Other reviewers have given the story line which when followed by playing the game this becomes rather tedious. Not much action. Some interaction but mainly the old chestnut of being given a junk yard of objects from which to find objects by name. No variation on the HO games. I ran the demo and thought that the game was worth buying. However the demo whilst appearing to promise a good game failed in reality. I'm glad I purchased this game on one of the Big Fish offers namely a purchase cost of around £2. This would be about the right price!!
Not sure why the rave reviews. I only played 30 minutes of the game and couldn't continue to the end. One HO after another. Graphics flat and colours wish washy. No obvious storyline to the date of my departure from the game, perhaps it got better as the game progressed. This I'll never know. I gave the game "a fair run for it's money" but definitely not one for me. I'll not cover the storyline as this has been covered under previous reviews. Having played many interesting Big Fish games with excellent graphics and storyline I would compare this game to having toothache
This is a normal HOG with HOs of the usual find by name. Storyline only different because the dogs appear to have the lead. Sorry!! Nothing new so why all the 4 and 5 stars. Graphics, scenery and puzzles of normal standard. Maybe I am missing something as I only played the Demo. I will not be buying this game as too much of the same thing. No originality.
In all the reviews to date there was only one with 1 star, all the rest were 5 stars and rightly so. The 1 star rated the game down because the pictures were dark, all I can say is turn up the brightness control!
The graphics and locations are excellent. There are only a very few HO's where you find objects by name. Hurrah.
The other HO's are finding objects to match silhouettes shown in the inventory, finding objects in locations to build other objects to use in the game.
Interesting puzzles. Speech interaction. Not too much movement from one location to another. A very varied and interesting game.
I have played and own many games and this game deserves 10 stars.
Challenge yourself in the role of the scientist-historian-scholar of ancient civilizations and mystical legends and save your friend from the Demon of Darkness!
There is a lot of moving between locations which due to the length of the game becomes very tedious after a time
There are many objects to be found and even when found some of these need an additional object in order to move forward in the game.
Objects found are used further in the game and due to the length of the game you need the memory of an 'elephant'.
To add to needing a good memory and having a good recall of memory is addiitonally complicated by mystic changes of room layout. These rooms have their own hidden objects and puzzles and you often have to switch between the two, as a result there are many locations to explore.
Puzzles vary from easy to hard but are all enjoyable. The hidden objects searches are of three kinds. Find objects by pictures, place objects by pictures and the normal boring one of finding named objects, however the boredom of this is mitigated by the other two.
I bought this game and the earlier Secrets of the Dark: Temple of Night and this review would apply equally between the two.
An extremely weird story line, which after a time became very tedious. Playing this game was like being a zombie stumbling from one location to another and not really understanding what was happening. Flat poster like graphics and insipid colouring. Lots of reading messages and his thoughts every time a new location was found, not all making sense. This is definitely not a game for me. The only good thing about this game was when it ended!
I was unable to find fault with anything. A refreshing and very different HO game making this one of the most interesting. This game is not for people who prefer the more boring HO games namely finding objects by name, as there aren't any!! Would recommend this game at all levels.
Having played many many games this is an average game, with an average story line and graphics equal to most. However to play this game you must really like the 'run of the mill' HO's as there is an abundance of them. Yes for me far too many which spoilt the game. Not one of the best games I have played and viewed against other games as a whole it would come out as 5 out of 10. For a 1st on all points try the 'Awakening' trilogy. Nonetheless it is still a game worth buying.
If you like a game with mainly HO's and very little else then this is a game for you. Story line thin almost non existent. In the 60 minutes played no puzzles maybe these and a developing story line is further on in the game, I shall never know as being thoroughly bored I wouldn't buy it.