Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
The Grim Tales saga is yet another in a long list of serialized games that needs no more than to be mothballed forever. Once again the Gray family has another member finding himself in a mess. This time it's young nephew Billy who along with his friend Sarah find themselves trapped in a boarding school presumably haunted by the White Lady. It is the player's task to unravel the mystery surrounding the events occurring at the school and deliver these kids safely to their parents. In how many hundreds of games have we witnessed the identical scenario? Why do developers continually rehash the same old story line and then think they are providing the HOPA world with something new? When will the gaming community ( Big Fish Games included ) demand even a modicum of originality for players worldwide?
As to game play itself players are subjected with every sort of trite objects to find and use elsewhere. Once again we have missing keys, lost diary pages, finding hammers to remove nails, locating rust remover, magnets, wheels, paws, etc., etc., etc. I am so bored with playing the same game over and over again so why spend money for a so-called new game when I can just search my own game portfolio and replay one that I actually enjoy.
The hidden object segments and the puzzles are all way too simple leaving the player with nary a whit of challenge. There are the usual collectibles including emblems and portrait pieces in this overly Grim Tale. Morphing objects are again available to us. There is not enough meat on the bone to warrant paying the price of this CE version so anybody enamored enough to consider acquiring White Lady should wait for the lower cost SE.
BFG constantly reminds us it offers a " new " game every day. Not so !! It is possible the next " new " game might be the 3rd installment of Vermillion Watch if it ever comes out. I beta tested this beauty a couple of months ago and cannot wait for the finished product. In the interim I will save money by avoiding once again another " new " game.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
2/ 5
2017 is half over and I can still count on less than 2 hands the number of games that are 5 star worthy. Glass Menagerie, welcome to the 5 star club. There have been a few mosaics of this style over the years with the downside being most of them have time clocks for each mosaic. IMO this factor annoys lots of players. In this new game one can take whatever time a player selects in an adventure that I find to be extremely soothing and relaxing. A plus are the initial red segments that serve as a starting point for each puzzle. Then it's lots of trial and error which is what a jigsaw is supposed to be. The completed "stained glass windows" are stunning. Kudos to the developer ( whoever it may be ) for such fanciful drawings. Personally I usually buy only CE versions of HOPA games. The free game codes I amass are perfect to me for acquiring little gems. Believe me this game is a GEM of quite brilliant clarity. Taken in small doses, Glass Menagerie is lots of fun.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
While I have not been a fan of most Secret Order games Bloodline certainly meets my expectations. In this chapter Sarah Pennington is summoned to the Amazon jungle to aid her mother whose pursuit is finding the Flower of Life. This flora has properties according to legend which can cure all diseases. That would be great for a number of reasons not the least of which renders governments moot in their often futile attempts to formulate sound health care and related costs. Sarah's mom is soon kidnapped by Quiron who is the bad guy in Bloodline. Quiron is somewhat of a bionic man who wants this incredible flower to pursue his own nefarious intentions. Having completed only the demo Sarah finds the flower at its end only to have it taken by Quiron and leaving Sarah to die. This is a typical story yet for some reason it did grab my attention. Unfortunately we do have a dreaded assistant in this case a little monkey. It was used only twice during the demo to secure out of the way items. Hopefully the tiny simian will stay put for most of the game. No new ground is broken with Ho segments and puzzles. One puzzle requiring the placement of 4 colored wires according to a pattern is clever. I would bet that lots of players agree with me in that developers need to create new puzzlers to maintain interests. There are collectible animal figurines and morphs. I found a few although they apparently do nothing to advance the game. There is lots of traipsing around in Bloodline to acquire objects needed in various locales. Finding a flare, a flower, ice, a breeze etc. is an example if using lots of shoe leather. As stated, I can do without the monkey but it did not diminish my enthusiasm for the game. Since we have a BOGO this weekend, perhaps I will obtain it should money suddenly start to burn in my pocket.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
When this saga first began to unfold a few years ago, the initial couple of games were a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately said air became stale with subsequent installments and this series like so many others suffered possibly due to oversaturation. I am pleased to report that Illusions has returned S of M to the glory stage. The premise is one used way too often, In this case the evil queen Mortis has captured princesses and by abducting the Fire Princess ( that's us ) she will succeed in becoming an all powerful being. Mortis is presumably assisted by Isa who must be part cat himself as well as being accompanied by his panther since Isa never gets beaten down for long. At the end of this demo Isa apparently turns on Mortis to pursue his own nefarious intentions. So much for the story line. As to the Illusions themselves they are creatures which when subdues become human. These folks must then have certain objects returned to them so that they can provide items which are vital to the Fire Princess in her adventure. I liked the chain removal task while avoiding contact with floating things to defeat the creatures. It is a clever devise not often seen in games. Illusions includes lots of gatherings in order to assemble other items and the player needs a good pair of shoes as there is lots of to and fro required to complete the tasks. The hidden object segments are nothing special, they include traditional word lists, silhouettes, etc. One of the puzzles demanding the proper placement of cubes on a pictured grid is clever. The collectible lovers have jigsaw pieces and a triangular item to find. While the game really breaks no new ground in the HOPA world the use of not often used devices makes this installment of S of M a cut above what we have been given thus far in 2017.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
The most glaring fault with this edition of League of Light is absolutely no challenge, at least during the demo which I finished in 1/2 hour. Is that in and of itself a harbinger of a short game? The story is loosely based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin. In this version after the piper has expunged the town of rats, its citizens doublecrossed the piper and imprisoned him and this led to his death. Some 10 years later the piper has returned with vengeance to burn. He uses his flute to summon a smoky spectre that destroys whatever or whomever the piper wants gone. The main character which can be played either male or female is the only person who can defeat the piper and return Hamelin to better days. The worst part of the game is actual game play. I guess it's OK for novice players or children. For the rest of us Edge of Justice is an exercise in boredom, ennui, endless yawning, need I say more. All of the HO segments and all of the puzzles in the demo offer absolutely zero challenge so I doubt there will be improvement during the remainder of the game. As is the case in all other chapters of the series we have our little pumpkin headed assistant who can be used or avoided at the player's discretion. There are owls and game figurines to collect. There is no meat on these bones so my choice is to relegate the game to the recycle bin where it belongs.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
In recent months the Surface series has suffered the same fate as lots of other game series. A lack of imagination and originality on behalf of developers leads to games that suffer. In Strings of Fate the improvement is in the game play itself. As to the story, well we have seen this one hundreds of times with only the characters and the venues changing.
Here Rachel and sister Fiona are outside their apartment and suddenly Fiona is struck by a speeding car. As Rachel approaches her sister a man who calls himself Gold is teleported to the scene of the crime. He explains how he and 3 brothers are somehow deciders over life and death. One brother, Blue got bored with the pattern of events so he devised a dice game wherein one person becomes a pawn in the life and death struggle. Fiona has become the "lucky " new player. Rachel must enter a forgotten world and complete numerous tasks to deliver Fiona from certain doom. Let's see : 1. A relative is abducted, in this case a sister. 2. Said relative is transported to an other worldly realm. 3. A being from the other world becomes a helper to the human " savior". 4. The good alien has a relative of his own who is of course the epitome of evil. 5. The "savior" must jump thru all kinds of hoops to return her relative to the safety of planet Earth. Have we not seen this scenario many hundreds of times? Why do all HOPAs necessarily become trials of good vs. evil with the evildoers frequently being alien creatures? Must story lines generally revert to unending cases of deja vu all over again? Developers, are you listening? What saves this Surface from mediocrity is the game play. Elephant Games has put together Ho segments and puzzles that require solid searching ability and the use of significant amounts of grey matter in order to achieve success. The puzzles while not new in and of themselves ( mazes, connect dots without overlaps, joining parts of wholes together etc.) the means to solve said puzzles are often trickier than most. As with all Surface games, there are flowers to collect and in this version some morphing game characters. For me, only the story due to a total lack of originality prevents a 5 star rating. A game must be a 5 for me to buy a CE so I'll wait a while for the SE. For players who cannot be without this CE BFG has for the weekend another of its " 1/2 price sales that are only 1/2 price for those who are not club members".
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
2/ 5
I have never been a fan of junk pile HO games. I would rather see a bit more meat on the bone .Having said that I generally fine the Vacation Adventures to have significant appeal. The reason is despite the junk pile nature, lots of the items to be located are a challenge to find and I like the tests. Finding the trash and the wildlife are bonuses. I don't know if Pinecreek Hills is a real preserve or a figment of the developers imagination but what the heck, the game is still lots of fun. This is the type of game that I use free game codes to acquire. What would be really neat is for these games to use the best national parks as games. Yellowstone, Yosemite, Everglades, Glacier, Death Valley, Zion and Bryce Canyon are among my favorite vacation spots. A game about some of these, please.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
There are a multitude of grid games available and they are churned out faster than water flowing over a cliff. Except for those players who are totally new to this style of game I won't go into detail as to how they are solved. Other reviewers will do a fine job of explaining these parameters. In Mystery Mosaic 2 the result of completing a group of 10 puzzles involves the rebuild of the City of the Ancients. Personally I could care less about this aspect. While I find the Fantasy Mosaics series the best of the genre, the end play of completing the penguin diorama does nothing for me as the grids themselves are all I need to satisfy. I do wish to clarify a comment made by a fellow reviewer who likens grid games to Sudoku as griddlers are nothing at all like Sudoku. Sudoku arranges the numbers 1 thru 9 in a pattern where none of these numbers can be repeated in the same row either horizontally or vertically. So if any Sudoku lovers who are not familiar with these mosaics, do not be confused as the 2 types of games are worlds apart. I myself will not buy this game yet I do recommend it for players who relish these sometimes challenging games.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I was fortunate to beta test this stellar offering a couple of months ago. There are 2 aspects of the game that make this a 5 star game. First is the story which is based on Norse mythology. I am no expert on Nordic saga so I cannot attest how broadly or how loosely Gathering fits into the myth. What I can gladly say is I am overjoyed that a developer has finally resorted to something novel regarding the story. Second I am over the moon since this initial edition of Saga of the Nine Worlds is one of the most realistically drawn games that I can ever recall. Only some of the MCF games that used live actors can top this achievement in game design. I am not going to get into game specifics since I am sure other reviewers will happily fill in the blanks as to what occurs during game play. I will say the HO segments are more interesting than most and I found lots of the puzzles to be fairly easy to complete although this did not diminish my interest in the game at all. This might very well be a solid candidate for game of the year, time will tell. I do give the Gathering a most enthusiastic thumbs up for a game that far surpasses anything seen so far this calendar year.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
I beta tested Bonfire Stories many months ago and based on its demo my feelings were this is a good yet not outstanding game. The opening cut scene gives us a small group of campers telling ghost stories around an evening campfire. One of the guys starts with a creepy story about sinister events at a resort called Quiet Grove the result of which was the permanent closing of the resort. A couple of reporters many years later head to the now derelict Quiet Grove and one of them is almost instantly abducted by an apparent faceless entity wearing a full length rainsuit and hood. Her partner is then given the task of rescuing his co-worker. While we have seen this scenario hundreds of times, giving us a somewhat novel villain in the faceless man holds a bit of originality, an element sorely lacking is most HOPA today. We encounter an old man, the former manager of the grove hotel who by the way tells us he is dead, who then starts to recount the events that caused all the trouble at the resort. Nothing new here. As to the game play it is replete with finding the same old same old. Oil to derust items, fuses to turn on a light switch, gasoline to start a motor, keys to unlock doors, etc. etc. etc. The HO segments did hold some interest for me mostly due to some interactivity requirements and the puzzles in the demo are all very easily accomplished. There are paw prints to collect and figurines of game characters as well. I do like features in the story line so perhaps a free game code could be used when the SE version is issued. This is in no way a game of the year candidate. It is though a step above most of the drivel BFG clients have had to deal with so far this year. I do recommend the game, just not the CE version.