lately and have just this weekend started looking for suitable alternatives, and this is exactly what I had in mind for those days when you just need to lose yourself in the numbers.
Jane Angel has mysteriously vanished and it's up to her sister to untangle the sophisticated conspiracy and uncover the truth about the family's ancient past.
Brief notes of my impressions. Very much an adventure lite rather than a HOG. There are HOPs, a significant amount of them, but more important are the dialogues with people you meet, the quests they send you on, and the strategic decisions you must make.
Your step-sister, Jane, calls on your mobile phone, with a simple message “Save me”. Um, then it gets weird. You are drawn into a world on the other side of the phone somehow. Anyway, you end up shackled to a cannon on a cursed ship in 1536. Your sister speaks to you in her ghost form (I have no idea if any of this conforms to the first game), but you discover she is being held as a witch, and is blamed for the evil demon that is destroying everyone. None of it means much yet.
Your tasks are listed as you go. You have a hint that refills in just a few seconds (thank goodness), a compass that reveals the exits (yeah, I thought that was weird too, but I couldn’t get it to do anything else), and an artifact from your sister whose powers had not been disclosed in the time I played. You also have a book that looks like a journal, but in fact, holds documents, the purpose of which is also not clear. This was on the easier of two difficulty levels.
The HOPs are interesting. You will find a list to match a HO scene, but not all of the items will be visible there. Some, you will find in a connected HO scene off to one side or the other, where there is a HOP word list which also has most of its items in the HO scene it first appears in, but a few will be in the earlier scene. Confused? Yeah, me too.
The one thing that really bugs me, is that the close up windows do not close automatically when you are finished with a zoomed in scene. You must use the ‘x’. Also, what I saw of the game was very dark and images were not always as clear as I’d have liked.
COMBINED IMPACT Can’t say I was enthusiastic about this at all. As a HOPA it fails. There’s just too much dialogue and oddness about it for the HOPA crowd. For adventurers, well, it would be pretty easy I would think, and not especially intriguing. But you might find it a bit of fun on a lazy day.
Travel to distant planets, solve new puzzles, and save Wonderland from the menace of the Z-Bots in the last installment of the Wonderland Adventures trilogy.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS What a funny little game! It looks and sounds and even plays like a computer game that’s been dug up in a time capsule. And yet to some, it will have its appeal. Love the name, and that’s the only reason I checked this one out.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS Well, the graphics are a letdown. I can’t really think of an excuse for this archaic standard of production. But, for whatever reason, very fuzzy and grainy is what the graphics are, no denying it. The little critters are kinda sweet but basic, and even the sound reminds me of an earlier century. Though cute little voices.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? You are a little stinker – honestly, I mean, you asked! (*snigger*) - and you’ve totally lost your memory. You blunder about until you find a crashed spaceship beside a strange building. Still, nothing rings a bell. But you finally run into another stinker, and s/he/it fills you in on your dangerous situation. We must get to the other stinkers and get out before “they” lock us up too! Who? The Z-Bots. Oh! Yup, you still don’t have a clue. Admittedly, I did not play very far into the demo. I’m sure the story will become clearer.
GAMEPLAY The gameplay is that of old-time adventures with a quest to achieve by moving around a grid-style maze-like play area. Getting around consists of using the buttons that control the entries and exits of the vast building you are in. They are colour and shape coded for function, some are timed, and they are the only way around obstacles. It seems that each quest requires we get to a certain location in the building, and if we goof and die (say, by missing a water jump), we go back to the beginning of that quest.
COMBINED IMPACT Talk about déjà vu! Still, it is cute and logic-based, with neither luck nor much in the way of coordination (so far) being the prime ingredient for success. If you want something light and cute and sometimes funny, and you tend to wax nostalgic, you might like this game. But it is not something many will find enjoyable.